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The nature of organizations and types

of organization structures


What I know A 3/3

What I know B 5/5

What’s In 10/10

What’s New 5/5

What’s More

What I Have Learned

What I Can Do


Additional Activities A

Additional Activities B

Activity 1 A

Activity 2 B
Carl Angel M. Abenes 11 Amber
What I know A
Mabel is an ABM Grade 12 student. She wants to organize ABM club, so the student
from her strand can think of ways to learn and understand more their subjects and they can also
conduct a community engagement to where they can share their knowledge and understand
more of the surroundings with regards to their studies. She searched students that are capable of
handling stress, pressure and leadership towards others. She looks for their strength and
After a month the ABM club are complete. She studied organizational design and theories to be
used. She tried the traditional design – which is the usual old fashioned way of modern theories
which are contemporary or new design theories.
She plans to have a delegation. She also wants all her members to be responsible, she makes a
list in delegation to wit:
1. Defining the goal clearly
2. Selecting the person who will be given the task
3. Assigning of responsibility
Because she wants her team to have a sense of authority and accountability. She wants to
be known as caring and loving leader and at the same time to be strict in managing the
What I know B
1. Matrix designs
2. Team design
3. Traditional design
4. Authority
5. Accountability
What’s In
1. Delegation
2. Authority
3. Accountability
4. Responsibility
5. Organizational Design
6. Traditional Theories
7. Modern Theories
8. Traditional
9. Modern
10. Divisional
What’s New
1. A
2. G
3. D
4. C
5. B
What’s More
Simple Organizational Design
Strengths Weakness
1. flexible 1. risk that overdependence with over
dependece on a single person
2. fast decision-making and results 2. no longer appropriate as the company
3. clear accountability

Function Organizational Design

Strengths Weakness
1. cost-saving advantages 1. risk that overdependence with over
dependece on a single person
2. management is facilitated because workers
with similar tasks are grouped together

Divisional Organizational Design

Strengths Weakness
1. focused on results 1. Possible duplication of activities and
2. Managers are responsible for what happens 2. Increased cost and reduced efficiency
to their products and services

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