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T'HE NAT'IONAI. A publication of American Media

Countless trips to hell and back
~MERGENCV SERVICES dr-lver Kevin Er-nest was on the
I.Job at New York Unlvel"Sity Medical Center- when the
call came In that a Jet had crashed Into the World Tr-ade
"We thouKht they were klddln&," he told The ENQUIRER.
"Then we saw the smoke!"
Er-nest and other EMS par-amedlcs rushed to the aoene.
"It was heartbreakine. Ther-e wer-e people atoppln1 ua
and begin& for- help, but we had to pt to th worat
Ernest found a man with severe bur-na. Th• h drtwr
made frantic turns left and r-iKht, dod Ir a rll •• he
transported the victim to a hosplt I.
Then he headed back to the die It - , ilt t up •
man bleedlne profusely.
His actions wer-e repeated th
a break - a tr-Ip Into hell, then I
back again.
ALL FOR ONE: Rescuers rally to car-ry a victim away from the disaster- area.

NATIONAL ENQUIRER (ISSN 1056-3482) Published weekly by National Enquirer, Inc., 5401 NW Broken Sound Blvd IJ • . MAI
UBSCRIPTIONS $56.96 a year in U.S., '76.96 a year in Canada, 96.96 a year out. ide U.S. and Canada. Periodicals po.·t,11·, JI I I mulling
. •• ' . • l • '.,. • ~ • ~ i, • • • • •

Rescue workers
ghreAIII ica
their all

He needed a miracle - and fire fighter delivered

ll()RT AUTHORITY Serpent William Jimeno World Trade Center basement. Fire flehter
r was dylne - and he knew It! John Cleary of Ladder 24 In Manhattan
Trapped under tons of heavy concrete and spotted the movement In the danclne llet,t
steel, Jimeno could feel the oxyaen belne of his flashll&ht beams.
crushed out of him. With the superhuman He ran to clasp the hand and let the man
streneth of a man faclne doom, he thrust beneath know that he had been found.
his hand up through the rubble, wriallne Cleary held on tieht while other fire
past the atass and Jaaed rock ... until he flehters due away the rubble plnnlne In
felt air against his palm! Jimeno.
Frantlcally he bepn wavlne his hand And when he was freed and was belne
around, hoplne aplnst hope that someone loaded Into an ambulance, Jimeno psped
THE RIGHT STUFF: Marching from a surreal backdrop. would spot him In the pitch darkness of the
___________________________________ to his rescuers, "You all be careful!" ..,

offices in the U.S.A. POSTMASTER: Send addre changes to NATIONAL ENQUIRER, P.O. Box 420235, Palm Coast, FL 32142-0235.For ubscription addre changes and
inquiries write NATIONAL ENQUlRER, P.O.Box 420235, Palm Coast. FL 32142-0235.Printed in U.S.A.
They're heroes in the sky- four courageous men who stood up
to evil aboard hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 . .. and made the ul-
timate sacrifice. All 45 people aboard the Newark-to-San Francisco
flight lost their lives when the jet slammed into the Pennsylvania
countryside. Officials believe terrorists planned to plow the plane into
the Capitol. But these four American heroes foiled their heinous plot.
Here are their stories.
"Let' roll!"
Tho e were the last defi-
ant words heard from Todd
Beamer, 32, of Cranbury,
.J., an account manager
for the oftware firm Ora-
cle, a he prepared to fight
the hijackers.
A Sunday chool teacher
and father of two boy , he
was a high school ba ket-
ball and baseball star who
loved playing ball with hi
Beamer used an airphone
to report the hijacking
to GTE upervisor Lisa
"I know we're not going
to make it out of here," he
told her.
Beamer also reported the
pilot and copilot were hurt
and he "was not sure
they were dead or alive,"
Jefferson said.
After asking Jeffer on to
call his wife to tell her that
he loved her, Beamer recit-
ed The Lord's Prayer with
Then he put the phone sales manager for a California told them not to panic or break down, Jeremy told the phone to her father.
down. Internet company.At 6-foot-4 worry, Jeremy said. her, 'Lyz, I need you to be "After veral minutes of
The last thing Jeffer on and 220 pounds, Glick had "They said they were strong for me,'" Crowley silence, he heard creaming
heard him say wa : ''Are been a high school Wl tier just making a political state- aid. and yelling," said Crowley.
you guy ready?" and college judo champ. ment and if everyone "He told Lyz that he "Then there wa more
Then he heard, "Let's His wifeLyzbethgave birth remained calm, theywouldall loved her at least a thou- creaming. That wa the
roll" - and the connection to their first child 12 weeks get back on the ground safely. and times. la t ound he heard. The
went dead. before the terrorist trike. "But when Lyztold Jeremy "Then Jeremy told Lyz phone went dead."
It's an expre ion Beamer Jeremy called Lyz, who about the World Trade that several pa engers had Prai ing her fallen
used often, hi wife Lisa re- wa visiting her parents in Center disaster, he realized taken a vote and decided to husband, Lyz Glick said:
called. Up tate ew York, on his the terrorists had lied." rush the hijacker . "I think it show that
"Heu es 'Let' roll!' with cell phone ju t after terror- Despite the horrific itu- "He aid, 'I'm going to one per on can make a dif-
our little boys all the time. i ts hijacked the plane. ation, Jeremy remained put the phone down now.' " ference, that one per on
"As soon a I heard that, I "Jeremy aid the men calm. "When Lyz started to Distraught, Lyz handed in thi country ha th
knew it was Todd. were Arabs wearing red
"He was gentle by nature, bandannas," his uncle
but he wouldn't tand for Thoma Crowley told The
anyone being hurt. ENQUIRER. "They were
"Some people live their wielding knive and carried
whole live without having a large red box that they
left anything behind. claimed wa a bomb.
"My son will be told that "Lyz' father called 911as
their father wa a hero, that Jeremy described what was
he saved lives. happening.
"It's a great legacy for a "Jeremy said some of the

father to leave hi children."

Jeremy Glick, 31, was a

passengers and crew were
moved to the back of the
"At first, the terrorist
HEROES Jeremy Glick with his newborn baby, Thomas Burnett and Merk
BlnKham. At rlet,t, the wife and two younK sons Todd Beamer (Inset) I ft behind.
opportunity to change the

Thoma Burnett, 38,

wa a 6-foot-2 former high
chool quarterback with
three daughters - 5-year-
old twin and a 3-year-old. thing ,"
He was a top executive at a she said. "He
California medical firm. wa asse ing the prob-
He called his wife Deena lem and trying to solve it.
in San Ramon, Calif., four "He was coming home,
time from the plane on hi you see."
cell phone, aid hi si ter
Martha Burnett. OF
"During the first call, Mark Bingham, 31,owned
Tom told Deena, 'I'm on the a San Franci co public rela-
airplane. It's been hijacked tion firm.
and they've already knifed a A trapping 6-foot-5, 230-
guy. They ay they have a pound rugby player, he'd run
bomb. Please call the au- with the bull in Pamplona,
thorities.' Spain, thi past summer.
"On the econd call, he "Just after the hijackers
a ked a lot of que tion took over the plane, Mark
about the other two plane . called hi mother u ing the
"He wanted to know if airphone," revealed his un-
they were commercial jets. cle Linden Hoagland.
"When he called back he "Mark aid, 'Mom, this is
told Deena, 'There' three of Mark Bingham, I love you.
u and we've decided to do Fir t, I want to tell you guy
omething.' I love you.
"Deena told him to ju t it " 'We've been taken over.
still and take a seat. But There are three men that
Tom wouldn't hear of it. say they have a bomb.'
"He w~s totally pumped "Then my ister
up. Deena could tell hi heard a good deal of
adrenaline wa flowing. commotion and the
"I'm so proud of Tom. phone went dead.
"But I'd rather not be "We believe my
o proud - and have him nephew and the other
here." pa sengers got togeth-
Deena Burnett recalled er and refu ed to obey
her hu band' final phone the orders of the hi-
calls. jackers.
"He didn't review his "We are all o proud
life story or ay goodbye ofhim."
or tell me wonderful - ELLENGOODSTEIN

SMOKE RISES as Investigators comb through the debris of Flight 93 In Pennsylvania.

I T WAS terrori m at its worst ... but
America at its fine t.
Ordinary citizens and dedicated public
worker who them elve were tricken
by smoke, heat and exhaustion.
The young and the old, all races and
servants joined force - frequently risking religions, pitched in to provide aid and
their own lives - in the heroic re cue comfort in the be t ways they could
efforts that followed the cowardly attack on - giving blood, building stretcher ,
our nation. di tributing medical upplie , comfort-
Climbing atop mountains of unstable ing the grieving, and providing food to
rubble, volunteers worked tirelessly dig- tho e laboring around the clock amidst
ging for survivors, knowing that tons of the awful human carnage.
twisted steel and shattered gla could And when one brav Am rican gave
collapse on them at any second without out from heer xhau tion, another
warning. brave American wa ulwuys ready to
An army of everyday people - from con- step in.
struction worker to doctors and nurse Only a few mile away, in New York
- choked back cloud of smothering du t Harbor, the Statue of Lib rty h ld its
as they poured their hearts and soul into torch ... never higher, never brighter,
aiding trapped victim and fellow rescue never prouder. God hies Am rica.


Fromconstructionworkers -
to doctors,volunteerspitch -i:1:tr&I
in to do whateverthey can I.:_==-=~---


rists who attacked
America turned the
trust and ho pitality of
an open society again t u
- living deadly double live
right in our midst. Two of
people that hang out at th
airport dre very ca ual -
but not Atta and Al-Shehhi.
the terrorists even pent a They'd show up wearing tai-
week a gue ts of an aver- lored pants, expensive silk
age Ameri an family, The hirts, and Gucci hoe .
E QUIRER learned. "Back then, I ju t thought
The terrori ts u ed free it wa becau e they came
computers in our public li- from w ll-to-do families like
brarie to contact their mo t of our foreign stu-
a ociate , lived quietly in den .
apartments and hotel , and "But in light of the at-
even partied in strip club , tack , that, too, make
all while planning their ick perfect en e: Atta and Al-
act of mass murder. Shehhi were living it up
We al o di covered because they knew they'd be
that the lead terrorist dead within a matter of
fought with his Florida month.
flight instructor - becau e FLIGHT SIMULATOR similar to those on which the terrorists trained In Florida. "There was no way form
during in-flight to know I wa giving them
training, the flying le on o they'd
madman prac- know how to pilot an air-
ticed crashing craft filled with pa enge
the plane! into a building, but I till
To ensure can't help but feel guilty."
their success,the But Mikarts wa n't th
heart! kille only one fooled by Atta
were trained in and Al-Shehhi. Th
martial arts - cowardly killer out-
helping explain rageously abu ed th
how they were HIJACKERS Mohamed Atta Cleft) and ho pitality and friend hip
able to hold Marwan AI-Shehhl. American traditionally ex-
plane passen- tend to others.
gers in check despite being "They learned to fly right Former Huffman Aviation
outnumbered. here on American soil. We employee Charlie Vo and
"The hijacker used gave them freedom and an his wife Drucilla let the two
America to de troy Ameri- education." men tay with them a
ca," fumed Mahnaz Fini, Several of the terrori ts became housegue ts when they ar-
a Florida neighbor of attended Florida' well- adept In the rived in Venice, a city of
Mohamed Atta, one of known flight chool , mertlal arta 21,000 on Florida's Gulf
the terrorist ringleaders. including Huffman Aviation so they Coast.
in Venice, about 60 couldflat,t "Atta and Al-Shehhi we
miles south of Tampa. off alrllne not very ocial people, but
Atta, 33, and Marwan pasaenprs they eemed harmle
Al-Shehhi, 23, moved who tried to enough. In the week the
there in July 2000 to atop them. tayed at our house, w
learn to fly propeller- probably didn't exchange
driven airplane - at more than a dozen word .
least that was their cov- pulling the nose of the plane a matter of day , he was One thing I remember
er story. up to a very dangerou point having conflicts with that about them is that they both
Huffman Aviation - where it would almo t in tructor, too. were very loppy.
flight in tructor Mark stall. "Looking back, I think he "They alway left the
Mikarts revealed to "This happened quite a wa doing those near- tall bathroom a me , wet tow-
The E QUIRER: "Atta few time . And after I to push the envelope and els laying around, and didn't
and I got into an in- reprimanded him for con- te t the airplane' physical pick up their dirty clothe .
flight altercation one tantly putting u in tho e limitations, in case he ever "I asked them to leave af-
day because during our dangerou ituation , he got found him elf in a imilar ter only one week, becau
FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR Mark training flights he al- up et and demanded that flight ituation cau ed by a my wife and I found their
Mlkarts says, "I still can't help waysinsistedonjerking the flight school give him an- truggle in the cockpit dur- loppine and lack of social
but feel guilty." the yoke back and other instructor. But within ing a hijacking. U ually, the interaction very rude." After



Charlie and Drucilla Voss

araclously let the two men
Atta and AI-Shehhi were stay with them at their
bl& spenders and wild home In Venice, Fla.
partiers at these Florida
nlahtspots, the 44th Aero
Squadron and Cheetah.

Atta and Al-Shehhi left the might raise suspicions mo t, they'd nod their heads in plain sight by living in a rent, often changing the
Vo re idence they moved among neighbors so they and say hello. They usually variety of hou ing - from spelling of their name on
into a two-bedroom home in kept to themselves - and wouldn't even make eye cheap out-of-the-wayFlorida rental receipts. They used
the leepy community of kept quiet. contact." apartments and motels to public library computers to
Nokomi , about four miles Their former landlord That wa standard operat- more upscale rentals. get on the Internet rather
north of Venice. there, Steve Kona, told The ing procedure for all 19of the They moved frequently, than a home computer in an
They worried their accents ENQUIRER: "At the very identified hijackers. They hid paying cash in advance to attempt to camouflage their
electronic tracks.
They obtained cars
for cash from mall,lo-
cal rental companies
which don't demand
credit reference , and
got their mail at anony-
mous private mailbox
They had few visitors
- caused no trouble
and made no noise.
But the terrorists
were also sickening hyp-
ocrite . Awayfrom their

-- --
- hideout, they cut loose
with wild partying that
• made a mockery of their
religion's sacred tenets.
And they carried lot
(Continued on Page 20)


Everett, who volunteered to
help the relief effort after he
witnessed the World Trade
Center catastrophe.
The "My Best Friend's
Wedding" star was walking
his dog near his home in
Greenwich Village when
disaster struck.
"I heard this big bang
and looked up and saw it,"
he said. "Then bang! The
other plane hit the oth-·:,-
er tower. r
"When I first saw
the towers bursting
into flames it
seemed like a big
Hollywood movie.
Then the two tow-
ers came crashing
down. I just stood
there dumbfound-
Rupert rushed to
NEWLYWEDS Anne Heche and Coley Laffoon were In the scene to join
Boston's Loaan Airport at same time as hijackers. other New Yorkers
offering to help in
to the faces of evil. The the wake of the
newlywed was in the Amer- tragedy.
ican Airlines terminal at He was put to
Boston's Logan Airport on work for hours mak-
September 11 at the same ing sandwiches for
time that the hijackers were firemen and hospital
boarding the American Air- workers. HAPPIER DAYS: Actress Berry Berenson, widow of Anthony
lines flight to Los Angeles "These people are Perkins, is all smlles with son Oz Perkins at a recent movie
that crashed into the World exhausted and even if premiere. She perished on American Airlines Fllaht 11.
Trade Center. it's a little service, I
"Anne was leaving for will do it," he said. "I just wife Rebecca is from New
Toronto on a flight that left could not stand by and do York.
at 8:45 a.m.," said a source nothing.'' "Why did this happen?"
close to the actress.
"American Airlines Flight
11 that was hijacked left *** ***
Boston at 7:59 a.m., and Rupert's fellowBritish ac- Connie Stevens was in
Anne was already at the air- tor Dartiel Day-Lewis also her Manhattan penthouse
port and in the same area pitched in to help after the apartment, looking out the
where passengers for Flight disaster in downtown Man- floor-to-ceiling living room
11were boarding. hattan. window, when she saw the
"Anne believes she First the "Last of the Mo- first plane crash into the
brushed shoulders with the CHANGE OF PLANS kept hicans" star tried to give World Trade Center.
hijackers. Even more fright- Mark Wahlbera off one blood, but he was turned "Even though she was al-
ening, she'd considered of the doomed fllghts. away because the hospitals most 60 blocks away, she
taking that very flight back were overwhelmed with was horrified by what she
to Los Angeles! Anne went to Toronto. donors. saw," said a friend. "And the
"She and her new hus- "Now she hudders at the So he began carrying horror only magnified when
band Coley Laffoon had thought of how close she coolers of ice to medical minutes later the second
been in Boston for a signing came to death.'' centers to help cool down plane hit the south tower.
of her book, 'Call Me Crazy.' vital blood supplies. "Connie's still absolutely
But then she was asked to
do a book signing in Toron- *** "This situation is so aw-
ful," he said. "We have a
Connie Stevens saw the
to as well. So instead of "I saw the whole thing!" home here close to the first plane crash into the JOHN SOUTH and
heading home to California, declared a shaken Rupert World Trade Center - my World Trade Center. PATRICIA TOWLE



HE terrorist attack on the World Trade Center
Berenson was on
T touched everyone In America, lncludlna
celebrities who witnessed the calamity, narrowly
doomed American missed falllna victim - or traalcally perished.
Airlines Flight 11 out of
Boston because she was closed up her summer careers finally start to take
rushing back to L.A. to be home on Cape Cod before off. She was excited when
with her two sons the next flying home that Tuesday Osgood landed a role in
day - the ninth anniver- morning to her beloved the Reese Witherspoon film
sary of her husband boys. 'Legally Blonde.' And she
Anthony Perkins' death. Her two sons, Osgood was really looking forward
The "Psycho" star died on "Oz" Perkins II, 27, and to seeing Elvis play in his
Sept. 12, 1992,of complica- Elvis, 25, were "the light of new Hollywood rock band.
tions from AIDS. her life," said a longtime "She had called her
Berry, 53, had just fin- friend. youngest son over the
ished work on a book on the "Berry was so 'proud to wookend to as ure him
late designer Halston and see their show business she'd be there, adding
that she 'wouldn't
miss it for the
"But first,
Berry and her
boys plan-
ned to quietly
rate the death
of her hu band
and their father,
Tony Perkins. It
was important to
her that they all be
together on that day."

A last-minute change
in plans saved the life of
"Planet of the Apes" star
Mark Wahlberg.
"Mark was in Boston for
a children's charity he
runs," said a pal.
"He organized an Adop-
tion Resource Exchange
event at Fenway Park,
where people looking to
adopt children can be put
together with needy chil-
"He was planning to
head back to Los Angeles
on Tuesday morning, Sep-
tember 11. The only two LENDING A HAND: Actor Daniel Day-Lewis carries a
nonstops that fly from donated box of ice used to store blood collected to
Boston to L.A. in the aid victims at Saint Vincent's Hospltal In Manhattan.
morning are the American
Airlines flight and the mind. Instead of flying to Center attacks, Mark got
United flight that were hi- L.A. on Tuesday, he decid- tuck in New York when
jacked and rammed into ed to leave Boston Monday everything closed down.
DOING HIS PART: British actor Rupert Everett works the World Trade Center. night, flying to New York But he' thankful to be alive."
as a volunteer after the attack. With him Is Nicky "Mark had planned to be to pend time with fri nd
Perry, a British bar owner who Is helping those In
New York's British community Involved In the tragedy.
on one of them. But the
day before, he changed hi
befor flying back to L.A.
"After the World Trad
* *'*
Anne Heche came close


bigsister's life
ENISE GAMBLE owe her life to her baby brother. '
I The 31-year-oldwoman had decided to stay in her in-
surance office on the 100th floor of Tower Two after
the first hijacked jet exploded into Tower One - and it was
only a telephone call
from her brother Dan,
29, that prompted her
to get out alive.
"I treat her like a
younger sister," said
Dan, who worked in
Tower Seven, only one
block from Denise's of-
fice. He says he called
Denise and told her
"Get out! Get out
Despite building-
wide announcements
advising workers in
Tower Two to stay put,
Denise followed her
brother's frantic direc-
tion. While others
reportedly began smlles with her brother Dan
T wer one He survived the climbing back up the two days after her escape.
FIRE FIGHTER Mike Kehoe helps ;ork~~he~=~~a=al:s down the staircase. doomed stairs of Tower
collapse. At right, a man covers sm Two, saying they were sup- 70th floor, rocking the sky-
posed to remain in their scraper and cracking the
HESE ARE the offices, Denise made her walls around her.

T last photos taken

inside the World
Trade Center - sec-
onds before the
way down to the 68th floor.

plane hit her building at the and

"She said the stairs
That's where he was at ex- shook; the building shook,"
actly 9:03 when the second said Patricia Gamble, Dan
Denise's mother.
famous 110-storyland-
mark ceased to exist,
collap ing in a heap of
They are pictures of
people whose world
S THE FLAMES of Cerqueira, 22, were two of
will never be the same
again - frightened of- hell roared around 26 employees of Network
fice workers fleeing them,MichaelBenfante Plus, a telecommunica-
the flaming hell of the DOING HIS JOB: and a co-worker saved a tions firm, at work in Suite
upper stories of Tower Fireman John wheelchair-bound woman, 8121 in Tower One when
One. Sheehan stands carrying her down 68 the first plane hit the
When financial con- guard as evacuees smoke-choked floors - building just eight floors
sultant John Labriola flee Tower One. jeopardizing their own above them.
shot these photos as Sheehan was later escape. "No one knew what had
he fled his 71st-floor treated for smoke "In the back ofmy head, I happened, but I ordered
office, none of these inhalation but couldhear my mother telling everyone out of th~ office
people, workers nor escaped with no me to get out," Benfante and down the stairs," said
firemen, realized the other injuries. told The ENQUIRER. ''But Benfante, the branch
scope of the disaster I had to help." manager. "I saw flames
that was to come. Benfante, 36, and John flickering to the side of the
"Smoke started coming
into the stairwell." Mo-
ments later desperate
trapped workers on upper
level floors began leaping to
their deaths.
"We could see the car-
nage across the street," said
Dan, who had evacuated
Tearsofjoyforcouple whothought
and started heading north
after calling Denise. "We
could see it all happening C theirmateshadperished
operating a passenger elevator
ferrying customers to the famed
behind us. Then we looked Windows on the World restaurant in
back and saw that the tow- the North Tower when a fireball
ers were no longer part of blasted through the building after
the skyline. I thought the the jet struck. She was badly burned,
chances weren't too good but two heroic strangers carried her
my sister had made it out." down 78 stories to safety and she was
But blocks away Denise whisked away by ambulance to Long
was running for her life. She Island College Hospital in Brooklyn.
had continued down the 68 But Carmen had no idea what had
flights of stairs in smoke happened to her beloved husband
and darkness, fighting pan- Arturo, 52, who worked a freight ele-
ic with every step. She vator in the same tower at the World
xited the building into Trade Center.
mayhem. Bodies were drop- "When I got to my hospital bed, I
ping from the burning had the TV turned on," Carmen told
floors. The ENQUIRER. "I heard on the
"She said she was shak- news that a freight elevator was
ing so bad - her whole stuck with people in it, and then the
body - it was hard to even
move," Patricia Gamble
But exhausted Denise ran
for her life - and made it.
building collapsed. I thought to my-
self, 'That's it - my husband is dead.'
It was the worst feeling in the world."
But unbeknownst to Carmen, it
wasn't Arturo's elevator that was

LUCKY TO BE ALIVE: Arturo and Carmen Griffith are cared for In the
hospital after escaplna from the North Tower. Incredibly, both
husband and wife were elevator operators In the doomed bulldlna.
Hours later she arrived at a stuck. His elevator was working and
relative's house on the Up- after the impact he managed to get it perished in the attack. Finally, a was an incredible feeling. I told him I
per West Side, where she most of the way down before it relative located Carmen among hos- was burnt pretty bad, that he may
learned that her guardian dropped. He broke a leg, but was able pitalized survivors and rushed to tell not recognize me, but I'm still me. He
angel Dan, too, was safe. to crawl out into the building's main Arturo the news. The Bronx man im- said, 'I don't care. I love you!'
Patricia said her daugh- concourse and find help. mediately called his wife. ''Arturo is a very wonderful man -
ter couldn't be more Doctors at St. Vincent's Hospital "I was so happy to speak to my and now we will have many more
grateful. "She said, 'Danny in Manhattan performed surgery on husband - I just kept telling him happy years together! God gave us a
saved my life.' " his leg and then he, too, lay in his hos- that I loved him!" Carmen said. second chance."
-TOM DINARDO pital bed thinking that his mate had "He came back from the dead, it - ROGER HITTS

building. I could feel the wheelchair stranded on
began to melt. But the two
men, their muscles aching
beyond description, care-
fully made their way down
Jima," said Cerqueira.
They placed the woman
- whose name they never
learned-into an emergency
a truck and waited for the
worst to pass. After about
five minutes, they ran to a
nearby Catholic church
building swaying.'' the 68th floor. the stairs in an hour-long van. Then, just when they and stumbled inside ...
His first thought was Putting thoughts of their journey - carrying their thought they were safe, the amazed and overjoyed to
that there had been an own safety aside, the two disabled charge every step building began to collapse. be alive.
earthquake. Or even that a heroes assisted her out oftheway. Andtheystartedrunning. Benfante, a former
wayward plane had some- of the wheelchair and Exhausted, sweating "Wemadeitafewblocks, altar boy who rarely at-
how hit the building in a strapped her into a special profusely, they finally when the building just tends church, revealed,
tragic error. chair kept in the stairwell reached the street with the exploded," said Benfante. "I thanked God. I told
As they went down the for emergencies. fortysomething woman. "Everything went black. Him that I didn't know
stairs, Benfante and Blinding smoke poured They couldn't believe what Smoke and debris were what I'd done to be in His
Cerqueira came upon a into the stairwell as the they saw. everywhere." grace."
blonde woman in a building's steel beams "It looked like I WO The two men dived under - PETER DAVIDSON
attendant Is scanned with
a metal detector as she
aoes through security.

LTHOUGH terror-

A ists were able to

destroy the World
Trade Center and
damage the Penta-
gon, experts say there ARE
measures authorities can
take to ensure that a repeat
of that dark day never occurs.
William L. Waugh, author
of three books on terrorism,
says officialsshould focus on
airport security.
"The weaponry used in
these hijackings seems to be
something that almost any-
one could get on an airplane.
"Currently, there is such a
thing as biometric scanning f

that provides an outline of AIRPORTS OF THE FUTURE: At left Is a biometric eye scanner, used for Identification Just llke fingerprints.
the body and an X-ray of New security measures mean more crowds (right) at the airport. Officials ask travelers to be patient.
everything beneath the cloth-
ing. This works much better clothing, biometric scanning technology availablethat rec- turnover and most of them more professional and much
than metal detectors, espe- also ha the tendency to ognizes pupils inside the eye, are underpaid." better trained.
cially if someone is carrying show body parts. as well as electronic finger- Another terrorism expert, '½irports need to increase
a pla tic knife or plastic •~other solution to stop- printing machines. That type Gary Perlstein, said: "Ameri- the number of checkpoints,
gun," which can pass ping terrorists from getting of technology could be used can airports should use train their agents on what to
through metal detectors. inside the airplane's cockpit to prohibit anyone other than Heathrow Airport in London look for, and even put armed
"The reason the X-ray ma- during a flight would be to the assigned pilot from taking as a model for security. officers at many checkpoints.
chine hasn't replaced metal make the doors out of a hard- control of that aircraft. Heathrow has no less than ''As citizens,we can all con-
detectors is because there ened material such as '½.uthorities really need to four checkpoints before pas- tribute to putting a stop to
are a lot of privacy issue . tempered steel, making them take a good look at our air- sengers get anywhere near terrorism by going to the
Aside from revealing physi- nearly impossible to open port security. Most sites are the plane. There's no question authorities if we ever see any
cal objects someone might from the outside. manned by personnel who that their security and suspicious behavior. A lot of
be carrying beneath their "There also is biometric are ill-trained,there is a huge personnel are better, they're times,peopleare embarr<lS.Sed


or don't want to take the time
to report something suspi-
cious,but it's everyone'scivic
duty to do that.
"Another problem is that
most people are very impa-
tient when they're traveling.
They are in such a hurry to
get to where they're going
that they unintentionally
push their way through the
line and try to speed up the
security process.
"Peopleneed to realizethat
security checkpoints are
there to protect them, and
everyone will be a lot better
offifthey are more patient."
James L. Halperin, author
of the 1995best-seller "The
Truth Machine,"said:
"In light of the recent
hijackings, the Federal Avi-
ation Administration could
require airlines to put
video cameras on planes
so authorities could al-
ways see what's going on
inside aircraft.
"There are machines avail-
able today that can read faces
in a crowd and pick out any
person with any given combi-
nation of features and facial
expressions the authorities ARMED GUARDS man security checkpoints at Heathrow Airport In London, a model for changes In the U.S.
are searching for. With this
equipment someone who's
wanted by the FBI can't go
out in public places because NEWSECURITY
they'llbe caught.
"If that equipment would
have been available in air-
ports, maybe the recent
hijackings could have been ANDAIRFORCE
"Scientists are also work-
ing on a foolproofliedetector
test. If something like that
is ever approved, simple
questions like,'Are you a ter-
S ECURITY experts r
say our President is
ed in the Wh"t
One - and since t
ece~t ter_ror1~t attacks
already well protect- a~% if possible, improved.
O protect the Presi-
House and on Air For~! d~nt:stsecffiu:ity, no one will
a m1 o ic1allythat these
rorist?' or 'Do you intend to events of September te counter~errorism devices
commit a crime?' could sort he'll have even tighter se, even exist," the military
out the terrorists before curity. - source says. "But Air
they're able to inflictharm." "From now on Air R0 Force One is far from de-
One will fly with' two fi ~~~ fenseless i~ the sky."
Richard Horowitz, a for-
mer captain in the Israel er_~scorts on its wing!," a sh '!'f3 ~ite Ho1!se,too, is
military source told The A ie e. from air attack.
Defense Forces and con-
sultant on terrorism, said: ENQUIRER "They h _ccordmgtoaSecretSer-
.• ave Vice sour .
"In theory, anyone can or ders to intercept and tat' ce, agents are
threaten the life of an ~hoot down any approach- s wned on the roof
airplane passenger with mg airplane that threatens ~ro~d the cl~ck, ready to
their bare hands and turn A LOCKED, STEEL DOOR on the cockpit Is one the President's plane." re. eat-~ee_kmgsurface-
the plane into a missile. chanKe recommended to thwart terrorists. According to the source . ?-rur m1ss1les at any
"One way to avoid that the specially e ui ' airc~aft t~at threatens the
type of thing from happen- in the concrete at the en- security agents can check B~ing 747alreadyqca~~:~ president~al residence.
ing is to do what some trances of parking garages for bombs. an impressive array of de- H Protecting the White
countries like Israel do and and other checkpointswhere "But technologyis only a fensive devices designed ou~~on _theground are a
hire armed sky marshals on cars pass. The scanner runs small solution to the prob- to thwart even the most born. mat10~ of physical
every flight. the width of the automobile lem. Being aware that a determined terrorist - a~rr1er~, un1fo~ed police
"There are scanners avail- and takes a picture of the problem exists and plan- an~ these devices will be he d ~n inner perimeter of
able that could be embedded bottom of the car so that ning ahead is the key." reviewed in light of th aVIly armed body-
e guards.


MERICAN INTELLIGENCE WORK foiled a plan by Osama Bin Laden

A to use nuclear weapons in a terrorist attack against this country, an ex-

clusive ENQUIRER investigation has discovered.
Following the unthinkable September 11attacks that destroyed the World
Trade Center and badly damaged the Pentagon, a team of ENQUIRER
reporters fanned out across America and overseas to uncover secret details
of the terrorist plot. _. ............... ,. was arrested in Munich,
And while many Ameri- Germany, in September
cans were quick to criticize ,_.._._........ 1998 and charged with
U.S. intelligence agencies acting on behalf of his
forfailingtoheadofftheat- 111111111111
·••■ boss to obtain nuclear
materials. He is now in
learned that U.S. agents DON GENTILE,LARRY U.S. custody.
staved off a far, far deadlier HALEY,COURTNEY If he had been succe sful
catastrophe! CALLAHAN,RICHARD in purchasing nuclear ma-
Authorities believe the GOODING, REGINALD terial, Bin Laden could have
Planning of the suicide FITZ, .IOHNCOOKE and included it in his attack.
flights began as long ago as TOM DINARDO John LeBoutillier, former
1996. And throughout this _________ .. U.S.congre man and mem-
period, the U.S. and its al- her of the House Foreign
lies have foiled Bin Laden's buy $1.5 million worth of Affairs Committee, con-
attempts to obtain nuclear uranium for Bin Laden in firmed to The ENQUIRER
weapons. Khartoum, Sudan. that Bin Laden's plan "wa
Covert actions by the CIA During his negotiations thwarted - security precau-
led to a 1998 arrest that he had a meeting in the tions that the U.S.had in place
stopped a purchase of nu- town of Bait al-Mal, north of to prevent this worked."
clear material that would Khartoum. At that meeting, The arrests followed
have given Bin Laden the Alfadl was shown a cylinder earlier succe e in the
ability to use them in the between two and three feet campaign to keep Bin
attacks against the United tall containing uranium, he Laden away from nuclear
States! told FBI agents. materials - succe es that
The big break for intelli- Alfadl is considered so prevented him from
gence forces in that case important that the U.S. has launching a nuclear attack.
came when the FBI secret- spent nearly 1 million to In 1992, Bin Laden's
ly managed to "turn" J~mal protect him since he "came Germany-based group
Ahmad Alfadl, a Sudane e over." wa foiled in an attempt to
aide of Bin Laden, in 1996. And it paid off martly buy highly enriched urani-
The defector detailed for when Bin Laden aide um - a key component of
the U.S. his negotiations to Mamdouh Mahmud Salim a nuclear bomb - on the


Al-Qaeda(Duma bin Llden's group)

that attempt fail as a result weapons during the Sep- - facilities housing deadly
of cooperation between U.S. tember 11 assault on biological toxins including
lslamist and European security America "is one explana- the Ebola and West Nile
movements forces. tion of why President Bush viru es.
in ex•SoVJet
CentralAsia The intelligence success- was initially flown aboard "Hijacked planes would
-, es have slowed Bin Laden's Air Force One to a nuke-
Harkat•ul-Mujahideen hit them with the idea of re-
(Pakistarv continuing attempt to ob- proof bunker in Nebraska," leasing all kinds of deadly
kashmir) tain nuclear materials Middle East analyst toxins into the air."
Gamaa - but not stopped him. Emanuel Winston told The An attack on the U.S. is
Islamic lslamiyya
Jihad (Egypt) Russian agents recently ENQUIRER. just part of Bin Laden's
Ayman tipped off the U.S. to at- Chillingly, intelligence master plan, former Con-
al-Zawahiri tempts by Bin Laden to buy agents are also waging a gressman Bob Dornan
~ gypt) radioactive materials from battle to prevent Bin Laden (R.-Calif.), who served on
the Chechen rebels. from obtaining chemical the House Intelligence
And former Russian and biological weapons. Committee, told The
security chief Alexander A highly placed intelli- ENQUIRER exclusively.
Lebed said 43 "suitcase gence source told The "I am going to declassify a
,wp Laurence
Sa~ nukes" - nuclear weapons ENQUIRER that while de- secret I was privy to on the
TERRORIST GROUPS throughout the Middle East, small enough to fit inside a vising their sickening plot Intelligence committee: It's
Africa and Asia have ties to Bin Laden. suitcase - developed for Bin Laden's lieutenants Bin Laden's plan to take
the KGB in the 1970s have explored carrying out air back his native Saudi Ara-
Russian black market. end of a sting operation. vanished! strikes on Fort Detrick, bia. He plans to kill the
In that case, the terror- A year later Bin Laden The possibility that Bin Md., and the Centers for
ists ended up on the wrong tried again, only to have Laden would use nuclear Disease Control in Atlanta (Continued on Page 20)


New York's Senator

P forever stepped out of his father's

shadow to stand tall as the leader
. of the Free World- but he hasn't
done 1talone.
to~ -~er~f a's da~kest hours he turned
l~ arm y - his father, the former
Pr~s~enJ, his beloved mother Barbara
Dear fellow Americans, an _is evoted wife Laura - for the
My thoughtsand prayers are with you as together we grieve over this immense, and unknown em;t~nt~ s_upportto guide our nation
t n c- e1r unconditional Jove ha~ <
loss of life to our couna;1and our state. It is very difficult to come to grips with such an intense ransLormed him into a pill f
and tenible tragedy,but we must We have to. We seek as guidancethe generationsbefore us strength . , - a man destined toarheal o
who had their tragedies and also rose to the occasion. And rise 10 the occasion we must as well. Arn· er1ca d s broken
. heart • Hi s private

h~n an public courage have defined
un as a mar: e_n:bracinghis tremen-
Our hearts go out to all of those who have lost loved ones and are sufferingnow. We are with d ous respons1b1hty
"The ~ountry is •• embracing him "
them as one, from one end of this country to the other. •
D ana
the W h. Milbank - po 1·t·
i ica 1writer for•
"S ~ mgton Post and author of
As an American,make no mistake about it, we are in a new Amcdca; a new world. We're now in m~s mouth," a chronicle of last
a new era of conflict There are forces who are against us, and they are in many comers of the years presidential election - t 0 Id
world. They hate us for our freedom. They are against the very progressthat we have made. The ENQUIRER
"He had a shaky start. But now he's
~tepped up to the plate. And his father
We are a resilient nation. We don't take anythingon our knees. We're not going to take this. I is a tremendous influence on h"
assure the enemies of Ame1ica, the enemies of freedom, the enemies of progress of that. . 'c~;th~y're having many fath:\ 0 ~
. s - and President Bush is
domg a great job."
This is a long struggle, my friends. It is not an easy struggle. But because of our freedom, Americans witnessed the intense
because of our Ametican way of life, we will prevail.
President Bush raises
This event will never leave us the same, not as individuals,not as Americans,not as residents of a flag on his visit to
the planetEarth. But we can learn from it as we grieve. We can meet the challenge and rise to site of the world
Trade Center attack.
the ne,xt level of civilization. I'm confident we will.

Charles E. Schumer

As New York struggled to came to grips with the terrible world n-ade Center
tragec/Y, Sen. Charles Schumer of New York offered this open letter to the
people of his state - i,nd the people of Amer/ca. Schumer, along with fellow
New York Sen. HIiiary Rodham Cl/nton, pledged their prayers and the tull
resources of government to the victims and their famllies. 'We are with
them as one, from one end of the country to the other," said Schumer.


1111S ILY

WORDS OF COMFORT: President Bush speaks to a

rescue worker at the disaster site In New York.

a meeting. But their plane have every faith in you.'

was diverted to Milwaukee, "The President was moved
Wis. to tears.
"Almost as soon as they "He told his father, 'With-
were on the ground, George out you and Laura behind
got a call on his cell phone me, I don't know where I'd
from his son," said the in- be.'"
sider. "The President just Privately, the President's
wanted to make sure his family continues to give
parents were O.K. him the strength to lead a
•~r getting a few words grieving nation.
of encouragement from his And in public, he's not
father, the President spoke afraid to weep.
to his mother. The President unasham-
"Barbara said that she edly blinked back tears
loved him, had total faith during a phone call to New
in him and that his parents York City's mayor and the
supported him '150 per- state's governor two days
cent.'" after the terrorist attack.
Since then, the elder "I weep and mourn with
Bush calls his son regularly America,'' he said.
for what he calls "little pep "I wish I could comfort
talks.'' every single family whose
"Publicly, he downplays lives have been affected.
the phone conversations, "I think about the fami-
saying they're little more lies, the children. I'm a
than friendly chitchat be- loving guy.''
tween father and son," says The next day his tears
a source. had dried.
WELL DONE, SON: President Bush gets a hand squeeze from his father after giving "But they've done won- But his resolve was
his speech at remembrance service at the National Cathedral in Washlneton, D.C. ders to buoy the President's strong when he addressed
spirits. a group of rescue workers
emotional bond between now the man his parents his hand and told him how "In one such talk, his at the World Trade Center.
the two men during the always dreamed he'd be," proud he was. It was a father told him that he had ''America today is on
memorial service at Wash- said an insider close to the touching scene of family an 'awesome responsibility,' bended knee in prayer for
ington's National Cathedral Bush clan. strength and resolve." but also 'an unprecedented the people whose lives were
on September 14. "Outside the cathedral, Although his first respon- opportunity' to achieve great lost here, for the workers
During the service, the Barbara gave her son a big sibility is to the nation, the things. who work here, for the
President and his wife hug. With tears in her eyes, President is also a dutiful "He encouraged his son families who mourn.
Laura sat next to his parents. she told him that he looked son. to root out and destroy the "Thank you for making
When he returned to his like he'd grown a foot since And shortly after the terrorists responsible for the nation proud - and
pew after delivering his she'd last seen him. terrorist strikes, he called the attacks, along with may God bless America!"
stirring speech, his father "He has a confident smile his parents from Air Force the nations that harbor - JAMES NELSON,
reached over and grasped and a determined look in his One. them. But most important MICHAELGLYNN,
his hand. eye she's never seen before. The Bushes had been on of all, he told him, 'Son, SHANE RODACK
"He's so proud. His son is "Then his father shook the way to Minneapolis for your mother and I and LARRY HALEY


(Continued from Page 17) before the attacks, the
suicide teams headed for
7,000 members of the Saudi the targeted airports -
Royal family by setting off a Boston's Logan, Newark
bomb in Riyadh (the Saudi International Airport and
capital). His aim is to gain Dulles Airport near Wash-
control of the Moslem ington, D.C.
world. One gathering place was
"This is Bin Laden's hate Maine, where several ter-
list in order: Saudi Arabia, rorists are thought to have
Israel, and the U.S. as the arrived from Canada.
leader of the free world." At the Intown Internet
Four teams of 19 hijack- Cafe in Bangor, Maine,
ers were on board the owner Stephen Stimpson
planesthatcrashedintothe told The ENQUIRER that
World Trade Center, the Arabic visitors came in
Pentagon and into a field ·and asked to use two com-
outside Pittsburgh. puters.
And The ENQUIRER "I could see one of them
learned the FBI believes the as he worked on the com-
hijackers and their associ- puter. He checked hi
ates were on our soil long e-mail - he had a Hot-
enough to go through many account - and
dry runs of their deadly printed out one message.
missions as they turned Then he seemed to type a
their plot into reality. reply. TRADE CENTER TOWERS (circled) before and after the attack by terrorists.
"They were on tho e four "They were here five or
hijacked planes before," 10 minutes, and when they was all of $4.26 for time on said, 'I think that's outra- with us after testing it.
said a source at the Federal paid, one man got very bel- the two computers and a geous for such a short time.' "But none of them want-
Aviation Administration. ligerent about the cost - it quarter for the printout. He He finally gave in and paid." ed to provide identification
"We have information Four suspected terrorists to sign up for service. My
that the hijackers flew the stopped into the Unicel cell guess is they had a chip to
same routes several times phone shop in Bangor the put in the phones so they
in the last year. We think day before the attack. could use it."
they may have become A source said: "One of the A GSM-capable phone
familiar faces to the stew- terrorists wanted to rent a could enable a caller to di-
ardesses on those routes. cell phone for one day that rect-dial a connection in
Who knew they were smil- had GSM (Global Systems Afghanistan - where Bin
ing into the faces of their Mobile) capability. He was Laden hides out.
killers?" saying he was going to pur- After failing to make a
In the days and weeks BOX CUTTER llke those used by the hijackers. chase a phone and sign Ul) deal for the cell phone, a

HOW TERRORIS IS LIVED AMONG US tips onto the floor and telling the busted this spring - but slipped expensive than in their own coun-
(Continued from Page 9)
girls to crawl on their knees to pick through a crack in the justice sys- tries, and because they have such
of cash so they could not be traced them up. tem. a diverse international student
through credit card receipts. Shortly before they struck, the On April 26, he wa ticketed in body, it's easy to blend in no
Keith Schortzmann, owner of two terrorists stayed at the Pan- Broward County, Fla., for failure to matter what country you're from,"
the 44th Aero Squadron, a popular ther Motel in Deerfield Beach provide a valid driver's license dur- explained Gary Perlstein, a Port-
watering hole at the Venice Munic- - and left behind startling evi- ing a traffic stop. He was scheduled land State University justice
ipal Airport, told The ENQUIRER: dence they were prepared to deal to appear in court on May 28, but profe sor.
"Atta carried a wad of $100 bills big with rebellious pas engers. he never showed up and a warrant "People living in small communi-
enough to choke a horse and he al- "I found three how-to books on was issued for hi arrest. But Atta ties rarely expect hardened
ways paid the tab. Atta was a very Ju-Jitsu and self-defense," motel was never picked up by the sher- criminals to be living next door."
big spender." owner Richard Surma told The iff's department because it was not But despite their elusiveness, the
A nude dancer at Cheetah, a pop- ENQUIRER. "Obviously,they stud- considered a high priority case. terrorist will learn a very painful
ular gentleman's club in Sarasota, ied these books so they could A top terrorism expert told The !es on: They can run from the
told The ENQUIRER that an arro- overpower their hostages if any of ENQUIRER it's no coincidence United States - but they can't
gant Atta and Al-Shehhi showed them became confrontational.'' that the hijacker chose to train hide.
their sadistic treak. They tried to Shockingly, Atta, one of the main and hide in Florida. - JOHN BLOSSER, LARRY
humiliate the dancers by tos ing ringleaders, came close to getting "The flight schools are much le HALEYand KEVINLYNCH


man in the group asked a
ales clerk if he could use a
phone in the shop.
"He made a few calls,
making plane reserva-
tions," an insider revealed.
"He tried to get a flight
leaving the next morning
out of Bangor Airport, but
there were none available.
So he booked a flight the
next day from Portland,
Maine, connecting with a
flight in Boston."
That flight was American
Airlines Flight 11,the first
plane to slam into the World
Trade Center.
Two of the hijackers took
the flight from Portland
in the early morning. They
' were identified as Abdulaziz
Alomari and Mohamed
Alomari may have lived in
Portland in the past year,
stablishing a relationship
with an American woman.
The woman told authori-
tie her boyfriend bragged
that he was the member of a
terrori t group, and he had
a lot of cash despite being
The night before they
caught the flight to Boston,
Atta and Alomari checked
into room 232 of the Com-
fort Inn near Portland
They were in such a rush
to catch their flight the next
morning that Atta's luggage
was left behind. It con-
tained an instructional
video on flying commercial
jets, a fuel consumption cal-
culator - and a will, dated TERRORIST Osama Bin Laden lives llke his men, In bunker quarters deep Inside a mountain In Afghanistan.
in 1996, in which he said he
planned to kill himself so he hijackers appeared on space communications
would go to heaven as a Logan surveillance videos satellites serving the Mid-
martyr. driving in and out of the dle East.
Others who boarded the airport at least five times The firm listed two in-
two hijacked flights in in the days before the at- vestors with links to Bin
Boston lived in motels in tack. Laden.
several Massachusetts And after the attack A terrorist with a satellite
cities in the days before the came, 47-year-old Bin is a formidable enemy, say
attack. Laden reportedly ex- intelligence experts.
Marwan Al-Shehhi spent pressed great joy at the Bin Laden could moni-
Monday night at a Boston death, destruction and hav- tor communications from
hotel before boarding Tues- oc he'd caused. governments that would
day's United Flight 175 - With his wealth, Bin aid him in planning at-
the second plane that WEALTHY BIN LADEN has created a high-tech Laden has created a high- tacks.
crashed into the twin tow- communications network, with access to satellites. tech communications and Middle East analyst
ers. information-gathering sys- Emanuel Winston told The
Richard Surma, owner of used to seize control of the of the hijackers arrived in tem. ENQUIRER: "If Bin Laden
the Panther Motel Apart- four doomed flights - and a Boston early to conduct Intelligence officials have has access to a satellite and
ments, said Shehhi left stack of aeronautical maps scouting missions of airport charged that he's the secret can steal time, he can tap
behind a box cutter - the of the East Coast. security. big money man behind a into communications
same implement the hijackers Authorities believe some One car rented by company that launches from anywhere!"


fighters raise an American flag
amidst the rubble of what was
once the World Trade Center in
'The cost of freedom is New Yor.k.And just as
always high - and
Americans have Americans raised Old Glory on
always paid it. And one
path we shall never Iwo Jf during WW2,
choose, and that is tt1e
path of surrender or
Americans o ce again raise
- John F. Kennedy, Oct. 22, 1962,
our symbo f freedom as a
during the Cuban Missile Crisis
sign to that the spirit
of the erican people
~ be broken.
.. LA,&ot


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----------------"PT.# __ _

CITY/STATE---'-------------<-IP ___ _
MERICA can wipe Osama Bin Laden off
the face of the earth - and top military
experts reveal it will be done, either with
bombs or poison.
"To win, we must out-terror the international terrorist,"
declared retired Army Col.
David Hackworth, one of Bin Laden stronghold in
America's most decorated Afghanistan.
soldier and an interna- • Paratroopers will drop
tionally re pected military into the landlocked nation
expert. and destroy most armed op-
"If we don't destroy position, paving the way for
him, he will destroy us," special forces to deliver the
Hackworth, the author of final blow.
several be t- elling books, • Fighter planes from air-
told The ENQUIRER. craft carriers in the Persian
The good news is America Gulf will support our ground
has the forces, finances, troops.
know-how and unflinching • Elite commando units and
will to track down and elimi- special forces troops will ad-
nate the notorious terrorist minister the knockout DEADLY FIRE: American elite commando units will
and his top henchmen. But punch, invading the terrorist deliver the knockout punch, say military experts.
military experts say it won't mastermind's inner anc-
happen with a single strike. tum - bringing him down supporters into informers. "Eliminating Bin Laden will and will want to continue and
"The response will be and destroying his rabid They are working for the destabilize the Islamic ter- repeat what he's done. He
massive,'' declared retired pack of killer . Mossad as double agents, as- rorist movement and set it won't sit back, and the fear is
Navy Rear Admiral Steve Our highly trained teams, sassins really.If they're given back a generation. We mu t that he will form an alliance
Baker, a senior fellow at the including the Navy's elite the word, they can strike." also obliterate Afghanistan's now with another country.
Center for Defense Informa- SEAL Team 6 and the An expert on U.S. covert ruler , the Taliban - and "In the pa t, assassina-
tion in Washington, D.C. Army's Delta Force, can be operation told The anyone else who has helped tions weren't permitted by
The United States will use ready on 48 to 72 hours no- ENQUIRER: "We have the Bin Laden either directly or our covert operations. But if
"a combination of conven- tice to carry out a raid on a capability of getting close indirectly." they consider this an act of
tional and unconventional terrorist camp - or to posi- enough to Bin Laden to Retired U.S. Army Capt. war, they will act.
tactic ," said Bob Finke, a tion themselves in enemy poi on him. It can be done David Christian, one of the "Our intelligence agencie
retired Army Special Force territory to await orders. by tainting his food and wa- mo t decorated U.S. officers in recent years have been
expert and international An inside source told The ter supply or even with in the Vietnam War,told The pristine in how they operat-
security consultant. ENQUIRER that soon after high-tech spy devices that ENQUIRER that assassina- ed. Youcan't run white-glove
American military leaders the terrorist assault on work on a time delay and tion is definitely an option. agencies and accomplish
have considered several ways America, the U.S. began will release deadly gas at a "Because of what he's ac- your mission, which in thi,
of getting at Bin Laden and planning to use a former So- predetermined time." complished, madmen like case should be assassination.
have weighed their pro and viet military ha e as a Former Green Beret Col. Osama Bin Laden feel invin- That's the bottom line - be-
cons. staging area for an assault Bo Gritz, who trained cible,"said Christian, now on lieve me, we are at war - the
A national security source, on Bin Laden. Afghan fighters to battle the staff of Senator John world is at war. But we will
who must remain anony- "Some 40 miles north of the Soviets in the 1980s, Kerry of Massachusetts. win."
mous, told The ENQUIRER Afghanistan's capital Kabul declared: "We can win this!" "He won't stop with what - PETER DAVIDSON and
this is the most likely battle is the Bagram air base, He told The ENQUIRER: he's done. He's self-consumed COURTNEY CALLAHA~
plan for hunting down the which was once the Soviets'
merciless monster and his hotbed of military opera-
heartless henchmen: tions in Afghanistan and is ..------ ~t~~~~~-~~:i :~~:
• A combination of satellite now under the control of 1u1rd BonLaden'sbasts
and human operatives will anti-Taliban forces," said the
track Bin Laden to his source. "From there, the U.S.
current hideout, enabling could deploy its own forces.
military forces to pinpoint Calls were made to work it
their crucial assault. out.
• Cruise missiles launched "From that location, a full-
from U.S. Navy ships from blown commando assault
two strike forces positioned can take place."
in the Persian Gulf will take A high-ranking U.S.Intelli-
out the headquarters of gence source told The
Afghanistan' ruling elite, ENQUIRER that the U.S.
the Taliban, who have al o worked up an alterna-
given safe harbor to the tive plan to kill Bin Laden
terrorist. that would be carried out by
• Waves of B-52 and B-2 agents for the Israeli secret
bombers from U.S. bases in service Mossad.
Europe and the Indian "The Mo ad has already
Ocean will bomb suspected turned some of Bin Laden's


his terrorist allies



e . Y
ct our clvllizatlon, b

0 Suspected terronst
Qsuspected Bin Laden

<:!> Mountains

o.- ................. ,1o ... ....,.,

11.---Atpa■llla■ •
la■daltar. He has a large homewith
concretewalls, barbedwire and fencing.
Overlookingthe airport II a baseon the
edgeof the desert protectedby a minefield.
Ht Is thoughtto haveother bues In the
Oruzganmountainsnorth of Kandahar.
Jalalallad:He lived hereun11Ithe UScruise
missile raids in 1998.
Celtlral-■tal■t: Healso has terrorist training
camps,includingal Farouq,Khostand Zhawar.


EDITOII: David l'l'r<>I
EXECUTIVE l!DITOR: tevc P1nmann
.J..rry Geoll!\', Barry Levine,
Valerie Virga
MNIOR EDITORS: Rlly Fairoll (Photo),
Bill Graham (Photo), ,James Meyen1,
Charlie Montgomery, Edward Sigall,
Michael Vohmnnn
GENERAL l!DITORS: Julia Coutcs,
Mikt>Walker, Chris W""8Jing
ORMER "Baywatch" beauty Yasmine Bleeth has hit FUTURES ■DITOII: SUAlmK. Baker

F rock bottom. Only weeks after completing rehab, a

dirty and disheveled Yasmine was busted September
12 after running her car off the road while apparently un-
Vi11<:entEckersk,y (L.A. Bureau)

Susan ,liml80n, ,Jame• O'Bl'ien,
Eli,.abeth Pinson, Frank Skcrrnt.t,
der the influenc~of cocaine. Martha Wnrwick
Cops found liquefied co- ASSISTANT EDITORS:

~~~: PR•vSHE'LL
Joun Cannata-Fox, Debomh Hul(bcs
HNIOR MPORTl!RS: John Bl°"""r, •
antn~~~\~,:: R.t'ginnld Fitz, ,J. Michael Glynn,
heavily into the drug she's RI Richard Gooding, ,Jomes Nelson,

"shooting up."
Yasmine's mug shot is
Pntriciu Shipp. Alon mith,
Cmdy Solomon. John South,
Patricia Towle, David Wright
RRPOR"TWM: Robert Blackmon,
heartbreaking. The once- 8el111l't8oiton, Courtnt.,y Cullahun,
Tom DiNnrdo. Richnrd Egu...quiza,
ravishing brunette looks Don G<>ntilc,Ellen,
like a homeless crack ad- Larry Haley, Mike Hanrahan,
Kevin Lynch, Bev..rly Williston
Last December The Ann Adams, Pntty llCj!noche, Anita
Johnson, Stephanie Keiper, Kathleen
ENQUIRER broke the Mnrtin, Antonw McFndden,
story that the star was Edith Schor:ih, Alon Vi!IC'Vich
(L.A. Bureau), Christine
drowning in a cocaine Visokt>, ylvia WoodJJ,Dinn Zujiet>k
nightmare. And in April we EDfTURIAL ASSISTANTl Thcrt""1 Nettle•
disclosed that friends felt 13arborn Koskie, Mir<>yaA. Throop
Yasmine was on the road ASSOCIATE RD&ARCHUIS:
June G. Baum, Laurie Miller
to recovery after her POLICE MUQ SHOT of a disheveled Yasmine Sleeth EDITORIAL RESURCH: Nuneu.c Dubiel
"Baywatch" buddy David shows her looking nothing like the bathing beauty she AMI PHOTO UBRARY:
Kathleen Cottay (Chit>fl, Kimberly
Charvet convinced her to was on "Baywatch" Cleft}. Riendeau (O.•puty Chief), Kuthleen
go into drug rehab. Huebner. Nichole Muiomnn,
Elizubeth Monge, Lucille Towbi"-
But now she's suffered a was fingerprinted and a sheer bow tie in her hair." Maureen Sikorsky Ahborino
frightening relapse, say mug shot was taken. The Yasmine was in the AMI TEXT UBRARY:
Martha Moffett (Chief), Candy
sources, who are praying next morning she was Detroit area because her Cogswell (Ail, illlltnt), O.,n,k Cwmbu,
for her recovery. released on her own recog- boyfriend, Paul Cerrito, is Phenicia F.sterine, Kuthl<'Cn Taylor
Yasmine was jailed by nizance, without bail, from there and was visit- F.ditor, Mike Nevard
the Romulus (Mich.) po- pending lab results on her ing family and friends, said Ex,'<-utive F,dit.or, Iris Fahrer
Associate Editor, Churl"" Neuschafer
lice, after being stopped at blood test and the sub- a distressed friend. EXECVTIVIE YICIE -SIDENT
10:10 p.m. about 15 mile EDITORIAl. DIRECTOR: Stew Co-,
stance found in the four Pals are alarmed and
southwest of Detroit with yringes and the pla tic saddened by this tragic Colin .Jenkin,
her boyfriend Paul Cerrito. bag found in her purse. new turn in Yasmine's life. EXECUTIVE VICE PIIESIDENT
FINAN~l"O: John Miley
In an exclusive interview, "She could be charged "She's not sniffing or EUECUTIY5 YICa PIIDIDENT/CHIIIJ'
Commander David Early of with operating a even smoking VICE-AND
the Romulus Police Dept. vehicle under the FAST FACT cocaine - she's IIENBIAL MANAGIIR:Lurry 13orn•tein
told The ENQUIRER the influence and po - Yasmlne's past apparently rid- Michael B. Kuhune
full shocking story: "We re- with a liquid substance. It es ion of a boyfriends are ing the spike ,..._

ceived an anonymous call tested positive for cocaine. controlled sub- Richard Grieco, (injecting her- PUBUCAT»N DlflmTOR,
TABLOIDS: &-tie Rockmore
Luke Perry,
that a car ran off into the A plastic bag with a coke- tance." Matthew Perry,
median heading eastbound like residue was found in A stunned in- Grant Show a source close to Duvid Enberg
on 1-94.An officer respond- her purse. sider revealed: and Ricky Paull the case. "Her ADYER'T1SINO Mru-cRichnrd.s
ed to the call. "The police officer took "Yasmine looked Goldln. cocaine use has Copyiij!l!t ,, 2001 by Nationul Enquirer,
Inc., Ot-tober 2, 2001, Vol. 76, No.12
"A Caucasian woman Yasmine to nearby Oak- like hell ... like a gotten really Published weekly~ Nntional Erq..,irer, Inc.,
was in the driver seat with wood Annapolis Hospital crack addict just off the seriou " BocaRnton, r-,.,.3:l487.Phone: 56J.9!J7-7133
a male passenger. The offi- where blood was drawn to treet. When the police ap- And her distressed MAIL UBSCR!PTIONS 56.96 a )~-ar in
U. , ~.96 a :,,.:Urin Cunada, $96..'lGout-
cer noticed the female be tested for cocaine. proached her vehicle, friend sadly admits, side US. and Cnnodn. Peiiodit11ls~
driver appeared to be in- ''While in custody Yasmine Yasmine told the officers "Yasmine has finally hit poid at llcx.11 Rllt.on,Pia, and nt udditional
muilir¥l01T'tce11in the U.S.A Canndinn GST
toxicated and conducted a was cooperative but ap- that she had snorted co- rock bottom." R.t'l(i..trntion No. Rl:J:l912!l'J4 R.T. The
field sobriety test. He then peared to be extremely caine within the la t hour. Now tho e close ·to her publisher us.'!llmes no re,pomibttity for
rctumitl( un,,olicit,_>d manuscript.._ photo-
placed the woman, later upset. Neither Yasmine She was nervous and had a hope this brush with death grnph.s, a1i.W01i<. ll'Uer., or OUIL'l'
identified as Yasmine nor her male passenger hard time standing still. makes her realize how far
Bleeth, in handcuffs. were hurt in the accident. "Yasmine was dressed in she's fallen and causes her
''.AftersearchingYasmine's "Yasmine was later tak- a purple top and a floral to get help.
purse, the police officer
found four syringes filled
eri to the Romulus Police
Department where she
print dress, she wa wear-
ing sandals and had a


__ ._ . ...

... Ywl:m-lll-llM

2 ,, .....

1 t 1 a:.e111
In the bag.
Is ...,....
eporte a
Su an

All across America, our hearts beat true for the red, white
and blue. The Stars and Stripes have inspired fashion de-
signers since Betsy Ross made the first Star-Spangled
Banner for General George Washington in 1776.And
celebrities proudly wear their own unique versions
of our Grand Old Flag. Among the patriots is pop
princess Britney Spears (left), who pays tribute
to Old Glo

shows she's
proud to be an
American at a
film festival In
N'€.~\ Woolittf Spot and Stain Wipee
remOvecarpet and upholetery et~ine • •
aate~ t


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