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[Paragraph Structure II/Minggu ke-4]

[Paragraph Structure II]

[KU1024 Bahasa Inggris]
[Dr. Bambang Supriyanto, M.Ed.]
Group-work Assignment
Group-work Assignment!
– Write a paragraph about the picture on “From Local to Global” with a catchy main idea and the
supporting details about the picture
– Upload it on your instagram and tag English class instagram which is @ku1024criticalreading (1 picture
only and uploaded by the group’s leader. Do not forget to tag all the members of the group)
– Also upload it in Schoology in JPG/PDF file (Only submitted by the group’s leader)
– Write the hashtag #KU1024BahasaInggris #Englishclass #Writingaparagraph #Groupworkassignment
#FTTM #1st
– The deadline to submit this groupwork assignment is this Saturday at 23.59

How to:
– Take a very nice picture about “From Local to Global”
– Think about an interesting main idea
– Think about supporting details
– Write an interesting paragraph about the main idea and its supporting details
The End

See you next week!

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