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Serious Game Youcheck  Detectives! … and a Challenge !

Step 1 : Install plug-in InVID-WeVerify on your Chrome navigator

Step 2 : alone or in small groups
Play the serious YouCheck ! Detectives
Do all the missions of the game

Step 3 : Create a challenge around the game

Each group chooses one of the missions or “fake news” of the game
Each group imagines a refutation, a counter-narrative
Donnez les critères d’évaluation des réfutations soumises :
1/ la preuve que vous avez bien compris le mécanisme de la « fake news »
2/ la force du message, tant par l’émotion véhiculée que par la justesse du contenu (le public ciblé doit
sentir que cela peut lui arriver aussi !)
3/ la positivité du message, notamment l’astuce pour faciliter la réfutation
4/ la créativité du message (qui permet de le retenir !!)

Step 4 : in large group, present the various counter-narratives

Chaque groupe présente sa réfutation aux autres groupes.

Step 5 : vote and choose the winner of the best refutation
The participants vote on the best counter-narrative, using the criteria for evaluation presented. Distribute
awards (badges,…)

Tips for Developing Rebuttal Strategies and creating a game, a challenge

● Select a social issue that is problematic and close to the lived experience of the audience you
are targeting. Around the disinformation, it could be the fact of being deceived and "fooled" by a

● Show that this problem needs to be overcome and that it is possible for people to do so, without
necessarily waiting for the appropriate authorities to intervene. And invite participants to be part
of the solution. In some cases, and this is strongly suggested, offer a prize (symbolic or real).

● Indicate how this contribution can be made: create a production, in which there is both the
example of misleading disinformation and the tip or trick that allows to refute it

● Suggest forms of expression and format, preferably short (2 minutes, 1 image, 1 post, 1 story ...),
it's part of the challenge!

● Provide the criteria for evaluating the submitted projects:

1/ the proof that you have understood the mechanism of disinformation
2/ the strength of the message, both by the emotion conveyed and by the accuracy of the content
(the target audience must feel that it can happen to them too!),
3/ the positivity of the message, including the trick to facilitate rebuttal;
4/ the creativity of the message (which allows to retain it!)

● Specify the prizes for the winners (subscription, badge, publication in the press, media visit...)

● Indicate how to submit (on online link, on social media like Snapchat...)
Remind them of the deadlines for submitting the project

❖ FACILITATION: play/make a game (contest, challenge, hackhathon...)

This kind of facilitation helps participants to take risks, without risks! It is particularly
recommended in situations where sensitive topics are being discussed (belief, credulity, etc.).
Play is part of problem solving and information processing to lead to informed decision making
and action.
Play opens a space where virtual experiences can be conducted, without any real danger for
the person, while helping him or her to build and understand. The success of the games
chosen lies in the fact that they engage players in experiences that are close to real life: they
offer simulations, with changes in variables that make it possible to understand complex
situations (such as the stakes of conspiracy theory, for example), without the words or actions
used in the game having consequences in real life.

✔ Show that bad argumentation is an art... and a game, with arbitrary rules
✔ Remove inhibitions during the game (some people don't dare to take the opposite point of
view, don't dare to use bad faith, to use shady or crazy arguments...)
✔ Comment that it is a difficult exercise and that to become better, it is necessary to practice
it in a repeated way (the game can have several parts, revenge, consolations!)

A project supported by the European Union

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