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How to increase the awareness of learners on IBL ?

IBL is an education method with interaction, cooperation etc. between

teachers and learners. It has a lot of benefits for students. For example; if a
student learns something on IBL, he/she will be an active learner. So, what
he/she learns will ring the bell. So, if we want to teach something to our students
on IBL, How can we increase the awareness of students?

      First of all, on IBL, we should do questioning activities for students. In

this way, learners can  think about the problem. And so, they have the questions
to inquire. Afterwards, the instructure should direct students to inquiry. In this
situation, the learners can construct their own method which complies with
them. Finally, the students should explain their investigation to friends and the
teacher. Generally, when all this is done, the students will  care, query, google
and interact with friends and teachers. So, the students will learn permanently
and gain an awareness of  IBL.

      Secondly, The important one about IBL is constructivism. Because they
are related to each other. Constructivism can be regarded as an educational
theory in which the students form their own understanding. In constructivism,
the students are active learners and learn by questioning and inquiring etc.
Inspite of all this, in constructivism, what the student learned things previously
are important. Because the learners link with previous knowledge and present
knowledge. In this sense, we can say that both of them are substantial for

      Thirdly, the most important one is the learning environment. If we

increase the awareness of the students on IBL, the instructors should be a leader.
They should compose a backdrop to apply to IBL. They should not tender quick
knowledge. On the contrary, they should encourage the learners to inquiry and
get the knowledge. The students should not be spoon-fed and should be an
active learner. The one who forms this learning environment is the instructor.

    Finally, in contrast to traditional teaching, inquiry-based learning has

gained momentum in recent years. This is because inquiry-based learning
applied to students results in positively and productively. Apart from this, the
students learn not only knowledge but also study. Because every student has a
different learning style. If the student creates his/her own learning style, it
increases the rate of efficiency a lot. Especially, when the students learn a
foreign language, IBL will have a great effect. If we want to increase the
awareness of  our students on IBL, we should just apply to it.

Fulya ÖZKUL- 210561067

İngilizce Öğretmenliği

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