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12/3/2020 E-Voucher —


Djakarta Warehouse Project V (DWP V) INDONESIA

19 Dec 2020 17:00 – 20 Dec 2020 23:00

Hey Maulana Tri, you’ve booked your V–Pass to DWP Virtual edition!
This email is to confirm your registration. This is not your DWP V-Pass, You will receive your DWP V-Pass prior to the event.

Full Name Invoice Code Qty Ticket Category

Maulana Tri Wijaya XWXHHTGQ 1 REGULAR


1. If you have not received your V-Pass in your inbox, please kindly check your junk or spam folder.
Harap menunggu untuk mendapatkan V-Pass anda. Mohon untuk melihat kembali bagian junk ataupun spam e-mail jika
anda tidak menemukannya dalam kotak masuk.

2.If you have not received your V-Pass until a day before the show, please contact our customer service specified
Jika Anda tidak mendapatkan V-Pass Anda sebelum hari pertunjukan , mohon segera hubungi layanan pelanggan kami.

For information about your pass, please contact :

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai tiket Anda, harap hubungi :

Phone / Telepon:

Operational hours / Jam operasional :

Weekdays only, from 9 AM until 5 PM / Hari kerja, 09.00 WIB – 17.00 WIB

Whatsapp :
+62 21-21282127
(Please send message: help, or /help)
(Ketik: help atau /help untuk memulai percakapan)

Operational hours :
Weekdays, from 10 AM until 9 PM
Weekend, from 9 AM until 5 PM
Jam operasional : 1/2
12/3/2020 E-Voucher —

Hari kerja, 10.00 WIB – 21.00 WIB

Hari libur, 09.00 WIB – 17.00 WIB

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