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Discovery based-learning

Arranged by:

1. Gede Sentana Suardana 2012021007

2. Diana Ratnasari 2012021009
3. Putu Rima Maharani Pratiwi 2012021010

Supporting Lecturer:

Prof. Dr. Ni Made Ratminingsih, M.A.



With all the praise and thanks to God the Almighty, who has given His
love and mercy so that a paper entitled “Discovery based-learning” can be
finished well. The paper is structured to meet one of the tasks of the courses
Teaching English as a Foreign Language.

On this occasion, we would like to thank profusely to all those who have h
elped the authors in completing the writing of this paper, especially for ,Prof. Dr.
Ni Made Ratminingsih, M.A. as lecturer in Teaching English as a Foreign Langu
age Who has support and provided direction regarding the assignment of this pape
r. Without guidance from her, the author might not be able to complete it accordin
g to the predetermined format and content.

The authors are fully aware that there are many flaws in the writing of this
paper, in terms of material, technical, and presentation. Therefore, the authors
expect criticism and constructive suggestions to further refine the writing of this
paper. Hopefully this paper is useful for researchers and readers.

Singaraja, 28 October 2021


TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...................................................................1

1.1 Background of the Paper............................................................................1

1.2 Problem Formulation..................................................................................1

1.3 Purpose of the Paper...................................................................................1

CHAPTER II CONTENTS............................................................................2

2.1 Definition of Discovery based-learning......................................................2

2.2 Characteristic of Discovery based-learning ………………………………2

2.3 Teaching Techniques Discovery based-learning........................................6

2.4 Advantages of Discovery based-learning...................................................8

2.5 Disadvantages of Discovery based-learning...............................................8

CHAPTER III CLOSING..............................................................................9




1.1 Background Of the Paper

Teaching and introducing a new language or what we called as Teaching English
as a Foreign Language has never been easy. Learners who is non-native speaker of the
language makes teachers need to considering some of the method that will suit them well.
There are a lot of things that involve in students understanding of the language being
taught, such as the characteristics of the learner, their background, their environment, and
so on. So that as a teacher who meet and have to deal with every student’s characteristic it
is a must to decide what approach, teaching method, techniques, and material that could
fit all the learners.
Selecting a right method of teaching is a crucial thing. It is important to the
learning process itself. A right method will led into a successful learning, as well as the
techniques being used.
This paper is intended to describe the Discovery based-learning is used by the
authors in the simulation of teaching English to non-native speaker learner. There are
several main characteristics of this method and as well as the advantages and
disadvantages of this method as long as this method is used by teachers or experts.
1.2 Problem Formulation
1. What is meant by Discovery based-learning?
2. What the characteristic Discovery based-learning?
3. What are the techniques in the Discovery based-learning?
4. What is the advantages and disadvantages of the Discovery based-learning?

1.3 Purpose Of the Paper

1. Knowing what Discovery based-learning is
2. Knowing the characteristic Discovery based-learning
3. Knowing the techniques of Discovery based-learning
4. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of the Discovery based-learning


2.1 Definition of Discovery based-learning

The discovery-inquiry learning model (discovery-inquiry learning) is a combination of

discovery learning and inquiry models (Amien, 1979). Both of these models have the same
goal, namely to direct and guide students to find the answer to the given problem on their
own. The terms discovery and inquiry experts are divided into two opinions, opinions: 1) The
terms discovery and inquiry can be interpreted with the same meaning and used
interchangeably or both at the same time; and 2) the term discovery, although in general it
refers to the same meaning with inquiry, essentially contains a difference with inquiry. Moh.
Amin (Sudirman N, 1992) explains that discovery learning must be includes learning
experiences to ensure that students can develop discovery processes. Inquiry is formed and
includes discovery and more. In other words, inquiry is a expansion of discovery processes
used in a more mature way. In addition to discovery processes, inquiry contains higher-level
mental processes, such as formulating problems themselves, designing experiments,
conducting experiments, collecting and analyze data, draw conclusions, have objective
attitudes, be honest, curiosity, openness, and so on. Based on the definition of discovery-
inquiry learning above, it can be concluded that: that discovery-inquiry learning is a learning
that focuses on focus on the problem-solving process, so that students must explore various
information in order to determine the concept mentally by following the teacher's instructions
in the form of questions that leads to the achievement of learning objectives.

In discovery-inquiry learning, educators' roles include: a) creating an environment that

encourages free thinking in exploring and solving problems b) serving as a research
facilitator c) serving as discussion partners in the search for alternative solutions to problems;
and fourth, serving as a research supervisor, encouraging alternative thinking courage in
problem solving. Students' roles are to: a) take the initiative in identifying problems and
developing alternative problem-solving strategies b) actively seeking information and
learning resources c) summarize and analyze data fourth, conduct problem-solving
exploration and fifth, look for alternative problems if a deadlock occurs.

Several phases (syntax) are included in the broad stages of the discovery-inquiry learning
1. Stimulation: Educators identify the availability of content from various learning
sources that is in accordance with the material being studied discussed, to be studied
by students, or formulated several questions related to the content to serve as a
reference for students in solving their own problems at this stage.
2. Problem Identification (Problem Statement): allows students to identify numerous
difficulties that may exist in the material's substance.
3. Gathering information/data (Data collection): allowing students to explore more
broadly the problems that have been created based on their understanding of the
content by collecting various relevant information by reading literature both online
and offline, observing objects, interviewing resource persons, or conducting their own
trials and others.
4. Information/data processing (data processing): pupils then undertake processing,
randomization, categorization, tabulation, and even data computation in groups or
individually, with a specific level of confidence.
5. Outcomes verification (Verification): Educators instruct pupils to verify a hypothesis
or assertion that has been established based on the results of processing existing data.
Then, to seek feedback, present in front of educators and other students.
6. Generalization: Based on the outcomes of verification and input from instructors and
other students, pupils form specific conclusions or generalizations.
2.2 The is the Characteristics of Discovery based-learning

Discovery-based learning is typically characterized by

1. Have minimal teacher guidance, In this learning model student need to make their
own way to problem solving, so teacher didn’t have to guide them as much as usual
2. Fewer teacher explanations, So teacher didn’t have to explain as much as usual
because in this learning method we need to make student think of something to make
their own way to problem solving but Teachers will give students a problem and some
resources to solve it. 
3. Solving problems with multiple solutions, Student need to search which way which
method is suitable to solving a problem. It can be suitable for one student and not for
the rest, so they need to search for they own. When students do their own research,
ask critical questions, and form conclusions on their own, they strengthen their
problem-solving skills.
4. Memorization. There are multiple essential components that are required for
successful discovery-based learning which include the following:
 Teacher guidance where the emphasis is on building upon students’ reasoning and
connecting to their experiences
 Classroom culture where there is a shared sense of purpose between teacher and
students, where open-mindedness and dialogue are encouraged
 Students are encouraged to ask questions, inquire through exploration and
collaborate with teacher and peers

2.3 Teaching Techniques of Discovery based-learning

1) Assign interviews to spark curiosity

Help students discover the amazing information they can gather just by talking with people.
Assign an interview, and have students write a summary of what they learned, what surprised
them, and the advantages of learning information directly from a source.

2) Have students go solo

Some of the best discovery learning projects are done solo. Give your students a problem or s
ubject to research on their own. Encourage them to use technology as part of their research, a
nd then have them come back together to see what everyone learned and what they discovere
d by themselves.

3) Incorporate data-based projects

Assign data that is related to a topic, and encourage students to investigate, ask questions, and
form their own conclusions. They’ll see not only that knowing how to objectively analyze dat
a gives them insight into the topic they are learning, but also how data analysis skills are pow
erful outside the classroom.

4) Do a virtual dissection

Sometimes hands-on materials are tough to locate (or purchase). Instead, use a virtual dissecti
on to encourage students to discover how things work. Students can investigate and ask quest
ions without having to pick up a scalpel.

5) Encourage mistakes and productive struggle

When students take control of their own learning, mistakes are inevitable. But mistakes are pa
rt of Discovery Learning. Providing timely feedback, quickly correcting mistakes, and contin
uously encouraging students to keep at it are critical to encourage students to push through di
fficult problems

2.4 The Advantages and Disadvantage of Discovery based-learning

Each learning model has its own advantages and disadvantages. In discovery-
inquiry learning, students are designed to find their own science concepts to be
studied so that it is expected that from their own discovery of a concept by students,
besides being easier to understand and remember, it can also foster students' intrinsic
motivation because students are satisfied with the results of their discoveries. This
learning requires quite a lot of time, because in the process students are faced with
problems that must be solved by collecting data and information from various sources
and conducting their own trials. If the concept discovery process is not guided or
directed, there will be chaos and confusion over the concepts being studied.
According to Jerome Bruner in Moh. Amien (1979: 12) some of the
advantages of discovery learning are:

a. Students will understand basic concepts and ideas better,

b. Assist in using memory and transfer to situations in the new teaching and learning
c. Encourage students to think and work on their own initiative,
d. Encourage students to think inclusively and formulate their own hypotheses,
e. Provide intrinsic satisfaction,
f. The situation of the teaching and learning process is more stimulating
The disadvantages of the discovery-inquiry learning model are:
a. Students must have the readiness, ability, and courage to know their surroundings
b. if the class is too large, then this form will be less successful.



Discovery-inquiry learning is a learning that focuses on focus on the problem-solving

process, so that students must explore various information in order to determine the concept
mentally by following the teacher's instructions in the form of questions that leads to the
achievement of learning objectives.

The Characteristics of Discovery based-learning is a learning model are have minimal

teacher guidance, fewer teacher explanation, memorization, minimal repetition and solving
problems with multiple solutions.

There are several advantages of this Cooperative Learning method such as: Able to
develop mastery of skills to develop and advance by using the potential that exists in the
students themselves. Besides that, there are also Disadvantages of this, there are Students
must have the readiness, ability, and courage to know their surroundings better and if the
class is too large, then this form will be less successful.

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