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Hello everyone!!

I am going to talk about the importance of English in the 21st century. First i will describe the english language
in the present
Bahasa Inggris merupakan alat untuk berkomunikasi baik secara lisan atau tulis. Berkomunikasi
adalah memahami dan mengungkapkan informasi, pikiran, perasaan, dan mengembangkan ilmu
pengetahuan, teknologi, dan budaya. Kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam pengertian yang utuh
adalah kemampuan berwacana, yakni kemampuan memahami dan/atau menghasilkan teks lisan
dan/atau tulis yang direalisasikan dalam empat keterampilan berbahasa, yaitu mendengarkan,
berbicara, membaca dan menulis. Keempat keterampilan inilah yang digunakan untuk menanggapi
atau menciptakan wacana dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Oleh karena itu, mata pelajaran Bahasa
Inggris diarahkan untuk
3 mengembangkan keterampilan-keterampilan tersebut agar lulusan mampu berkomunikasi dan
berwacana dalam bahasa Inggris pada tingkat literasi tertentu. Pengajaran bahasa Inggris
berlandaskan pada empat komponen, yaitu reading, speaking, listening, writing.
English is a tool for communicating either verbally or in writing. Communicating is
understanding and expressing information, thoughts, feelings, and developing science,
technology and culture. The ability to communicate in a complete sense is the ability to
discourse, namely the ability to understand and / or produce spoken and / or written texts
which are realized in four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing.
These four skills are used to respond or create discourse in social life. Therefore, English
subjects are geared towards
I'll try to answer all of your questions after the presentation.
Assalamualikum wr.wb
Hello everyone!!
My name is Arsita nur latifah. I am from primary teacher school educaton. Student ID
number A510200273
In here, I am going to talk about the importance of English in the 21st century. First i will
describe the english language in the present.
English is a tool for communicating either verbally or in writing. Communicating is
understanding and expressing information, thoughts, feelings, and developing science,
technology and culture. The ability to communicate in a complete sense is the ability to
discourse, namely the ability to understand and / or produce spoken and / or written texts
which are realized in four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing.
These four skills are used to respond or create discourse in social life. Therefore, English
subjects are geared towards
In this 21st century, aspects of information and technology are developing very rapidly. One
technology product, namely the internet, for example, has used English on more than one
billion pages to provide information on its website. This is because English has become a
universal language, not only for humans, but also on the internet. This English language has
provided opportunities for humans to access information on the internet.
a variety of research papers, books, magazines and newspapers from around the world also
use English. 95% nintey five persen of published scientific research has been in English, with
only 50% fivetypersent of the authors coming from English speaking countries. As a means
of communication, English is used by approximately 400 fuor hundred million people from
English-speaking countries and 600six hundred million to one billion people from countries
where English is their second language. In addition, almost 80% eighty persen of business
communications around the world also use English as the language of communication.
Almost all international conferences and competitions use English, even politicians and
diplomats from non-English speaking countries also communicate in this universal language,
considering that it is a language. major international organizations and businesses.
In conclusion, The challenges of globalization in the 21st century increasingly encourage
people to have English skills. Various ways have been done by the community to become
skilled in English. There are many benefits that we can enjoy by having skills in the field of
English, both passively and actively. Having English skills can help facilitate a wider search
for information, make it easier to communicate and interact, and have a wider relationship
with in the global world.
Thanks for your attention. Wassalamualikumwr.wb

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