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Design a program that is adaptive to changes in user context is a core tenet of Build for Sustainability.


Some benefits of ICT in the education sector are online banking & access to patient records.

Data Innovation has not really positively affected the financial sector of the present worldwide

Instant Messaging began in the 70s and 80s but the modern era of instant messaging credited to
Facebook Messenger gained popularity in 1997.

Proponents of Social Evolutionwho classified societies into universal evolutionary stages used and relied
on primary-data. _____.

Darwin portrayed organic/hereditary development as containing three key segments: variety, rivalry (or
determination), and legacy.

A core tenet of design with the user is to incorporate multiple user types in each stage.

Two essential sorts of separation are morphological and contingent.


Linking the problem at hand to others who have encountered similar concerns, and have attempted
different solutions, people will have a broader and deeper understanding of the issues.

Two innovations cannot co-exist and compete in the same niche.


The Battle of Marathon saw the Persians winning against the Greeks.

As a means of communication, homing or transporter pigeons were used by Romans and Greeks in
ancient times.

Access to and availability of more information does not enable interlinkages.


ICT also plays a part in the prevention and solution of crimes.

Data sourcing, collection, and analysis must also be holistic is a core tenet of Be Data Driven.

Initiatives that do not account for ecosystem challenges are less likely to achieve their objectives or

Adopt and expand on open data, standards, or innovation done by other digital developers in the
community is a core tenet of Use Open standards, Open data, Open source, and Open Innovation.

An Italian inventor pioneered long-distance radio transmission and transmitted the first transatlantic
radio signal from Cornwall to Newfoundland.
*Guglielmo Marconi

An Athenian Herald or Courier was said to have run from Marathon to Athens to report that the Greeks
won against the Persians in the Battle of Marathon.

It is a period in human history that started when computers were introduced in the 1970s. It is evident
in the rapid shift from mechanical industrialization to technological innovation.
*Digital Age

Best known as the designer of the phone, worked at a school for the hard of hearing while at the same
time endeavoring to imagine a machine that would transmit sound by power.
*Alexander Graham Bell

One of the principles of Digital Development which is about ensuring user and stakeholder support be
maximized and uninterrupted.
*Build for Sustainability

One of the principles of digital development having a core tenet: "Develop new digital codes or
technologies that are freely viewed, copied, modified, shared, and distributed in open or public
*Open Standards, Open Data, Open Source, and Open Innovation

One of the principles of Digital Development which can only be attained through conversation,
observation, and co-creation with the people, client, or target market who will be using the eventual
digital product or tools.
*Design with the User

One of the principles of Digital Development which involves careful consideration about which data are
collected and how they are stored and shared.
*Address Privacy and Security
It was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Business Stone, and Evan Williams in 2006. Rapidly gained
popularity as of 2017 has 100 million daily active users.

This principle not only brings all other principles together but is actually part and parcel of each and
every principle of digital development.
*Be Collaborative

_____________________ is a factor that affects the evolution of technology which pertains to the
pressure from the market which makes the innovation adjust to its needs?
*Selection Pressure

What Social Development definition of Herbert Spencer refers to "society always moves toward an ideal
*Social Progress

These are stories of the 15th and 16th Century western pioneers.
*Voyage Literature

__________________ is critical for anyone to be able to understand the changing values and behavior
patterns of people in the now that affect the future
*Continual Learning

According to Brian Arthur, technological evolution happens because of the phenomenon he calls as
*Combinatorial Evolution

This pertains to the differences in tastes, choices, or pressure from society that affects how technology
evolves in different markets or geographical locations.
*Cultural Variation

The long waves of evolution depict how technology has advanced through ___________.

These are 2 more examples of factors that affect the evolution of technology:
*Niche Construction and Niche Differentiation

___________________ is a factor that affects the evolution of technology

*Systems Theory

Social Evolution is the aim hypothesis produced for human sciences specifically for _______________.

The first daily newspaper was published in _______________, Germany.

Social evolution can be credited to the theories of Charles Darwin.

The greater number of new technologies and the combinations that are and can be generated from
them the slower will be the technological advancement because of so much combinations.

Computers were introduced in the 19____.


The effects of global information explosion can already be seen in the cyclical uploading and
downloading of information.

Social Evolution is the ain hypothesis produced for human sciences specifically for _____________.

1840s was the time the telegraph was created by ___________. Select one:
*Samuel Morse

A term to portray the level of accomplishment in science, arithmetic and designing of a gathering or
culture is an incorrect definition of technology.

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