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An effective police report should always answer the questions who, what, where, when,
how, and why. If any of the six questions cannot be answered by the officer’s report, the report
should contain as much information as possible, as the information can prove to be vital to
investigators, attorneys, and other users of the report.

The following table presents examples of the specific facts and information that can be
in the body of the report to help answer of the six questions. It is not intended to be all
inclusive, and used as a guide. Specific crimes or incidents will require certain information that
should be noted by the investigating officer in the report.

1. WHO
The WHO question identifies a person. It is then very important that the name of the person
should be spelled correctly and include his or her middle name, alias, specific address, nature
and place of work, contact number. The following answer the WHO question:

Who was the victim?

Who was the complainant?
Who were the witnesses?
Who discovered the crime?
Who saw or heard anything of importance?
Who had a motive for committing the crime?
Who committed the crime?
Who had the means to commit the crime?
Who had access to the crime scene?
Who searched for, identified and gathered evidence?
With whom did the victim associate?
With whom was the victim last seen?

In answering the WHAT, the police officer must see to it that he accurately names and
describes all material things relevant to the case. The writer must see to it that he places all the
characteristics of the things mentioned like shape, color, texture, size, length, width etc. The
following answers the WHAT question:
What was the crime that was committed?
What type of property was stole, lost or found?
What type of evidence were found in the crime scene?
What were the actions of the suspect before and after the crime?
What actually happened?
What do the witnesses know about it?
What evidence was obtained?
What was done with the evidence?
What weapons were used?
What action did the officers take?
What further action should be taken?
What knowledge, skill or strength was needed to commit the crime?
What other agencies were notified?
What other agencies need to be notified?

The question answers the geographical location of the crime location of the crime scene, person,
property or evidence. The writer must see to it that he is so specific about the location. The following
answers the WHERE question:

Where was the crime committed?

Where was the crime discovered?
Where was entry made?
Where was the exit?
Where was the weapon obtained that was used to commit the crime?
Where was the victim found?
Where was the suspect seen during the crime?
Where was the suspect last seen?
Where was the piece of evidence stored?
Where did the suspect live?
Where does the suspect currently live?
Where would the suspect likely go?
Where was the evidence found?


This includes the date and time the crime was committed, piece of evidence discovered, victim
found, suspect apprehended. The following answers the WHEN question:

When was the crime committed?

When was the crime discovered?
When did the involved parties arrive at the scene?
When was the victim last seen?
When was the suspect last seen?
When did officers arrive?
When was any arrest made?
When did witnesses hear anything unusual?
When did the suspect decide to commit the crime?
5. WHY

It answers the motive of the perpetrator committing the crime. The following answers the
WHY question:

Why was the crime committed?

Why was a certain weapon/tool used?
Why was the crime reported?
Why was the crime reported late?
Why were witnesses reluctant to give information?
Why is the suspect lying?
Why did the suspect commit the crime when she/he did?
Why were the piece the piece of evidence destroyed?
Why did the suspect commit the crime where she/he did?

6. HOW

It answers the manner the crime was committed. The following answers the HOW question:

How was the crime committed? (e.g., force, violence, threats, etc.)
How did the suspect leave the scene? (e.g., on foot, by car, etc.)
How did the suspect obtain the information necessary to commit the crime?
How was the crime discovered?
How was entry made? (e.g., smashing, breaking, key, etc.)
How was the weapon/tool for the crime obtained?
How was the weapon/tool used?
How was the arrest made?
How much damage was done?

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