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Incentivizing Energy Conservation to Mitigate Climate Change

Climate change on a global scale has already had noticeable consequences on the ecosystem. Glaciers have
faded away, ice on rivers and lakes has melted earlier, plant and animal ranges have altered, and trees have begun to
bloom earlier. The global climate is expected to shift for the remainder of this century and into the next. Beyond the next
few decades, the degree of climate change is primarily determined by the number of heat-trapping gases generated
globally and the sensitivity of the earth's climate to those emissions. Summer temperatures are expected to continue rising.
A decrease in soil moisture, which causes severe heat waves, is forecast for much of the western and central United
States throughout the summer. Due to this, it requires more attention from the students and teachers to raise awareness in
incentivizing energy conservation to mitigate climate change that can affect the lives of several billions of populations on
the earth. This paper proposes an online website that netizens can visit to provide information on how to help mitigate
climate change. Netizens scrolling on the website must share the link to their friends and family to help spread the website.

Although global warming has some localized benefits, such as fewer winter deaths in temperate climates and
increased food production in some areas, the overall health effects of climate change are overwhelmingly adverse. Climate
change impacts many social and environmental determinants of health, including clean air, safe drinking water, adequate
food, and secure shelter. Every year, these disasters kill over 60 000 people, primarily in developing countries. Rising sea
levels and increasingly severe weather events will destroy homes, medical facilities, and other essential services. The
effects of climate change can be seen in every aspect of our world. However, the impact of climate change varies across
the country and worldwide; even within a single community, the effects of climate change can differ between
neighborhoods or individuals.
According to the study conducted by Jackson, R. (2020), global climate change is already impacting the
environment. The effects of climate change on various sectors of society are interconnected. Drought can hurt both food
production and human health. Flooding has the potential to spread disease and damage ecosystems and infrastructure.
Human health issues can lead to an increase in mortality, a decrease in food availability, and decreased worker
productivity. As such, the concept will aim to lend a hand to the planet's catastrophic predicament. This project is seeking
engaging potential funding agencies that are enthusiastic about managing the world's temperature.
This paper seeks to achieve its general objective of incentivizing energy conservation to mitigate climate change
to help the earth in preventing the increasing number of its issues by focusing on the following specific objectives:
1. To determine the cause of the rapidly increasing number of the effect of climate change.
2. To ascertain the experiences of students and teachers in conserving energy.
3. To encourage students and teachers to help save conserve energy.

Making basic energy-saving choices may help avert the severe consequences of global warming. The proposed
website of this paper informs the netizens of how to mitigate climate change, especially on how to conserve energy. The
website will contain facts that can aid the conserving of energy, including the following:
1. Switch off all lights.
2. Close doors promptly to prevent heat loss.
3. Take just brief showers.
4. If possible, walk or ride a bicycle (instead of having your parents drive you).
5. When not in use, please turn off the computer (do not leave it on merely to keep Facebook or
6. Adapt one's daily behaviors
7. Change out the light bulbs
8. Utilize intelligent power strips
9. Equip the home with a programmable thermostat.
10. Utilize energy-saving appliances.
11. Reduce the water heating bills
12. Install windows that are energy efficient
13. Improve the efficiency of the HVAC system
14. Improve the energy efficiency of the house
15. Insulate the residence

Budgeting allows creating a spending plan for the money, ensuring that it always has enough money for needs
and value. Additionally, a budget or spending plan will keep this project out of debt or will assist it in working the way out
of debt if it is already in debt. The following will be the equipment and requirements needed to establish the project.
Equipment and Requirements Cost
Computer Desktop 15,000 Php
Wi-Fi 2,000 Php
Web Design 30,000 Php

Jackson, R. (2020). The Effects of Climate Change. Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet.
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