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Workaholism (an essay).

Nowadays a lot of people work so much that they do not have time to do anything else.

Some people say that workaholism is a key to success. Others are convinced that it is rather bad to be
addicted to one’s work. Write an essay in which:

- introduce the topic;

- write about the advantages of working hard;
- dwell on the dangers of workaholism;
- draw a conclusion and express your opinion.

Some people think that they will succeed only if they work a lot. If you are the first one in the
morning and the last one to leave at night, if you take fewer vacation days and never take a sick day,
you will do better than the people who don’t do that. But is it really good to be a workaholic?

First of all, workaholism is not the same as working hard. Working hard is …

There are many people who …

They always … and … if they are … , even during weekends and holidays.

As a result, they may … and …

On the other hand, workaholics often … and …

They often … for their jobs.

They … and …

As a result, constant fatigue, physical and moral exhaustion, monotony and impossible pressure at
work and at home may …

To sum up, workaholism …

In my opinion, it is better …

- to be greatly valued in many countries;

- to be addicted to their work;
- to think about their work;
- to feel frustrated;
- to be kept from it;
- to reach success;
- to make lots of money;

- to forget about work-life balance;

- to suffer from the conflict between work and family;
- to sacrifice their health and their loved ones;
- to be too much preoccupied with their careers;
- to have no time for rest, pleasure and spiritual development;
- to cause stress and result in a real breakdown of health;

- to be a serious social problem;

- (not) to overwork and to protect your health.

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