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Role of endothelial cell membrane transport in red wine

polyphenols-induced coronary vasorelaxation:
Cite this: Food Funct., 2013, 4, 1452
involvement of bilitranslocase
Lovro Ziberna,ab Jong-Hun Kim,b Cyril Auger,b Sabina Passamonti*a
and Valérie Schini-Kerthb
Published on 31 July 2013. Downloaded on 07/10/2013 10:39:15.

Red wine polyphenols (RWP) induce nitric oxide (NO) and endothelium-derived hyperpolarization (EDH)-
mediated coronary vasodilatation involving the redox-sensitive PI3-kinase/Akt-dependent pathway in the
endothelium. However, there is a gap of knowledge in explaining how bioactive polyphenols initialize
their signalling pathway in endothelial cells. Here, we investigated the hypothesis that flavonoids act
subsequently to their entry into the endothelium via the flavonoid membrane transporter bilitranslocase
(TC 2.A.65.1.1). Thus, vascular reactivity studies were performed using isolated porcine coronary artery
rings. We separately determined the NO- and EDH-mediated components of the relaxation in the
presence of specific inhibitors. In either case, bilitranslocase antibodies significantly reduced the relaxations
Received 2nd May 2013
Accepted 30th July 2013
of coronary artery rings induced by RWP. Furthermore, bilitranslocase antibodies significantly reduced
RWP-induced phosphorylation levels of Akt and eNOS, assessed in cultured endothelial cells from porcine
DOI: 10.1039/c3fo60160a
coronary arteries by Western blot analysis. The present findings indicate that bilitranslocase-mediated membrane transport substantially contributes to the initial step of RWP-induced coronary vasodilatation.

1 Introduction pathway leading to the activation of endothelial NO synthase

(eNOS) by phosphorylation at Ser1177 and the subsequent
Red wine polyphenols (RWP) have been shown to have multiple endothelium-dependent relaxation of porcine coronary artery
benecial effects on the cardiovascular system, including rings3,9 may be subordinated to the activity of the avonoid
improvement of aging-1 and obesity-associated2 endothelial membrane transporter bilitranslocase.10
dysfunction. One of the most studied benecial effects of RWP To address this question experimentally, we used specic
is their ability to induce acute endothelium-dependent relaxa- bilitranslocase antibodies, which bind to an extracellular
tions of isolated artery rings,3 related to anti-hypertensive domain of the transporter and inhibit its avonoid transport
activity in humans.4 However, one of the major questions function.6,11 In the present study, we show the important role of
remaining unanswered is how bioactive polyphenols initialize the bilitranslocase membrane transporter in initiating RWP-
their signalling pathway in endothelial cells. Plausible expla- induced intracellular responses of endothelial cells leading to
nations include their binding to membrane receptors to vasorelaxation.
subsequently trigger an intracellular signalling cascade, or their
transport into endothelial cells followed by their binding to
specic molecular targets.
2 Methods
Along with this aspect, in recent years, two main distinct Bilitranslocase antibodies
membrane transport mechanisms for avonoid uptake into The polyclonal bilitranslocase antibodies were obtained from
cells have been identied, mediated by bilitranslocase (TC rabbit sera immunized with a peptide (EDSQGQHLSSF) corre-
2.A65.1.1, no SLC available)5,6 and the organic anion-trans- sponding to segment 65–75 of the primary structure of bili-
porting polypeptides 1A2 (TC 2.A.60.1.14, SLCO1A2) and translocase. The antibodies were puried by affinity
2B1(TC 2.A.60.1.20, SLCO2B1).7,8 Bilitranslocase is specic for chromatography from immune sera of rabbits as previously
anthocyanins. Thus, here we hypothesize that the RWP-depen- described.12,13
dent activation of the redox-sensitive PI3-kinase/Akt-dependent

Preparation of red wine polyphenols

Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, via L. Giorgieri 1, 34127 Trieste,
Italy. E-mail:; Fax: +39 0405583691; Tel: +39 0405588747 The RWP dry powder was obtained from French red wine
UMR CNRS 7213, Laboratoire de Biophotonique et Pharmacologie, Faculté de (Corbières A.O.C., vintage 2001, composed of a blend of Cari-
Pharmacie, Université de Strasbourg, Illkirch, France gnan, Grenache Noir, and Syrah), provided by Dr M. Moutounet

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(Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Montpellier, was separated on 10% SDS-polyacrylamide gels, and transferred
France), and analyzed by Pr. P. L. Teissedre (UFR d'Oenologie, electrophoretically to polyvinylidine diuoride membranes
Université de Bordeaux Segalen, France). The detailed prepa- (Amersham). The membranes were blocked for 1 h with Tris-
ration and analysis of the RWP have been described previ- buffered saline solution with 0.1% Tween-20 (TBS-T) containing
ously.14 One liter of red wine produced 2.9 g of RWP, which 3% bovine serum albumin. For the detection of proteins, the
contained 471 mg g1 of total phenolic compounds expressed membranes were incubated overnight at 4  C with the respec-
as the gallic acid equivalent. The phenolic levels in the used tive primary antibody (beta-tubulin and eNOS, BD Transduction
powder of RWP contained 8.6 mg g1 of catechin, 8.7 mg g1 of Laboratories; p-Akt Ser473 and p-eNOS Ser1177, cell signaling
epicatechin, dimers (B1: 6.9 mg g1, B2: 8.0 mg g1, B3: 20.7 mg technology; dilution of 1 : 1000). Aer washing, membranes
g1 and B4: 0.7 mg g1), anthocyanins (malvidin-3-glucoside: were incubated with the corresponding secondary antibody
11.7 mg g1, peonidin-3-glucoside: 0.66 mg g1, and cyanidin-3- (HRP-labelled anti-rabbit IgG, dilution of 1 : 5000; HRP-labelled
glucoside: 0.06 mg g1) and phenolic acids (gallic acid: 5.0 mg anti-mouse IgG, dilution of 1 : 20 000; cell signaling technology)
g1, caffeic acid: 2.5 mg g1, and caaric acid: 12.5 mg g1). at room temperature for 60 min. The immunoreactive bands
were detected by enhanced chemiluminescence (Amersham).
Polyphenol-rich juice from Aronia melanocarpa Densitometric analysis of the bands was performed using
ImageJ soware (NIH, Bethesda, USA).
Published on 31 July 2013. Downloaded on 07/10/2013 10:39:15.

To support the observations of red wine polyphenols, we used

another source of polyphenols; namely, the concentrated juice
(66  Bx) from Aronia melanocarpa, also known as chokeberry, Vascular reactivity studies
which was provided by Eckes-Granini (Nieder-Olm, Germany). The le circumex coronary arteries from pig heart were cleaned
The original juice was obtained by dilution to 15  Bx in distilled of connective tissue and cut into rings (4–5 mm in length). The
water. The nal Aronia juice contained 7.15 g L1 of polyphenols rings were suspended in organ baths containing oxygenated (95%
expressed as the gallic acid equivalent. The major phenolic O2 and 5% CO2) Krebs bicarbonate solution (composition in mM:
compounds present in Aronia melanocarpa are procyanidins, NaCl 119, KCl 4.7, KH2PO4 1.18, MgSO4 1.18, CaCl2 1.25, NaHCO3
chlorogenic acids, cyanidin and quercetin glycosylated 25, and D-glucose 11, pH 7.4, 37  C) containing the cyclooxygenase
derivatives.15 inhibitor indomethacin (10 mM), for the detection of changes in
isometric tension. Following a 90 min equilibration period under
Primary culture of porcine coronary artery endothelial cells a resting tension of 5 g, the rings were contracted with KCl
Primary cultures of endothelial cells were prepared as described (80 mM). Aer a 30 min washout period, the rings were contracted
previously.16 Briey, le circumex coronary arteries were excised with the thromboxane mimetic U46619 (1–60 nM) to about 80%
from pig hearts freshly collected from the local slaughterhouse of the maximal contraction before addition of bradykinin (0.3 mM)
(Holtzheim, France). Coronary arteries were cleaned of connective to check the presence of a functional endothelium. Only rings
tissue, ushed with PBS without calcium to remove the remaining with a functional endothelium (more than 80% relaxation) were
blood, and thereaer exposed to collagenase treatment (type I, included in the study. Aer the washout and a 30 min equili-
Worthington, 1 mg mL1 for 12 min at 37  C). Endothelial cells bration period, the rings were again contracted with U46619 to a
were cultured in culture dishes containing MCDB 131 medium plateau level before the construction of a concentration–relaxa-
(Invitrogen) supplemented with 15% fetal calf serum, penicillin tion curve to RWP (0.1 mg mL1 to 0.1 mg mL1 of total phenolic
(100 U mL1), streptomycin (100 U mL1), fungizone (250 mg compounds expressed as the gallic acid equivalent). To study the
mL1), and L-glutamine (2 mM) (all from Cambrex), and grown for role of bilitranslocase, some coronary artery rings were incubated
48–72 h. All experiments were performed with sub-conuent for 30 min with anti-sequence polyclonal bilitranslocase anti-
cultures of cells used at the rst passage. Prior to treatment, cells bodies before the addition of U46619 (BTL Ab group), and they
were exposed to serum-free culture medium in the presence of were compared to control rings (CTRL group). Additional controls
0.1% bovine serum albumin (Euromedex) for 6 h. with non-specic rabbit IgG were performed as previously
described (not reported here).17 Furthermore, in some experi-
Western blot analysis ments, rings were exposed to a pharmacological inhibitor
together with (BTL Ab) or without (CTRL) bilitranslocase anti-
Endothelial cells were incubated with polyclonal bilitranslocase
bodies for 30 min before the addition of U46619. The NO-medi-
antibodies (1 mg IgG/mL, in serum-free culture medium) for 30
ated component of the relaxation was determined in the presence
min before the addition of RWP (50 mg mL1) or Aronia mela-
of indomethacin (10 mM) and charybdotoxin plus apamin
nocarpa juice (AMJ, 33.6 mg mL1 of polyphenols) for 5 min. In
(100 nM each) to prevent the formation of vasoactive prostanoids
preliminary experiments, the concentration and exposure time
and EDH-mediated responses, respectively. The EDH-mediated
for both treatments were optimized in order to have the best
component was determined in the presence of Nu-nitro-L-arginine
conditions for studying the activity of transporter proteins, such
(L-NA, eNOS inhibitor, 300 mM) and indomethacin.
as low concentrations of the substrate and a short exposure
time to avoid nonspecic cell membrane transport. Aer
treatment, cells were treated by the protocol previously Statistical analyses
described.16 Briey, cells were washed twice with PBS and then All values are expressed as means  SEM. Statistical analyses of
lysed in extraction buffer. The total amount of proteins (20 mg) the data were performed using GraphPad Prism version 5.00

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(GraphPad Soware, San Diego, California, USA). Regarding treated groups to the control group, while in vascular reactivity
Western blot experiments, the one-way analysis of variance studies, Student's t-test was used. Results were considered to be
(ANOVA) with post Dunnett's test was used to compare the statistically signicant when P < 0.05.

3 Results and discussion

In a previous study, we observed that avonoids such as bilberry
anthocyanins induced increased coronary ow in the isolated
rat heart under ischemia-reperfusion conditions.18 This effect
was accompanied by an increased post-ischemic coronary blood
ow and le ventricular pressure, and decreased release of
lactate dehydrogenase, indicating a major improvement of
myocardial function. Similar ndings have been obtained using
pure cyanidin 3-glucoside, shown to enter into endothelial cells
via the avonoid transporter bilitranslocase.6
Here, experiments have tested the involvement of bili-
Published on 31 July 2013. Downloaded on 07/10/2013 10:39:15.

translocase-mediated membrane transport in the vascular

function of porcine coronary arteries. This preparation offers
the opportunity to carry out observations in arterial rings,
which can be suspended in organ baths to assess their vas-
orelaxation in response to pharmacological agents. At the
same time, suitable numbers of endothelial cells can be
explanted and cultured to study the avonoid-dependent
activation of cell signalling pathways, ultimately, leading to
the activation of both NO- and EDH-dependent pathways.
Finally, it should be noted that porcine preparations are
regarded as the animal model nearest to humans, with a high
translational value.
To investigate the specic role of the bilitranslocase-medi-
ated transport of avonoids in initiating vasorelaxation, we
used puried anti-sequence antibodies directed against an
extracellular domain of this membrane transporter, which have
previously been shown to be involved in anthocyanin-induced
relaxations of rat aortic rings,6,17 and also in the uptake of
avonoids into endothelial cells.6,11 In the present study,
experiments were carried out using a RWP standard mixture,
which has previously been shown to induce potent endothe-
lium-dependent relaxations of isolated blood vessels involving
both NO and EDHF.3,9 Clearly, this mixture represents a food
matrix rich in known bioactive compounds that are transported
by bilitranslocase, such as anthocyanins and other

Fig. 1 Bilitranslocase antibodies significantly reduce endothelium-dependent Bilitranslocase inhibition impairs RWP-induced
relaxations induced by RWP in porcine coronary artery rings. Coronary artery rings
endothelium-dependent relaxation of coronary arteries
with endothelium were contracted with U46619 in the absence (C, CTRL) or
presence of bilitranslocase antibodies (B, BTL Ab) before the addition of In porcine coronary artery rings with endothelium, RWP
increasing concentrations of RWP. Panel (A) RWP-induced relaxations in the induced dose-dependent relaxations that are signicantly
presence of indomethacin (10 mM). Panel (B) RWP-induced NO-mediated relax-
impaired by pre-incubation with BTL antibodies (0.24 mg ml1,
ation. Rings were incubated for 30 min with charybdotoxin + apamin (inhibitors
of endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization, both at 100 nM) and indometh-
Fig. 1A). The involvement of bilitranslocase was further
acin (inhibitor of cyclooxygenase, 10 mM) to prevent the relaxation mediated by assessed on both the NO- (Fig. 1B) and EDH-mediated (Fig. 1C)
EHDF and vasoactive prostanoids, respectively, before the contraction with relaxations induced by RWP. In both cases, BTL antibodies
U46619. Panel (C) RWP-induced EDH-mediated relaxation. Rings were incubated signicantly impaired the RWP-induced relaxation of coronary
for 30 min with L-NA (NO synthase inhibitor, 300 mM) and indomethacin (10 mM)
artery rings (Fig. 1B and C).
to prevent the formation of NO and vasoactive prostanoids, respectively, before
the contraction with U46619. Results are expressed as means  SEM of 5 different
Previous studies have also shown that inhibition of bili-
experiments. n represents the number of coronary artery rings, each obtained translocase using anti-sequence antibodies inhibited the
from a different animal. **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. anthocyanin-induced relaxation of rat aortic rings, but was

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without effect on the relaxation induced either by acetylcholine, Bilitranslocase inhibition prevents RWP-induced
a physiological activator of NO, or by sodium nitroprusside, a phosphorylation of Akt and eNOS in endothelial cells
NO donor.17 Taken together, these data indicate that the RWP-
Previous studies have reported that RWP activate an intracellular
induced relaxation is dependent, at least in part, on bili-
signalling pathway leading to the activation of eNOS in cultured
translocase, most likely due to the transport of polyphenols into
coronary artery endothelial cells.3 This stimulatory pathway
endothelial cells. However, the BLT antibodies only partially
involves the redox-sensitive activation of the Src/PI3-kinase
inhibited the RWP-induced relaxation, suggesting the partici-
pathway leading to the phosphorylation of Akt at serine 473,
pation of other cellular uptake mechanisms for polyphenols, which, in turn, activates eNOS by phosphorylation of serine 1177.3
such as via other transporters, or entry by passive membrane In the present study, exposure of cultured endothelial cells to
either RWP or the polyphenol-rich Aronia melanocarpa juice
(AMJ) for 5 min signicantly increased the phosphorylation
levels of both Akt (Ser473) and eNOS (Ser1177) (Fig. 2). AMJ was
included because it is rich in anthocyanins and thus served as
an additional test. We speculated that the membrane transport
of RWP and AMJ avonoids into endothelial cells occurs via
Published on 31 July 2013. Downloaded on 07/10/2013 10:39:15.

bilitranslocase, and hence, that the inhibition of bilitranslocase

activity reduces phosphorylation of the aforementioned protein
targets. Indeed, a signicant reduction of both RWP- and AMJ-
induced phosphorylation levels of Akt and eNOS was observed
following pre-incubation of cells with BTL antibodies (Fig. 2). In
contrast, pre-incubation of endothelial cells with rabbit IgG
immunoglobulins did not have such an effect (data not shown).
Moreover, incubation of endothelial cells with bilitranslocase
antibodies per se did not affect the low phosphorylation level of
either Akt or eNOS (Fig. 2, control lanes, ns marked).
Our ndings support the view that the bilitranslocase-
dependent transport of RWP operates as an early mechanism in
mediating the endothelium-dependent relaxation of coronary
arteries in response to polyphenols, as summarised in Fig. 3.
These data ll, at least in part, the gap of knowledge in
explaining how bioactive polyphenols occurring in red wine
initialize their signalling pathway in endothelial cells. However,
it can be speculated that this membrane carrier might not be
the unique player in this scenario and other membrane trans-
porters might contribute to this complex event. Therefore,
additional investigations are crucially warranted to further
characterize the early events involved in the interaction of

Fig. 2 Bilitranslocase antibodies inhibit RWP- and AMJ-induced phosphorylation

of Akt (Ser473) and eNOS (Ser1177) in endothelial cells. Cultured endothelial cells
were treated with either RWP or Aronia melanocarpa juice (AMJ), with or without
a 30 min pre-incubation period with bilitranslocase antibodies (BTL Ab), before
Western blot analysis of the phosphorylation levels of Akt at Ser473 (Ser473) and
eNOS at Ser1177 (Ser1177). Panel (A) representative immunoblots. Panel (B) and
(C) corresponding cumulative data of the phosphorylation levels of Akt (Panel (B))
and eNOS (Panel (C)) proteins. The results are shown as means  SEM of
5 different experiments, with ns ¼ not significantly different from the control Fig. 3 Bilitranslocase-dependent transport of anthocyanins operates as an early
without BTL Ab; **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05 versus the respective control (CTRL), and mechanism in mediating the endothelium-dependent relaxation of coronary
P < 0.01; #P < 0.05 versus without BTL Ab. arteries in response to red wine polyphenols.

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Since the present study used porcine coronary artery rings and 1759.
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In conclusion, the present study provides the rst evidence 10 S. Passamonti, M. Terdoslavich, R. Franca, A. Vanzo,
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Conflicts of interest 12 L. Battiston, A. Macagno, S. Passamonti, F. Micali and
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None declared. 13 A. Maestro, M. Terdoslavich, A. Vanzo, A. Kuku, F. Tramer,
V. Nicolin, F. Micali, G. Decorti and S. Passamonti,
Abbreviations Cardiovasc. Res., 2010, 85, 175–183.
14 C. Auger, B. Caporiccio, N. Landrault, P. L. Teissedre,
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eNOS Endothelial nitric oxide synthase; 15 S. E. Kulling and H. M. Rawel, Planta Med., 2008, 74, 1625–
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17 L. Ziberna, M. Lunder, F. Tramer, G. Drevensek and
Acknowledgements S. Passamonti, Nutr., Metab. Cardiovasc. Dis., 2013, 23, 68–
Research was supported, in part, by the Office National Inter- 74.
professionnel des Fruits, des Légumes, des Vins et de l'Horti- 18 L. Ziberna, M. Lunder, S. Moze, A. Vanzo, F. Tramer,
culture (Action Vin & Santé, France), by the Slovenian Research S. Passamonti and G. Drevensek, Cardiovasc. Toxicol., 2010,
Agency for the young research fellowship awarded to L. Z. 10, 283–294.
(411476–1/2007), and by the European Regional Development 19 A. Vanzo, M. Terdoslavich, A. Brandoni, A. M. Torres,
Fund, the Cross-Border Cooperation Italy-Slovenia Programme, U. Vrhovsek and S. Passamonti, Mol. Nutr. Food Res., 2008,
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