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It is estimated that until 2025, Gen Z will take up a large number of the total

workforce. In order to become more successful and get adapt to the revolution in the
labor market, businesses need to understand those born from 1997 to 2012 better and
design a workplace experience that makes them tick. So today I am going to talk
How can companies attract and retain the Gen Z workforcea
via designing a perfect office
Any conversation about how to build a work environment that gets the most out of the
team starts with the question: “What does the team want from their office?”. And to
gen Z, the answer depends on 3 main features:
1. Essential characteristics of an ideal office
Gen Z nowadays have a high opinion of feeling comfortable in their office.
They want to be themselves, do what they like, not to be constrained by
existing stereotypes. Furthermore, they don’t want to be judged because of
their appearance or the way they work. This is why private spaces within the
workstation is also important to gen Z.

2. Dignify creativity and content creation

The demand for a thoughtfully designed office chimes with gen Z’s ability to
be creative. An attractive workspace is also a key factor when choosing a job. It
not only satisfies the employees aesthetically, but also something they can brag
about and say: “That’s my office! How cool it is!”. This will further create
initiatives that are beneficial to the employer’s branding. More companies are
designing their offices more flashy as a way to lure young job seekers by
making the brand look hip both directly and indirectly through social media
platforms, as well as stimulate enthusiasm and creativity among their

3. Well-being
There is a fact that gen Z can easily burn out because of the pressure they put
on themselves, so the state of being mentally healthy is one of the most in-
demand perks right now. Unlike gen X or the older Milennials, who are likely
to risk their mental well-being for their work, gen Z expect that they can
maintain a stable work-life balance as well as a healthy mental life. As a result,
they hope that their work is seperated from their daily life. In addition,
companies must encourage a healthy way of life and robust well-being by
organizing mental-health days to employees assistance programmes and so on
instead of exploiting them in order to retain Gen Z workforce

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