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Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on Citrus Production


Collage of Agricultural and Environmental Science

Department of plant Science

Horticulture program

Course: Graduate Seminar Pepper (PLHO -542)

Tittle: Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on

Citrus Production
Compiled by: Hayu Hassen (Msc. Horticulture Program Student)

ID No: Pgp/395/13

Advisor Name: Dr. Tewdros Bezu (Senior Horticulturalist)


October, 2021
Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on Citrus Production

Table Of Contents

Contents Page
Table Of Contents...........................................................................................................I
List of Abbreviation........................................................................................................I
1. Introduction................................................................................................................1
2. Litereture review........................................................................................................3
2.1 Consequences of fruit drop on Citrus fruit Production.....................................3
2.2 Why does many Citrus flowers and fruits drop.................................................4
2.2.1 Genetic composition factor.....................................................................4
2.2.2 Nutrient Deficiency.................................................................................5
2.2.3 Pathological attack..................................................................................5
2.2.4 Environmental condition.........................................................................6
2.2.5 Hormonal Imbalance...............................................................................6
2.3 Management practices to be done to reduce Citrus fruit drop..........................7
2.3.1 Variety Selection......................................................................................7
2.3.2 Site Selection...........................................................................................7
2.3.3 Fertilizer Application...............................................................................7
2.3.4 Chemical Spray.......................................................................................8
2.3.5 Cultural Agronomic Practices.................................................................8
2.3.6 Plant Growth Regulator application........................................................8
3. Conclusion................................................................................................................10
4. References................................................................................................................11

Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on Citrus Production

List of Abbreviation
HLB = Huanglongbing

USDA = United States Department of Agriculture

PGR = Plant Growth Regulator
CSA = Central Statistical Agency
FAO = Food and Agricultural Organization

Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on Citrus Production

Citrus (Citrus sinensis L.) is claimed that it is native to South-East China and India. It is
the largest genus in the family Rutaceae having many haybrid commercial varieties. Globally,

around 98 million tons produced, in which China, Brazil, EU, India and USA are the top

five producer over the world. Now a days Citrus production were decreased due to
reduction in economic advantage of the producers which caused by mainly pre-
mature citrus fruit drop. In citrus tree Fruit drop is a natural, physiological
phenomenon that occurs in all citrus varieties. This Citrus fruit drop is mainly caused
by; genetic appearance of the variety type, sudden alteration of temperature, nutrient
imbalances, Pathological attack (e.g HLB), environmental Condition, hormonal
imbalance and natural competition between fruit-lets during fruit development are
results Citrus fruit to drop pre maturely. These factors are Controlled by taking
different management techniques. These are; selection of good variety, selecting
favorable environment, applying sufficient fertilizer, applying chemicals, taking good
agricultural agronomic practices and applying artificial hormones are practices done
to reduce Citrus fruit drop rate.

Key words: Fruit drop, Citrus, Citrus Fruit drop, production, Abscission

Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on Citrus Production

Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on Citrus Production

1. Introduction

Citrus (Citrus sinensis L.) is claimed that it is native to South-East China and India around
Yangtze River, in Indo-China peninsula, then dispersed into India, Africa, and Australia. They are

belongs to be the family of Rutaceae, and grown in subtropical and temperate region all
over the world (Waleed F. A., 2019). Citrus is the largest genus in the family Rutaceae and it is

the most traded horticultural product which containing 130 genera having many varieties over the

world. However, Its Taxonomic identification is too difficult because there are many spontaneous

and commercial hybrids (Turner T. and Burri B.J., 2013). Cultivated Citrus are Classified as:

sweet oranges, mandarins, grapefruit, pommelo and lemons (Donkersley P.,, 2018). The

Global Citrus fruit Production marketing and trade in 2020/21 is estimated to 98 million

metric tons. Oranges account for half of the production followed by tangerines,
lemons, and grapefruit. China, Brazil, EU, India and USA are respectively the top five
largest citrus producers in the world. The Citrus production were decreased due to
reduction in economic advantage of the producers which caused by pre-mature citrus
fruit drop (Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 2021). Almost 150 million dollars are
lost yearly because of Citrus fruit pre-harvest drop (Boakye D.A.,, 2017).

Fruit drop is a natural, physiological phenomenon that occurs in all citrus varieties. It
is high during; Post-bloom at flowering (80-90%), at young developing stage of fruit
(10%) and at prior to harvest (30-40%) (Citrus Industry 2018). Recently Citrus fruit
producers are challenged with excessive Citrus pre-harvest fruit drop. Many tropical,
subtropical and temperate regions of the world producing Citrus are affected by this
citrus pre-harvest fruit drop problem (Boakye D.A.,, 2017). Due to huge pre-
matured drop of Citrus fruit which cause economic losses on Farmers and Industries
they gone to cut down the Citrus trees to plant other Crops (Adjei P.Y.,, 2017). In
citrus, physiological fruit drop is one of the major problems in commercial fruit production.

Although the specific cause of this fruit drop is till underestimation (Xi Li, 2017).

Some amount of fruit drop at a certain stage of development is naturally occurred

Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on Citrus Production

(Verma O.,, 2018;) and this Natural drop of either mature or immature fruits are
considered as the plant`s Physiological survival mechanism (Adjei P.Y.,, 2017). but an

excessive drop of older fruit could indicate a number of problems. A number of

nutrient deficiencies and Pathological attacks can contribute to this excessive fruit
drop (Verma O.,, 2018; Ashraf M.Y.,, 2012). As general, the nutrient
imbalances, Water stress, Frost for long period of time, low and high temperature,
sudden alteration of temperature, pests and disease, and natural competition between
fruit-lets are estimated to be the causes of citrus fruit drop at pre-maturity (Boakye
D.A.,, 2017; Citrus Industry 2018 and Rattanpal H.S.,, 2019).

Suitable combination of macro-, micronutrients and growth regulators could control

the excessive fruit drop and improve the citrus fruit yield and its quality (Ashraf
M.Y.,, 2012). Good water management is crucial to avoid excessive fruit drop
and other citrus tree problems (Verma O.,, 2018). Additionally, applying
sufficient fertilizer, applying chemicals, taking good agricultural agronomic practices
and last option applying artificial hormones are important in reducing fruit drop rate
(Iglesias D. J.,, 2007; Rattanpal H.S.,, 2019; Ashraf M.Y.,, 2012 and

Citrus Industry 2020).

This paper is written to review the main causes of fruit drop and to review what are
the control measurement taken to reduce excessive fruit drop in citrus fruit

Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on Citrus Production

2. Litereture review
Fruit drop is a natural, physiological phenomenon that occurs in all citrus varieties. It
is high during three stages of fruit development. First At Post-bloom: almost 80-90%a
number of flowers and fruit-lets of citrus are dropped due to poor pollination, Nutrient
deficiency, in adequate environmental conditions and fungal disease like;
Colletotrichum acutatum. The second drop is at young developing fruit stage 1-2
months after bloom consists 10% small immature fruit drop. It is also called June
drop. It is due to the competition between young fruits for energy (carbohydrates) for
growth and development. The third is when the citrus fruit is prior to harvest
estimated to 30-40% fruits are dropped at pre-harvested. It is estimated that this prior
to mature fruit drop is due to HLB, and ethylene produced by plant itself. but till now
the exact cause is not scientifically identified and cleared (Citrus Industry 2018;
Rattanpal H.S.,, 2019). As a reason it is not as such easy to prevail citrus from
drop. However, many chemical application/spraying and cultural practices was done
to reduce citrus fruit drop. Slightly It reduce the rate of fruit drop, but most of
experiment done does not shows effective result.

2.1 Consequences of fruit drop on Citrus fruit Production

Citrus species usually produce a large number of flowers. The number flowers are
depends on the cultivar type, tree age and environmental conditions. for example,
sweet orange (C. sinensis) tree may develop more than 250,000 flowers per tree in a
bloom season. However, only a small amount of these flowers (usually less than 1 %)
becomes mature fruit and harvested. Thus, blossom of flower is not only lose of
production but also causes wastage of resources and inputs which given at their
growth (Iglesias D. J.,, 2007). This fruit drop causes economic production loss
which affect production and causes substantial reduction in producers economy
(Boakye D.A.,, 2017). Due different disease of citrus fruit which causes pre
harvest fruit drop the total production over the world in and in america florida can
decreased in almost one over third of before. As example During the 2018–19

Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on Citrus Production

production season, total production of citrus in Florida was 3.4 million tons, which
fallen down from 13.0 million tons in 2003-2004 production season (Tang L.,,
2020). Due to this most of state farm cut down fruit down convert their farm into other

high value cash crop production (Boakye D.A.,, 2017;Foreign Agricultural
Service/USDA 2021).

Graph. from Luckstead, J. and S. Devadoss. 2021

2.2 Why does many Citrus flowers and fruits drop

There are many factors which causes Citrus Fruits to drop. These are; Genetically or
Naturally happened by the tree, Nutrient Deficiencies, Hormonal Regulation
Imbalance, Environmental imbalance, and Pathological attacks are the main
influential factors that cause citrus and many other fruits pre-maturely drop (Adjei
P.Y.,, 2017; Verma O.,, 2018; Ashraf M.Y.,, 2012). The main factors
which cause citrus fruits to drop are listed and stated as follow.

2.2.1 Genetic composition factor

Small amount of fruit drop at a certain stage of development is naturally occurred this
means that it is genetical (Verma O.,, 2018) and this Natural drop of either mature or

Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on Citrus Production

immature fruits are considered as the plant`s Physiological survival mechanism (Adjei P.Y.,, 2017). but an excessive drop of older fruit could indicate a number of problems
(Verma O.,, 2018). There is a number of flowers drop after the Citrus tree is
bloom due to genetically poor pollination characteristics of the tree type. Almost 10%
of the total fruit drop is due to this poor pollination and competition between the
fruits which regulated genetically for survival (Citrus Industry 2018).

2.2.2 Nutrient Deficiencies

Citrus is relatively high nutrient demanding crop and highly responsive to applied nutrients in the

form of fertilizers (Ashraf M.Y.,, 2012). A number of nutrient such as; N, Mg, Zn,

Mn, K and P deficiencies can leads to excessive fruit drop in Citrus (Verma O.,,
2018). When the citrus trees are nutritionally stressed, it sheds its leaves and fruits as their
physiological defensive mechanism to survive and this leads the tree to decrease its physiological

activities such as photosynthesis. Then, It starts to decrease the number of leaves or fruits by drop

out due to less carbohydrate transmission caused by less photosynthetic activity (Adjei P.Y.,,

2017). These deficient Nutrient are the main component of many physiological activities. As

example K is involved in many basic physiological functions i.e. formation of sugars

and starch, synthesis of proteins, cell division and growth and neutralization of
organic acids (Ashraf M.Y.,, 2012). Nutrient deficiency can results drop a
number of fruit-lets of citrus (Citrus Industry 2018). Higher N concentration particularly in
the buds and leaves altered by winter application of urea increased the number of flowers per tree

and made flowers compete each other for other nutrient (Iglesias D. J.,, 2007).

2.2.3 Pathological attack

As Tang L.,, 2020 stated that, disease severity like HLB is correlated with immature fruit

drop. Because Citrus fruit tree affected by HLB has higher rate fruit drop than others which are

not affected. Insects such as; Bactrocera invadens and Ceratitis capitata cause substantial losses in

fruits and vegetables including citrus (Boakye D.A.,, 2017). Citrus Industry (2018) is

also stated that the fungal infectious disease called Colletotrichum acutatum is causes
to drop the small Citrus fruitlets that set immediately after bloom. During summer
season the fungal infection raise by ethylene production from the abscising navel or peel

Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on Citrus Production

breakdown and possible secondary pest/pathogen infestation, it results 15 to 25 % yield loss by

causing citrus fruit to drop (Citrus Industry 2020).

2.2.4 Environmental condition

The growth and development of citrus fruit is highly affected by Ecological environment and

temperature is a major climatic factor that determine the distribution and quality of citrus fruit

(Zheng Y.,, 2017). During extended periods of wet and warm weather in late summer; citrus

fruit trees planted in poorly drained or low-lying sites, which affected by brown rot are highly

increase citrus fruit drop and fall (Verma O.,, 2018). Pre-harvest fruit abscission is a very

serious problems in many Citrus fruit cultivar including orange which influenced by many

environmental factors such as relative humidity, solar radiation and especially temperature

(Khefifi H., 2020). The higher temperature greater than 30oC highly decrease the

photosynthetic capacity, stomatal conductance and highly increase rate of fruit drop due excessive

optimal temperature condition in the citrus tree (Zheng Y.,, 2017). In addition to excessive

temperature condition, Sudden change of environmental temperature is also results fruit drop

(Verma O.,, 2018). In other other case if the growing environmental condition is not

adequate it made favorable environment for disease and cause many fruit lets to drop (Citrus

Industry 2018).

2.2.5 Hormonal Imbalance

The balance of two endogenous plant hormones auxin and ethylene, plays a vital role in signaling

the process of abscission. A higher ratio of ethylene to auxin initiate an enzymes which separate

the main body of the tree and from the fruit (Citrus Industry 2018; Iglesias D. J.,, 2007). It

has been suggested that auxin levels must fall below a certain threshold in the citrus abscission

zone before ethylene can stimulate abscission. In other case, an Imbalance between Indole-Acetic

Acid (IAA) (Auxin) and Abscisic Acid during fruit abscission zone also results fruit to drop

(Iglesias D. J.,, 2007). In addition to this, some of post-bloom fruit drop disease which is

caused by fungus infection has been associated with increases of ethylene production and IAA and

jasmonic acid (JA) amounts in the infected petals (Iglesias D. J.,, 2007).

Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on Citrus Production

2.3 Management practices to be done to reduce Citrus fruit drop

2.3.1 Variety Selection
Variety selection is the most preliminary factor for any of citrus fruit production, use disease

resistant and healthy type mother tree (Citrus Industry 2011). because the fruit drop ability and

susceptibility to adverse environmental condition, water and nutritional stress is dependent on

Variety type. For this selecting good variety type reduce Citrus fruit drop rate in some extent

(Saleem B.A,, 2005).

2.3.2 Site Selection

Citrus fruit producing farm should be clear and free from any disease because soil
borne disease and other many type infections my infect a new planted citrus tree and
may cause a new fruit tree pre-mature abscission or fruit drop increase (Rattanpal
H.S.,, 2019).

2.3.3 Fertilizer Application

Nutrient deficiency is one of the most serious problem which cause citrus fruit to drop. For this,

Suitable combination of macro-, micronutrients and growth regulators could control the excessive

fruit drop and improve the citrus fruit yield and quality (Ashraf M.Y.,, 2012). Higher

contents of N (ammonia), in particular, in the buds and leaves altered by winter application of urea

increased the number of flowers per tree and made flowers compete each other for other nutrient

(Iglesias D. J.,, 2007). Nitrogen deficiency at the time of blooming is one of the most

common causes of too much abscission of flowers, resulting in less fruit set. Supplying

ammonium sulphate (69.24%) when Cirtus trees bloom, calcium ammonium nitrate (68.10%) and

urea (67.01%), as a source of N and Foliar spray of low biuret urea 3 lbs per 100 gallons of water,

for fortifying N status of trees, before and after blooming resulted lower Citrus fruit drop

percentage (Saleem B.A,, 2005).

2.3.4 Chemical Spray

Foliar spraying of chemicals such as Salicylic Acid (SA), Zn, K and their combined application

has important in reducing fruit drop rate. But combine application of Zn + K+SA is highly

significant in decreasing rate of fruit drop in citrus (Ashraf M.Y.,, 2012). According to

Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on Citrus Production

Zheng Young et.el., (2017) stated Ca(NO3 ) has a significant effect to decrease the physiological

fruit drop rate of Citrus fruit.

2.3.5 Cultural Agronomic Practices

Poor agronomic practices such as; Excessive watering, poorly drained soils or drought stress and

excessive pruning or removing too much foliage from the citrus tree can leads fruit to drop.

Besides this, if best and good Agronomic practices is given to the citrus tree the rate of citrus fruit

drop is effectively reduced (Verma O.,, 2018). Rattanpal H.S.,, (2019) are also stated

that different pathological diseases which cause fruit drop in citrus can be managed through

applying and following integrated management practices such as; pruning, ploughing around the

trees and burning infected part of the citrus tree can reduce the citrus fruit drop rate. He also stated

that the best time for pruning citrus tree is January-February after harvesting, this reduce the

primary source of inoculum and pruning should be followed by spraying of Bordeaux mixture

(2:2:250) or copper oxychloride 50 WP (3 g/litre of water).

2.3.6 Plant Growth Regulator application

Several PGRs and fungicides are significantly used in controlling citrus fruit drop (Verma O.,, 2018). Gibberellin treatment is a common agricultural practice that is currently used to

inhibit flowering in citrus trees. Applications of gibberellic acid during citrus bud development

have been widely shown to inhibit flower production leading to a greater ratio of terminal flowers

in leafy shoots and consequently a higher fruit development (Iglesias D. J.,, 2007).

Application of plant growth regulators (PGRs) can provide significant economic advantages to

citrus growers when used in appropriate situations. Depending on cultivar and timing, PGRs may

improve fruit set, increase fruit size by reducing crop-load and reduce preharvest fruit drop.

Suitable combination of macro-, micro-nutrients and growth regulators could control the excessive

fruit drop (Ashraf M.Y.,, 2012). Based on recent studies, it is not recommended to apply

plant growth regulators which initiate cell division and growth in order to reduce pre-harvest drop

(Citrus Industry 2018). This is because of the auxin level must fall below a certain threshold

during abscission zone before ethylene can stimulate abscission; because the hormonal imbalance

will appeared between indole-acetic (IAA) acid and ABA in the fruit abscission zone (Iglesias D.

J.,, 2007). Tang L.,, (2020) reported that applying of synthetic auxin and gibberellic

Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on Citrus Production

acid has not shown significant effect to prevent fruit drop in unhealthy Citrus tree which affected

by HLB. Instead, plant hormones associated with cell division and cell expansion, such as

cytokinin and auxin may be used during initial fruit set to enhance fruit size because the larger

fruit size have the higher rate of fruit drop. However, Early reproductive processes in citrus are

strongly affected by plant growth regulators indicating that the regulatory mechanism controlling

set and abscission of ovaries and fruitlets possesses a pivotal hormonal component (Iglesias D. J.,, 2007). Currently, There is a debate between professionals on importance of PGR application

to reduce Citrus fruit drop. But as general, The application of 2,4-dichloro-phenoxyacetic acid

(auxin), delays the abscission of mature fruit in healthy citrus trees. Although, the effects of

ethylene biosynthesis and action inhibitors and auxins on preventing pre-harvest fruit drop are

inconsistent in HLB-affected citrus trees. Some studies also reported gibberellic acid and 2,4-D

were applied in combination can reduced summer Citrus fruit drop (Citrus Industry 2020).

Gibberellin treatment is a common agricultural practice that is currently used to inhibit flowering

in citrus trees. Applications of gibberellic acid during citrus bud development have been widely

shown to inhibit flower production leading to a greater ratio of terminal flowers in leafy shoots

and consequently a higher fruit development (Iglesias D. J.,, 2007).

3. Conclusion
Currently the Citrus fruit Production Industries stant, due different disease and pre-
mature fruit drop which till the scientific causes of fruit drop is unidentified. this fruit
drop problem causes economic production loss which affect production and causes
substantial reduction in producers economy and exerts the producers to log out citrus
production and change their business to other. Although scientifically not identified it
is estimated that Citrus Fruit drop is caused by the listed factors happened during
fruit development. These factors are genetic appearance of the variety type (genetic
Composition), Pathological attack (e.g HLB), environmental Condition (e.g sudden
alteration of temperature), nutrient imbalances, hormonal imbalance and natural
competition between fruit-lets during fruit development are results Citrus fruit to drop

Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on Citrus Production

pre maturely. These factors are managed by taking different measurement practices
such as; selection of good variety type, selecting (clear, free from disease history and
favorable environment) site for citrus production, applying sufficient fertilizer,
applying chemicals ( such as; Salicylic Acid (SA), Zn, K and their combined application and
Ca(NO3)), taking good agricultural agronomic practices and last option applying

artificial hormones are important in reducing fruit drop rate.

4. References
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Causes and Management of Fruit Drop on Citrus Production

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