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Jhon Michael Ferrer

01 Activity 1

1. Emerging technologies has many advantages and disadvantages to people.

These technologies really help people to save time and make work easier,
example of this is the appliances that we use on our home. This appliance gives
people fast time and no man need work services; microwave oven is an example
of appliances; they use robots so they can save time as well as well easy
process of making food. But there is also disadvantages because many people
are depending on the technology today and sometimes it is resulting on laziness
of people to work manually.

2. Robotics, robotic has really have a large impact on our society. Because almost
all of us depends on robots that can found everywhere. Companies and factories
on our society also depending on robots but because of that many people lost
their opportunities to have a job because the machines can do more efficient
than a man worker.

3. Based on my understanding about the 5th industrial revolution it will really

improve humanity because the artificial intelligence or AI will help people to
create a task or work more easily and reliable, because in today’s world AI can
found on any devices it can be on your phone, computers, smart watches or
even in televisions. It is also used in medical services, factories, and other more.

4. The five revolutions are interrelated because, this revolution is the foundation on
our technology right now. Because of the machines that are working with human
works that invented before so they can began’ the move of productions from
homes to factories onto the present era that we are using a machine that was
operated by systems and AI has a connection because technology is keeping on
evolving from time to time.

5. Yes, because technology is always updating, many developers create a new kind
of things, or enhancing an existing product so they can create a more innovative
one. Especially now that almost all of humans depends on technology, this
technology will always evolve due the demands and wants of the people.

6. There are many challenges that arise from human-machine interaction, it can
affect people on many ways because this technology can help humans to
communicate with the machines for example is “Alexa” this AI is a machine that
you interact and tell actions by just using your voice, it can open you lights,
computers, air conditioners and many more buy just saying “Hey Alexa”. It can
help people in many ways so they do not need to waste a time to open their
lights or other devices while they are doing work or other stuff they do not need
to stand up and click switches you just need an internet connection so the device
will do its work. But there is also a bad effect to people because just like what I
said before that they do not need to make an effort to do their task on their own it
can result on laziness to people because these technologies can work just by
using your voice or making gestures.

a. Also, here is a lot of opportunities that can arise from it because these
technology is said to really help the people to make the work more convenient
because of this there are many products that is produced by companies and
factories because the machine technology that do the work repetitively so it
can save many time and because of that it can create many productions so
that it can help our economy.

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