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Academic Journal PERSPECTIVE: Language, Education and Literature Vol 9 (1) May 2021, pp



Aisyah Noor Auly1), Th. Cicik Sophia B2), Faiza Hawa3)

Universitas PGRI Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
aisyahnoorauly@gmail.com1),, hawafaiza01@gmail.com3)

Vocabulary becomes an important aspect to learn because we can understand the meaning
of words, sentence and we can arrange sentences (spoken or written). In order to improve
students’ vocabularies, media are needed to help students memorize them. The aim of the
research is to notice the effectiveness of Instagram Filter in improving students’ vocabulary
mastery. For this case, teacher should develop an alternative media for teaching learning
process. In this instance, Instagram becomes the most widely used social networking
platform. Because most students spend a lot of time on Instagram. The media used in this
study is Instagram filter. This study used a study of quasi experiment by using non-
equivalent control group design. The design combines pre-test, treatment and post-test
study by carrying out a test on two classes. The population of this study are the eleventh-
grade students of SMA N Donorojo Jepara in the academic year of 2021/2022. The sample
are two classes of the eleventh-grade students of SMAN Donorojo Jepara. The first is
experimental class and the second is control class. The experimental class is from XI MIPA
2 and the control class is from XI MIPA 4. The findings of this study revealed that by using
Instagram filter as learning media to improve students’ vocabularies was successful. From
the result shows the average score of experiment class was 86,33 and it is included in good
category. The result of Normalized gain proves that the use of Instagram Filter as the
learning media is quite effective with the percentage 58. 72%.
Keywords: Vocabulary, Instagram, Instagram Filter

English is a global language that is very important to us. (Ahmadi, 2018) stated that
language is one of the most important factors that influences international communication.
Many people all over the world using English to communicate with other people from
foreign countries. (Agca & Özdemir, 2013) stated that in today's world, it is essential to
know at least one foreign language. In recent years, the value of learning English, that is
the society's interactive communication language in many countries with various
languages, has increased. English as a foreign language must be learnt from elementary to
university level in Indonesia. This means that English as a foreign language has the
meaningful aspect to learn. In the educational curriculum of Indonesia, the aim of learning
English is students are capable to be skilful in four major English language skills, for
instance listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This means student should be able to
communicate by using English because language is a mean of communication (Ilinawati &
Dharma, 2019).
In fact, there is a gap between what is expected and the reality in the class activities. the
students difficult to learn English and they could not communicate well because of the lack
of vocabulary. This fact supports the findings of Kweldju (2004) and Priyono (2004) cited
in (Asyiah, 2017) who found that the most significant barrier to learning English in an EFL
context is the lack of vocabularies. In order to communicate well, students should have
rich vocabularies. (Başoǧlu & Akdemir, 2010) stated that the basic step in learning a
foreign language is to learn vocabulary. In addition Ilinawati & Dharma (2019) stated that
the student should study vocabulary as a basic communication tool to aid in the mastery of
English skills. Vocabulary becomes an important aspect to learn because we can
understand the meaning of words, sentence and we can arrange sentences (spoken or
written). So, students can listen, speak, read, and write in English when they have a rich
vocabulary. Vocabulary mastery is not an easy thing for students. (Mukuan, 2016:75) cited
in (Malik & Muhammad, 2018) stated that the method or model used by the teacher or
educator in the classroom can also reveal the level of success of students in learning. For
this reason, according to Prastiwi & Kinanti (2021) stated that lectures require an
innovation in learning media that allows students to study and practice outside of class
without the assistance of a lecturer. So, the use of learning media is to help students
memorizing the new vocabulary. (Zheng, 2012) also stated that word learning is aided by
vocabulary learning tools and for the language learning process to be effective, students
must be taught how to employ proper word learning tactics. Students in Indonesia learns
vocabulary through their class activities in the school. They learn English vocabulary
traditionally; the teacher uses printed teaching sources like a textbook. Students does not
learn vocabulary outside of the class activities at the school. To overcome this, student
needs media that makes them learning vocabulary easily wherever and whenever they
want or the media that facilitate student to learn vocabulary independently. Learning media
can elicit new desires and interests, inspire and enhance learning activities, and have
psychological effects on pupils when used in the classroom Indriyani (2019) cited in
Prastiwi & Kinanti (2020).
In globalization era, the technological development is fast and also together with social
media development. It makes people using media social to get in touch with each other.
Besides that, we can find any information from social media and find new knowledge. Due
to the increasing demand of social media need, certain studies have been performed to
reveal the use of digital application in social media for educational aims, especially in the
sector of teaching and learning of foreign languages (Chawinga, 2017a, 2017b; Krutka &
Carpenter, 2016; Manca & Ranieri, 2016; O’Keeffe, 2016; Tang & Hew, 2017) cited in
Erarslan, (2019). Students, being digital natives, anticipate creative means of learning in
addition to traditional modes of learning, which is why social media is used as an
educational tool Taskiran et al., (2018) cited in Erarslan, (2019). Also, Scholars feel that
implementing such technology into language classrooms has the capability to advance a
variety of pedagogical challenges, such as teachers' inadequate time in relation to the high
number of students (Cardoso & Collins, 2016; Roblyer, 2003) cited in (Aloraini, 2018).
(Sivagnanam & Yunus, 2020) stated that social networking has an important role in
education, especially for young students who are exposed to social media at an early age.
Then, According to (Lasmiasih, 2019) Teenagers, particularly students, are affected by the
popularity of social media. Students are used to use social media on their computers or
mobile devices to socialize and network online using text, photos, and videos, and they can
use it on their laptops or mobile devices nearly continuously.
From the explanation above, the researcher tried using social media as a platform for
educational purpose. The researcher chooses Instagram as learning media. According to
statistical data by Berita Satu news, Instagram takes the 3rd position of the popular media
social that used by everyone in Indonesia. The statistical data shows that almost 85 % of
people have an Instagram account. Instagram becomes the biggest social media that is used
by everyone. There are many features on the Instagram that can be used as learning media.
Then, one of Instagram's features that can be used as learning media is Instagram stories.
On Instagram stories, there is a new camera mode feature, which is usually called an
Instagram filter. Karundeng (2020) stated that Instagram has developed a filter option that,
in addition to modify the colour of a photo, it also carries Augmented Reality to the picture
(AR), A direct or indirect representation of a physical world that is subsequently enlivened
with digital or virtual content supplied by computers is known as augmented reality. The
Spark AR app, which was released in August 2019, allows anyone to build AR filters for
free and share them with everyone on Instagram (2020). It is a chance for teachers to make
Instagram Filter as media to learn vocabulary. Then, the kind of Instagram Filter that you
should use is the question and answer (quiz). The goal of this research is to notice the
effectiveness of Instagram Filter as learning media to improve students’ vocabulary

The design of the research is quasi-experimental by using non-equivalent control group
design. The researchers conducted the research at SMA Donorojo Jepara that is located on
Benteng Portugis Street, Donorojo, Jepara, Central Java. The population was students from
the eleventh grade of SMAN Donorojo Jepara in the academic year of 2021/2022 and it
consisted of 252 students. Two classes were taken as the sample. Each class consisted of
36 students. The first class was decided as the experimental class and the second class was
decided as the control class. The class of XI MIPA 2 was as the experimental class while
the control class was taken from the class of XI MIPA 4.
In the data collection, the pre-test and post-test were applied. Composing the study
instrument, administering the pre-test, administering the treatment. The treatment
employed Instagram Filter as media in the experimental class and the traditional technique
is for the control class, and administering the post-test were all steps in the data collection
The concept of Instagram Filter as learning media can be seen from the figure 1.
Figure 1. Concept of Instagram Filter

Intro display Question display Answer display

Intro display Question display Answer display

The Instagram filter concept was created by using the Spark AR application. The
Instagram filter was given to the Spark AR reviewer for approval before being accepted as
an Instagram filter. The content in the filter was subjected to a review by Spark AR to
assure that it met the required requirements. This Instagram filter evaluation took one day
Karundeng, (2020).
After collecting the data, the researchers analysed the result to know the students’
vocabulary mastery before and after using Instagram Filter as the learning media. In this
study, the researchers took four steps to analyse the test result. First, the researchers gave
the test to students. Second, the researchers gave score for the test. Third, the researchers
analysed the result of the test. There are five steps to analyse the data, namely, descriptive
statistical test, normality test, homogeneity test, hypothesis test, Normalized gain score.
Fourth, the researchers gave conclusion by using statistical formula.


In the findings, the researchers want to know the effectiveness of using Instagram Filter to
improve students’ vocabulary mastery. The XI grade students of SMA Donorojo Jepara in
the academic year of 2021/2022 become the subject of this research. The number of
samples are 36 students that were taken from the class of XI MIPA 2 which was as the
experimental class. The control class was from the XI MIPA 4 with the total number was
26 students.
The pre-test was given in each class during the first meeting before students were taught
with and without the learning media that is Instagram Filter. The pre-test consisted of 25
questions on multiple choice and arrange jumble words. The purpose of this test is to
assess students' vocabulary mastery before and after they were taught using an Instagram
filter. The result of pre-test shows the mean score is under the minimum criterion. The
mean score of pre-tests can be looked from table 1.

Table 1 Descriptive Statistic of Pre-Test Control Group and Experiment Group

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Pre-Test Control 36 40 88 63.22 14.047
Pre-test Experiment 36 40 88 69.44 11.360
Valid N (listwise) 36
Pre-test scores are portrayed based on the table of the following categories in order to
establish the level of students' achievement. Brown is one who proposed the scoring exam
(2004:249). Scores of 90-100 are considered excellent (A), 80-89 are considered good (B),
70-79 are considered adequate (C), 60-69 are considered inadequate (D), and 0-60 are
considered undesirable (E). From the table, it can be noticed that the mean score of
experimental groups is 69.44 and it is decided as unsatisfactory. Then, the average score of
control group is 63.22 and it is decided as unsatisfactory. The pre-test result shows us that
the mastery of vocabulary from the experimental and the control class is in the same
Then, the researchers give treatment to the experiment class and the control class at the
second meeting. The treatment that the researchers give to the control class is for students
to answer the meaning of the vocabulary by using conventional method and then they
looked it up in the dictionary. In the experiment class, the researchers provide treatment to
students by using Instagram Filter as the learning media. Students should answer some
questions in the Instagram Filter. The students are very active when they use the Instagram
Filter, as evidenced by their enthusiasm when answering the questions.
After giving the pre-test and treatment, the post-test is given to both classes. The post-test
consists of 25 question and it is multiple choice and to arrange jumble word test. The aim
of this test is to gauge students’ vocabulary mastery after taught using Instagram Filter as
the media and taught without Instagram Filter as the media. The post-test is used to
compare the student result in pre-test and post-test. Whether the student result is the same,
students’ result is increased, or students’ result are decreased. The mean score of pre-tests
can be noticed from table 2
Table 2 Descriptive Statistic of Post-test Control Group and Experimental

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Post-test Control 36 44 92 75.44 11.520
Post-test Experiment 36 72 100 86.33 8.301
Valid N (listwise) 36
Post-test scores are evaluated based on the following the table to determine the level of
students' achievement. Brown is also the one who proposed the scoring exam (2004:249).
Scores of 90-100 are considered as excellent (A), 80-89 are considered as good (B), 70-79
are considered as adequate (C), 60-69 are considered as inadequate (D), and 0-60 are
considered as undesirable (E). From the table we can see the average score of experimental
groups is 86.33 and it belongs to good. Then, the average score of control group is 75.44
and it belongs to adequate. The result of the post-test shows that the vocabulary mastery
from the experimental group after being taught by using Instagram filter as learning media
is increasing to good category. Then, the mean score of the control group also increases in
adequate category.
After analysing the statistic descriptive, the researchers analyse the normality test.
Normality test is conducted to see the normality of the data distribution. According to (Mishra et
al., 2019) the normality tests can be manage in the statistical software “SPSS” (analyse →
descriptive statistics → explore → plots → normality plots with tests). If the significance value is
more than 0.05, the data can be considered normal. If the significance value is less than 0.05, the
data may be considered abnormal. Table 3 displays the results of the computation in the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov column.
Table 3 Normality Test

Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Class Statistic Df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.
Result of the Pre-Test Experiment .135 36 .097 .958 36 .191
Post Test
study .141 36 .066 .930 36 .026
Pre-Test Control .104 36 .200* .953 36 .130
Post Test Control .132 36 .113 .949 36 .100

Table 3 displays the distribution of the data which is normal.

Then, the researchers use the variance of homogeneity test to determine the t-test formula
by examining two samples variance to see whether it is homogeneous or not (Usmadi,
2020). Based on the table below, the foundation of decision making in the homogeneity
test is shown from the significant value (sig) based on the mean. The significant value (sig)
based on the mean is 0.162 which mean, it is > 0.05. The conclusion of the data is
Table 4 Test of Homogeneity of variance

Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

Result of the Based on Mean 2.001 1 70 .162
Based on Median 1.748 1 70 .190
Based on Median and
1.748 1 54.762 .192
with adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean 1.762 1 70 .189

The inequality between students’ vocabulary mastery in both classes is analysed by t-test.
(Kim, 2015) stated that a t-test is a statistical test which is used to compare the means of
two groups. The independent sample of t-test is a kind of t-test that is being used in this
research. (Kim, 2015) stated that t test performed to see if there is a difference between the
means of two independent samples is identical to a t test done with only one sample. The
basis of decision making in the hypothesis test is; If the significant value (2-tailed) < 0,05,
so the Ho is declined and the Ha is accepted. If the significant value (2-tailed) > 0,005, so
the Ho is accepted and the Ha is declined. The result of sig (2-tailed) is 000 > 0.05 so the
Ho is declined and the Ha is accepted. It means there is significant difference of students
who are taught using “Instagram Filter” and students who are taught without “Instagram
Meanwhile, to reveal the effectiveness of Instagram Filter use as the learning media, the
researchers analyse the data using Normalized gain (N – gain score). The formula is as
Posttest score−Pretest score
N Gain=
Ideal Score−Posttest score
Where: Ideal score = 100
After getting the N gain score, the writer categorized into some criterion.
Table 4. N Gain score acchievement
Precentage (%) Grade
< 40 Ineffective
40 – 55 Less Effective
56 – 75 Quite effective
> 76 Effective
(Hake, R, R. 1999)

The result of Normalized gain proves that the Instagram Filter use as the learning media is
quite effective with the percentage 58. 72%. The use of conventional method proves that
the percentage is 33.20% and it means less effective. The significant difference of
experimental and control class in teaching learning process reveals that the Instagram filter
use as the learning media to improve student vocabulary mastery will bring the best result
in learning process if use the new media. The result of the study shows the Instagram Filter
is quite effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

Based on the whole data which have been analysed, the researchers draw conclusions that
students’ vocabulary mastery who was taught without Instagram Filter as the media in the
control class is unsatisfactory and good. It can be shown from the average score of the test
is 63.22 and 75.44. While the vocabulary mastery of students who was taught by using
Instagram Filter as the media in the experimental class is categorized unsatisfactory and
good. It can be shown from the average score of the test are 69.44 and 86.33. There is
significant difference of students’ vocabulary mastery who were taught using Instagram
Filter. It can be seen from sig (2 tailed) is 000, with level of confidence until 95% so,
Sign.> 0.05, so Ho was declined and Ha was accepted. The score of the students who were
taught with Instagram Filter was higher than the students’ score who were taught without
Instagram Filter. As it is concluded that there is indicative difference between students’
vocabulary mastery who were taught using Instagram Filter and taught without using
Instagram Filter. Therefore, the effectiveness of Instagram Filter as the learning media is
quite effective with the percentage 58. 72%. Then, the use of conventional method shows
the percentage is 33.20% and it means less effective. It means that Instagram Filter can be
effective media to improve students’ vocabulary mastery.
Researchers suggest that teachers should utilize technology while learning process, in this
case is Instagram, to modernize classroom learning. Because of the rapid and all-around
development of the times, teachers, students, must be technologically literate. Instagram, a
social media platform, can be used to teach English vocabulary.

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