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Over the last year, there have been many sad things to happen.

However, due to this, people all

over the world have had their eyes opened. With all that has gone poorly and shown on the
news, people have seen others’ struggles and have been inspired to help those around them. It
has also helped move people to push for political change in this country and others.

The onslaught of the pandemic we are facing is a large contributor to turmoil worldwide, as
many people are sick and afraid. In many countries hospitals have run out of space to treat
patients and loved ones are dying alone because visitors aren’t allowed. We can not imagine
our family members being in a similar situation. To add to the trauma in this country, many
people do not have the healthcare coverage they need to help them pay for these expenses.
Many are in danger of losing their benefits as the job market shrinks and even those with
insurance may not be able to pay the bills that result from a hospital stay. Although it is difficult
to find a silver lining in such tragedies, the experience of the death of those we hold dear is a
universal one, and it allows all of us to appreciate their grief.

Death isn’t the only thing that the pandemic has brought. Unemployment has been at an all-time
high, due to layoffs, furloughs, businesses closing, and nonessential jobs being temporarily
shuttered. People who live paycheck to paycheck are unsure what to do and are in financial
distress. Many families are in danger of losing their homes because parents must choose
between paying their rent and utilities and feeding their children. Many of these families do not
have the resources to adequately feed their children and provide the assistance needed to
educate them. These are basic rights that humans are entitled to, and others around the world,
especially those in countries that have adequate safety nets to support their citizens, can see
and appreciate their struggle.

Alongside our struggles with the virus, we have had our eyes opened to another pandemic. The
mistreatment of African Americans and other people of color in this country has been
unacceptable, and people have begun to push back against this travesty. In recent months we
have seen the most protests since the Civil Rights Act was being fought for and passed. The
city of Louisville witnessed this first hand as Brionna Taylor, an innocent citizen, was killed in her
home. This led to weeks of demonstrations and marches to bring her justice. The right to be
treated as a full human, equal in one another’s eyes, is a fundamental one, and others can
appreciate this movement.

A year ago, I was not as invested in the news as I am today. Now I frequently watch and grieve
alongside those I see and try to imagine how it would be to have those bad things happening to
me. I want to speak up for those less fortunate than I am and help make the lives of those
around me better. I am grateful for my many blessings and although there has been much bad
news and sadness this year, it has caused many people to feel empathy for those in need and
that is something I can appreciate.

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