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Ensino Fundamental
Disciplina: Inglês Professor(a): Jeane Data: Turno: Nota



01. Prova individual e sem consulta.

02. É vedado o uso de equipamentos eletrônicos, como celulares, notebooks entre outros.
03. O aluno flagrado utilizando de meios ilícitos (cola) terá sua prova recolhida e zerada.
04. ORIENTADOR: Fique atento para ler toda a prova ao aluno (A avaliação contém um total de 10 questões).

01. Choose the option where we can find an example of Past Continuous tense. (1,0)

a) I am helping my mom with the dinner.

b) They got their first cellphone when they were 10.
c) Sally were having fun.
d) They were traveling last month.

02. Check the sentences which when or while is used correctly. (1,0)
1. My mom was driving when her cellphone rang.
2. My parents were traveling while I was studying.
3. The children was crying when they were playing.
4. Her parents married while my parents traveled.

a) 1 and 2.
b) 3, 4 and 5.
c) 2 and 4.
d) 1, 2 and 4.

03. After reading the comic strip below, choose the correct option. (1,0)

Disponível em:, acesso em: 06/09/2020

• This comic strip is in which tense?

a) Past Simple
b) Present Continuous
c) Past Continuous
d) Present Simple

04. Read the comic strip below and answer the following question. (1,0)

What's the best question for the driver's answer?

Disponível em:, acesso em: 06/09/2020

a) Do you have a new cell phone?

b) Were you talking on your cell phone?
c) Were you helping someone?
d) Is this car yours?

05. Analyze the following options and mark the sentence written correctly. To do so, remember the use of the
past continuous. (1,0)

a) Jack no was working hard.

b) Was you sleeping yesterday?
c) Susie were having lunch at home.
d) We were eating delicious cookies.
06. Analisando a fala do policial, percebe-se que o tempo verbal utilizado no cartum tem o propósito de
expressar: (1,0)
a) uma ação que estava acontecendo no passado (He was texting) quando outra ação a interrompeu (while
b) uma ação completamente concluída no passado (He was texting) e que não tem relação com a outra ação
(while flying).
c) uma ação que se iniciou em um determinado momento do passado (He was texting) e continua ocorrendo
no presente.
d) uma ação que estava acontecendo no passado (He was texting) enquanto outra ação estava ocorrendo ao
mesmo tempo (while flying).

07. Marque o item que corresponde ao Past Continuous da frase a seguir. (1,0)
• She runs very fast.
a) She is runing very fast.
b) She is running very fast.
c) She was runing very fast.
d) She was running very fast.

08. Check the option that completes correctly the following text. (1,0)
My older brothers ______________________ TV while my mother ___________________ our lunch and my
father _____________________ at the park.
a) was washing – were cooking – was runing.
b) were watching – was cooking – was runing.
c) was watching – was cooking – were running.
d) were watching – was cooking – was running.
09. Texts are usually composed by a title, an overview (that is a summary of the news) and subsequent
paragraphs. Connect the parts of the text to the correct name. (1,0)

1. Title
2. Overview
3. Paragraph

( ) Last Friday a pilot whale died in Thailand after swallowing over 80 plastic bags. Workers had been trying
to save it for days, but it was not able to survive.
( ) It’s a sad story, but it’s also a story that is more and more common. Whales have been found around the
world, dead or dying, with their stomachs full of plastic and trash that humans have thrown away. The whales
are starving, but they can’t eat because their insides are blocked with plastic.
( ) Plastic Pollution is Killing Whales

10. O Google Tradutor é uma ferramenta que pode traduzir uma palavra para várias línguas diferentes. Com
base nessa informação, é correto afirmar que: (1,0)

a) o Google Tradutor é um dicionário multilíngue.

b) o Google Tradutor é um dicionário de sinônimos.
c) o Google Tradutor é um site que ensina muitas línguas.
d) o Google Tradutor traduz somente de inglês para português.

Have a nice test and an amazing vacation!

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