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Answer the following questions with your personal information.


1. What is your name?

 My name is Néstor Fabián Espitia Puerto.

 2. How old are you?

     I have 37 years.

 3. What are you studying?

    I study telecommunications engineering

4. Where are you from?

    I am from Bogotá.

5. Where do you live?

    I live in Bogotá.

6. Who do you live with?

    I live with my wife and son.

7. What are your hobbies?

    I like to play soccer, listen to music and reading.

Tutor, I want to choose the task three

Perform the presentation of task 3

In the prizes of this film festival, we will reward the film with better special effects
and the nominee is the Lord of the Rings, which is an epic story, full of
splendorous battles, for the dominion of the Middle Earth
Use the following expressions to prepare your presentation

do you feel like seeing a movie? (Cómo se siente como ver una película?)

sure, what movie would you like to see Cómo se siente como ver
una película?(Seguro, qué película le gustaría ver Como Se Siente Como ver Una

how about superclam? it´s playing at the broadway theater ( ¿qué

hay de superclam? Está jugando en el teatro Broadway)

who´s in it(Quién esta en eso)

it´s starring ratt demosn, he plays a clam that rescues the

word(Está protagonizada por ratt demosn, juega una almeja que rescata la palabra)

sounds good, what time does it start(suena bien, ¿qué hora empieza)

showtimes are at 2;00 and 4(sesiones son a las 2; 00 y 4)


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