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The Goshorns Step by Step

The last few months have been very busy,

actually the last 2 years:) We’ve run into a few
problems with our residential visas. Every year we
need to renew them and since everything was shut
down for over a year, there was no way of renewing
them. This doesn’t seem to matter to the government
We have consistent groups on Sunday and
and so it’s been challenging. We’ve actually had
Tuesday for Bible studies. The studies tend to go
appointments to get things done and then they shut
pretty long because they have a lot to say and
down again. As of now everything seems to be in
many questions. It’s become very fun:)
process. Please pray that it finishes smoothly.
Along with these things, everything
We also had a surprise. Our son Daniel his wife
continues as before. There is no work for people
Audrey and their children Calab and Charlotte came
and most of them are Venezuelan refugees. We’re
to Peru for a month. While they were here they
still delivering food to around 110 families. The
started preparing so that they can move to Peru as
need for medical emergency help has grown.
missionaries. Please keep them in your prayers and
People have no way of buying medicines for
stay tuned for ways of helping them with support.
diabetes, seizures, heart and many other ailments.
Our Saturday program continues to grow. We Help with rent and utilities has become staggering.
have an average of 80 kids and 20 moms. Our team We’ve helped with several funerals and also with
member Natalia is doing a great job leading the the difficult deliveries of babies that they said
lessons. We are also blessed with a little more help wouldn’t make it. Through all of this help many
preparing the food. Many of these kids and moms doors have opened to share Christ.
have very little to eat each week and so this is huge
We were finally able to get the cochlear
for them. Our Sunday program just started back up 2
implant surgery done for Gianfranco. He has
weeks ago. There are around 30 kids that attend this
attended our kids program for many years.
program. Cesia is awesome in leading the kids with
Gianfranco was born completely deaf. When we
Bible lessons and they are also fed a hot meal.
found out he could hear with a surgery we started
We have a meeting with the director of a raising funds. In Huancayo, there’s no program for
home for pregnant teenagers. There are around 40 deaf people and so he could not read or speak. For
young girls and most are there for protection. We also 9 years he’s been in complete silence and he’s now
found out there’s a nursing home not far that we are learning his name, vowels and everything else, just
trying to get permission to enter. like a newborn.

We humbly thank you for your continued prayers and

financial support. If you haven’t yet, we ask that you would
prayerfully consider financially supporting this ministry in
Peru. Without more financial partners this ministry can not
continue to grow. We love you all and thank you for being part
of God’s work in Peru.
Not Knowing where to Start

I usually try and tell you a story about someone in each newsletter. This month, I
just don’t know where to start. Fransico, a 31 year old Venezuelan who is completely alone
in Peru, was diagnosed with tuberculosis and HIV positive. The law says the hospital has to
help with TB because it’s contagious but not with anything else. He was in so much pain
but they would not give any pain medicine. All meds have to be paid for, and so if any
money came in it would go towards the meds that they supplied and not for pain. They
ended up tying him down and taping his mouth. This went on for quite awhile and when we
checked on him again they had released him and we have no idea where he is.
Nora is a 30 something Venezuelan who has cancer throughout her body. She’s in
Peru with her older father who sells popcorn on the streets. Nora decided she wanted to
help others with the time she has left. She was actually trying to help Fransico and she also
has no idea where he is. She has no way of paying for any treatment for herself and so
we’ve been helping her too.
Erica is a 28 year old Venezuelan who lives in Peru with her 3 young kids. She was having trouble
feeding them and when we started bringing food the kids would run out to the street to help and yell to their
mom “look we have food”. I found out she was starting to sell her body to pay for food and rent but for
now she’s stopped.
Rosanna, Dulce, Isa, Myra and so many more became so excited to find jobs. They work for around
50 cents an hour, 6 day a week and 10 to 12 hours a day. Like I said, they’re so excited until they work for a
month and the employers don't pay. Myra is in her 50’s and the owner told her if she started giving
massages she could make more money, but Mayra would not agree to do that. So, now she is selling candy
on the street.
The families that worked in the petroleum business in Venezuela, the professional sports players, the
nurses, doctors, teachers and lawyers make up some of the families we bring food to each month. They can
barely pay rent and just survive day to day. Some attend Bible studies in our home and it’s very rare to hear
anyone complain.
Salvador is one of our Peruvian teammates. He and his family have very little money but want to
serve the Lord. He sees what we’re doing and is amazed. I tell him it’s the Lord working through all of us.
He had some coffee from his farm and he asked if I would drive him to a small co-op so he could sell it. I
dropped him off and waited in my truck. When he returned he held out the money that he made and said he
wanted me to use this to buy food for the Venezuelans and that he was sorry for the way they are treated by
some of the people in his country.
As you can understand, I just didn’t know where to start.
Luke 3: 10-11
“What should we do then?” the crowd asked. John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts
should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”
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P r aye r R e q u e s t s a n d P r a i s e s Matthew 6:21

 Prayers for continued physical,
emotional and spiritual protection.  Pray for Gianfranco & that he will For where your treasure
 Prayers for additional financial and learn to speak and learn. is, there your heart will be
prayer support.  Praises for our Peruvian team and also.
the opportunity to serve in Peru.
 Prayers for travel mercies in Peru.
 We are thankful for the support of
 Prayers for Jennifer’s mom Joan as the body of Christ.
she battles cancer.  Thankful for new partners.
Please consider
 Prayers for parenting from a  Thankful we can provide food and joining us serving step
distance. And safety for our children medical help for families in need
in the U.S. during this crisis
by step in Peru.
 Prayers for Zumilinda, Luzmilda and
their family.

God has been very clear that we cannot do anything alone. First we
need Him, second we need the Body of Christ. We will never be
effective ministers of God’s word without your prayers and
financial support. Please consider partnering with us to further
God’s Kingdom in Peru.
All tax deductible donations may be made to:
TMS Global
PO Box 936559
Atlanta, Ga. 31193-6559 USA
Designate gifts to: “Goshorn Support 5/540”
Or online at: and go to “give to a missionary”
and use our name.
Or visit our website at:
Skype: tim.jen.goshorn
US Phone (works wherever we have internet): 859-474-2494

Please help by sharing this

newsletter with
whomever you wish.

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