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Test 1 Key word Scrip

Cam 16
1 Create a cover for an… Design a special cover that go round an
2 tallest Highest tower
3 Make a … Design and build a car
4 build Construct animals
5 Build the longest Build the bridge and the longest
6 Create a short Five minutes movie
7 Humanoid Robot A robot in the shape of human

10 Plenty of Always plenty

11 Founded in Set up company when finish
apprenticeship in 1926
Left school 1923
Start making plan 1924

12 Originally manufactured goods Make goods for hospitals, in the

healthcare industry, for the first 5 years

Long-term plan- manufacture

components-machine tools

13 Company premises – has no Moving to a new location have never

plans to move been necessary
Intent to carry out refurbishment of this
14 Program – Have a presentation from manager
Talks by staff
To learn about department- research and
Time to do research development
In the past, but school can arrange this
Meetings with a teacher year
15 Coffee room A corridor running left from reception
area, if you go along that, the door facing
you at the end is the entrance coffee
Look out onto main road- tree
16 Warehouse Accessed by lorries going up the road,
Cross courtyard
Door on the right
17 Staff canteen Next to reception
Window- corridor/ courtyard/access road

18 Meeting room Walking along corridor to the left of

courtyard  continue it to the end- last
one on the right
19 Human resources At the front of this building, head to the
left along corridor from reception ,
second room, look out onto main road
20 Boardroom Go along corridor past courtyard, right to
the end, on the left, next to factory, look
out onto the trees
21 Parts of introductory stage-
both agree- useful

Handouts with research sources Handout with details of books and

websites- the more read- the more
interested- me too
22 Natural history museum visit Much less use than the trip to natural
history museum visit
23 Both decide change proposals Amend some parts

Making their note more Notes from research just descriptions, I

evaluative haven’t actually evaluated anything, -
have to fix that/ have to look at that too

24 Being less specific about the It best not too precise about actual
outcome outcome- going to back from proposal
to make it a bit more vague/ will change
that too then
25 Potential thread Possible danger suggested by the bird’s
26 Fast movement Concentrate on impression of rapid
27 A childhood memory I saw a real kingfisher once when I was
28 A confused attitude to nature Ambiguous people are in the way the
exploit the natural world
29 Continuity of life Never ending cycle existence
30 Protection of nature Holding a tiny bird in on fist, carefully ,
doesn’t hurt it
31 stoicism
UK /ˈstəʊ.ɪ.sɪ.zəm/ US

the quality of experiencing pain

or trouble without complaining The most practical of all philosophies,
or showing your emotions therefore the most appealing
because of its …. Appeal
practical appeal= experience
request ( y/c thuc tien)

32 Not being intended for Despite the fact that the most famous
stoics never wrote anything down for
33 But the …. People make in But the choices I make with regard to
34 Has different view on Has different perspective and experience
experience which Others would which most of us see as wholly negative
consider as
35 Organize a play about cato Put on a play base on life of cato inspire
motivate men man
36 Ideas on Theories on capitalism
37 The treatment for Use to treat depression
38 Ppl learn to base their thinking Create thinking, symptom, behavior by
on ( base st on: use idea to using logic
39 Identifying obstacles as Teach turning obstacles into opportunity
40 Require a lot of Require considerable practice
Test 2 Key Word Scrip
Cam 16
1 In a In a frame
2 The cost for 360 photos is $ $195 for 300 to 400 photos
3 … is required Once we’ve received the payment
Before the completed order is We’ll send the parcel off to you
4 With the name… Called grandparents
5 The … and contrast can be Touch up the colour or improve the
improved contrast
6 Photos Which are very fragile If any look particularly fragile, we’d do
will be scanned by them by hand
7 Change the Alter the background
8 Is not correctly in Aren’t properly in focus
9 within In ten days
10 In a box not…. Plastic ones sometimes break in the post
11 Used to be a local council His heir chose to sell it to the local
building council, who turned it into offices
12 Planed- lower school Developers will construct houses on
Additional school buildings existing lower school site
will be constructed on the
lower school site
13 Catering-change Most pupils have to wait a considerable
Long queuing times time to be served
14 Parents –asked Discuss with your children each morning
Help their children to decide in which type of food they want to eat that
advance which serving point to day

15 Existing canteen We’ll still have tables and chairs in there

Pupils can take their food into and pupils can eat food from the food hall
it or lunch they’ve brought from home
16 Daily change in menu A different country’ cuisine each day
17 Pupils help to plan menus We’ll ask pupils to make suggestions
18 Only vegetarian food Will cater particularly for the many pupils
who don’t eat meat or fish
19,20 Optional after-school lessons- We’re going to start drama classes
new Piano- A few pupils will be able to learn
Acting at the school instead of going to local
Piano college


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