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Pdhpe activity

Activity Name: Victory lap

Group Members: Rojin and Madeena

Instructions on how the activity / challenge runs:

1. Create 2 teams ( blue and green braids).
2. Line up in line with the 3-point line.
3. A blue player one side of the court in the 3-point line, a green player stays
on the other side of the 3 point line.
4. One blue braid and one green braid runs around the court to where the
green player is.
5. If the blue doesn’t get tagged by the green player, then the blue (inside
the 3-point line) passes the ball to the blue that was running.
6. Blues and green verse each other, and try to score 2 shoots which equals
4 points in order to win. The person who shoots gets a point for

Possibility 2;
7. if the blue gets tagged by green whilst running, they must sit down on
where they got tagged.
But the green continues running
8. a blue from the blue team then comes to section 3
9. then the green team vs blue team (the 2 on the court)
Note: green ball first
10. In order to win they must score two shoots in a round,Their are 4


11. At the end of the whole game everyone must count the amount of shots
they score whilst versing the other team then the winner is the one with the most
12. Once a whole round is finished then the teams switch lanes in order for
them to have a go at tagging.
Important Rules and Safety Measures:

 Make sure laces are Tied up at all times.

 Be careful not to trip whilst running.
 Have water breaks so that everyone stays hydrated.
 Keep Hats on at all times.
 Warm up and stretch before and after.
 Wear sunscreen to prevent burns.
 Try your best.

Equipment List Needed:

 Cones
 Braids
 Basketball
Possibility two:

Progressions and Regressions (ways to increase/decrease difficulty):

I believe that this activity is understandable but if we wore it to decrease the

difficulty, we can further add more images and give them a paper of the printed
diagram. To increase or decrease the difficulty we can make them stand behind
cones as this will be easier for them to understand. I Further believe that we can
make this easier by explaining the game thoroughly and with depth.

How well you feel worked together with your group throughout this task.
How AND Why?

This assessment task was very easy and wasn't boring, this assessment lets us
get creative with what we like to do and whatever is on our minds. We worked
very well together, we both had many ideas and put them together to achieve
our final product. 

As we completed this we met up together in order to work together but in order

to do this we had to have time management and organisation. Improving time
management helps to increase our performance at doing work and helps us
achieve our goals for a successful outcome. Madeena and I have worked
together in many assessments in previous year as we work really well together
and spread out the work and split it in half in order to make it fair. This way it
will be equal at all times.
Did you implement all the key elements outlined in the task description?
How? Why / Why not?

We used our communication and team work skills to achieve our final outcome.
We made sure that the activity was enjoyable for all ages as it is easy to
understand and do. It emphasizes energy, movement and it is competitive for
both the team members. The teams must be safe whilst completing this as they
could fall or injure themselves. They all must be engaged at all times for this

We have tried to incorporate all the elements we mostly add a challenge in order
for them to be excited and want to complete the activity, We incorporated 2
games into the work: Oz tag, basketball, running. All these are important skills
for children and even elders to develop.

Justify how you believe your activity WOULD HAVE assisted the younger
students to work on their communication, team work and movement skills.
Why and How?
 It would build their confidence with each other, Which helps with
communication skills and the confidence assists them to try harder. They will be
using communication to work together an example of this is when the calm out
each other's names, use their team work skills to cooperate with the movement
for this outcome. Younger kids will learn how to follow instructions and get
involved and interact. This way they will further increase their ability to
collaborate together.

In this game individuals are to the risks at all times whilst doing this they will
learn that taking risks can result to both good and bad but if this helps their
confidence will further boost. This way when they complete other activities they
will believe in themselves.

What areas do you think you could have completed better overall during
this group task? What and How?

The areas in which we could have completed better are that we could have made
the activity slightly less difficult, so that younger children would quickly
understand it. I believe that overall in this group task we have composed a
successful piece of task. This way we will further complete and assure that our
task is edited and understandable.

We can add more pictures into our task as we further edit and complete the task,
this way we will be able to compose a better task overall. In this we could have
added in a video and show the kids so they can understand. As individuals and
mainly kids will be able to understand easier with visual images as they are
taught this way and it is more enjoyable for them.

In what ways does your group activity allow the participants to

demonstrate teamwork, movement, energy and communication? What
would you have improved if you could re-do your task?

It would boost their confidence in each other, which would help them improve
their communication skills and encourage them to try harder. They will use
communication to work together, such as when they call out each other's names,
and they will use their teamwork skills to cooperate with the movement to
achieve this goal. Younger children will learn how to listen to and follow
instructions, as well as how to participate and interact.

Explain and evaluate your overall performance in PDHPE so far this

semester. Your strengths, weaknesses, ways/areas to improve, how you will
improve, when, where, why, etc.

Our strengths are that we are able to communicate and get along with our team
mates, as well as being organized in a manner. We always try to enhance and
take risks throughout our pdhpe lessons, we collaborate are a team and we are
always open minded to new activities. Most importantly we are always positive
towards others and communicating with everyone. We are mature and
understanding to everyone, we are always ready to listen to others and if they
are not feeling well. Along with our ability to have kindness towards the other
team and always act kind to them and boost their confidence. Our weakness was
that we get impatient with the other team. We get very aggressive whilst playing
despite this factor we always let others have a try and this way I believe we are
great team mates our companions and the other team.

Venue and Equipment Booking Request Form

ACTIVITY: Victory Lap
GROUP MEMBERS: Rojin and Madeena


  Basketball court
  Basketball court

  Equipment List Needed:
  ·  8 Cones
EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: ·  Braids (enough for the whole class) 
·  1 basketball

Venue and Equipment Booking Request Form – Teacher Copy






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