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Week 9 | IELTS Writing task 1


Given is the diagram illustrating how tea is produced, and how a cup of tea is made. All in all, the process
is comprised of 18 steps, from sowing the tea seeds in India and China to enjoying a cup of tea at home.
The initial step is when the tea seeds 1________ (sow), and then the sun shines, which causes the seeds to
grow into plants. Once the plants 2_______ (grow) sufficiently, the leaves 3____then____ (pick) by the
farmer and 4______ (put) into baskets. From here, the tea leaves 5_____ (spread) out in the sun to be
dried. The tea leaves 6_____ (pack) into boxes and subsequently 7_____ (load) onto lorries, which take the
boxes of tea to supermarkets.
In order to make a cup of tea, first of all, customers buy a box of tea and take it home. Next, the fill the
kettle with water and put it on the stove to boil. Meanwhile, they put a tea bag in a cup and once the kettle
has boiled, the water 8____(pour) into the cup. (9)____ (leave) in the cup for two minutes, the tea bag
10___then____ (remove), and the tea is now ready to drink. At this point, milk and sugar can 11_____
(add). The final step is to enjoy a nice cup of hot tea.
1. Match the stages (1-4) to corresponding extra details (a-d)
1. The boxes of tea are delivered to a. which gives them extra flavour
2. The sun shines, b. where they are put on the shelves
to be sold
3. Salt and sugar are added to the c. in order to be made into sugar for
tomatoes, cooking.
4. The sugar cane is taken to a factory d. which helps the plants to grow
2. Rewrit e the s en tences with w ords in b rackets


Week 9 | IELTS Writing task 1

1. The fruit is sent to a factory. It is put into cans there (where)

2. The biscuits are put in the stove. They are cooked. (in order to be)

3. The farmer waters the plants. This makes them grow more quickly. (which)

4. The mushrooms are stored in a dark room. This helps them to stay fresh. (so that)

5. At the factory, the stalk, seeds and skin are removed. The processed tomatoes are then be
stored in a container. (having)

3. Fill in the correct forms of the verbs:

The two diagrams illustrate how electricity can (1-produce) from the power of sea waves. The process (2-
involve) a structure which (3-build) onto the side of a cliff or even sea wall. Overall, we can see that this
structure assists in producing electricity from waves as they both advance and retreat.
This structure (4-comprise) a large chamber with one of its ends being open and the other leading into a
closed vertical column. A turbine (5-position) inside this column and this (6-use) to generate electricity in
two phases.
The first diagram depicts that when a wave (7-enter) the mouth of the chamber, air (8-force) up the
column and this movement (9-turn) the turbine, thereby producing electricity. The second diagram shows
that when the wave retreats, air (10-suck) out of the column and chamber. This movement similarly turns
the turbine in the same direction, and this (11-generate) electricity.


Week 9 | IELTS Writing task 1

First stage Cause/Effect
- The first stage is when - A happens. As a result, B is produced.
- The initial step is when - A happens, the result of which is B
- The process commences with - A happens, which leads to B
- The process starts when - A happens, allowing B to take place
- To begin with - …… <causative forms>
Middle stage Purpose
- In the next stage of the process - A is done so as to yeild B
- Once A has Pii, SV - A is done in order that B can be done
- After this stage has completed, SV - A is done so that B is provided
- The next step involves - The aim of this step is to V
- At the same time, - A is used to…
- The next step/phase/stage is when - The role of A is to V
- Following this intitial phase - A is useful for Ving
- From here, - A allows B to V
- Before/After this can occur,
- … is the next phase of the process
Last stage Position
- In the final stage of the process - At the bottom of
- The final stage is when - On the right/left side
- Finally/lastly,… - In the middle of…
- Once the final stage has been completed, - A is situated around/ above/ below/ inside/
SV next to B
- Concluding the process is… - A is covered with B
- … wraps up the process - A is joined together by a B
D. Glossary:
Động từ liên quan đến chất rắn (solid)
Lay: đặt Bend: uốn cong
Squeeze: ép Form: tạo thành
Wind: cuộn lại Rotate/revolve: xoay
Reverse: lật ngược Fold: gấp lại
Shrink: co lại Harden: làm cứng lại
Collect: thu nhập Recycle: tái chế
Convey: vận chuyển Sort: phân loại
Be baked in the sun/dry in the sun: được phơi Mix: trộn
nắng cho khô Press: nén
Accumulate: chất đống Grind: nghiền
Adjust: điều chỉnh Unfold: mở ra
Unwind: tháo ra Soften: làm mềm đi
Fade: làm phai màu Absorb: hấp thu
Draw/extract: trích ra Separate: tách ra
Meet: nối nhau Combine: kết hợp
Động từ liên quan đến chất lỏng (liquid)
Cool down: làm nguội đi Circulate: tuần hoàn
Enter: chảy vào Flow into: chảy vào
Melt into: hoà vào Pour into: đổ vào
Week 9 | IELTS Writing task 1

Condense: làm đặc lại Filter out: lọc

Move/flow: chảy Lead to: dẫn vào
Evaporate: bay hơi Melt: tan chảy
Động từ liên quan đến chất khí (gas)
Expand: giãn nở Combine: kết hợp
Heat up: đốt nóng Burn: đốt
Be fuelled by: được cung cấp nguyên liệu bởi Release/send out: giải phóng
Compress: nén Ignite: bốc cháy
1. The pictures below show how tomato ketchup is made. Summarize the information by selecting and
reporting the main features


Week 9 | IELTS Writing task 1

The maps below show changes in the Spanish city of Castellon in recent times. Summarize the information
by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The two maps compare the changes which have taken place in the town of Castellon between the year
2000 and today. Overall, it appears that Castellon has become a much more modern city, with far more
shopping and transport facilities.

One interesting change is that a new tramline has been built, connecting the university with the town
centre. In 2000, there wasn’t any accommodation for students, but a hall of residence has been built near
the university. Another striking change is that the old market in the west of the city has been knocked
down to make way for new shops. A completely new covered market has also been constructed on the
other side of town.

If we look at the port area, it has been pedestrianized since 2000, and a range of entertainment facilities
have been set up, such as cinemas, bars and clubs. This north-east of the city used to be a green area, with
lots of trees, however, the trees have been cut down, a new shopping complex has been erected. A final
interesting development has been the introduction of a bike-rental scheme in the city centre.

Find words or phrases in the description with a similar meaning to these:

1. The council has built a new tramline 3. has been built

2. has been demolished 4. has been converted into pedestrian area


Week 9 | IELTS Writing task 1

B. Vocabulary + Linkers
Words showing location and direction
• Left/Right • (Place A) is situated/located/positioned
• To the left/to the right of around B
• At the top/bottom of • (Place A) is placed to the right of B
• In the right hand corner • (Place A) is covered with B
• In the top left corner • (Place A) is connected to B by means of C.
• In the center/ in the middle
• Along
• Across from/opposite
• Next to/close to/ adjacent to
• Beyond (the border, etc.)
• From (the station, etc.)
• Facing (the station, etc.)
• At the mouth of….
• …. Runs to the north of…

Words describing places/changes/development

• (Place A) was first opened/established.
• A bypass and an industrial estate were built around B
• The most noticeable difference between place A and B is …X…
• The town has become more/less residential in the year …compared to…
• Some of the changes are negligible but …(a change)… is dramatic over these years.
• The biggest change occurred to the north of (place A).
• …X… has experienced a transformation since more …X… is constructed in the area.
• (Place A) has undergone considerable changes in X and Y.
• The (place A) was a much greener residential area with a large number of trees and individual
• (Place A) experienced a number of noticeable changes. The greatest is that…
• (Place A) was knocked down/destroyed/demolished/cleared and replaced by…
• X sprang up around the area.
• Only a few X remained and further facilities including X and Y were added.
• Further developments in the area included construction of X near (place A) and a new stretch of
Y near the southern corner.
• A comparison of both maps reveals a shift/change from … to …

C. Language practice
1. Write these verbs in the correct column of the table below.
Build construct convert cut down demolish enlarge erect
expandextend industrialize knock down make into modernize
Pull down redevelop remove replace transform turn into urbanize


Week 9 | IELTS Writing task 1

Make bigger Take away Add something Change into General statement
new something else about changes
Enlarge Cut down Build Convert Industrialize

2. Complete these sentences with noun form of the verb in brackets.

1. It is interesting to note that there has been a _________ of the port area. (redevelop)
2. Another striking change is the _________ of the university. (expand)
3. A notable change has been the ________ of the old train station into a police station. (convert)
4. The whole city has experienced a significant _______ in the last 10 years. (modernize)
5. An interesting development has been the ______ of a bike-rental scheme. (introduce)
6. There used to be a cinema or shops near the port, but the last few years have seen the __________
of new facilities in the port area. (build)
3. Cover Excercise 2 and complete these phrases. Then check your answers.
1. Another s______ change is …
2. A n______ change has been ….
3. The whole city has e________ a significant modernization …
4. An i__________ development has been….
6. The last few years have s________ the building of…
7. Kings Road has been pe____________
8. The old building was ref_____________ /ren___________ to welcome a new school year
9. The citizens’ living condition has been ame___________ with the replacement of slums for various
apartment complexes.
10. A has been sub__________ for B.


Week 9 | IELTS Writing task 1

D. Practice:
1. The maps below show recent changes in the town of Kimsville.

2. The plans below show the South Wing of Walton Museum in 2008 and in 2012 after it was redeveloped.


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