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LIVER Exercise For


Maximize How Much

Muscle With The PROTEIN
10, 8, 6 METHOD Is Enough?
F A L L 2 0 2 1
Ta b l e of Co n te n ts
How Exercise Can Protect Your Mental Health 3

Grow Young: Training Tips To Outsmart Aging 6

Optimizing Protein: How Much Is Enough? 9

Maximize Muscle With The 10,8,6 Training Method 13

Top 10 Foods To Reduce Muscle Soreness & Speed Recovery 16

Keto Diet Recipe: Sweet Cinnamon French Toast 22

Cope With Your Stress To Improve Testosterone Naturally—Good For Both Men & Women 24

Six Signs Your Liver Needs A Detox 27

Nutrient BFFs: Why Magnesium & Vitamin D Together Make Everything Better 30

Our Philosophy 33

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Mind & Body


We’re in an anxiety-producing time. Surveys report All exercise types were associated with improved
people worldwide are suffering from stomach-churn- mental health. Team sports and mindful exercises,
ing worries about almost every aspect of daily life: such as yoga and tai chi, conveyed the greatest posi-
Health, politics, money, family, career opportunities, tive effect. Cycling, aerobic exercise, and weight train-
personal safety, and so on. ing were also helpful, showing a 20 percent reduction
in poor mental health.
One tool you can use to protect mental health is ex-
ercise. We’ve known for years that exercise has a Researchers also found that the benefit of exercise on
mood-boosting effect, and several recently published mental health was larger than other factors such as
studies show it can reduce depression and anxiety, income. For example, physically active people felt just
while supporting overall mental health. as good as those who are inactive but who earn about
$25,000 more a year.
Exercise = Better Mental Health
Another key finding was that more exercise is not al-
A study published in 2018 set out to quantify the ways better. The relationship between physical activ-
impact of regular workouts on mental health. Re- ity and mental wellness follows a U-shaped pattern
searchers analyzed data from more than 1.2 million where little to none is just as bad as excessive exer-
Americans and found that participants who exer- cise. This study found that mental health peaked with
cised regularly had significantly better mental health 3 to 5 training sessions a week lasting at least 45 min-
compared to those who weren’t active. utes each. >>
Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved. 3
Mental health benefits stalled at 90 minutes of ex- workouts in which you show up and put in the work.
ercise a day. More than 90 minutes was detrimental When you think of it this way, you realize that EVERY
and individuals who exercised for longer than three workout matters.
hours a day suffered worse mental health than those
who were sedentary. Incorporate Strength Work
Maintaining strength and muscle are vital for mobility
A second study published in response to the corona- and physical function. And muscle has anti-inflam-
virus crisis looked at the relationship between mental matory benefits that may support mental health and
health and physical activity in Chinese college students certainly lower your risk of chronic disease. Muscle
during the lockdown. Researchers acknowledged the is also your metabolic engine, helping to keep fat at
powerful negative effect social isolation has had on bay and lower your risk of metabolic disorders such
mental wellness and set out to determine the protec- as diabetes. Strength training has the added benefit
tive role of exercise. The 66 participants responded of helping to regulate the fight-or-flight response so
to surveys every two weeks for six weeks, recording that your body is better able to handle stress and high
their activity, sleep quality, and mental health. Results cortisol.
showed that 85 percent reported worries about the
health crisis and 42 percent reported poor sleep, indi- Be Smart About Conditioning
cating the profound impact of the COVID-19 lockdown. The last thing you want to do is kill yourself with in-
tense, high-volume cardio because this will send your
On the upside, physical activity was consistently as- body’s stress response into overdrive and may lead
sociated with lower reports of depression, aggression, you to dread your workouts. Low intensity (walking)
and negative emotions. Similar to the previous study, or low volume (interval training) are two great solu-
the authors identified a dose-response curve between tions that don’t overly stress your body but will im-
physical activity and negative emotion, with both too prove mood due to an increase in beta endorphins.
little and too much exercise harming mental outlook. For example, you could try the Wingate protocol on a
bike or track: Do four 30-second sprint repeats with 4
The “sweet spot” for physical activity corresponded minutes active (walking or easy cycling) rest.
to 108 minutes of light, 80 minutes of moderate, or 45
minutes of physical activity every day—numbers that Load Up On Mind-Body Exercise
are higher than those observed in previous studies. Mind-body exercise, including yoga, tai chi, and mar-
The authors write that people need more physical ac- tial arts, have all been shown to improve mental out-
tivity to offset the psychological burden and negative look, while lowering anxiety. Studies show that mind-
emotions caused by the disease outbreak and social ful activities that help you connect with your body
distancing. stimulate the rest-and-digest mode of the parasym-
pathetic nervous system. They have also been shown
This is important because some reports indicate an to lower cortisol and offset inflammation, both of
increase in sedentary time since the onset of the which are associated with a worse mental outlook.
health crisis. And with the shutdown of gyms, many
people have found it difficult to get both the quality
and quantity of exercise they need for both mental Chekroud, S., et al. Association between physical exercise and
and physical wellness. mental health in 1·2 million individuals in the USA between 2011
and 2015: a cross-sectional study. The Lancet. 2018. 5(9), P739.
How To Ensure Mental Health Benefits of Exercise? Huckins, J., et al. Mental Health and Behavior of College Students
During the Early Phases of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal
Be Consistent Smartphone and Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. Jour-
nal of Medical Internet Research. 2020. 22(6).
The first step is to establish a workout routine. Set-
ting aside daily time to get your workout in will de- Zhang, Y., et al. Mental Health Problems during the COVID-19
crease the chance that you will tell yourself, “If I miss Pandemics and the Mitigation Effects of Exercise: A Longitudinal
it, it won’t matter.” Understand that the benefits of Study of College Students in China. International journal of envi-
ronmental research and public health. 2020.17(10), 3722.
exercise appear when you string together a series of
4 Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved.
Are you stressed?
Exercise every day?
Take medications?

If you answered yes, your vitamin

stores are compromised. Every
vitamin and mineral is involved
in energy production and
carbohydrate metabolism.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Ever wonder if there was one thing you could do to
maintain your youth and avoid the aging process?

Although healthy nutrition, great sleep, and managing

stress are all key for anti-aging, exercise is the magic
bullet. With the right training program you can keep
bone strong and dense, muscle intact, and fat at bay.
Exercise keeps the joints supple, skin buoyant, and
cells youthful. The only question is how to get the
greatest benefits?

Should you pound the pavement, start cycling, or hoist

heavy weights? Will pilates and yoga do the trick?

This article provides the answers to those questions

by giving you an overview of what kind of exercise will
give you the biggest anti-aging effects for your efforts.

Start With Strength Training How To Get Started: Adopt a program that targets the
The first line of defense against aging is strength whole body, emphasizing multi-joint movements such
training. The two strongest predictors of longevity as squats, lunges, step-ups, presses, and rows. Use
are muscle mass and strength. Not only is strength a variety of weights in periodized fashion (changing
associated with mobility and the ability to perform weights and reps every 3 to 4 weeks): Include heavier
essential functions of everyday life, but the stronger loads and fewer reps (2 to 8 reps) and lighter weight
you are, the lower your chance of falling and break- with more reps (8 to 15 reps).
ing a bone. Muscle mass also has a protective effect,
helping people survive cancer and other diseases. Perform Intervals
Emerging research shows that maintaining the energy
Another benefit of muscle is that it drives your met- factories in your cells, known as mitochondria, has a
abolic rate. Because muscle tissue is a major met- powerful anti-aging effect. Exercise, in particular, in-
abolic organ and the primary consumer of glucose tense interval training, optimizes the function of exist-
in the body, it also protects against diabetes. Lack ing mitochondria and triggers the birth of new mito-
of muscle means the body won’t cope well with the chondria, making it an essential part of every workout
surge of glucose into the blood after high-carbohy- program.
drate meals. Over time poor glucose tolerance is as-
sociated with inflammation, insulin resistance, and You may remember learning about mitochondria in
diabetes. elementary school science. Mitochondria are mini
6 Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved.
organs in every cell that have the challenging task of that doesn’t mean there is not a time and a place for it:
converting the fat, carbs, and protein from the food we Stretching after workouts can help avoid overly tight
eat into usable energy. Aging causes mitochondria to muscles, which is important for preventing tendinitis
die off, starving cells of energy and reducing our phys- and inflammation in connective tissue.
ical function. Interestingly, loss of mitochondria also
has an aging effect: When scientists study mice with Other options for improving flexibility include yoga
mitochondrial dysfunction they find that they experi- and dynamic stretching. Eccentric training, in which
ence premature aging with graying fur, loss of hearing you slowly perform the lengthening motion of an ex-
and eyesight, decrease in lean muscle and bone, and ercise, has also been shown to increase flexibility. For
accumulation of body fat. example, to increase range-of-motion in the hips, you
could do an eccentric squat by taking 6 to 10 seconds
Interval training can halt the negative effect. In one to lower yourself into the bottom position. Then you
recent study that compared intervals with strength would come back up as quickly as possible. One study
training or combined training (strength training and found that this type of training was 50 percent more
cardio), results showed that interval training increased effective than static stretching for increasing flexibility.
mitochondrial function the most –by a whopping 69
percent in adults over age 64. Combined training How To Get Started: Adopting a 15 to 20-minute static
produced a moderate increase in mitochondria and stretching program a few days a week after workouts
strength training gave mitochondria a small boost. is a good way to overcome tight muscles. Perform 2 to
3 sets of each stretch and hold stretches for at least
How To Get Started: The great thing about interval 30 seconds to get the best results.
training is there is no end to training options. You can
do interval walking in which you hoof it up a hill as Maintain Balance
fast as possible and then take it easy on the way back Maintaining your balance is more than just being able
down. Track sprints or cycling intervals are anoth- to stand on one foot while you pat your head. Hav-
er good option. The key is to choose a program that ing good balance means that you have a strong ves-
meets your needs. tibular system—a sensory system that allows you to
maintain spatial orientation and a sense of balance.
Here are some workout ideas: Try stationary cycling The brain uses information from the vestibular sys-
in which you intersperse 8-second hard efforts with tem in the head and from proprioception throughout
12-seconds of active rest repeated for 20 minutes. An- the body to keep you upright and agile as you move
other option is 30-second all-out sprints interspersed through the world.
with 4 minutes easy activity. If you like to take things
more moderately, try up to 4 minutes at a high-inten- Studies show that having a baseline level of strength is
sity pace alternated with 3 minutes active recovery. necessary for good balance, and it also shores up the
brain—muscle connection. Moving in multiple planes
Focus On Flexibility of motion (side to side, forward and backwards, spins
In recent years as fitness has become more popular, and circles) is also necessary because it activates the
flexibility and stretching have taken a back burner. But vestibular system.
flexibility, which is best described as full range-of-mo-
tion around the joint, has a large impact on physical How To Get Started: For many people, strength train-
performance. And it’s one of the first things we lose as ing and staying active will take care of their balance
the years go by and we become less active. training needs. However, if you feel you need a little
extra stimulus, try tai chi, dancing, or agility exercis-
Good news is there are a number of ways to maintain es to get yourself engaged in multiplanar movements
and increase flexibility. Regular stretching in which that target the vestibular system. Another option for
you hold a static position for 30 seconds went out of older individuals is a vibration platform: Available at
favor a few years ago in athletic performance circles physical therapy studios, vibration platforms chal-
due to the fact that studies show stretching before a lenge proprioception, while actively requiring your
workout can decrease power and strength. However, muscles to flex in response to stimulus.
Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved. 7
Your dog or cat can’t produce
their own EPA and DHA

They must get them through diet.

Adding fish oil to their diet can help support:


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Health & Wellness

Do you think you get enough protein to optimize phys- when combined with weight training. But protein has
ical and metabolic health? many other benefits including the following1:
• It improves bone mineral density and is asso-
Most people will answer yes, but surveys show that ciated with stronger bones.
the vast majority of people are incorrect. Due to a • It provides the building blocks to make neu-
combination of misconceptions about protein and rotransmitters that regulate mood and brain function.
suboptimal eating habits, many people are coming up • It blunts hunger and helps moderate appetite
short when it comes to protein. to prevent overeating and fat gain.
• It improves deep sleep by balancing brain
This article will review the state of the research on chemistry and blood sugar.
how protein impacts body composition and health • It lowers blood pressure by improving the
and provide recommendations for optimizing your function of blood vessels.
protein intake. • It improves biomarkers associated with lon-
gevity and quality of life in the elderly.
Benefits of Protein
Ask your average person what they think of when An argument could be made that protein is the most
they hear the word “protein” and they will probably important macronutrient for optimizing health and
reply “muscle.” It’s true that eating protein stimulates function over the lifespan. It’s also vital for athletes
protein synthesis in the body, helping to build muscle who want to enhance physical performance. >>
Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved. 9
How Does The Body Use Protein? found protein synthesis to be significantly higher in
The protein you eat serves several purposes in the response to eating 20 grams every four hours over the
body: First, it is burned for energy, especially during course of the day compared to a smaller dose of 10 g
endurance exercise. Second, protein is used to make every 1.5 h or a larger dose of 40 g every 6 hours3.
neurotransmitters. Finally, protein stimulates protein
synthesis in muscle, connective tissue, and bone. This Strength Training Makes Everything Better
is critical because the body is constantly in a fluctu- Eating protein is one of two factors that impact pro-
ating state of muscle loss and gain. With fasting or a tein synthesis and suppress muscle breakdown. Re-
meal that lacks protein, your muscles will be in a state sistance exercise is the other. External loading such as
of “breakdown.” Any time you provide the building strength training with weights sensitizes the muscles
blocks for muscle by eating protein, it’s a good thing, to the amino acid building blocks in protein. Some ex-
stimulating protein synthesis and putting you closer perts theorize that this shifts the dose response curve
to a state of positive protein balance, which allows for to the left and lower intakes of protein are needed for
the growth of muscle over time. maximal protein synthesis. However, it may be that
exercise actually increases the capacity to use amino
How Much Protein Can Muscle Use? acids and that the maximal gain in protein synthesis
The U.S. RDA would like you to believe that all you requires higher intakes of protein.
need is a relatively small amount of protein daily, rec-
ommending that adults consume 0.8 g/kg of body- Because resistance exercise primes muscle to use
weight (0.36 g per pound of bw). But this amount protein, a large dose of protein is recommended after
doesn’t prevent protein breakdown, let alone come training. Previously, 20 grams of protein was thought
close maximizing protein synthesis in any population. to optimize protein synthesis, but more recent studies
It’s also insufficient for optimizing satiety and helping show that as high as 40 grams of protein may be ide-
people keep from overeating. al. One study found a 19 percent increase in protein
synthesis with 40 g compared to 20 g 2. Scientists
A wealth of research has come to the following con- conclude that 30 grams is the sweet spot for younger
clusions regarding optimizing protein synthesis1: athletes, whereas older adults involved in resistance
For maximal protein synthesis in the absence of ex- training will likely benefit from the 40 gram dose.
ercise, younger adults need between 0.24-0.3 g/kg
of protein per meal. This equals 17.5 to 21 grams for a How Much Protein When Trying to Lose Fat?
160-pound person2. Protein should be the cornerstone of any weight loss
plan due to its ability to blunt hunger and shift the
Older adults (over 50) suffer from something known body to lose fat rather than muscle. For overweight
as “anabolic resistance,” which means that they need individuals, about 25 percent of lost weight is mus-
more protein per meal to maximize protein synthesis. cle mass, but the effect is greater for leaner individu-
Scientists recommend 0.4 g/kg of protein per meal, als, with losses reaching as high as 50 to 60 percent.
which works out to 28 grams for a 160-pound adult. Higher protein intake can prevent this.

Total protein intake is also key: Studies recommend a In one study, when protein intake was 1.6 g/kg during
minimum of 1.6 g/kg (0.73 g/pound) of protein over a diet and exercise program that cut 40 percent of
the course of the day to optimize protein synthesis. calories, muscle was better preserved compared to a
For a 160-pound person this equals 116 grams total. diet that provided the U.S. RDA of 0.8 g/kg4.
Athletes and people involved in resistance training
may benefit from going as high as 2.4 g/kg/day to Adding strength training into the mix can halt lean
maximize muscle mass and performance gains1. mass losses even in leaner subjects. One study found
lean body mass increased in lean individuals who
Protein should be spread out over meals at strategic went on a 4-week energy-restricted diet and resis-
intervals. By repeatedly stimulating protein synthe- tance trained 6 days a week while consuming 2.4 g/
sis every few hours, you can prevent the body from kg of protein4. A meta-analysis concluded that lean
shifting into a state of protein breakdown. One study individuals, such as physique competitors or other
10 Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved.
body weight athletes, should consume protein in the drawback to taking protein by itself.
range of 1.6 to 2.4 g/kg a day and in some cases as
high as 3 g/kg a day when cutting to prevent body Take Aways:
mass loss5. Protein is the most important macronutrient for opti-
mizing health and function over the lifespan. It’s also
How Important Is Protein Quality? vital for athletes who want to enhance physical per-
Plant-based marketers are one of several groups formance.
guilty of incorrectly saying that proteins made from
grains, nuts, and seeds are good sources of protein. In Older adults have “anabolic resistance,” which means
fact, these proteins have low biological value and they that they require more protein per meal to get the
lack essential amino acids necessary for stimulating same muscle building effect as younger adults. Ex-
protein synthesis. perts recommend 0.4 g/kg of protein per meal for
older adults and 0.24 to 0.3 g/kg in youngsters.
This is why scientists always use whey protein when
testing the effect of different training protocols on Total protein intake may be the most important factor:
protein synthesis. Derived from milk, whey protein A minimum of 1.6 g/kg of protein over the course of
contains all the essential amino acids like other ani- the day is recommended for older adults and anyone
mal proteins and it contains plenty of leucine, which is interested in maximizing lean body mass in the ab-
the most important amino acid for stimulating protein sence of exercise.
synthesis. Other foods with high biological protein
value include eggs, beef, poultry, and fish. More research is needed, but it’s possible that resis-
tance training increases the capacity for the body to
Because the body can’t use vegetable-derived protein use protein, meaning that athletes and individuals in-
sources from beans, soy, grains, and plants as effi- volved in resistance training may benefit from going
ciently as animal proteins, the evidence indicates that as high as 2.4 g/kg of protein a day.
a higher total protein intake is needed to achieve the
same physiological effects. Simply, you may need to Timing of protein is the third important factor when
bump your daily protein goal up from recommended it comes to nailing protein intake. Spreading protein
numbers if you’re getting your protein from vegetari- out evenly over all your meals will yield better muscle
an sources. building results than end-loading it at dinner, as most
people do.
Are Carbs Necessary?
One of the hard-to-get-rid-of myths about protein syn- Protein can help with fat loss, reducing appetite and
thesis is that you need to consume carbs post-work- helping to preserve lean mass. A daily intake ranging
out in order to maximize protein synthesis. The theory from 1.6 to 3.0 g/kg is recommended in conjunction
goes that carbs spike insulin, which can improve pro- with strength training when dieting.
tein balance when amino acids are low in the blood
stream. However, protein alone raises insulin (though Animal proteins are the highest quality proteins that
not as much as carbs), and research shows that taking the body can use most easily for protein synthesis.
carbs with protein does not enhance the anabolic ef- When eating plant-based proteins, you may need to
fect, nor does it contribute to greater muscle building1. bump your daily protein goal up from recommended
Therefore, for people interested in losing fat or who numbers to optimize protein synthesis and muscle
need to be careful about blood sugar spikes, there’s no development.
References resistance exercise. American Journal of Clinical skeletal muscle protein synthesis and associated
Stokes, T., et al. Recent Perspectives Regarding the Nutrition. 2014. 99, 86–95. intracellular signaling proteins in physically active
Role of Dietary Protein for the Promotion of Muscle adults. Journal of Nutrition. 2010. 140, 745–751
Hypertrophy with Resistance Exercise Training. Nu- 3
Areta, J., et al. Timing and distribution of protein
trients. 2018. 10, 180. ingestion during prolonged recovery from resis- 5
Helms, E., et al. A systematic review of dietary pro-
tance exercise alters myofibrillar protein synthesis. tein during caloric restriction in resistance trained
Witard, O., et al. Myofibrillar muscle protein syn- Journal of Physiology. 2013. 591, 2319–2331. lean athletes: A case for higher intakes. Internation-
thesis rates subsequent to a meal in response to al Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabo-
increasing doses of whey protein at rest and after 4
Pasiakos, S., et al. Acute energy deprivation affects lism. 2014. 24, 127–138.

Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved. 11

A healthy gut microbiome
is essential for our health
and well-being*

Probiotics support
healthy digestion and
the immune system.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Workout Systems



It’s often difficult to determine the origins of a weight by a medium set (about 75 percent of your 6RM) for
training system, and the 10,8,6 Training Method is no 8 reps, followed by as many reps as possible with a
exception. maximum weight (100 percent of 6RM) with a goal of
6 reps. If you complete all 6 reps on that third set, or
In 1982, Vince Gironda published a book about a simi- more, you increase the weight for the next workout. If
lar system called 10,8,6,15. The program involves per- you only do 5 reps or less reps, use the same weights
forming three sets of progressively heavier weights for the next workout.
and lower reps,10,8,6, followed by a lighter “pump”
set with 15 reps. The major difference between Giron- The 10,8,6 Training Method is especially motivating
da’s program and the 10,8,6 Training Method is that a for beginners because the fewer reps on the second
fourth set is not performed. and third sets enable much heavier weights to be
used – in effect, it gives the user the illusion of getting
One proponent of the 10,8,6 program was Bob Perata, stronger throughout the workout. This is a training
owner of Bob’s Athletic Club in Fremont, California. protocol designed for a beginner, and as such three
Bob’s Athletic Club was one of those basic, primari- sets are enough to make excellent progress in increas-
ly free-weight gyms of the past where bodybuilders, ing both strength and muscle mass.
weightlifters, and the general population trained to-
gether. The most notable member of the gym was Ed Often, a trainee at Bob’s club would use this program
Corney, who challenged Franco Columbu for the 1975 for a month and then would move on to another pro-
Mr. Olympic lightweight title. Corney appeared on the gram for variety – sometimes the client would simply
cover of Charles Gaines’s book Pumping Iron as well add another set, doing permutations such as 12,10,8,6
as on the poster for the movie. if they wanted more muscle mass, and 10,8,6,4 if they
wanted more strength. This rep/set scheme is not ap-
The 10,8,6 Training Method, which Perata used as ear- propriate for all exercises, especially the Olympic lifts
ly as 1972, is based on your best result in an exercise (snatch and clean and jerk) and most of their assis-
for 6 reps (6RM). It consists of performing a light set tance exercises due to the technical nature of these
(about 50 percent of your 6RM) for 10 reps, followed exercises. >>
Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved. 13
The 10,8,6 Training Method is extremely flexible as it can be used with station training (i.e., performing all the
sets of one exercise before moving on to another), supersets, and even tri-sets. Here is a sample workout for a
beginner using the 10,8,6 Training Method that incorporates both station training and supersets:


A. Back Squat 10,8,6 4011 240 sec

B1. Barbell Military Press 10,8,6 3010 120 sec

B2. Bent-over Dumbell Row 10,8,6 3110 120 sec

C1. Dumbell Incline Press 10,8,6 3011 120 sec

C2. Lat Pulldown, Medium-grip 10,8,6 3110 120 sec

D1. Triceps Pressdown 10,8,6 3010 120 sec

D2. Standing Barbell Curl 10,8,6 3010 120 sec

Here’s how you’ll perform the program:

• The Back Squat (A) is performed as a standalone exercise.

• Perform all the sets and reps of this exercise before moving onto the B series. Each exercise will perform 3
sets. In Set 1, you will perform 10 reps, Set 2: 8 reps, and Set 3: 6 reps.

• The B, C, and D series are supersets. Looking at the B series:

• You will perform Set 1 of B1. Barbell Military Press, rest 120 seconds.
• Then, you perform Set 1 of B2. Bent-over Dumbbell Row, rest 120 seconds then go back to B1.
• Perform all sets and reps of the B series before moving to the C series.

The 10,8,6 Training Method is not the single best workout program because such a program doesn’t exist. But
most individuals, especially beginners, will enjoy this simple approach to training and can make progress on
it for quite some time. Sure, there are many other ways to train, but the 10,8,6 system is a good place to start!
14 Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved.
Carnitine transports fat into cells to be
used for fuel. Research demonstrates
benefits for exercise performance,
memory and learning, cardiovascular
health, and metabolic function.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Featured Article


Sometimes a little muscle soreness can be pleasant: recovery and reduce muscle soreness is with food.
You worked hard and reached a new level of athleti- By using a few simple (and delicious) nutrition strat-
cism or strength. egies you can target multiple systems in the body
that get beat down by training.
But when the soreness gets severe, it can become a
big ol’ pain in the gluteus maximus. For example, drinking caffeinated coffee can acceler-
ate recovery by both reducing muscle soreness and
A lot of people make the mistake of dismissing re- restoring CNS function so you recuperate strength
covery as something that’s too complicated or that faster after an intense workout1, 2.
they don’t have time for. They think of long, painful
ice baths, massages that they really can’t afford, and Here are ten more amazing foods that help reduce
ibuprofen or other NSAIDs that have side effects. muscle pain and speed recovery so that you can hit
it hard again and get more out of your body whether
In fact, one of the most effective ways to accelerate your goal is performance, muscle, or fat loss.

may be medicine for sick muscles, though they hav-

en’t been specifically tested in exercise studies8.

Dietary Tip: Avoid drinking milk products at the same

time as berries and cherries because there’s evidence
that the proteins in milk will inhibit antioxidant activi-
ty in the body. Wait at least an hour after a whey pro-
tein shake to get your berries.


Both blueberries and tart cherries have measured up
in studies showing they reduce delayed onset muscle
soreness (DOMS) and may help recuperate strength
faster3. These dark-colored fruits have potent nutri-
ents that accelerate the elimination of waste products
produced during training.


Tart cherries provide the added bonus of raising the
sleep hormone melatonin in the body so that you getIMPROVE ESTROGEN METABOLISM.
better rest. It’s been found to help both good sleepers
Green leafy and cruciferous veggies are jam-packed
and those who suffer insomnia4, 5, 6, 7. with nutrients and provide compounds that improve
metabolic processes. For instance, the cruciferous
Other nutrient powerhouses include raspberries, veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts) help
strawberries, blackberries, and plums—all of which the body safely eliminate the hormone estrogen.
16 Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved.
Rainbow chard and collards have been found to re- They also increase insulin, which has a protective an-
duce the insulin response and they are abundant in tioxidant effect on muscle by suppressing inflamma-
nutrients that can help eradicate free radicals that tory products that you produce during training. Here
slow healing. are a few high-glycemic plants that have performed
well in exercise and metabolic studies:
Besides providing compounds that reduce inflamma-
tion, these green vegetables provide low-glycemic en- • Watermelon improves nitric oxide production, deliv-
ergy and they won’t spike blood sugar. Eating the right ering nutrient-rich blood to damaged muscle tissue8.
carbs at the right times can make all the difference in Increased nitric oxide production is also associated
what you get out of your training: with better oxygen use during intense exercise for
better endurance performance.
• They can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol
after training, which can improve body composition • Potatoes contain a little bit of almost every nutri-
over time. ent we need and along with other starches, such as
squash and sweet potatoes, they tend to be extremely
• They support function of the thyroid, which is in- satisfying.
volved in metabolic rate, and they provide the raw
materials that are used to produce neurotransmitters • Pineapple and kiwi will raise blood antioxidant sta-
that elevate mood and restore willpower. tus and they provide compounds that help fight pain
and inflammation.
• They can improve hydration. Carbs require the body
to store a lot of water, which is important when you’re Dietary Tip: Wondering if whole fruit is better than
training hard and have a high sweat rate. juice? This comes down to preference and goals. If
you’re trying to lose fat, avoid juice because it doesn’t
When To Eat Them: Anytime! There’s no bad time to contain fiber, is consumed much more quickly than
eat low-glycemic carbs since they are low in calories food, and doesn’t require chewing. But, if you’re try-
and high in nutrients. However, if your goal is to spike ing to put on weight or glycogen replenishment is the
insulin and replenish glycogen, high-glycemic carbs goal, juice can be a good choice.
are indicated. Read on…


No need to overthink things! Less muscle soreness
#3: HIGH-GLYCEMIC FRUITS & STARCHES REPLEN- and faster recovery may be as simple as drinking up,
ISH GLYCOGEN FAST. especially if you’re training in hot temperatures.
High-glycemic fruits and starchy vegetables are ex-
cellent foods to eat post-workout if your goal is to For example, a 2005 study found that when men did
rehydrate and replenish muscle glycogen stores—the a downhill run in the heat that produced significant
energy source of your muscles. In addition, many of muscle soreness, those who became dehydrated had
these nutrient-rich foods contain unique antioxidant much greater muscle pain post-workout than a group
compounds that can aid tissue repair and recovery. that drank liberally throughout the run9. >>
Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved. 17
Why does dehydration influence recovery so pro- or cold because it fights oxidative stress and reduces
foundly? waste production during intense eccentric exercise10.

Water is critical for proper body temperature regu- Dietary Tip: Fish oil can be convenient and provide
lation, as well as both muscle and heart function. A highly concentrated doses of EPA and DHA, but
decrease in hydration of as little as 2 percent reduces there’s no reason you can’t rely on whole fish if you
maximal strength and athletic performance because prefer. Both salmon and cod have performed well in
it leads to a drop in blood plasma volume so that en- studies aimed at reducing inflammation.
ergy doesn’t reach the muscle cells.

There’s also evidence that dehydration will affect the

testosterone-to-cortisol ratio, which is a common
measure of recovery status as well as readiness to

Hydration Tip: Drink frequently throughout the day—

not just post-workout—and shoot for 0.7 ounces per
pound of bodyweight.


Eating a variety of fats from whole sources has a pro-
tective effect on the body. For example, bone repair is
improved when the omega-3 fat and the omega-6 fats
are balanced.

Almonds are an omega-6 fat source that have per-

formed especially well in aiding recuperation from in-
#5: COD, SALMON, & OTHER FISH SUPPORT PRO- tense exercise. A study that had trained cyclists eat
TEIN SYNTHESIS. almonds daily for 4 weeks found that they improved
The omega-3 fats, DHA and EPA, from fish are the time trial performance by boosting energy use and
darlings of the recovery world because they improve antioxidant capacity11.
cellular signaling and have anti-inflammatory effects.
In the short-term this means healthy fats make you
They also may reduce muscle soreness slightly, faster, but in the long run it means you’ll have a quick-
though they haven’t been found to decrease severe er recovery because the body will produce less oxida-
DOMS. Of course, anyone who trains hard knows that tive stress during training.
severe DOMS is, well, severe, which is one reason
why many therapies that speed recovery don’t have Variety Is Best: Brazil nuts, most known for raising tes-
much effect on DOMS. tosterone, are another powerhouse nut, containing
selenium, magnesium, and zinc, a trifecta of minerals
Researchers recommend fish oil for trainees who are essential for hormone balance and recovery. Walnuts
under intense physical and environmental stress, are also nutrient-rich and may have anti-fatigue effects
such as competing at high altitudes or in extreme heat due to their ability to improve energy use in the body 12.
18 Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved.
second highest concentration of leucine after milk,
which is the most important amino acid for building
muscle16, 17.

In a review that discusses egg protein, researchers

write that eating eggs can enhance energy produc-
tion, stimulate protein synthesis, and aid in recovery
from intense training18. In addition, eggs provide the
antioxidants selenium, lutein, and zeaxanthin, and
#7: FERMENTED FOODS IMPROVE DIGESTION & eating eggs has been found to reduce inflammation
BOOST IMMUNITY. in the body19.
If there is something off with your gut or digestion,
you won’t recover efficiently. Think about it. A well Health Tip: In case you haven’t heard, eggs have been
functioning gut allows for all of the following key re- vindicated as a delicious food to include in a healthy
covery actions: diet that’s low in refined carbs. They aren’t the decid-
ing factor in elevated triglycerides, high cholesterol,
• Full absorption of nutrients needed for tissue repair. or heart disease. Rather, the spotlight is on unhealthy
• The metabolism of waste byproducts produced lifestyle habits and diets high in refined foods for in-
during intense training. creasing risk of metabolic and heart disease.
• The eradication of oxidative stress and inflamma-
• The production of neurotransmitters involved in
neural drive and motivation.

Eating a high indigestible fiber diet and plenty of pro-

biotic foods can enable a gut that works like clock-
work. Probiotics are found in fermented foods such as
high-quality yogurt, fermented dairy, pickled veggies,
and kefir (a fermented grain beverage), among other

Studies show that probiotic supplementation in ath-

letes can reduce inflammation and boost immunity— #9: CINNAMON IMPROVES INSULIN SENSITIVITY
both factors that support a speedy and pain-free re- FOR FASTER TISSUE REPAIR AND GLYCOGEN RE-
covery from a tough workout13, 14. PLENISHMENT.
Cinnamon is a nutrient partitioner, diverting dietary
Dietary Tip: Probiotic foods such as sauerkraut, kim carbs to be stored in the muscle as glycogen20. This
chi, and pickled ginger add tang and spark to meals may have implications for tissue repair and recovery
when used as condiments. from muscle soreness by way of enhanced protein

For example, a study of female martial arts athletes

found that taking 3 grams of cinnamon powder with
food reduced DOMS muscle pain after intense eccen-
tric training21.

Dietary Tip: Cinnamon is delicious on just about ev-

erything: Add it to protein shakes, tea, coffee, yogurt,
#8: EGGS SPEED TISSUE REPAIR. or cook with it. Try it on veggies in conjunction with
Eggs are a perfect protein source, and they have the other spices for a sweet, tangy flavor. >>
Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved. 19
study that tested the effect of cinnamon on DOMS
in martial artists showed that 3 grams of ginger was
equally as effective for shortening recovery time21.

Turmeric contains the anti-inflammatory, pain-killing

compound called curcumin, which has been used for
everything from wound healing to cancer treatment22.
It’s more recently been found to reduce DOMS in ac-
tive men who did intense muscle-damaging exercise.
Subjects took 200 mg of curcumin a day and in ad-
dition to less self reported pain, MRI scans showed
lower evidence of muscle injury in the curcumin group
#10: TURMERIC AND GINGER REDUCE DOMS. compared to a placebo 23.
Turmeric and ginger both come from rhizome plants
and they have powerful anti-inflammatory properties Cooking Tip: Add diced fresh ginger to veggie stir fries
that have been found to accelerate recovery and re- for a pop of flavor, make tea, out of the root, or blend
duce DOMS muscle soreness. For example, that same it with protein shakes.

Graham, T., et al. Metabolic and exercise 9
Cleary, M., et al. Dehydration and Symptoms 17
Cermak, N., et al. Protein Supplementation
endurance effects of coffee and caffeine in- of Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness in Hyper- Augments the Adaptive Response of Skeletal
gestion. Journal of Applied Physiology. 1998. thermic Males. Journal of Athletic Training. Muscle to Resistance-Type Exercise. American
85(3), 883-889. 2005. 40(4), 288-297. Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2012. 96: 1454-
Pereira, L., et al. Caffeine Influences Perfor- 10
Dort, J., et al. Beneficial effects of cod protein
mance, Muscle Pain, Muscle Damage Marker, on inflammatory cell accumulation in rat skele- 18
Moore, D., et al. Ingested protein dose re-
But Not Leukocytosis In Soccer Players. Medici- tal muscle after injury are driven by its high lev- sponse of muscle and albumin protein syn-
na Sportiva. 2012. 16(1), 22-29. els of arginine, glycine, taurine and lysine. PLOS thesis after resistance exercise in young men.
One. 2013. 8(10):e77274. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2009.
McReay, Y., et al. Effect of New Zealand Blue- 89(1):161-8.
berry Consumption on Recovery from Eccentric 11
Yi, M., et al. The effect of almond consump-
Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage. Journal of tion on elements of endurance exercise perfor- 19
Etheridge, T., et al. A single protein meal in-
the International Society of Sports Nutrition. mance in trained athletes. Journal of the Inter- creases recovery of muscle function following
2012. 9(19). national Society of Sports Nutrition. 2014. 11:18. an acute eccentric exercise bout. Applied Phys-
iology, Nutrient, and Metabolism. 2008. 33(3),
Connolly, D., et al. Efficacy of a Tart Cher- 12
Kim, D., Kim, K. Walnut extract exhibits an- 483-488.
ry Juice Blend in Preventing the Symptoms of ti-fatigue action via improvement of exercise
Muscle Damage. BritishJournal of Sports Med- tolerance in mice. Lab Animal Research. 2013. 20
Ziegenfuss, T., et al. Effects of a Water-Sol-
icine. 2006. 40(8), 679-683. 29(4):190-5. uble Cinnamon Extract on Body Composition
and Features of the Metabolic Syndrome in
Howatson, G., et al. Influence of Tart Cherry 13
Gleeson, M., Williams, C. Intense exercise Pre-Diabetic Men and Women. Journal of the
Juice on Indices of Recovery Following Mara- training and immune function. Nestle Nutrition International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2006.
thon Running. Scandinavian Journal of Medi- Institute Workshop Series. 2013. 76:39-50. 3, 45-53.
cine and Science in Sports. 2010. 29(6), 843-
852. 14
Kadooka, Y., Sato, M., et al. Regulation of Ab- 21
Mashhadi, N., et al. Influence of Ginger and
dominal Adiposity by Probiotics (Lactobacillus Cinnamon Intake on Inflammation and Muscle
Kuehl, K., et al. Efficacy of Tart Cherry Juice Gasseri SBT2055) in Adults with Obese Ten- Soreness Endured by Exercise in Iranian Female
in Reducing Muscle Pain During Running: a dencies in a Randomized Controlled Trial. Eu- Athletes. International Journal of Preventative
Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of the In- ropean Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2010. 64, Medicine. 2013. 4(Suppl 1): S11–S15.
ternational Society of Sports Nutrition. 2010. 636-643.
7(17). 22
Mohanty, C., Das, M., et al. Sustained Wound
Messaoudi, M., Lalonde, R., et al. Assessment Healing Activity of Curcumin Loaded Oleic Acid
Pigeon, W., et al. Effects of a Tart Cherry Juice of Psychotropic-Like Properties of a Probiotic Based Polymeric Bandage in a Rat Model. Mo-
Beverage on the Sleep of Older Adults with Formulation (Lactobacillus Helveticus R0052 lecular Pharmaceutics. 2012. 9(10): 2801-2811.
Insomnia: A Pilot Study. Journal of Medicinal and Bifidobacterium longum R0175 in Rats and
Food. June 2010. 13(3), 579-583. Human Subjects. British Journal of Nutrition. 23
Drobnic, F., et al. Reduction of delayed onset
2011. 105, 755-764. muscle soreness by a novel curcumin delivery
Malaguti, M., et al. Polyphenols in Exercise system (Meriva®): a randomised, placebo-con-
Performance and Prevention of Exercise-In- 16
Acheson, K., et al. Protein choices targeting trolled trial. Journal of the International Society
duced Muscle damage. Hindawi Publishing. thermogenesis and metabolism. American Jour- of Sports Nutrition. 2014. 11:31.
2013. ID 825928. nal of Clinical Nutrition. 2011. 93(3), 525-34.

20 Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved.

Supports the essential
building blocks for JOINT,

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Ingredients: wooden skewer to swirl if necessary. It will sink to
12 large eggs (600 grams) the bottom; this is ok!
1 8-ounce package Philadelphia Cream Cheese,
room temperature (226 grams) 6. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until the center is set.
1 tablespoon coconut flour (7 grams) Allow to cool in the baking dish as it will be much
1/2 stick butter, room temperature (56 grams) easier to remove.
1 tablespoon cinnamon (7 grams)
sweetener of choice, if desired pinch of salt 7. Serve this as you would French toast or pancakes.
Use your favorite low-carb syrup or fresh berries and
Method: whipped heavy cream as a topping.
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Nutrition Info:
2. Grease an 8-inch baking dish with butter (the but- Fat: 180 grams
ter wrapper is perfect for this). Protein: 94 grams
Net Carbohydrate: 16 grams
3. Combine the eggs, cream cheese, coconut flour, Fiber: 6 grams
salt, and sweetener (if desired) in a blender. Blend Calories: 2062
on high until completely smooth. Scrape the sides if Ketogenic Ratio: 1.65:1
necessary and blend a second time.
This recipe along with other Keto recipes can be found in
4. Pour the egg mixture into the baking dish. the Ketogenic Diet Handbook. 10% of this book’s sales
will be donated to the Charlie Foundation for Ketogenic
5. Melt the butter and stir in the cinnamon. Drizzle Therapies to provide information about diet therapies for
the cinnamon mixture over the egg mixture. Use a people with epilepsy and other neurological disorders.
22 Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved.
There is a vitamin D-receptor
site on every cell in the body

Achieving healthy vitamin D

levels is one of the easiest ways
to promote long-term health,
optimal body composition, and
reduce injury and illness.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Health & Wellness



Testosterone is the most significant of hormones, fat in the abdominal area. When chronically elevated,
being vital for health, mental outlook, and body com- cortisol stimulates anxiety and a racing mind.
position. While adequate testosterone is absolutely
essential for men, it is also an important hormone for Testosterone does the opposite, improving muscle
women who want to feel good and look their best. mass and tissue repair, driving strength and physical
ability, and making you feel energized and confident.
Low testosterone is an increasing problem for both Testosterone is consistently associated with dom-
sexes. Studies of men show the average male in the inance in both sexes and it is predictive of perfor-
21st century has testosterone levels that are 15 per- mance in sports. This is one reason the ratio between
cent lower than a man of the same age 15 years ago 1, testosterone and cortisol is often used to assess train-
. Studies in women are scarce, but anecdotal reports ing status and performance potential in athletes. Sci-
show that testosterone imbalances are an increasing entists hypothesize that high increases in cortisol on
problem that are affecting well-being, metabolic func- a daily basis impair your cells ability to bind with tes-
tion, libido, and body composition. tosterone, rendering it ineffective.

There are many theories for the decline in testoster- Stress Stimulates Behaviors That Lower Testosterone
one, but one thing we know for sure is that chronic Another way that stress drives low testosterone is
stress is a major killer of testosterone. Not only doesin how it impacts appetite and body fat. When ex-
stress directly lower testosterone, it has peripheral ef-
perienced chronically, stress makes you hungry and
fects that result in lower testosterone production. stimulates fat storage around the belly—two actions
that further deplete testosterone. Visceral belly fat is
Stress Drains Testosterone especially harmful because it is metabolically active,
Any time you experience stress, the body pumps out releasing inflammatory markers that lead to changes
the hormone cortisol. Like testosterone, cortisol is a in how your brain experiences satiation, while also
steroid hormone and both substances are produced raising levels of aromatase.
using the same raw materials. Although cortisol can
be lifesaving when you are under an acute threat, it Aromatase is the enzyme that transforms testos-
breaks down muscle, dulls strength, and makes you terone into estrogen. This means that not only does
feel depleted when your body produces too much. El- stress deplete testosterone, it raises estrogen, a hor-
evated cortisol also triggers inflammation, suppress- mone that has numerous harmful effects when it is
es the immune system, and leads the body to deposit out of balance in both men and women.
24 Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved.
If you think about it, it makes sense biologically that testosterone to estrogen, and it reduces inflamma-
stress would have such a negative impact on testos- tion that targets the sex organs (ovaries and breast in
terone. Testosterone plays a central role in reproduc- women and testes and prostate in men)4.
tion in both men and women. When you are under
chronic stress, your brain senses that your body is not Best known as the anti-stress mineral, magnesium
capable of taking care of progeny and it blunts repro- plays a central role in the body’s hormonal cascade,
ductive drive. Adopting a stress management plan helping to metabolize cortisol and sensitize cells to
that combines nutrition, supplements, exercise, and insulin. It has also been shown to help overcome tes-
lifestyle habits can reverse the problem and improve tosterone deficiency in men and can improve testos-
testosterone levels. terone release in response to intense exercise5.

Solve Sleep Issues Vitamin D plays multiple roles in helping to regulate

Sleep deprivation triggers an increase in cortisol and testosterone: Not only does it help inhibit aromatase,
sends blood sugar and insulin out of whack, trigger- this pro-hormone enhances the sensitivity of cell re-
ing a drop in testosterone. Whether it takes a sleep ceptors that release testosterone. For example, one
routine (set bedtime, grateful log, dim lights at night), study found that men with low testosterone who sup-
supplementation (melatonin, magnesium), or sleep- plemented with 3,332 IUs of vitamin D increased their
ing according to your chronotype (natural tendency bioavailable testosterone levels by 20 percent6, 7.
toward being a morning or evening person), solving
sleep issues is your first line of defense for improving Train With Weights, Do Sprints
your testosterone-to-cortisol ratio. Along with helping minimize body fat levels, intense
exercise triggers testosterone release in both men
Eat A Lower Carb, Higher Fat, Whole Food Diet and women, while helping to reset the body’s stress
Fixing what you put in your mouth lays the groundwork response. Instead of logging hours on a treadmill or
for you to successfully cope with stress. Choosing a elliptical, do strength training with heavier weights
diet based on whole foods including meat, seafood, that target the whole body: Deadlifts, squats, lunges,
plants, eggs, and dairy will help balance blood sugar presses, and rows should make up the majority of your
and insulin, which helps to moderate cortisol release. workout. Adding a few sprint or strongman exercises,
A healthy diet also contains the building blocks for such as battle ropes or sled pushes, will also stimulate
testosterone production, providing cholesterol to syn- testosterone and improve hormone balance.
thesize steroid hormones along with other nutrients
that will minimize aromatase and inflammation. References
Andersson, M., et al. Secular decline in male testosterone and sex hormone
binding globulin serum levels in Danish population surveys. Journal of Clini-
Meditate cal Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2007. 92(12):4696-705.
Meditation is everyone’s go-to habit for stress man-
Travison, T., et al. A population-level decline in serum testosterone levels
agement because research shows that in addition to in American men. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2007.
helping the body clear cortisol, it can improve release 92(1):196-202.
of testosterone and related androgen hormones such 3
Maclean, C., et al. Effect of the Transcendental Meditation Program on
as DHEA. Meditation also helps you handle difficult Adaptive Mechanisms: Changes in hormone Levels and Responses to stress
After Four Months of Practice. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 1997. 22(4), 277-
challenges better by shoring up mental and biologi- 295.
cal resources: One study found that when people
Neek, L., et al. Effect of Zinc and Selenium Supplementation on Serum Tes-
who meditate experience extreme stress, they have tosterone and Plasma Lactate in Cyclist After an Exhaustive Exercise Bout.
a more robust hormone release to better respond to Biological Trace Element Research. 2011. 144(1-3):454-62.
the threat3. 5
Maggio, M., et al. Magnesium and anabolic hormones in older men. Inter-
national Journal of Andrology. 2011. 34(6 Pt 2):e594-600.
Supplement With Zinc, Magnesium & Vitamin D 6
Lee, D, Tajar, A., et al. Association of Hypogonadism with Vitamin D Sta-
Certain nutrients have a powerful impact on the tes- tus: The European Male Ageing Study. European Journal of Endocrinology.
January 2012. 166, 75-85.
tosterone-to-cortisol ratio, helping the body manage
stress and improve testosterone release. Zinc has a 7
Pilz, S., Frisch, S., et al. Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Testoster-
one Levels in Men. Hormone and Metabolic Research. 2011. 43, 223-225.
mild effect on aromatase, reducing the transfer of
Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved. 25
Magnesium is involved in over 300 enzymatic
processes in the body and supports:



*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
New Featured Article


Your liver is a powerhouse organ. diet, prescription drugs, alcohol, ant symptoms and increases your
Every day it saves your life by pro- chemical exposure, or pesticides, risk of doing long-term damage to
cessing waste products and toxins enzymes that eliminate waste your liver. Fortunately, there are
for safe elimination. Sometimes, products can become depleted several actions that can help reju-
the liver can be overburdened by and the liver gets stressed. venate your liver. This article will
the onslaught of toxins that are Some toxins will sneak through cover the symptoms of a stressed
present in everyday life. When you and not be eliminated efficiently. liver and give you tips for repairing
have a high toxic load from poor This leads to a variety of unpleas- this most precious of organs.

How To Know If Your Liver Needs Some Love Digestive issues are a common side effect of a liver
Technically speaking, it’s incorrect to say that your that is not able to keep up with detoxification. A poor-
liver needs a “detox.” Your liver is always “on,” going ly functioning liver slows the release of bile, leading
through detoxification. However, the liver can be over- to growth of harmful gut bacteria, which in turn can
whelmed or not have sufficient nutritional support block detoxification pathways in the liver2. This leads
for peak elimination. Here are several signs our liver to inflammation in the GI tract and the appearance of
could use some support: other GI symptoms including flatulence, diarrhea, and
irritable bowel syndrome.
1. Extreme Fatigue
Fatigue is a common symptom of a poorly function- 3. Food & Chemical Allergies
ing liver1. One of the liver’s main functions is to pro-
When the liver is under stress you may find yourself
cess carbs from your diet and store them as glycogen. more sensitive to chemicals from pesticides, cleaning
When your blood sugar drops and you need more en- products, antibiotics, and other medications2. Food
ergy, the liver releases glycogen, combatting fatigue. allergies also arise as dietary waste products re-enter
If the liver is stressed it may be less efficient at regu-
the bloodstream, leading the body to launch a full-on
lating blood sugar, which leads to fatigue and sugar immune response when you eat certain foods. Itchy
cravings. skin, chronic fatigue, unexplained pain, excessive
sweating, dizziness, migraines, brain fog, and diges-
2. Digestive Issues (Diarrhea, Irritable Bowel, Flatu- tive issues are common symptoms that you are hav-
lence) ing an allergic response. >>
Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved. 27
4. Sleep Problems the liver if possible.
Chronic liver conditions have long been associated • Avoid exposure to chemicals in personal care
with sleep disturbances. The liver processes spent products, especially those containing parabens and
hormones that regulate the sleep-wake cycle, includ- phthalates.
ing cortisol and melatonin. In cases of chronic stress, • Avoid BPA in plastic food and water containers by
the liver is not able to metabolize these hormones choosing glass or BPA-free products.
efficiently. When excess cortisol is floating around in • Drink filtered water and eat organic whenever pos-
your blood stream at night it causes your mind to race sible.
at bedtime. Conversely, when the liver is unable to • Scrub produce to reduce exposure to pesticides.
efficiently metabolize the sleep hormone, melatonin,
you will experience daytime sleepiness3. People often The second step is to eat a diet rich in nutrients that
treat daytime fatigue with caffeine or sugar, triggering support detoxification4:
a vicious cycle of impaired sleep. • High-quality protein provides the amino acids the
liver uses to neutralize toxins.
5. Hormone Imbalances • Omega-3 fats DHA and EPA from fish and grass-fed
Estrogen is a vital hormone for both men and wom- meat provide antioxidants that help neutralize dam-
en, but only when it is balanced with other hormones. age to the liver from chemical exposure.
Many chemicals mimic estrogen in the body, binding • Colorful fruits and vegetables provide the nutrients
with estrogen receptors, essentially raising your lev- the liver uses in the two phases of detoxification.
el of estrogen. The liver is responsible for detoxify-
ing these chemicals as well as any excess estrogen. The third step is to help repair liver function with sup-
When liver function is impaired, estrogen won’t be plementation:
adequately bound and excreted, instead breaking free • Desiccated liver is a concentrated form of beef liver
and reentering circulation. Symptoms for women in- that supplies DNA and RNA to help the liver regener-
clude PMS, mood swings, menstrual disturbances, ate. Called “nature’s multivitamin,” liver also supplies
and migraines. For men, symptoms include breast de- a robust array of B vitamins and other nutrients to
velopment, weight gain, and low libido. support detoxification.
• Vitamin D is a pro-hormone that has many vital roles
6. Weight Gain or Difficulty Losing Weight in health, including in the liver. A vitamin D deficiency
An increasingly common problem is fatty liver dis- compromises liver function and decreases the flow of
ease—a dangerous situation that occurs in response bile, which is necessary for the body to metabolize fat.
to insulin resistance. When you are inactive and eat Additionally, a poorly functioning liver makes a vita-
too many calories, cells become resistant to insulin, min D deficiency more likely because the liver produc-
which leads to higher levels of free fatty acids in the es calcidiol, the precursor to vitamin D5.
blood that are deposited in the liver. Liver fat damages • Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that supports
liver tissue, while also impairing the liver’s ability to detoxification and helps protect the body against in-
break down fat and messing up its ability to regulate flammation that builds up from a large toxic load.
blood sugar. The result is weight gain or weight loss
Swain, MD. Fatigue in Liver Disease: Pathophysiology and Clinical Man-
How To Repair Your Liver agement Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2005. (20):181-188.
Because your liver is always in detoxification mode, 2
Ziem, G., McTamney, J. Profile of patients with chemical injury and sen-
it’s worthwhile to use habits that support the liver on sitivity. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1997. 105(Suppl 2), 417–436.
a daily basis. We recommend developing a detoxifica- 3
Zhao X, Wong P. Managing Sleep Disturbances in Cirrhosis. Scientifica
tion “lifestyle.” 2016. 2016: 6576812.

Cline, JC. Nutritional aspects of detoxification in clinical practice. Alterna-
The first step to giving your liver some love is to stop tive therapies in health and medicine. 2015. 21(3), 54-62.
doing things that harm it4: 5
Nair, S. Vitamin d deficiency and liver disease. Gastroenterology & hepa-
• Avoid alcohol. tology. 2010. 6(8), 491–493.
• Monitor medications and remove ones that stress
28 Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved.
The Omega-3 fats, EPA and DHA,
support anti-inflammatory pathways for:



*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Research Review



If you’re looking for a simple supplement plan with At the most basic level, magnesium is necessary to
the power to transform your life, magnesium and vita- turn the inactive form of vitamin D into the active
min D3 are a good place to start. These two nutrients form that can work on bone and other tissues.
work together to optimize body composition and en-
ergy levels while protecting the body from a long list On the flip side, vitamin D improves your body’s ability
of diseases. to absorb magnesium in the intestine, which is critical
because most westerners do not meet the minimum
Unfortunately, deficiencies in these nutrients are requirements for magnesium through diet alone.
widespread. Because magnesium and vitamin D work
together, lack of one makes it more likely you’ll be de- What Are The Benefits of Magnesium?
ficient in the other. Magnesium is essential for life as it plays a major role
in the metabolism of glucose and affects the nervous
Nutrients Work Together system. Other benefits include:
Due to a combination of marketing and misinforma-
tion, many people think of the elements of nutrition • Maintaining a healthy heart by helping to stabi-
and its effects on the body as unique individual piec- lize heart rhythm, prevent blood clotting, regulate
es. In fact, nutrients act in a coordinated manner. Ab- blood pressure, and reduce rates of heart attacks and
sorption and metabolism of a particular nutrient is strokes.
often dependent on the availability of other nutrients. • Supporting bone health by regulating the action of
Magnesium and vitamin D are two that work togeth- calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus.
er and are necessary for the physiological function of • Maintaining antioxidant status in cells, helping the
various organs1 . body manage inflammation and repair cells.
30 Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved.
• Improving relaxation and sleep by calming the cen- What is The Risk of Vitamin D Deficiency?
tral nervous system and balancing stress hormones. Vitamin D is produced in the skin when exposed to
• Supporting insulin sensitivity and helping the body sunlight. Due to many factors, including lack of sun
regulate blood glucose levels. exposure, regular use of sunscreen and sunglasses,
obesity, chronic illness, pharmaceutical drug use, and
Who Is At Risk of Magnesium Deficiency? dark skin pigmentation, vitamin D deficiency is wide-
The average American diet contains about 50 per- spread. Dietary sources are insufficient to meet vita-
cent of the RDA for magnesium and as much as min D requirements if sun exposure is inadequate.
three-quarters of the population is magnesium defi-
cient2. Factors that increase risk of magnesium de- Why Are Magnesium and Vitamin D BFFs?
ficiency include diabetes, GI problems, eating disor- Magnesium is necessary for the production of en-
ders, thyroid disease, heart disease, hypertension, zymes that allow the body to convert vitamin D into
caffeine and alcohol use, high-intensity exercise, the active form. Activation of vitamin D requires two
medications, and laxative use. magnesium-dependent enzymes: First, in the liver,
25-hydroxylase transforms cholecalciferol to 25-hy-
Risk of magnesium deficiency has increased dramati- droxycholecalciferol (25[OH]2D). Second, in the kid-
cally over the last 80 years due to changes in soil con- neys, 1α hydroxylase turns 25-hydroxycholecalciferol
ditions, use of fertilizers and pesticides, and removal into the active vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2D.
of magnesium during food processing. Additionally,
the shift away from whole foods to diets high in re- Another way they work together is that magnesium
fined foods has contributed to lack of magnesium in is necessary for vitamin D-carrier proteins that trans-
the diet. port vitamin D to target tissues in the blood.

What Are The Benefits of Vitamin D? Studies show benefits of optimizing levels of both
Vitamin D is a hormone-like nutrient that is critical magnesium and vitamin D on health: In a study of 126
for human survival, maintaining the integrity of the patients with controlled diabetes, supplementation
skeletal system. Other benefits include: with 2000 IUs a day of vitamin D3 for 6 months im-
proved serum levels of magnesium3.
• Working with magnesium to support immunity and
your body’s response to pathogens. When vitamin D is lacking, magnesium can step in to
• Having anti-inflammatory action and supporting the preserve bone health:
function of the heart and blood vessels. In a study of postmenopausal women who were los-
• Reducing risk of mortality and disease by launching ing bone, supplementation with magnesium reduced
the body’s antioxidant response and balancing hor- bone turnover. Markers of bone-building osteocal-
mones. cin increased by 44 percent in women who received
• Improving insulin sensitivity and helping the body oral magnesium compared to a 5 percent decrease in
regulate glucose levels. those who didn’t supplement4. >>

Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved. 31

Scientists have even theorized that consuming the
RDA of magnesium may be more effective in prevent-
ing bone thinning than taking vitamin D alone since
vitamin D will be inactive without adequate magne-
sium. Additionally, magnesium binds at the surface
of the crystals in bone to determine growth, making
magnesium-deficient bones more brittle bones and
prone to fractures1 .

Studies have also shown that magnesium determines

the number of vitamin D receptors, which influences
the ability of vitamin D to bind and act on a cell.

How To Take Magnesium and Vitamin D?

The U.S. RDA for elemental magnesium is 420 mg a
day for men and 320 mg a day for women. Studies
show benefits appear in magnesium dosages as low
as 250 mg elemental magnesium in magnesium-defi-
cient individuals but may need to be increased to be-
tween 10 to 12 mg/kg of body weight for therapeutic

For vitamin D, in the absence of sun exposure, 1,000

to 2,000 IUs of vitamin D3 per day is required to bring
serum levels to 30 ng/mL (considered adequate) in
50 percent of the general population5. Treatment of
vitamin D deficiency in otherwise healthy patients
with 2,000 to 7,000 IUs of vitamin D3 per day should
be sufficient to maintain year-round serum levels be-
tween 40-70 ng/mL 5.

Final Words: A first step to feeling better is to give

your body the nutrients it needs to heal itself. Getting
adequate vitamin D and magnesium sets you on the
road to better nutrition for optimal wellness.
Uwitonze, A., Razzaque, M. Role of Magnesium in Vitamin D Activation and
Function. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. 2018. 118(3), 181-

Moshfegh, A., et al. What We Eat in America, NHANES 2005-2006: Usual Nu-
trient Intakes from Food and Water Compared to 1997 Dietary Reference Intakes
for Vitamin D, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium. U.S. Department of Agri-
culture, Agricultural Research Service. 2009.

Al-Daghri, N., et al. Vitamin D supplementation and serum levels of magnesium
and selenium in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: gender dimorphic changes.
International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research. 2014. 84(1-2), 27-34.

Aydin, H., et al. Short-term oral magnesium supplementation suppresses bone
turnover in postmenopausal osteoporotic women. Biological Trace Elements Re-
search. 2010. 133(2), 136-143.

Cannell, J, Hollis, B. Use of vitamin D in clinical practice. Alternative Medicine
Reviews. 2008, 13: 6-20.

32 Copyright © 2021 by Poliquin Performance Center 2, LLC. All rights reserved.

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