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1. It is important to compute the amount of feed needed to feed our chicks/pigs so that the money we
use or use here to buy it will not be wasted. So that we can know how many sacks of feed our chicks/pigs
consume per month. To estimate whether our chicks/ pigs eat much or little. So we can find out if we
have over -fed our chicks/pigs or not

2. If a neighbor does have a complaint, address it quickly and tactfully. Be sympathetic and realize that
sometimes, for the sake of our chicks/pigs. Mortality disposal is another area with high potential to
generate numerous complaints. Communicating with them is a key to avoiding complaints. Maintain
cleanliness every day to avoid bad smells. Always bathe chick/pigs.

2nd cycle

3 We should observe proper segregation at home or on farms to maintain the cleanliness of our
surroundings. Waste segregation is important not only to reduce the impact it has on the environment,
but also health issues that can arise from waste and toxins that have been improperly disposed of.
Waste segregation is also an economically beneficial prospect because it makes recycling much easier.
Proper waste disposal and management can be done by applying the 3R – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Reducing means lessening the amount of trash/garbage produced. Reusing refers to using materials
more than once while recycling means creating new material or product out of trash/garbage.

4To help minimize the risk of personal injury or property damage in the event of an emergency, people
working on and visiting the farm need to know and understand the emergency procedures and facilities.
By doing this, people will become more aware of how to respond to a critical given situation. They'll
know where to go, who to call, what to prepare, and most importantly, to be equipped for the upcoming
catastrophe. Always Wear Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment

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