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Task 1. The main problems in the context of management that arise in a multinational team.

 Different Communication Styles:

 Being able to communicate clearly with your team members is crucial. One of the issues that
was addressed was direct versus indirect communication, trouble with accents and fluency,
differing attitudes toward hierarchy and authority, and conflicting norms for decision making.
For example, in Western countries, communication tends to be direct and explicit. Listeners do
not have to analyze deeply what is being said. However, there are other cultures that deliver the
meaning of a message in an indirect way. This could definitely create misunderstanding in a
MCT, which would lead to the following issues: 

1.     Inability to manage people from different cultures:

To have a successful team, a team leader should be able to manage their team effectively.
Research shows that the inability to manage people from different cultures is often seen as the
reason behind the failure of 50% to 83% in multinational organizations. This finding was a mind
blowing to me! It shows that this is an epidemic that definitely needs to be tackled!

2.     Culturally diverse teams have more conflicts than mono-cultural

Research also suggests that there are more conflicts in a culturally diverse team than
homogeneous teams. Moreover, the more complex the task is, the more conflicts could arise. It
was even found that 42% of multicultural team leaders spend much of their time in or resolving
a conflict.
3.     MCTs have less social integration than homogeneous teams:
Socializing in the workplace is not an easy thing to begin with. What if you add to this a higher
possibility for misunderstandings and more conflicts as well as less things in common to
discuss? You guessed it! Studies show that MCTs seem to have less social integration than
homogeneous teams.

Task 2. The main communication problems of a multinational team.

Communication problems
This list outlines some of the most common communication problems in the workplace
along with how to address them:

 Cultural differences
 Attitude
 Lack of motivation
 Listening skills
 Written communication quality
 Appropriate communication tools
 Oversharing

Cultural differences
Modern workplaces are often more diverse than ever before, especially those
businesses that work with international clients or employees. For successful cohesion
and teamwork, managers devise new and engaging solutions to bring individuals of
varying backgrounds together. Opt for team building activities and organize each team
with individuals who normally don't work together and those with different cultural

Additionally, host a cultural differences training session. This educates employees on

how to be more sensitive to cultural differences in the workplace. Beyond behavior,
other areas that impact cultural differences in the workplace include:

 Desktop wallpapers
 Newsletter and email copy
 Desk or office decorations

Consider what ideas, items or other non-essential objects within the workplace may be
culturally offensive. Ensure all team members actively consider these differences as


An individual's ego and attitude often inhibit teamwork and other initiatives in the
workplace if not properly addressed. For example, an individual might speak over
another working in meetings or refuse to lose an argument when the other individual is
right. Alleviating attitude and ego requires more listening to those team members most
affected by it.

Consider their experience and how it affects their work. If you see attitude and ego
appear within a meeting, a conversation or other area of the workplace, stand firm
against them and communicate that there is a better way to handle the situation than
with their current attitude.

Lack of motivation

Some businesses experience a downturn in productivity due to a lack of motivation from

their employees. A lack of general interest or motivation often stems from how strong
communication with employees is or how they're treated by management. Talk to and
engage with team members. Discover if any hidden problems impact their performance.
Once you understand what the problem is, address it as needed or refer them to
another member of the organization who can help.

Listening skills

Listening skills allow you to better understand or empathize with what someone said
rather than simply hearing them. Stress the importance of active listening throughout
the organization. If necessary, host a workshop in which employees learn more about
the importance of listening and how to improve their listening skills.

Written communication quality

Organizations use a wide variety of communication methods and mediums to relay
messages. Examples include newsletters, emails, corporate software and more. Ensure
your copy is well-written and free of grammatical errors. Let other team members read
all written correspondences before sending them. Allowing others to check your work
increases the chances of finding and correcting even the smallest errors.

Appropriate communication tools

Depending on the message, in-person communication is often more effective than over
the phone or through email. Understanding when to use those varying methods of
communication is essential to the success of the overall communication of a business.
Email works best for non-sensitive information. Video calls are often most effective in
handling a complex situation that already caused the spread of misinformation. When
delivering sensitive information, choose an in-person approach within a private setting
such as an office.


While transparency works well for most organizations, the concept of oversharing still
requires temper. Oversharing leads to gossip or the exchange of sensitive or
inappropriate information. Consider the need and importance of confidentiality within the
workplace. For example, hold meetings regarding sensitive information within a private
and secure office, refrain from including confidential information within an email and
discourage gossip or other inappropriate communication as necessary.

Task 3. Specifics of international personnel management of an international company on the example of

international companies of Ukraine
Haier is a China-based multinational corporation that sells a wide variety of commercial and household
appliances in the international marketplace. These range from washers, dryers, and refrigerators to
industrial heating and ventilation systems. Visit and read about some of the latest
developments in which the company is engaged: (1) What type of cultural challenges does Haier face
when it attempts to market its products worldwide? Is demand universal for all these offerings, or is
there a “national responsiveness” challenge, as discussed in the chapter, that must be addressed? (2)
Investigate the way in which Haier has adapted its products in different countries and regions, especially
emerging markets. What are some examples? (3) In managing its far-flung enterprise, what are two
cultural challenges that the company is likely to face and what will it need to do to respond to these?

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