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Earl David Landicho BSCPE301


Read and analyze the items carefully. Provide a short answer to the following items. (50 points)

1. How does IoT affect the following industry? (6 items x 5 points)

a. Healthcare
- The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of wireless, interconnected, and linked digital
devices that can collect, send, and store data without requiring human-to-human or
human-to-computer interaction. The Internet of Things (IoT) promises many advantages
for streamlining and improving health care delivery by proactively predicting health issues
and diagnosing, treating, and monitoring patients both in and out of the hospital.
Government leaders and decision makers around the world are implementing policies to
deliver health care services using technology, particularly in response to the novel
COVID-19 pandemic. It is now more important than ever to understand how established
and emerging IoT technologies can work together.
b. Education
- The use of technology provides educators with new tools to optimize classwork, improve
the efficiency of the learning process, interact with students more effectively, and assure
on-site safety.
- Enhanced the effectiveness of school administration. Managing an educational institution
necessitates a large amount of paperwork, keeping track of supply management, and
effectively dispersing finances. IoT solutions lay the groundwork for a more rapid, risk-
free, and integrated decision-making framework in which all stakeholders (teachers,
students, parents, and public officials) are involved in improving the facility's state.
- Resource management has been improved. IoT in education helps educational
institutions run more efficiently, lowering long-term operational and storage expenses. In
addition, building managers can use connected IoT devices to educate employees about
energy and water consumption.
c. Finance
- Improved Security and Fraud Detection. It's not surprising that there are security and
fraud difficulties when it comes to an individual's account. Gmail developers, according to
Google, have stopped over 15 million COVID-19 phishing emails per day. As a result,
financial institutions are tightening up on fraud detection and investing heavily in IoT to try
prevent some of these scenarios from occurring.
- The Impact on Investing, Tracking the market's current situation can aid in investment
decision-making. The Internet of Things (IoT) offers the capability and capacity to produce
accurate business predictions and track company activities. This gives investors a
competitive advantage and is fundamentally altering how the financial world runs. Many
areas of investment banking will be automated and more user-friendly in the future.
Leaders in financial technology anticipate that IoT trading will be conducted globally
utilizing bitcoin, mobile apps, and smart sensors.
d. Agriculture
- IoT in agriculture is intended to assist farmers in monitoring crucial information such as
humidity, air temperature, and soil quality via remote sensors, as well as to optimize
yields, plan more efficient irrigation, and forecast harvests.
- IoT helps biologists study the effects of genomes and micro-climates on crop production
to optimize quality and yield.
e. Government
- IoT affects the government by being the infrastructure provider and the government being
the regulator. We can see a rift growing between government ambitions and new
technology. Governments, as infrastructure providers, attempt to encourage and stimulate
future technology progress in order to produce new value and new public benefits.
Governments, on the other hand, have a duty to protect the public against the risks of
both known and undiscovered uses of those new technology. The main challenge for
officials dealing with evolving technology is finding the right balance between these goals
and then developing appropriate policies to achieve them.
Earl David Landicho BSCPE301

f. Manufacturing
- It improves employee productivity and safety, As soon as there are signs of environmental
distress or evidence of health-related issues, a company’s management will be able to
use preventive measures to prevent tragic accidents from happening.
- Improves the efficiency of inventory maintenance, Manually filling out spreadsheets to
maintain track of inventory logs might lead to inaccuracies and ultimately imperil the
manufacturing process as a whole. The Internet of Things, when combined with RFID
tags, may eliminate human error and automatically communicate inventory data with
management systems. You will also be able to share inventory information with certain

2. What are the pros and cons of IoT to society? (5 points)

- Effective communication and Instant messaging services
- Increase business interactions, save vital time
- Less complicated banking, transactions, and shopping
- Access the latest news from anywhere in the world
- Run online course on virtual assistants using internet
- Professionals have IoT devices in healthcare, eCommerce, and AI to help in doing jobs

- Easy availability of age unsuitable content materials and information
- Social networks disturb life personally and professionally
- Stealing data or hacking into IoT devices is easy
- Using the internet to spread bad scenarios via the IoT device is easy

3. What can you say about the IoT devices that are available nowadays? (5 points)
- People's lives have been reshaped as a result of the Internet of Things. Even though IoT
is still in its infancy, it is dominating the world by providing a plethora of smart gadgets to
the sector. Homes and towns grow smarter as a result of this massive technological
advancement. And there are many more details that need to be exposed. Some of the
most important IoT devices—described in this article—are demonstrating their worth to

4. If you are to propose an IoT device, what would that be? Describe its characteristics and features.
(10 points)
- I would make an IoT device that is multipurpose and can be used by everyone, and it
would be easy to learn and very affordable. The device would consist of a voice
translator that can be useful when travelling abroad, so you wouldn’t need to learn a
new language, it is also connected to the internet so if the language isn’t detectable, it
will search on how to translate it in different ways. The device would also consist of a
voice assistant similar to google home and home assisting devices, but this one is
Earl David Landicho BSCPE301

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