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Alaiza P.


According to William James, “Action may not always bring happiness, but there is

no happiness without action.” In our everyday life we always make decisions and take

actions from it. Decisions that sometimes we are not sure about the outcome, but we

always take courage to pursue it and that courage brings us freedom to act. An action

that satisfies our inner being and the feeling that gives us happiness.

Being happy doesn’t mean you always win, or you always get what you want but

it is also an experience of roller coaster emotions. Not all failures of our actions could

not bring happiness, but it would also a way of showing how optimistic you are as a

person, by standing and facing all the consequences of your actions and turning it as

lesson in your life or a learning from our experience. We cannot move forward if we are

afraid to face everything. Happiness comes from within of how we look on situations


If you want happiness in life, you must not be afraid of failures and rejections. We

are not perfect human being, but we must take the first step to become happy which is

to accept who you are and embrace your weaknesses. Regrets is not an option nor a

choice, it is a feeling of loneliness, and we must not let it happen but instead we must

take actions and courage for everything that we want as long as it is right to do.

Happiness is the freedom to be yourself, the freedom to strengthen your weakness and

the freedom choose what makes you happy.

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