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PM Worksheet

People and Media

Name:Rufa Divimer D. Lariosa


Directions: Answer briefly. Clarity is more important than brevity. Cite examples or case studies to prove your points.

1. Describe how people can be a medium of communication to other people.

The medium used to send a message may range from an individual's voice, writing, clothing, and body language
to forms of mass communication such as newspapers, television, and the internet.

2. Describe the different dimensions of people media.

entertain/inform, purchased/subsidized, mass/professional

3. Identify and explain the different roles of people in media and information.

The role of the media in the community plays an important role within each society, in terms of educating people
about the news, information and ideas that affect the decision-making and implementation process. The media is
an important source of awareness and the building of social thought.

4. Discuss how social media affects each learner’s own family, community, and self.

The impact of social media is a powerful one. Most often technology can bring forth negative interaction, or zero
interaction between siblings, couples, or parent-child. It starves the family of learning and modeling with each
other social cues, interpersonal relationships skills, communication skills, and bonding

5. Cite relevant social realities to support theories on the positive and negative effects of media and information
on the individual and society.

There are many positive aspects of social media, but there's also a darker side to the endless scroll that keeps
coming back for more. Social media can often harm one's mental health. It can cause depression and anxiety and
can lower self-esteem.

✔ Content (3 points) : Ideas are anchored from the topic of study meeting elements of accuracy, correctness, and clarity.
✔ Mechanics (2 points) : Clear, correct and intelligible sentences using appropriate word or group of words is evident.

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