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NIM : 142021005


Please answer the questions clearly!
1. Please write the example about Job application letter and CV!
2. Please write the sentence from each position below
A. In front of D. Above
B. Behind E. Across
C. Beside F. T-Junction
3. Please translate the following sentences below!
A. 15x8x9x200:28+300+45-89-33!
B. 778x120:21+8800-120!
4. Please tell me the way/Rule: From UM Palembang to Indralayawith stating direction!
November 17 2021
Dear the head of Zaha Hadid Architech
London, Britanian Raya

With respect,
Based on the information I received from a has a job opening as
junior architech.
In connection with that, I would like to apply for said position.
Here is my brief biography:
Gender : Male
Date of birth : Ps. Surulangun, 14 December 2000
Education : S 1 Architechture
Phone number : 085839396507
Email :
I can speak english
I also have the skill to operate sofware for the office that I believe would assist in the work.
For your consideration, I have also attached multiples such as :
- Curriculum Vitae
- Copy of transcript
- Photocopy of difloma
- Latest 3x4 photograph
- Id government copy
- Motivation letter
- Sertifikat toefl
I hope I can get the chance to follow the next test so I can talk about my abilities and skills in
person with you.
Thank you for the attention.

Best regards,
2. A. Football field in front of the house
B. Uncle house is behind my house
C. My House in beside the mosque
D. I’m above the house
E. there is ab uncle’s house across from my house
F. In Lubuklinggau there are many T-junction
3. A. Fifline x eight x nine x two hounred : twenty-eight + three hundred+ forty five –
eighty nine – thirty three
B.Seventy seven x one hundred twenty : twenty one +eight thousand eight hundred -
one hundred twenty
4. From UMP Palembang, first we cross Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, after meeting the
red light under the flyover, before the red light we will pass through Jalan Kertapati,
after that we will meet the Kertapati train station, before passing through we will meet
another red light on the road east highway Palembang, after the red light, we will go
straight and we will meet the first red light at the toll road, after crossing we cross the
Pemulutan village road, after that we cross the Sriwijaya highway, after that we will
meet the second toll red light, after Then we go straight, and we will cross the
intersection of Palm Raya and go straight again until we reach Indralaya

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