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Test1 Answer
The Rhetorical Appeal Analysis of Interesting and Persuasive
Newspaper Article Entitled “Bee gold:honey is a superfood”by Berly

Original article:


Group Member:

1.Zhang Peiting(205167)

2.Wang Chenan(204821)

Honey is no stranger to many people. It is often used as a sweetener, and even

many people think it is syrup.The title of this article is bee Gold: honey is a
superfood. As we all know, gold is a priceless and precious item. The author uses
metaphorical rhetoric to compare honey to precious gold. This is very interesting. It
not only attracts readers' attention and stimulates readers' interest in reading, but also
gives readers unlimited thinking and reverie. We also want to convey a very important
signal - Honey is a very precious food. At the beginning of the article, the author uses
a very interesting example: "providing a sick bee with different varieties of honey, it
will choose the honey that is most resistant to infection". This example shows readers
that bees are not only honey producers, but also consumers.Next, the author
mentioned that decades ago, functional foods in the eyes of many people were only
those that could provide basic nutrition, but not the honey mentioned by the author. At
that time, even beekeepers and bee scientists at that time thought that honey was just
sugar water.

  So what ingredients does honey contain to make it so extraordinary? The author then
gave the answer: honey is not only a sweetener, but also contains enzymes, vitamins,
minerals and organic molecules, making each kind of honey unique. From this,
readers can understand that honey is a super food.Then, the author explained to the
readers the process of honey production and the principle of honey bee nesting, which
is both magical and scientific. Human beings have also learned effective experience
from it. For example, honeybees have also developed wax secretion glands. When
honey bees build nests and store honey, they will secrete wax to form hexagonal
honeycombs, Facts have proved that this is the most effective shape to store things.
Human beings are deeply inspired to apply this principle to engineering.At the same
time, the honey production process of bees is also an extremely delicate project. Step
1: foraging bees ingest nectar and store it in their crops or honey stomachs. Step 2:
one of the first enzymes to play a role is invertase, which converts sucrose molecules
into two halves to produce monosaccharide glucose and fructose. Step 3: honey then
put the mixture into the honeycomb, evaporate more water by flapping its wings, and
then make honey through a series of enzymatic chemical reactions. In this process, the
author uses anthropomorphic rhetoric to give bees different titles, showing that they
have a clear division of labor. For example, nurse bees will feed processed honey to
other hive members.
In the fourth paragraph of the article, the author mentioned that Berenbaum, an
entomologist, had a very strong interest in bees.She believes that nectar contains
phytochemicals. At this time, the author tells the premonition of the insect expert as a
third person. Although we all know that this hunch is very correct. But the author still
leads the readers to solve the problem from the perspective of inquiry. Here is full of a
sense of unknown and expectation. He also speculated that these phytochemicals
would follow when honeybee nectar turned into honey. If this assumption holds. Then
let's think. Why do bees do this? In 1998, the Entomologist's team found that honey
contains different levels of antioxidants, which also prompted the entomologist and
her colleagues to report an important conclusion in the 2007 Journal of insects: "bees
receiving water containing phytochemicals live longer than those not receiving.

After that, the four bees infected by parasites chose sunflower honey. Surprisingly,
sunflower honey is also the best drug to treat infection and has the highest antibiotic
activity. Such a vivid explanation. Readers can clearly understand that bees will
choose the best honey to deal with their pain.There is also a very interesting place in
the article. The authors have previously described that many bees have enhanced
immunity and other health benefits. But the bees are still in trouble. The author does
not directly explain what this trouble is here. But to borrow the words of entomologist
Silvio Erler: "when people get sick and go to the pharmacy to buy drugs, they will
buy targeted drugs.'' For example, when we have a headache, we will buy drugs to
treat it; When we have stomach ache, we buy medicine for stomach ache. Bees are
just like humans. They will also choose different pollen to treat different diseases.

  At the end of the article, the author does not directly tell the readers that honey is a
superfood, but quotes the words of entomologist Berenbaum. She said: "she began to
study honey a few years ago because she thought honey did not receive enough
research and respect. Now she is very happy because honey has attracted a lot of
attention.'' This can also tell readers from the side that honey is no longer just a
condiment in the eyes of many people. It's a superfood. The author cites many
examples of insect experts in this article. The purpose is to enhance persuasion.
However, the author did not directly tell the readers the research results and findings
of these insect experts, but used many vivid and interesting languages to describe the
research process to the readers. Let readers have an immersive feeling. This is also the
reason why the author's language can be very persuasive.

In the third paragraph, the author used some research to prove that honey has high
nutritional value and also contains some plant fiber components. These nutritional
components can even have an irreplaceable effect on the growth of bees and also the
lifespan of bees. These nutritional values can not only help bees improve their
immunity, make them adapt to all conditions, and strengthen bees ability of healing
their own diseases.The author used these examples to promote the multiple values of
honey to readers, which corresponds to the theme and achieves the purpose of this

For the part of dive into the beehive,in the third paragraph, the author traced the
historical process of bee evolution.The author used the exact time and data to give
readers a clear understanding of the evolution process of bees.During 120 million
years, with the evolution of species and the widely spread of various flowering plants,
the diversity of floral has became more abundant with the continuous evolution and
development of the species of bees and the changes in bees’ behavior.The number of
bees has reached 20,000 so far.The author used these vivid examples of evolutionary
processes to express that with the increase in bee species and the changes in floral
diversity, the nutritional value of honey also becomes more abundant and balanced,
and these nutritional values will also have a beneficial impact on human health.After
that, the author also elaborated about the evolution of various cells and invertases
inside the bees, as well as the growth factors and environmental conditions required
by these cells and invertases, and then the author also introduced how bees absorb
pollen and how to absorb pollen in the body. From the introduction of the
author,during the process of producing honey, because the main components of nectar
are sucrose and water, two changes occur in the process of being brewed by bees to
make honey: First, the chemical changes that convert sucrose into glucose and
fructose.Second, the physical changes in which the moisture of nectar is evaporated to
less than 20% of honey.The author vividly portrays this process as a construction
project, which effectively attracts the readers and arouses readers’ interest in trying

For the part of alternative medicine,the author detailed the alternative and rich
medicinal effects of honey, and used Berenbaum's analysis to study the values of
honey medicines to prove that honey is very helpful in the manufacture of human
medicines.In this article, Berenbaum firstly analyzed the composition of honey. She
explained that honey contains a variety of plant chemicals and expressed the effective
role of these chemicals in deter pets and aid in plant growth. Berenbaum and her team
also did some further studies about the differences in the floral origins that different
species of bees depends on, and the honey which discovered in the process has a
variety of medicinal ingredients, which will be beneficial and has a profound impact
on human health or human illness.These medicines made from honey are naturally
effective and low-cost. Especially in the season when bees gather nectar, the output of
these medicines will increase significantly. For some kinds of patients, they have very
low financial income that can not afford the cost of their medicines.However, the
medicine which made from honey is not only particularly easy-to-obtain but also a
natural medicine for some specific diseases,which has a effective treatment of
stomachache.In a word, this kind of medicine made from honey will become part of
the impacts that beneficial to human society.The author used these examples of the
values of various medicines of honey to enable readers to have more different
understanding of honey, enhance the attractiveness of honey to readers, and the author
also used honey medicines for the convenience of low-income patients to increase
readers resonance, and ultimately achieve the purpose of promoting honey and
increasing the demand for honey.

Color Legend:

Orange-why it is interesting

Blue-how it is persuasive

Yellow-logos part

Green-ethos part

Grey-pathos part


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