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Intensive Reading

Reading Resume About The Important Of Bees

Intensive reading is a one of four technique of the reading. When we use intensive reading technique,
we must have a higher focus that we need to get the specific information that we want and we need.
Intensive reading Is a serious technique to understand all of information. Intensive reading can also be
applied as a means of choosing one or several appropriate ideas to be discussed with friends. In
addition to this method, we can also determine the material for discussion by making a conclusion
from the main ideas and then taking the essence of the problem.
So I will continue to explain the reading about Bees especially how the important bees for
environment. For the first paragraph, there are explain about the anatomy that bees have. Bees have a
body that hairy and is made up of three part on their body, the head, the thorax, and the abdomen.
Bees have a pair of compounds eyes on their head. Bees eyes have a thousands of small hexagonal
that called Ommatida and have function to see the world with the highest resolution. Bees also have a
jaw that called Proboscis. The function of this proboscis is to sucked up the sugary liquid that called
nectar. Moving on to thorax part, there are three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. Bees also have
famous stinger and have a two stomach, but not a lot of people know about it. The first stomach have
a function to keep the honey and the second stomach have a function to do some digestion for keeping
the bees alive.
The second paragraph explain us about the function of Bees to produce honey and help the reproduce
of the flowering plants. Without bees, many of the flowering plants don’t exist. The reproduce process
of the flowering plants is called Pollination. During pollination, pollen grains from the anther, are
transferred to the sigma. This processs leads to the production of fruit, seeds, or nuts that grow up to
be a new plants. One of the first thing that you have to notice, beside their body have a black and
yellow stripped bellies is the hairness of their bodies. Other than making these little guys look cute,
the hair have a function to plays a major role in collecting the pollen from flowers.
The third, tell us about the honey production from bees. Another food source for bees is a nectar. Bees
can easily sucked the nectar because they have a proboscis jaw. The honey stomach can store up to
70mg of nectars. On average, a bee needs to visit between 100-1.500 flowers to fill its stomach. Then,
Bees will back to the hive to regurgitate and chew the nectar for as long as half an hour. This is a
digestive process because their saliva contains chemicals that help to break down nectar into more a
lot of parts. Then, the nectar will be spread throughout the honeycombs in a hive. The chewing and
spreading process helps to thicken the nectar and turn it into the golden thick honey that we all know

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