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Kent Marianito

Devotional Questions:

1. God made man wonderfully. What is unique in creating man to the other living creatures? We are
more intelligent than the other creatures and more and also God made us with effort not just by word
but by work and Humanity’s unique role God’s unique role for humanity also sets us apart from the rest
of creation. God gave humanity a role in God’s creation. We are the caretakers of God’s world.
According to Psalm 8:3-9, God placed humanity slightly lower than God’s self in the created world.

2. What are the three elements that comprise man?

It is body, spirit, and soul.

3. As the Godhead are united in a loving relationship, how does it reflect in the created human being?
We human being also made a loving relationship with the other. So we are created for fellowship found
in friendship or marriage.
4. It is said that human being is an indivisible unit, why does one deficient faculty will hamper the other
two? Because God said, `Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.'" God did not speak
into existence His crowning creation. Instead, He lovingly stooped to shape this new creature from the
dust of the earth.Earth's most creative sculptor could never carve out such a noble being. That's man
cannot separate of each part because God made it verywell.

Let us see if you still remember these in your science subject: (No need to submit your answers but
answer them with yourself.)
1. What sense organ that you care of when you take a bath regularly?

My eyes, and skin

2. What is the largest part of the human brain that controls thought processes, speech, motor, & etc?
Maybe it the cerebrum and maybe frontal lobe
3. What male reproductive cell that fertilizes an egg cell from the female? gametes or sperm cell
4. What body system consists of bones, joints, and connective tissues? The skeletal system

❖ Essential Questions:
These questions will help you to understand well your lessons this week. (No need to submit your
1. How do you describe the parts and functions of the human body?
2. How do you share the concepts that major organs work together to make body function properly?
3. Can you explain the structure and function of the male and female reproductive system easily?
4. How the different organ systems work together?
Activity 1: Human Sense Organ for Seeing: The Eye
Problem: What are the external and internal parts of the human eye? What are the ways of taking care
of the human eyes?
What to do:
Step 1: Do this activity with your partner.
Step 2: Look at each other with the focus on the eye.
Step 3: Identify the parts of the eye of your partner that you can see. Draw the eyes on the table
provided and label the parts.

My eyes (drawn by my partner) My partner's eye (drawn by me)

1. Pupil 1. Pupil

2. The crystalline lens 2. Crystalline lens

3. Retina 3. Retina

4. Sclera 4.Sclera

You may surf the Internet or get hold of a Biology book to find the answers.

Step 4. Study the illustration of the parts of the human eye below. Enumerate the
parts as shown in the picture. Identify the function of each. Surf the internet to find the answers.
Macula - is to process harp, clear, straight-ahead vision.

Cornea - as the eye's outermost lens. It functions like a window that controls and focuses the entry of
light into the eye. The cornea contributes between 65- 75 percent of the eye's total focusing power.

Lens - changes the focal distance of the eye. In other words, it focuses the light rays that pass through it
(and onto the retina) in order to create clear images of objects that are positioned at various distances.

Optic nerve - to transfer visual information from the retina to the vision centers of the brain via
electrical impulses.

Retina - is to receive light that the lens has focused, convert the light into neural signals, and send these
signals on to the brain for visual recognition.
Step 5. How do you take care of your eyes? Give five good practices in taking care of your eye and five
practices that destroy your eye sight that you should avoid.

Taking good care of eyes

•Eat a healthy, balanced diet •Maintain a healthy weight

•Get regular exercise •Wear sunglasses •Wear protective eye wear

Destroy our eyes

•Excessive Use of Alcohol •Too Much Screen Time

•Overuse of Eye Drops •Contact Lenses •Smoking

Activity 2: The Human Sense Organ for Hearing and Balance: The Ear
Problem: What are the external and internal parts of the human ear? What are the ways of taking care
of the human ears?
What to do:
Step 1: Examine the outer ear of your partner. Can you identify the three outer parts of the human
ear? The outer ear is made up of cartilage and skin. There are three different parts to the outer ear; the
tragus, helix and the lobule.

Step 2: Look at the picture of the structure of the human ear (outer, middle, inner).
Enumerate the different parts and identify the function of each.

Outer ear - catch sound waves, amplify them slightly, and funnel them down the ear canal to the
tympanic membrane

Ear canal - as an entryway for sound waves, which get propelled toward the tympanic membrane,
known as the eardrum.

Pinna - It collects sound waves and channels them into the ear canal (external auditory meatus), where
the sound is amplified.

Malleus - The malleus is one of three ossicles in the middle ear which transmit sound from the tympanic
membrane (ear drum) to the inner ear. The malleus receives vibrations from the tympanic membrane
and transmits this to the incus.

Tympanum- The tympanic membrane's function is to assist in human hearing.

Incus- The incus receives vibrations from the malleus, to which it is connected laterally, and transmits
these to the stapes medially.
Middle ear - is to transmit vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear via the auditory

Organ of balance- picks up sound waves, allowing us to hear. It is also essential to our sense of balance

Stapes - transmitting sound waves from the air outside to the fluid-filled labyrinth (cochlea).

Vestibulocochlear nerve - is unusual in that it primarily consists of bipolar neurones. It is responsible for
the special senses of hearing (via the cochlear nerve), and balance (via the vestibular nerve).

Inner ear - It changes sound waves to electrical signals (nerve impulses). This allows the brain to hear
and understand sounds. The inner ear is also important for balance.

Eustachian tube - which opens intermittently to equalize the intratympanic air pressure with the
pressure in the external auditory canal. It also removes secretion and epithelial debris from the middle
ear by ciliary motion and gravity.

Step 3: How do you take good care of your ear? Give three practices in taking care of the ear and three
practices that are not good for your ears.

Taking good care

•Use earplugs or earmuffs for loud music.

•Don't listen to your personal music player at very high volume.

•Keep the sound as low as possible on the TV and radio.

•Rail against workplace noise. •Don't use cotton buds.


•ear candling

• Using cotton swabs to clean your ears

• Disregarding the signs of hearing loss

• Listening to exceedingly loud music

• Smoking and drinking alcohols

Activity 3: Human Organs for Smell: The Nose

Problem: What are the external and internal parts of the human nose? What are the ways of taking
care of the nose?
Step 1: Examine the outer part of your partner’s nose. Label and describe.

Nose have hair and also it has two holes. Where Air are inhale and exhale

Step 2: Study the picture below. Identify the outer and the inner parts of the nose.

Step 3: List the parts and write the functions of each.

Olfactory bulb - receives neural input about odours detected by cells in the nasal cavity. The axons of
olfactory receptor (smell receptor) cells extend directly into the highly organized olfactory bulb, where
information about odours is processed.

Nasa cavity - It is lined with a mucous membrane that helps keep your nose moist by making mucus so
you won't get nosebleeds from a dry nose. There are also little hairs that help filter the air you breathe
in, blocking dirt and dust from getting into your lungs.

Nostril - is one of the two channels of the nose, from the point where they bifurcate to the external
opening. In birds and mammals, they contain branched bones or cartilages called turbinates, whose
function is to warm air on inhalation and remove moisture on exhalation.

Hard palate - The hard palate provides space for the tongue to move freely and supplies a rigid floor to
the nasal cavity so that pressures within the mouth do not close off the nasal passage.

Soft palate - The main functions of the soft palate are to aid speech, swallowing, and breathing.
Step 4: Enumerate the different ways of taking care of the nose.

•Keep the humidity in your home at 55%.

•Avoid carpets to reduce contact with allergens.

•Clean your home regularly in order not to let dust accumulate on objects.

•Avoid smoking and second-hand smoke.

•Maintain a daily nasal cleaning routine with a saline solution.

Step 5: Discuss Step 3 and 4 with your classmates.

For the Pre-service Teachers

Answer the following:
1. Why do we blink? Can we control blinking of our eye!

We blink because Blinking lubricates and cleans your eyes by spreading your tears over its outer surface.
It also protects your eye by closing it to keep out dust, other irritants, very bright light, and foreign
objects. And You can't control it like our body moves on its own. This is called involuntary blinking or
twitching. It the nature of our body.
2. Why do workers need to wear protective gears in construction site?

To protect every parts of nody from the things that can destroy our body parts.
3. You wish to eat leftover food like pasta. How can you tell if it is still good to eat it?

When I try to smell and taste it for clarity.

4. Your ears seem to be very itchy. What is the best way to handle this?

twe should see a doctor to find out the underlying cause. We may be able to relieve itchiness at home
by using a few drops of baby oil or olive oil. OTC eardrops may also help. If an infection is causing the
itchiness, we may require antibiotics.

5. Make a sample test for your pupils to show they know the parts of the skin.

1.What is the purpose of the skin?

2. It detect stimuli? ( receptor)

3. React to the injury and feeling the pain will tell us? ( pain receptor)

4. Can Identify that the temperature is hot or cold? ( temperature receptor)

Give me atleast 5 layers or parts of skin

For the Grade 3 Learners
A. Match the sense organs in Group A with the words that describe in Group B. You may use the
descriptors more than once.

The Human Sense Organs

Group A: Human Sense Organs
1. Eye: ____________________________________________________________________●
2. Ear:___________________________________________________●
3. Nose:_____________________________________●

4. Tongue:_________________________● All five

5. Skin: ___________________●

Group B: Descriptors
receptors hearing taste sweet candy seeing smell touch
beautiful sunset nerve light color thunder stimulus brain
music lightning chemicals odor pressur painful toe
B. Name the sense organ that we take care of when we do the following
1. Washing hands properly before eating.

- Skin

2. Brushing teeth and rinsing our mouth with enough waer.

- nose and toung

3. Cleaning the organ with cotton buds.

Ear, nose
4. Taking a bath regularly.

- Skin, eyes, ear,

5. Covering it when you are near a garbage truck

- nose
IFLL- What sense organ did God use to give air for life to the man He made?
What do you think would happen if God did not make the sense organs
completely? It is the nose God blow the nose of the formed dust and turn into a living creature which
human being. Maybe when God did not make our organs it is very sure that human being are cannot
survive the world well or maybe we die early because we cannot sense anything. Life without organs is
very difficult, even right know we have organs but still difficult to survive how much more without those.
That's why we must give thanks to God who give us the best thing for us.

(For the graders only)

Lesson 2
For Pre-service Teachers:
Direction: Identify at least three concepts for every body organ that was studied in this
lesson. Present this in a concept map and submit the output to your instructor for rating.
For Grade 4 Learners: Supply the answer:
1. Which part of the brain allows you to memorize your lessons?

• Hippocampus
2. What are the tiny sacs in the lungs?

• the alveoli
3. Which part of the heart prevents the backward flow of blood?

• tricuspid valve

4. What is the long, coiled tube of the body that digests and absorbs food?

• Large intestine
5. What bone protects your head?

6. What muscles allow the heart to pump blood?

• myocardium
7. When a person cannot anymore filter the blood that flows in the kidney, the person may have it
filtered by a machine. How do you call this procedure?

• dialysis
8. What part of the body produces bile?

• Liver
9. What substances bring about chemical digestion of food in the stomach?

• Digestive enzymes
10. What machine makes the bones in the body visible when you have bone fracture?

• Xrays

Lesson 3

Do this activity:
1. Complete a guide about the human reproductive system. Work through a um of agree and disagree
statements. Put a check (/) on the proper blank .

Statement Agree Disagree

1. The reproductive system is /
responsible for producing

2. The main organ of the /

reproductive system is the

3. The testis is the organ that /

produces sperm cells.

4. Human reproductive system /

produces egg and sperm that
allow us to reproduce.

5. The human reproductive /

systems do not produce

For Pre-service Teachers

1. If you were to teach any topic on reproductive system, how will you go about it? (Think it wisely for
yourself, no need to submit)
For Grade 5 Learners only
A. Put a check if the reproductive part belongs to a male or a female

Parts Male Female

Fallopian tube /

Cervix /

Vas deference /

Testis /

Semen /

Uterus =

Sperm /

Cowpers gland /

Vagina /

Scrotum /

A. Function

B 1. Produces the male sex hormone A. Scrotum

2. Fluids secreted by the Cowper's gland B. Testis
D 3. Cells from the male sex organs C. Ovum
I 4. Main reproductive organ of females. D. Semen

G 5. Carries the female chromosomes E. Ovary

F 6. Refers to as the womb F. Uterus

H 7. Male organ that becomes shorter when cold G. Sperm
K 8. Passageway of ovum to uterus H. Prostrate gland
9. Produces the semen of the male 1. Vagina
J 10. Short canal in female which leads to uterus1. Vagina

J. Cervix
K. Fallopian tube

Activity 1. Muscular, Skeletal and Integumentary Systems

A. Knowing your bones

Problem: What supports your body so you can perform tasks to move about? In my own knowledge
those are our bones and muscles that help us to perform the things we want to do

What to do:
1. Bring a diagram of the skeletal system.
3. Cut the diagram of each of the long bones and paste two cutouts on a cardboard.
4. Use a round fastener to attach one bone to an end of the other bone. In what ways can you move the
two bones? Record and describe bow bones work in your science notebook
5. Identify in which other sections of the human skeleton you will similar movements as what you have
in your two long bone mode Confirm your guess by examining your own body.
5. Label the parts of the human skeletal system.
6. Answer the following question:
a. What do you call the part where two bones meet? It is the joint
b. Which bones of your body cannot move? mmovable, or fibrous, joints
c. What are the other functions of the skeletal system? gives the body its shape, allows movement,
makes blood cells, provides protection for organs and stores minerals.
B. Parts of the Body that Lifts
Problem: What parts of the body enable you to lift objects? It is our muscles

C. The Skin That Protects You

Problem: How does the skin protect you? skin protects the body from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. The
pigment melanin is produced in special cells called melanocytes, which are found at the base of the

Activity 2 Digestive System at Work

Problem: What happens to food in the mouth and in the stomach? The digestive process starts in your
mouth when you chew. Your salivary glands make saliva, a digestive juice, which moistens food so it
moves more easily through your esophagus into your stomach. Saliva also has an enzyme that begins to
break down starches in your food.

Activity 3: The Respiratory System

Problem: How does the respiratory system work?respiratory system allow oxygen in the air to be taken
into the body, while also letting the body get rid of carbon dioxide in the air breathed out.

Activity 4: Circulatory System

Problem: How hard and fast does your heart work? My heart is work well. Actually my heart is so good.

Activity 5: How do you react to stimuli?

Problems: What happens when someone taps your knee?knee gives a random kick

For Pre-service Teachers

A. Answer the following questions:
1. Why does it take you longer time to read and understand what you reading than when you remove
your fingers from hot objects? reading and understanding what you are reading for a long time helps
you to fully understand what you are reading rather than prolonging your finger on something hot.
becoz if you didn't remove quickly your fingers from a hot object your fingers will hurt
2. What is the relationship of balance diet, exercise and diseases? Diet and exercise are an important
part of your heart health. If you don't eat a good diet and you don't exercise, you are at increased risk of
developing health problems. We need to balance everything
3. Trace the pathway of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the human body

inhaled oxygen moves from the alveoli to the blood in the capillaries, and carbon dioxide moves from
the blood in the capillaries to the air in the alveoli.
4. How do muscles and bones work together to effect movement of the arms

The bone carry the muscles of the arm to do something.

5. Almost all people are careful of the condition of their skin. Why should you be concerned of the
health of your skin? Because skin is part of our beauty. Skin makes us good in looking.
For Grade 6 learners
A. Match the body system with its function.
Function Body System
B 1. Transports nutrients to body organs A. Respiratory
D 2. Protects the body from injury and germs B. Circulatory
G 3. Breaks down food and absorbs nutrients C. Nervous
C 4. Enables us to know our environment and respond D. Integumentary

F 5. Provides the framework of our body E.. Muscular

F. Skeletal
G. Digestive

B. Using Important Terms in Body systems

Find the words from this box to identify the description given in items 6-10. Write the
word on the space provided:
a. joints b. vein c. cerebrum d. smooth muscles e. alveoli f. liver
g. neuron h. White blood cells i. platelets j. enzymes
k. spinal cord l. tongue m. skeletal muscles

B. Vien 6. Carries blood from body organs to the lungs

H 7. Increases in number when there is infection

G. Neuron 8. Receives stimuli and conducts responses
e. alveoli 9. Involves in direct gas exchange
d. smooth muscles 10. Enables the bone to move with the muscles

Let's Reflect! (10 points)

As future science teachers, what insights have you learned from this lesson? Look into
the coverage of the topics included, as well as the other parts of the lesson.
I learned that our body have a lot of functions that makes us a perfect being. Like we all have those
things right now. As science teacher in the future I would like to show the best things on how I used my
system which God gives me and I will teach also how to take care of my system. God is so great he make
me perfect.

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