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Km.2, Bo.2, Gensan Drive., Koronadal City South Cotabato FM-DEA-031
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Issue No: 01 Revision No: 00
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Km.2, Bo.2, Gensan Drive., Koronadal City South Cotabato FM-DEA-031
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Issue No: 01 Revision No: 00
Effectivity Date: June 4, 2020
Km.2, Bo.2, Gensan Drive., Koronadal City South Cotabato FM-DEA-031
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Issue No: 01 Revision No: 00
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INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Issue No: 01 Revision No: 00
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Lesson 5

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
• Discuss the developmental aspect of the reproductive system:
• Describe the erogenous zones;
• Explain human sexual behavior;
• Characterize the diversity of sexual behavior
• Describe sexually transmitted diseases; and
• Differentiate natural and artificial methods of contraception.

The sex chromosomes of humans define the sex (male or female) and their secondary sexual
characteristics. From childhood we are controlled by our genetic makeup. It influences the way we treat
ourselves and others. But aside from our genes, our society or external environment helps shape our
selves. This lesson helps us better understand ourselves through a discussion on development or sexual
characteristics and behavior. ( Gebhard, 2017; pp. 225-226).

Marieb (2001) explains that the gonads (reproductive glands that produce the testis or ovary) begin to form
until the 8th week of embryonic development. In the earliest stages of human development, the structures
of males and females are alike and said to be in the indifferent stage.
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The formation of the male and female structures depends on the presence of testosterone. The release of
testosterone causes the formation of duct system, followed by the external genitalia. While the formation of
ovaries causes the development of the female ducts, and external genitalia is not produced. ( pp. 245).

Interventions in the development may cause abnormalities, such as being pseudo hermaphrodite or
hermaphrodite, as well as cryptorchidism.
Puberty is the period of life at 10 – 15years old when the reproductive organs develop to their adult size
and become functional because of the rising levels of hormones (male = testosterone, estrogen = females).
which they occur differs among individuals. In males, as they reach the age of 13 years old, puberty is
characterized by the increase in the size of the reproductive organs (penis), followed by the appearance of
hair in the pubic area, axillary, and face. The reproductive organs continue to grow for two years until
sexual maturation marked by the presence of mature semen in the testes.
In females, the budding of their breasts usually occurring at the age of 11 years old, signals their puberty
stage. Menarche is the first menstrual period of females which happens two years after the start of puberty.
Hormones play important role in the regulation of ovulation and fertility of females. Reproductive capability
continues until old age in males and menopause in females.

Diseases associated with the reproductive system

Infections are the most common problems associated w/ the reproductive system in adults. In females,
usual vaginal infections are more common among young and elderly women, this include Escherichia coli
which spread through the digestive tract, sexually transmitted microorganisms such as syphilis, gonorrhea,
herpes, and yeast. Tumors of breast and cervix are common reproductive cancers in females.
In males, the most common conditions are prostatitis, urethritis, and epididymitis: results of sexual contacts
where STDs are transmitted. Prostate cancer is a wide spread problem among males.
Most women hit the highest point of reproductive abilities in their 20s. In their late forties, menopause
occurs. Estrogen levels also go down causing the shrinking of breasts and drying of vagina.
Among males, there is no counterpart to menopause but aging declines testosterone secretion. Healthy
men are still able to father offspring well into their 80s and beyond. (Sexually Transmitted Diseases-
Specific Research. 2016).

Erogenous zones - refer to parts of the body that are primarily perceptive and increase arousal when
touched in a sexual manner.
Km.2, Bo.2, Gensan Drive., Koronadal City South Cotabato FM-DEA-031
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Issue No: 01 Revision No: 00
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Some commonly known erogenous zones are the mouth, breasts, genitals, neck, ears, thigh arms and
Human sexual behavior – it refers to any activity that induces sexual arousal.

Two major factors that determine human sexual behavior are:

1 ) inherited sexual response patterns that evolved as means of ensuring reproduction that
becomes part of each individual
2) degree of restraint/ influence exerted by society in expression of his sexuality.

Types of (sexual) Behavior

1 ) Solitary Behavior – self-gratification means self-stimulation that leads to sexual arousal and generally,
sexual climax. Usually, most self-gratification done in private as an end in itself, but can also be done in a
socio sexual relationship. Begins at beginning of puberty and usually involves fantasies.
Self-gratification is very common among young males, but becomes less frequent or is abandoned when
sociosexual activity is available. Consequently, self-gratification is most frequent among the unmarried.
There are more males who perform acts of self-gratification than females.
Majority of males and females have fantasies of some sociosexual activity while they gratify themselves.

2) Socio sexual behavior

Heterosexual behavior is the greatest amount of sociosexual behavior that occurs between only one male
and one female. It usually begins in childhood, motivated by curiosity such as showing or examining
genitalia. Necking or petting is considered as part of the learning process of courtship and finding a
marriage partner.
Necking – is the act or practice of kissing and caressing amorously.
Petting – is to engage in amorous embracing, caressing and kissing.
Coitus/ Sex – it refers to the insertion of the male (penis) organ to the female (vagina) organ.

Physiology of Human Sexual Response

Sexual response follows a pattern of sequential stages or phases when activity is continued:
1st: Excitement phase - Caused by increase in pulse and blood pressure, results in increased skin
temperature, flushing, swelling, rapid breathing, secretion of genital fluids, vaginal expansion, and muscle
2nd: Plateau phase - Generally of short duration. If stimulation is continued, orgasm usually occurs.
Km.2, Bo.2, Gensan Drive., Koronadal City South Cotabato FM-DEA-031
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Issue No: 01 Revision No: 00
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3rd: Sexual climax - A feeling of abrupt, intense pleasure, increase of blood pressure, spasms of pelvic
muscles causing contraction of female organ and ejaculation by the male. Also causes involuntary
4th: Resolution phase - Return to a normal physiologic state. Males return to normal even if stimulation
continues, but continued stimulation can produce additional orgasms in females (Alata et al.,2018, p. 49).

Nervous system factors

The autonomic system is involved in controlling the involuntary responses. With the initiation of sexual
stimuli, the different cerebrospinal nerves transmit messages to the brain. The brain will interpret the
message and dictate the immediate response of the body. The hypothalamus and limbic system are
responsible for regulating sexual response.
Animal experiments show that each individual has 2 sexual responses coded in the brain: one for mounting
behavior and mounted behavior (Alata et al., 2018,p.50).

There are some reflex responses that are not brain-controlled, such as;
1.) erection and ejaculation for the male
2.) vaginal discharges and lubrication for female.
But the brain can overrule these reflexes, as it does when sexual response is inappropriate.

Sexual Problem
Sexual Problems may be classified as physiological, psychological and social in origin.

Physiological – abnormal development of genitalia or part of the brain connected to sexual

Psychological – caused by social inhibitions, attitudes, ignorance, and sexual myths held
by society.
Premature emission of semen is common problem, especially for young males. Sometimes this is not the
consequence of any psychological problem but the natural result of excessive tension in a male who has
been sexually deprived.

Erectile impotence is almost always of psychological origin in males under 40’s; in older males, physical
causes are more often involved.
Km.2, Bo.2, Gensan Drive., Koronadal City South Cotabato FM-DEA-031
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Issue No: 01 Revision No: 00
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Factors Affecting Erectile impotence are as follows:

1. Disinterest in the sexual partner
2. Fatigue and Stress
3. Distraction because of nonsexual worries, intoxication, or other causes.

Ejaculatory impotence, which results from the inability to ejaculate during coitus or sexual intercourse, is
uncommon and is usually of psychogenic origin.
Occasional ejaculatory inability can be possibly expected in older men or in any male who has exceeded
his sexual capacity.
Vaginismus is a strong spasm of the pelvic musculature constricting the female reproductive organ so that
penetration is painful or impossible. It can be due to the anti-sexual conditioning or psychological trauma
that serves as an unconscious defense against coitus or sex. ( Caslib, 2018; pp. 50 – 53).

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are infections transmitted from an infected person to an uninfected
person through sexual contact. STDs can be caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites. Examples of STDs
include gonorrhea, genital herpes, human papillomavirus infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV),
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Chlamydia, and Syphilis.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It’s caused by infection with the bacterium Neisseria
gonorrhoeae. It tends to infect warm, moist areas of the body, including the: urethra (the tube that drains
urine from the urinary bladder), eyes, throat, vagina, anus, female reproductive tract (the fallopian tubes,
cervix, and uterus)
Gonorrhea passes from person to person through unprotected oral, anal, or vaginal sex. People with
numerous sexual partners or those who don’t use a condom are at greatest risk of infection. The best
protections against infection are abstinence, monogamy (sex with only one partner), and proper condom
usage. Behaviors that make a person more likely to engage in unprotected sex also increase the likelihood
of infection. These behaviors include alcohol abuse and illegal drug abuse, particularly intravenous drug

Symptoms of gonorrhea
Km.2, Bo.2, Gensan Drive., Koronadal City South Cotabato FM-DEA-031
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Symptoms usually occur within two to 14 days after exposure. However, some people infected with
gonorrhea never develop noticeable symptoms. It’s important to remember that a person with gonorrhea
who doesn’t have symptoms, also called a nonsymptomatic carrier, is still contagious. A person is more
likely to spread the infection to other partners when they don’t have noticeable symptoms.

Symptoms in men
Men may not develop noticeable symptoms for several weeks. Some men may never develop symptoms.
Typically, the infection begins to show symptoms a week after its transmission. The first noticeable
symptom in men is often a burning or painful sensation during urination. As it progresses, other symptoms
may include: greater frequency or urgency of urination a pus-like discharge (or drip) from the penis (white,
yellow, beige, or greenish) swelling or redness at the opening of the penis, swelling or pain in the testicles a
persistent sore throat.
The infection will stay in the body for a few weeks after the symptoms have been treated. In rare instances,
gonorrhea can continue to cause damage to the body, specifically the urethra and testicles. Pain may also
spread to the rectum.

Symptoms in women
Many women don’t develop any overt symptoms of gonorrhea. When women do develop symptoms, they
tend to be mild or similar to other infections, making them more difficult to identify. Gonorrhea infections
can appear much like common vaginal yeast or bacterial infections.

Symptoms include:
discharge from the vagina (watery, creamy, or slightly green); pain or burning sensation while urinating ;
the need to urinate more frequently; heavier periods or spotting ; sore throat ;pain upon engaging in sexual
intercourse; sharp pain in the lower abdomen ; fever

Tests for gonorrhea

Healthcare professionals can diagnose gonorrhea infection in several ways. They can take a sample of
fluid from the symptomatic area with a swab (penis, vagina, rectum, or throat) and place it on a glass slide.
If your doctor suspects a joint or blood infection, he or she will obtain the sample by drawing blood or
inserting a needle into the symptomatic joint to withdraw fluid. They will then add a stain to the sample and
examine it under a microscope. If cells react to the stain, you most likely have a gonorrhea infection. This
method is relatively quick and easy, but it doesn’t provide absolutely certainty. This test may also be
completed by a lab technologist.
Km.2, Bo.2, Gensan Drive., Koronadal City South Cotabato FM-DEA-031
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Issue No: 01 Revision No: 00
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A second method involves taking the same type of sample and placing it on a special dish. This will be
incubated under ideal growth conditions for several days. A colony of gonorrhea bacteria will grow if
gonorrhea is present.
A preliminary result may be ready within 24 hours. A final result will take up to three days.

Genital Herpes
Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). This STD causes herpetic sores, which are painful
blisters (fluid-filled bumps) that can break open and ooze fluid. About 16 percent Trusted Source of people
between the ages of 14 and 49 have this STD.

Causes of genital herpes

Two types of herpes simplex virus cause genital herpes: HSV-1 (which usually causes cold sores) and
HSV-2 (which usually causes genital herpes).
The viruses get into your body through your mucous membranes. Your mucous membranes are the thin
layers of tissue that line the openings of your body. They can be found in your nose, mouth, and genitals.
Once the viruses are inside your body, they incorporate themselves into your cells and then stay in the
nerve cells of your pelvis. Viruses tend to multiply or adapt to their environments very easily, which makes
treating them difficult.
HSV-1 or HSV-2 can be found in infected people’s bodily fluids, including: saliva, semen, vaginal

Recognizing the symptoms of genital herpes

The appearance of blisters is known as an outbreak. Your first outbreak will appear as early as two days
after you contracted the virus, or as late as 30 days afterward.
General symptoms for males include blisters on the penis, scrotum, or buttocks (near or around the anus).
General symptoms for females include blisters around or near the vagina, anus, and buttocks.

General symptoms for both males and females include the following:
Blisters may appear in your mouth and on your lips, face, and anywhere else that came into contact with
the infected areas.
The infected site often starts to itch, or tingle, before the actual appearance of blisters.
Km.2, Bo.2, Gensan Drive., Koronadal City South Cotabato FM-DEA-031
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Issue No: 01 Revision No: 00
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The blisters may become ulcerated (open sores) and ooze fluid.
A crust may appear over the sores within a week of the outbreak.
Your lymph glands may become swollen. Lymph glands fight infection and inflammation in the body.
You may have headaches, body aches, and fever. General symptoms for a baby born with herpes
(received through a vaginal delivery) may include ulcers on the face, body, and genitals. Babies who are
born with genital herpes can develop very severe complications and experience: blindness, brain damage,
It’s very important that you tell your doctor that you have genital herpes if you’re pregnant. They will take
precautions to prevent the virus from being transmitted to your baby during delivery, with one likely method
being that your baby would be delivered via cesarean rather than routine vaginal delivery.

Diagnosing genital herpes

Your doctor can typically diagnose a herpes infection by a visual examination of the herpes sores. Although
they aren’t always necessary, your doctor may confirm their diagnosis through laboratory tests.
A blood test can diagnose herpes simplex virus before you experience an outbreak. Make an appointment
with your doctor if you think you’ve been exposed to genital herpes, even if you aren’t experiencing any
symptoms yet.

How can genital herpes be treated?

Treatment can reduce the outbreaks, but it can’t cure you of the herpes simplex viruses.

Antiviral drugs may help speed up the healing time of your sores and reduce pain. Medications may be
taken at the first signs of an outbreak (tingling, itching, and other symptoms) to reduce the symptoms.
People who get outbreaks may also be prescribed medicines to make it less likely that they’ll get outbreaks
in the future.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a viral infection that’s passed between people through skin-to-skin contact.
There are over 100 varieties of HPV, more than 40Trusted Source of which are passed through sexual
contact and can affect your genitals, mouth, or throat.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source, HPV is the most
common sexually transmitted infection (STI).
Km.2, Bo.2, Gensan Drive., Koronadal City South Cotabato FM-DEA-031
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It’s so common that most sexually active people will get some variety of it at some point, even if they have
few sexual partners.Some cases of genital HPV infection may not cause any health problems. However,
some types of HPV can lead to the development of genital warts and even cancers of the cervix, anus, and

HPV causes
The virus that causes HPV infection is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. Most people get a genital
HPV infection through direct sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex. Because HPV is a skin-
to-skin infection, intercourse isn’t required for transmission to occur.
Many people have HPV and don’t even know it, which means you can still contract it even if your partner
doesn’t have any symptoms. It’s also possible to have multiple types of HPV.
In rare cases, a mother who has HPV can transmit the virus to her baby during delivery. When this
happens, the child may develop a condition called recurrent respiratory papillomatosis where they develop
HPV-related warts inside their throat or airways.

HPV symptoms
Often, HPV infection doesn’t cause any noticeable symptoms or health problems.
In fact, 90 percent Trusted Source of HPV infections (9 out of 10) go away on their own within two years,
according to the CDC. However, because the virus is still in a person’s body during this time, that person
may unknowingly transmit HPV. When the virus doesn’t go away on its own, it can cause serious health
problems. These include genital warts and warts in the throat (known as recurrent respiratory
papillomatosis). HPV can also cause cervical cancer and other cancers of the genitals, head, neck, and
throat. The types of HPV that cause warts are different from the types that cause cancer. So, having genital
warts caused by HPV doesn’t mean that you’ll develop cancer.
Cancers caused by HPV often don’t show symptoms until the cancer is in later stages of growth. Regular
screenings can help diagnose HPV-related health problems earlier. This can improve outlook and increase
chances of survival.

Learn more about HPV symptoms and infection.

HPV in men
Many men that are infected with HPV have no symptoms, although some may develop genital warts. See
your doctor if you notice any unusual bumps or lesions on your penis, scrotum, or anus. Some strains of
HPV can cause penile, anal, and throat cancer in men. Some men may be more at risk for developing
HPV-related cancers, including men who receive anal sex and men with a weakened immune system.
The strains of HPV that cause genital warts aren’t the same as those that cause cancer. Get more
information about HPV infection in men.
Km.2, Bo.2, Gensan Drive., Koronadal City South Cotabato FM-DEA-031
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HPV in women
It’s estimated that 80 percent Trusted Source of women will contract at least one type of HPV during their
lifetime. Like with men, many women that get HPV don’t have any symptoms and the infection goes away
without causing any health problems. Some women may notice that they have genital warts, which can
appear inside the vagina, in or around the anus, and on the cervix or vulva. Make an appointment with your
doctor if you notice any unexplained bumps or growths in or around your genital area.
Some strains of HPV can cause cervical cancer or cancers of the vagina, anus, or throat. Regular
screening can help detect the changes associated with cervical cancer in women. Additionally, DNA tests
on cervical cells can detect strains of HPV associated with genital cancers.

HPV tests
Testing for HPV is different in men and women.
Updated guidelines from the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommend that women have
their first Pap test, or Pap smear, at age 21, regardless of onset of sexual activity.
Regular Pap tests help to identify abnormal cells in women. These can signal cervical cancer or other HPV-
related problems.
Women ages 21 to 29 should have just a Pap test every three years. From ages 30 to 65, women should
do one of the following: receive a Pap test every three years, receive an HPV test every five years; it will
screen for high-risk types of HPV (hrHPV), receive both tests together every five years; this is known as co-
testing, Standalone tests are preferred over co-testing, according to the USPSTF.
If you’re younger than age 30, your doctor or gynecologist may also request an HPV test if your Pap results
are abnormal. There are at least 14 strains Trusted Source of HPV that can lead to cancer. If you have one
of these strains, your doctor may want to monitor you for cervical changes. You may need to get a Pap test
more frequently. Your doctor may also request a follow-up procedure, such as a colposcopy. Cervical
changes that lead to cancer often take many years to develop, and HPV infections often go away on their
own without causing cancer. You may want to follow a course of watchful waiting instead of undergoing
treatment for abnormal or precancerous cells.

It’s important to note that the HPV DNA test is only available for diagnosing HPV in women. There’s
currently no FDA-approved test available for diagnosing HPV in men. According to the CDC Trusted
Source, routine screening for anal, throat, or penile cancer in men isn’t currently recommended. Some
doctors may perform an anal Pap test for men that have an increased risk for developing anal cancer. This
includes men who receive anal sex and men with HIV.

HPV treatments
Km.2, Bo.2, Gensan Drive., Koronadal City South Cotabato FM-DEA-031
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Most cases of HPV go away on their own, so there’s no treatment for the infection itself. Instead, your
doctor will likely want to have you come in for repeat testing in a year to see if the HPV infection persists
and if any cell changes have developed that need further follow-up.
Genital warts can be treated with prescription medications, burning with an electrical current, or freezing
with liquid nitrogen. But, getting rid of the physical warts doesn’t treat the virus itself, and the warts may
return. Precancerous cells may be removed through a short procedure that’s performed at your doctor’s
office. Cancers that develop from HPV may be treated by methods such as chemotherapy, radiation
therapy, or surgery. Sometimes, multiple methods may be used. There currently aren’t any medically-
supported natural treatments available for HPV infection. Routine screening for HPV and cervical cancer is
important for identifying, monitoring, and treating health problems that may result from HPV infection.
Explore the treatment options for HPV.

How can you get HPV?

Anyone who’s had sexual skin-to-skin contact is at risk for HPV infection. Other factors that may put
someone at an increased risk for HPV infection include: increased number of sexual partners, unprotected
vaginal, oral, or anal sex, a weakened immune system, having a sexual partner that has HPV. If you
contract a high-risk type of HPV, some factors can make it more likely that the infection will continue and
may develop into cancer: a weakened immune system,
having other STIs, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and herpes simplex chronic inflammation
having many children (cervical cancer) , using oral contraceptives over a long period of time (cervical
cancer), using tobacco products (mouth or throat cancer), receiving anal sex (anal cancer)

HPV prevention
The easiest ways to prevent HPV are to use condoms and to practice safe sex.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks cells that help the body fight infection, making a
person more vulnerable to other infections and diseases. It is spread by contact with certain bodily fluids of
a person with HIV, most commonly during unprotected sex (sex without a condom or HIV medicine to
prevent or treat HIV), or through sharing injection drug equipment.
If left untreated, HIV can lead to the disease AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).
The human body can’t get rid of HIV and no effective HIV cure exists. So, once you have HIV, you have it
for life.
However, by taking HIV medicine (called antiretroviral therapy or ART), people with HIV can live long and
healthy lives and prevent transmitting HIV to their sexual partners. In addition, there are effective methods
to prevent getting HIV through sex or drug use, including pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-
Km.2, Bo.2, Gensan Drive., Koronadal City South Cotabato FM-DEA-031
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exposure prophylaxis (PEP).First identified in 1981, HIV is the cause of one of humanity’s deadliest and
most persistent epidemics.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
AIDS is the late stage of HIV infection that occurs when the body’s immune system is badly damaged
because of the virus. In the U.S., most people with HIV do not develop AIDS because taking HIV medicine
every day as prescribed stops the progression of the disease.
A person with HIV is considered to have progressed to AIDS when:
the number of their CD4 cells falls below 200 cells per cubic millimeter of blood (200 cells/mm3). (In
someone with a healthy immune system, CD4 counts are between 500 and 1,600 cells/mm3.) OR they
develop one or more opportunistic infections regardless of their CD4 count.
Without HIV medicine, people with AIDS typically survive about 3 years. Once someone has a dangerous
opportunistic illness, life expectancy without treatment falls to about 1 year. HIV medicine can still help
people at this stage of HIV infection, and it can even be lifesaving. But people who start ART soon after
they get HIV experience more benefits—that’s why HIV testing is so important.

How Do I Know If I Have HIV?

The only way to know for sure if you have HIV is to get tested. Testing is relatively simple. You can ask
your health care provider for an HIV test. Many medical clinics, substance abuse programs, community
health centers, and hospitals offer them too. You can also buy a home testing kit at a pharmacy or online.

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by bacteria. People who have
chlamydia often don’t have outward symptoms in the early stages. In fact, about 90 percent of women and
70 percent of men with the STI have no symptoms. But chlamydia can still cause health problems later.
Untreated chlamydia can cause serious complications, so it’s important to get regular screenings and talk
with your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any concerns.

Chlamydia causes
Sex without a condom and unprotected oral sex are the main ways a chlamydia infection can be
transmitted. But penetration doesn’t have to occur to contract it. Touching genitals together may transmit
the bacteria. It can also be contracted during anal sex.
Newborn babies can acquire chlamydia from their mother during birth. Most prenatal testing includes a
chlamydia test, but it doesn’t hurt to double-check with an OB-GYN during the first prenatal checkup.
A chlamydia infection in the eye can occur through oral or genital contact with the eyes, but this isn’t
common. Chlamydia can also be contracted even in someone who’s had the infection once before and
successfully treated it. Find out more about how chlamydia is shared between individuals.
Km.2, Bo.2, Gensan Drive., Koronadal City South Cotabato FM-DEA-031
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Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a type of bacteria known as Treponema
pallidum. In 2016, more than 88,000 cases of syphilisTrusted Source were reported in the United States,
according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The rate of women with syphilis has been
declining in the United States, but the rate among men, particularly men who have sex with men, has been
The first sign of syphilis is a small, painless sore. It can appear on the sexual organs, rectum, or inside the
mouth. This sore is called a chancre. People often fail to notice it right away. Syphilis can be challenging to
diagnose. Someone can have it without showing any symptoms for years. However, the earlier syphilis is
discovered, the better. Syphilis that remains untreated for a long time can cause major damage to
important organs, like the heart and brain. Syphilis is only spread through direct contact with syphilitic
chancres. It can’t be transmitted by sharing a toilet with another person, wearing another person’s clothing,
or using another person’s eating utensils.

Stages of syphilis infection

The four stages of syphilis are: primary, secondary, latent, tertiary. Syphilis is most infectious in the first two
stages. When syphilis is in the hidden, or latent, stage, the disease remains active but often with no
symptoms. Tertiary syphilis is the most destructive to health.

Primary syphilis
The primary stage of syphilis occurs about three to four weeks after a person contracts the bacteria. It
begins with a small, round sore called a chancre. A chancre is painless, but it’s highly infectious. This sore
may appear wherever the bacteria entered the body, such as on or inside the mouth, genitals, or rectum.
On average, the sore shows up around three weeks after infection, but it can take between 10 and 90 days
to appear. The sore remains for anywhere between two to six weeks. Syphilis is transmitted by direct
contact with a sore. This usually occurs during sexual activity, including oral sex.

Secondary syphilis
Skin rashes and a sore throat may develop during the second stage of syphilis. The rash won’t itch and is
usually found on the palms and soles, but it may occur anywhere on the body. Some people don’t notice
the rash before it goes away. Other symptoms of secondary syphilis may include: headaches, swollen
lymph nodes, fatigue, fever, weight loss, hair loss, aching joints
These symptoms will go away whether or not treatment is received. However, without treatment, a person
still has syphilis.
Secondary syphilis is often mistaken for another condition.
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Latent syphilis
The third stage of syphilis is the latent, or hidden, stage. The primary and secondary symptoms disappear,
and there won’t be any noticeable symptoms at this stage. However, the bacteria remain in the body. This
stage could last for years before progressing to tertiary syphilis.

Tertiary syphilis
The last stage of infection is tertiary syphilis. According to the Mayo Clinic, approximately 15 to 30 percent
of people who don’t receive treatment for syphilis will enter this stage. Tertiary syphilis can occur years or
decades after the initial infection. Tertiary syphilis can be life-threatening. Some other potential outcomes of
tertiary syphilis include: blindness, deafness, mental illness, memory loss, destruction of soft tissue and
bone, neurological disorders, such as stroke or meningitis, heart disease, neurosyphilis, which is an
infection of the brain or spinal cord.

How is syphilis diagnosed?

If you think you might have syphilis, go to your doctor as soon as possible. They’ll take a blood sample to
run tests, and they’ll also conduct a thorough physical examination. If a sore is present, your doctor may
take a sample from the sore to determine if the syphilis bacteria are present. If your doctor suspects that
you’re having nervous system problems because of tertiary syphilis, you may need a lumbar puncture, or
spinal tap. During this procedure, spinal fluid is collected so that your doctor can test for syphilis bacteria.
If you’re pregnant, your doctor might screen you for syphilis because the bacteria can be in your body
without you knowing it. This is to prevent the fetus from being infected with congenital syphilis. Congenital
syphilis can cause severe damage in a newborn and can even be fatal.

Treating and curing syphilis

Primary and secondary syphilis are easy to treat with a penicillin injection. Penicillin is one of the most
widely used antibiotics and is usually effective in treating syphilis. People who are allergic to penicillin will
likely be treated with a different antibiotic, such as: doxycycline, azithromycin, ceftriaxone. If you have
neurosyphilis, you’ll get daily doses of penicillin intravenously. This will often require a brief hospital stay.
Unfortunately, the damage caused by late syphilis can’t be reversed. The bacteria can be killed, but
treatment will most likely focus on easing pain and discomfort.
During treatment, make sure to avoid sexual contact until all sores on your body are healed and your doctor
tells you it’s safe to resume sex. If you’re sexually active, your partner should be treated as well. Don’t
resume sexual activity until you and your partner have completed treatment.

How to prevent syphilis ?

The best way to prevent syphilis is to practice safe sex. Use condoms during any type of sexual contact. In
addition, it may be helpful to: Use a dental dam (a square piece of latex) or condoms during oral sex. Avoid
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sharing sex toys. Get screened for STIs and talk to your partners about their results. Syphilis can also be
transmitted through shared needles. Avoid sharing needles if using injected drugs.

Complications associated with syphilis

Pregnant mothers and newborns
Mothers infected with syphilis are at risk for miscarriages, still births, or premature births. There’s also a risk
that a mother with syphilis will pass the disease on to her fetus. This is known as congenital syphilis.
Congenital syphilis can be life-threatening. Babies born with congenital syphilis can also have the following:
deformities, developmental delays, seizures, rashes, fever, swollen liver or spleen Anemia, jaundice,
infectious sores. If a baby has congenital syphilis and it isn’t detected, the baby can develop late stage
syphilis. This can cause damage to their: bones, teeth, eyes, ears, brain.
People with syphilis have a significantly increased chance of contracting HIV. The sores the disease cause
make it easier for HIV to enter the body. It’s also important to note that those with HIV may experience
different syphilis symptoms than those who don’t have HIV. If you have HIV, talk to your doctor about how
to recognize syphilis symptoms.

When should I test for syphilis?

The first stage of syphilis can easily go undetected. The symptoms in the second stage are also common
symptoms of other illnesses. This means that if any of the following applies to you, consider getting tested
for syphilis. It doesn’t matter if you’ve ever had any symptoms. Get tested if you: have had condomless sex
with someone who might have had syphilis are pregnant, are a sex worker, are in prison, have had
condomless sex with multiple people
have a partner who has had condomless sex with multiple people are a man who has sex with men. If the
test comes back positive, it’s important to complete the full treatment. Make sure to finish the full course of
antibiotics, even if symptoms disappear. Also avoid all sexual activity until your doctor tells you that it’s
safe. Consider getting tested for HIV as well. People who have tested positive for syphilis should notify all
of their recent sexual partners so that they can also get tested and receive treatment.

Natural and Artificial Methods of Contraception

Natural Method
The natural family planning methods do not involve any chemical or foreign body introduction into the
human body. People who are very conscious of their religious beliefs are more inclined to use the natural
way of birth control and others follow such natural methods because they are more cost-effective (www. 2016).
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This natural method involves refraining from sexual intercourse and is the most effective natural birth
control method with ideally 0% fail rate. It is considered to be the most effective way to avoid STDs.
However, most people find it difficult to comply with abstinence, so only a few use this method.

B.Calendar Method
The fertility awareness method (FAM) is a natural family planning strategy that women can use to help
prevent pregnancy. It involves tracking your natural cycle of fertility and your menstrual cycle, developing a
better awareness of your body, and using a variety of non-pharmaceutical methods to detect ovulation.
The rhythm method is where your previous menstrual cycles are tracked on a calendar, and this
information is used to predict future ovulation dates. FAM combines the rhythm method with even more
attention to the body to better predict ovulation and prevent pregnancy.
In the rhythm method and in FAM, you abstain from sex (periodic abstinence) during your most fertile days.
Alternately, you can use backup contraception on your fertile days.
The effectiveness of FAM varies depending on the combination of tracking you use. There are many ways
to prevent pregnancy that are more effective than a natural method. They involve medication or medical
FAM is one of the least reliable forms of pregnancy prevention. But it can be an appropriate choice of birth
control for some diligent and self-aware adult women.

How does the fertility awareness method work?

If you’re a premenopausal adult woman, you’re most likely to be fertile and get pregnant if you have
unprotected sex a few days before or during ovulation. Ovulation happens when your ovaries release an
egg. It occurs approximately once per month, about 12 to 16 days after menstruation. The specific day on
which you ovulate depends on your cycle length. This is largely controlled by fluctuations in your sex
hormone levels. For some women, these fluctuations are quite consistent from one month to another. Other
women have more irregular menstrual cycles. A period occurs 14 days after ovulation if a pregnancy hasn’t
Once an egg is released from your ovaries, its life span is very short. Conception can only occur if it’s
fertilized 24 to 48 hours after the time of actual ovulation. However, male sperm can remain alive and viable
in your body for up to five days after ejaculation. So, it’s possible to have intercourse up to five days before
you ovulate and get pregnant as a result.
These biologic realities mean the actual period of viable fertility can last anywhere from five to eight days
for most women. In general, women are most fertile during the following times: the five days before
ovulation, the day of ovulation, within 12 to 24 hours after ovulation.
You’re less likely to get pregnant if you’ve accurately identified your fertile period and avoid unprotected sex
on those days each month. Theoretically, this will prevent viable sperm from being present in your fallopian
tubes at the same time as a viable egg. In turn, this will prevent fertilization and conception. That being
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said, fertility awareness is among the least reliable methods of contraception. Multiple methods of collecting
information are necessary. Use the calendar method, the temperature method, and the cervical mucus
methods to increase the effectiveness of FAM.

How can you track your menstrual cycle?

Every woman’s menstrual cycle is different. To use FAM effectively, it’s important to pinpoint when you’re
ovulating. There are several ways to track your ovulation cycle and fertility. Using a combination of the
following improves effectiveness in preventing pregnancy.
These are some common methods incorporated into fertility awareness:
Calendar rhythm method. You use past menstrual cycles to estimate the time of your ovulation. When used
on its own, this is the least reliable method of birth control. It should be avoided if your menstrual cycles are
shorter than 26 days or longer than 32 days.
Temperature method. You track your basal body temperature (BBT) for several cycles by using a very
sensitive basil thermometer to take your temperature before you get out of bed each morning. Due to
hormonal surges, your BBT goes up right after ovulation.
Cervical mucus method. You track the color, thickness, and texture of your cervical mucus to monitor your
fertility. Your cervical mucus becomes thinner, slippery, and stretchy when you ovulate. Tracking your
cervical mucus will require some practice.
The symptothermal method, in which you use all three of the methods above together, makes FAM most
effective. You should track at least 6–12 menstrual cycles before you begin to rely on only FAM for
contraception. It’s best to talk to your doctor or take a course on fertility awareness before deciding if FAM
is right for you. Educate yourself about your body and its cycles. FAM requires a significant and consistent
investment of time and effort. But it can also be a great and effective choice for women who are willing to
invest the time and understanding.

C. Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

The basal body temperature method — a fertility awareness-based method — is a type of natural family
planning. Your basal body temperature is your temperature when you're fully at rest. Ovulation may cause
a slight increase in basal body temperature. You'll be most fertile during the two to three days before your
temperature rises. By tracking your basal body temperature each day, you may be able to predict when
you'll ovulate. In turn, this may help you determine when you're most likely to conceive.

D. Withdrawal Method / Coitus Interruptus

The withdrawal method of contraception (coitus interruptus) is the practice of withdrawing the penis from
the vagina and away from a woman's external genitals before ejaculation to prevent pregnancy. The goal of
the withdrawal method — also called "pulling out" — is to prevent sperm from entering the vagina.
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Using the withdrawal method for birth control requires self-control. Even then, the withdrawal method isn't
an especially effective form of birth control. Sperm may enter the vagina if withdrawal isn't properly timed or
if pre-ejaculation fluid contains sperm. The withdrawal method doesn't offer protection from sexually
transmitted infections.

Artificial Methods
A.Oral Contraceptives
Birth control pills are a kind of medicine with hormones. Birth control pills come in a pack, and you take 1
pill every day. The pill is safe, affordable, and effective if you always take your pill on time. Besides
preventing pregnancy, the pill has lots of other health benefits, too.

How do birth control pills prevent pregnancy?

The birth control pill works by stopping sperm from joining with an egg (which is called fertilization).
The hormones in the pill stop ovulation. No ovulation means there’s no egg hanging around for sperm to
fertilize, so pregnancy can’t happen.
The pill’s hormones also thicken the mucus on the cervix. This thicker cervical mucus blocks sperm so it
can’t swim to an egg — kind of like a sticky security guard.

B. Intrauterine Device (IUD)

What is the intrauterine device (IUD)?
IUDs are small devices that are placed inside your uterus (womb) to prevent pregnancy.

Types of IUD
There are 2 types of IUD:
1. Hormonal IUD — made of plastic and which releases a hormone
2. Copper IUD — made of copper and plastic, which does not release a hormone
The only hormone-releasing IUD available in Australia is Mirena, which slowly releases a progestogen
hormone called levonorgestrel.

How does the IUD work?

The hormonal IUD releases progestogen which: thickens the mucus at the entrance to your uterus so
sperm can't get through, thins the lining of the uterus, making it hard for a fertilized egg to take hold. This is
similar to the way in which the mini pill and the contraceptive implant work.

The copper IUD works by: making it harder for sperm to reach and fertilize an egg, changing the lining of
the uterus so that if an egg was fertilized, it still wouldn't be able to attach and develop. Copper is toxic to
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sperm, so the copper IUD can also be used as an emergency contraceptive within 5 days of unprotected

How well does the IUD work?

The IUD works very well if inserted and used properly, and is one of the most effective reversible methods
of contraception available.
If 100 women use an IUD for a year, fewer than 1 will become pregnant. An IUD won't protect you against
sexually transmitted infections (STIs) so you will need to use condoms for added protection.

Advantages and disadvantages of the IUD

Both types of IUD offer several benefits, which include being:
> extremely good at preventing pregnancy;
> easy to use and maintain;
> long-lasting and cost-effective;
> immediately reversible if you decide you want to get pregnant.
The hormonal IUD also makes periods lighter and less painful. Sometimes they stop altogether.

The main disadvantages of IUDs include:

> a small risk of problems after insertion, such as pelvic infection they can move out of place;
Mirena can cause side effects such as irregular bleeding and sore breasts
copper IUDs can initially make periods heavier and more painful IUD removal.
Although IUDs provide protection for many years, they can be removed earlier. It is a quick procedure, in
which a doctor gently pulls on the string, and the IUD's arms fold up so it slips out. Some women find it
uncomfortable while others don't feel very much.

C. Male Condom
The male condom is a latex or synthetic rubber sheath that is placed on the erect male reproductive organ
before penetration into the female reproductive organ to trap the sperm during ejaculation. It can prevent
STDs and can be bought over-the-counter. Male condoms have an ideal fail rate of 2% and a typical fail
rate of 15% due to a break in the sheath’s integrity or spilling of semen.

D. Female Condom
Female condoms are made up of latex rubber sheaths that are pre-lubricated with spermicide. They are
usually bound by two rings. The outer ring is first inserted against the opening of the vagina and the inner
ring cover the cervix. It is used to prevent fertilization of the egg by the sperm cells.

Surgical Methods
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Vasectomy is a small incision is made on each side of the scrotum. The vas deferens is then tied,
cauterized, cut, or plugged to block the passage of the sperm. The patient is advised to use a back up
contraceptive method until two negative sperm count results are recorded because the sperm could remain
viable in the vas deferens for six months.

B.Tubal Ligation
Tubal Ligation is performed after menstruation and before ovulation. The procedure is done through a small
incision under the woman’s umbilicus that targets the fallopian tube for cutting, cauterizing, or blocking to
inhibit the passage of both the sperm and the ova.

Application and Assessment:

A. Activity : Defining Beauty

Direction: Complete the sentence below.

1 For me, beauty means


2 A beautiful/handsome person is

3 I am beautiful/handsome because

4 List down names of people you know who are beautiful/handsome.


B. Fill out the table below by listing the common secondary sex characteristics of male and female.
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Male Secondary Sex Characteristics Female Secondary Sex Characteristic


1 When do we usually observe the changes listed above for males and females?

2 Where you able to experience th8e same change? When?

3 If you were not able to experience the above listed changes, what might have caused
such difference?

4 How does the society shape the sexual behavior of an individual?

5 Can we really change our natural or innate sexual organ and sexual response?


1 Create a 5 minutes vlog that will raise the awareness of the students and to help eliminate sexually
transmitted diseases especially among the youth. Submit this vlog to your respected GC.
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I Fill in the blanks.
Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1 It refers to a male hormone that contain the genetic make up of men is called___________
2 What do you call to the period of life when reproductive organs begun to grow and functional under the
influence of rising levels of gonads is called_____________
3 Infections in the reproductive system is cause by a bacteria called _____________.
4 It refers to the individuals who possess both ovarian and testicular tissues is known as _______
5 The first menstrual period of female which happens two years after the start of puberty
is known as ___________________
6 It refers to the female hormones which contain the genetic characteristic to female is
called ____________________

7 It refers to the part of the body that are primarily receptive and increase sexual
arousal when touched in sensual manner it is called as _____________
8. It is the greatest amount of sociosexual behavior that occurs between only one male
and one female is called ___________________
9 The process of insertion of male reproductive organ into the female reproductive organ
is known as __________________.

Erogenous Zone, 2017. University of California, Santa Barbara, Accessed October 11, 2017.
Gebhard, Paul Henry. 2017, HumanSexual Behavior, Accessed October 11, 2017,
Marieb, Elaine N. 2001. Essentials of human Anatomy and Physiology 6th Ed. Pearson
Education Asia Pte.Ltd.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases-Specific Research. 2016, US National Institute of Heath,
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Accessed October 11, 2017.
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Lesson 6
The Material/Economic Self: To Buy or Not to Buy? That is the Question.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
1 Explain the association of self and possessions;
2 Identify the role of consumer culture to self and identity;
3 Appraise one’s self based on the description of material self.

The association of self to possessions // role of consumer culture to self & identity In The Principles of
Psychology, W. James described the components of self as
1 . Constituents
2. Feelings and emotions they arouse – SELF-FEELINGS
3. Actions to which they prompt- Self-Seeking and Self - Preservation

Under Constituents, the SELF is composed of the material self, the social self, the spiritual self, and the
pure ego.
We are living in the world of sale and shopping spree. Almost everywhere, including the digital space, we
find promotions of product purchase. Product advertisements are suggestive of making us feel better or
look good.
-What makes us want to have those products are connected with who we are.
-What we want to have and already possess are related to our self.

“We regard our possessions as parts of ourselves. We are what we have and what we possess. Belk,1988.
Our wanting to have and possess has a connection with another aspect of the self, the material self.

MATERIALSELF – primarily about our bodies, clothes, immediate family, and home. We are deeply
affective by these things because we put so much investment of our self to them.
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BODY - The innermost part of our material self. We are directly attached to it and we can’t live without it.
We strive hard to make sure that this body functions well and good. We also have preferential attachment
to certain parts because of its value to us.

CLOTHES – clothing is an essential part of the material self. “any time we bring an object into the surface
of our body, we invest that object into the consciousness of our personal existence and make it a part of us”
(Watson,2014). The fabric and style of the clothes we wear bring sensations to the body to which directly
affect our attitude and behavior. Thus, clothes are placed in the second hierarchy of material self. It is a
form of self-expression. We wear clothes that reflect us.

IMMEDIATE FAMILY – our parent and siblings hold an important of our self. What they do or become
affects us. When an immediate family member dies, a part of us dies too. When their lives are in success,
we feel their victories as well. In their failures, we are also put to shame. We think of our family as a replica
of our self.

HOME – it is our earliest nest of selfhood. Our experiences inside the home were recorded and marked on
particular parts and things in our home. There was an old cliché about rooms: “if only walls can speak”.
The home thus is an extension of our self, because in it, we can directly connect ourselves to it.

Having investment of self to things, made us attached to those things. The more investment of self-given to
the particular thing, the more we identify ourselves to it. We also tended to collect and possess properties.
The collections in different degree of investment of self, becomes part of the self. As James, described self:
“a man’s self is the sum total of all what he CAN call his.” Possessions then become a part or an extension
of the self.

We Are What We Have

“We regard our possessions as part of ourselves. We are what we have and what we possess” – Belk,
1988. Pp. 312.
The identification of the self to things started in our infancy stage. As we grow older, putting importance on
our material possessions decreases. We value more things like happiness, significant events,
accomplishments, and people in our lives.

As we grow older, putting importance to material possession decreases. However, material possession
gains higher value in our lifetime if we use material possession to find happiness, associate these things
with significant events, accomplishments, and people in our lives. There are even times, when material
possession of a person that is closely identified to the person, gains acknowledgment with high regard even
if the person already passed away.
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The possessions that we dearly have tell something about who we are, our self-concept, our past, and
even our future.

Application and Assessment

Activity: Debit Card Challenge
A very wealthy person gave you a debit card and told you to use it as much as you want to make yourself
happy. What are you going to do with it? Make a list of what you want to have or buy. Write as many as you

Create a collage of your treasured possession including your current clothing style. You may use symbol or
pictures of your treasured possessions. Explain why you treasure each item.

Direction: Answer the following question below:

1 How would you explain the three components of William James of understanding the self in relation
to the material self?

2 Why does the hierarchy of self is important in forming our material self?

Belk, Russell, 1988. Are we what we own? Accessed October 10, 2017, http://www.writing,
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Watson, Cecelia,2004. The Sartorial Self: William Jame’s Philosophy of Dress. Accessed
October 10, 2017,’s_
William, James, The Self and Its Selves, DJJR Sociology, Accessed October 10, 2017,

Lesson 7
Spiritual Self
Supernaturals: Believe It or Not!

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson the students should be able to:
1 Identify various religious practices and beliefs;
2 Understand the self in relation with religious belief; and
3 Explain the meaning of Spiritual self.

Religious practices and beliefs, finding the meaning of life.
SPIRITUAL SELF – is the most intimate, inner subjective part of the self. It connects to the satisfaction of
having an ability to argue and discriminate, of one’s moral sensibility and conscience. The ability to use oral
sensibility and conscience may be seen through the expressions of religion, its beliefs and practices.
Cultural rituals are also manifestations of what people believe in. Seeking the meaning of life is a journey
that the spiritual self is on.
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Rebecca Stein (Stein 2011) work on the definition of religion “as a set of cultural beliefs and
practices that usually includes some or all of basic characteristics. These characteristics are:
- a belief in anthromorphic supernatural being; such as spirit/gods;
- a focus on sacred supernatural, with a feeling of reverence and awe;
- presence of supernatural power or energy that is found on supernatural being as well as
physical beings and objects - performance of ritual activities;
- articulation of worldview and moral codes through narratives/’stories and other means;
- provide creation and maintenance of social bonds and mechanism of social control within a community;
- provide explanation for unknown and a sense of control for individuals.
An individual lives in a society where there are many practices of religion. The choice of religious belief lies
within the spiritual self. Although the choice maybe influenced by the society and its culture.

RITUAL – is the performance of ceremonial acts prescribed by a tradition or sacred law. A specific,
observable mode of behavior exhibited by societies. It is possible to view ritual as it’s way of
defining/describing humans.

3 fundamental characteristics of rituals according to Penner:

1 . A feeling/emotion of respect, awe, fascination, or dread in relation to the sacred.
2. Dependence upon a belief system that is usually expressed through language of myth.
3. Symbolic in relation to its reference

The self can be described as a ritual being who exhibits a striking parallel between their ritual and verbal
behavior. Just as language is a system of symbols that is based upon arbitrary rules, ritual may be viewed
as a system of symbolic acts that is based upon arbitrary rules. Participation to rituals is expressions of
religious beliefs.


Buddhism Beliefs
Buddhism believes that life is not a bed of roses. There are suffering, pain, frustrations. When people
suffer, they want to experience the goodness of life and avoid disappointments. This can be resolved by
practice of meditation, acquiring wisdom, and deeper understanding and acceptance of things as they are.
Buddhists also believe in the non-violence principle. And the acquiring of wisdom through the reflection of
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Customs & Practices – two types of meditation practices: samatha: mindfulness of breathing and
development of loving- kindness vipassana: aims at developing insight into reality.

Christianity Beliefs
Christians believe in the Holy Trinity: God the Father, (Creator), God the Son (Savior), God the Holy Spirit
(Sustainer). Eternal life after death will be achieved through faith in Jesus Christ, God the Son, who came
into flesh to spread the Good News. He died on the Cross for the sins of humanity but resurrected from the
death, so that anyone who believes in Him will be saved and have eternal life. The Holy Bible is a selection
of books, which is divided into two, the Old Testament and New Testament.

Customs and Practices

Sacrament of Baptism and Communion are practiced by Christian churches. Baptism symbolizes birth in
Christian World, while Communion is an act of remembrance of Christ’s love. Christmas and Resurrection
are two major celebrations in Christianity.

Hinduism Beliefs
Hinduism covers a wide range of traditional beliefs and religious groups, so there is no single founder or
leader. Hindus believe that existence is a cycle of birth, death and rebirth, governed by Karma. It is a
concept where the reincarnated life will depend on how the past life was spent. Vedas are sacred scriptures
of Hindus.

Customs and Practices

Diwali is the festival of lights while Navrati is the festival of nine nights, which celebrate the triumph of good
over evil.

Islam Beliefs – Muslims believe in Allah, their “One God”.

- They believe in the unity and universality of God.
- Muslims have a strong sense of community.
- Islam means “willing submission to God”
- The Holy Book of Islam is called the Quran.

Customs and Practices

Muslims believe in the 5 pillars of Islam:
1. Shahadah – “There is no God but the one true God and Mohammed is his messenger.
2. Salat – the prayer that is practiced 5 times a day,
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3. Zakat – monetary offering for the poor. 2.5% of Muslim’s assets.

4. Hajj – yearly pilgrimage to Mecca.
5. Sawm– fasting during Ramadan

Judaism Beliefs
The Jews believe in the God of Abraham, the God that liberated slaves from Egypt to Canaan, the
promised Land.
- Jews believe in the coming of Messiah, the Savior.
- Their sacred scripture is called Torah.

Customs and Practices

Five major festivals observed by Jews:
1 . Rosh Hashanah : the New Year
2. Yom Kippur : Day of Atonement
3. Pesach : Passover
4.Shavuot : Pentecost
5. Sukkot : Tabernacles. The Jewish Sabbath begins on Friday evening at sunset and is an
important time when families gather for the Sabbath meal.

CONCLUSION: Religions, rituals etc. are all part of expressing the spiritual self. How to
manifest the belief is dependent on the person.

Application and Assessment

A Activity: Art Recall

When was the first time you realized that there is a higher being than yourself which is God? How old were
you then? What made you believe that there is a higher being which is God?

Make a poster about the instance or situation that made you believe in the existence of higher being or
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Post you poster in the GC, to showcasing the posters you and your classmates have made. Try to see the
work of your other classmate to observe similarities and differences in each other’s experiences, expressed
in the artworks. Make a comments on the artwork of your classmates about the beliefs on higher being
based on what you observed in the poster.

Video Clip
Make a video clip with reflection on any of the following topics:
1 Filipino rituals and ceremonies covering all regions of the Philippines.
2 Filipino indigenous practices featuring five tribes from Luzon, Visayas, or Mindanao.
3 Modern day expression of spiritual being.
Make sure to showcase the origin, meaning of each ritual and ceremony, and your personal reflection. Post
these to your respective GC.

Direction: Read the question carefully and understand it. Choose the letter of the correct answer among the
choices given. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1 What do you call to the performance of ceremonial acts prescribed by a tradition or sacred law?
A. Religion B Ritual C Practices D. Tradition
2 Which of these are the characteristic of Religion?
A a feeling of respect, awe, fascination or dread in relation to the sacred.
B dependence upon a belief system.
C symbolic in relation to its reference
D provide explanation for unknown and a sense of control for individuals
3 What religion who believes that life is not a bed of roses, but of suffering, pain and
A Islam B Hinduism C. Buddhism D. Christianity
4 What do you call to the monetary offering for the benefit of the poor.
A Salat B Sawm C Shahadah D. Zakat
5 It refer to the festival of nine nights of Hinduism religion.
A Navrati B Nervana C Diwali D. Hajj
6 Which concepts are referring to the reincarnated life will depend on how the past life
was spent.
A Nirvana B Karma C Sukkot D Dharma
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7 It is a practiced as mindfulness of breathing and development of loving kindness is

8 What do we mean by the word “Islam”?
A Supreme being
B There is no God but the one true God
C Willingness submission to God
D Most powerful God
9 What do you call to the sacred scripture of the Judaism?
A Quran B Bible C Vedas D Torah
10 Which custom and practices of Jewish religion that refer to Passover .
A Sukkot B Shavuot C Yom Kippur D Pesach

Popova, Maria, 2013, “Viktor Frankl On the Human Search for Meaning,” In Brainpickings.
Accessed October 20, 2017, https://www.
Stein, Rebecca, 2o15. Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft. Accessed October 17,
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DIRECTION: Answer the following questions below. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What do you call to a small incision under the woman’s umbilicus that targets the fallopian tube for
cutting, cauterizing, or blocking to inhibit the passage of both the sperm and the ova?
a. Caesarian b. surgical operation c. tubal ligation d. none of the above
2. Which stage of human growth that the reproductive organs develop to their adult size and become
functional because of the rising levels of hormones?
a. Infancy b. puberty c. adolescence d. adulthood
3. What do you call to the hormones which are present in female?
a. Egg cells b. sperm cells c. testosterone d. estrogen
4. It is a bacteria that causes sexually transmitted diseases in the reproductive system.
a. Escherichia coli b. Covid-19 c. amoebiasis d. staphylococcus aureus
5. It refer to parts of the body that are primarily perceptive and increase arousal when touched in a
sexual manner.
a. Hands b. back c. erogenous zone d. legs
6. Which stages of human sexual response in which a feeling of abrupt, intense pleasure, increase
of blood pressure, spasms of pelvic muscles causing contraction of female organ and ejaculation
by the male .
a. Plateau phase b. excitement phase c. resolution phase d. sexual climax
7. What kind of the nerves that are responsible of transmitting messages to the brain?
a. Sensory nerves b. cerebrospinal nerves c. motor nerves d. peripheral nerves
8. A kind of natural method that involves tracking your natural cycle of fertility and your menstrual
cycle, developing a better awareness of your body, and using a variety of non-pharmaceutical
methods to detect ovulation.
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a. Cervical mucus b. abstinence c. basal body temperature d. calendar method

9. What kind of sexually transmitted diseases in which a viral infection that’s passed between people
through skin-to-skin contact.
a. Syphilis b. gonorrhea c. human papillomavirus d. chlamydia
10. It is a small incision is made on each side of the scrotum is called__________.
a. Circumcision b. ligation c. vasectomy d. caesarian

11. What do we mean by the word “Islam”?

A Supreme being B There is no God but the one true God
C Willingness submission to God D Most powerful God

12. What do you call to the sacred scripture of the Judaism?

A Quran B Bible C Vedas D Torah
13. Which custom and practices of Jewish religion that refer to Passover .
A Sukkot B Shavuot C Yom Kippur D Pesach
14. What do you call to the performance of ceremonial acts prescribed by a tradition or sacred law?
A. Religion B Ritual C Practices D. Tradition
15. Which of these are the characteristic of Religion?
A. a feeling of respect, awe, fascination or dread in relation to the sacred.
B. dependence upon a belief system.
C. symbolic in relation to its reference
D. provide explanation for unknown and a sense of control for individuals
16. What religion who believes that life is not a bed of roses, but of suffering, pain and
A Islam B Hinduism C. Buddhism D. Christianity
17. What do you call to the monetary offering for the benefit of the poor.
A Salat B Sawm C Shahadah D. Zakat
18. It refer to the festival of nine nights of Hinduism religion.
A Navrati B Nervana C Diwali D. Hajji
19. Which concepts are referring to the reincarnated life will depend on how the past life
was spent.
A. Nirvana B Karma C Sukkot D Dharma
20. It is a practiced as mindfulness of breathing and development of loving kindness is
A. Samatha B. Vipassana C. Dharma D. Bhavana
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Alata, Eden Joy, et al. (2018). Understanding the Self, Sta. Mesa, Quezon City, Rex Printing Company,
Belk, Russell, (1988). Are we what we own? Accessed October 10, 2017, http://www.writing,
Erogenous Zone,( 2017). University of California, Santa Barbara, Accessed October 11, 2017.
Gebhard, Paul Henry. ( 2017), HumanSexual Behavior, Accessed October 11, 2017,
Marieb, Elaine N. 2001. Essentials of human Anatomy and Physiology 6th Ed. Pearson
Education Asia Pte.Ltd.
Popova, Maria, 2013, “Viktor Frankl On the Human Search for Meaning,” In Brainpickings.
Accessed October 20, 2017, https://www.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases-Specific Research. 2016, US National Institute of Heath,
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Accessed October 11, 2017.
Stein, Rebecca, 2015. Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft. Accessed October 17,
Watson, Cecelia,2004. The Sartorial Self: William Jame’s Philosophy of Dress. Accessed
October 10, 2017,’s_
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William, James, The Self and Its Selves, DJJR Sociology, Accessed October 10, 2017,
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