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Answer Unit 5


1. Iftitah Sokya
2. Zidannul Ghifari Lubis

What is a recommendation letter? Are recommendation letters important? Why?

Answer: A letter recommendation is a letter describes a person's qualification and skills as they
relate to employment or education .These lettres typically come from previous employers,
professors, colleagues,clients, or teacher.They discuss the qualities and capabilities that make
candidate a good fit for a given position, college, or graduate school program.

Yes recommendation letters are important, because Letters of recommendation play an important
role in communicating and revealing certain information about a person. letters of
recommendation provide additional evidence of a person's skills, performance and positive
character, as well as reasons why the applicant is qualified for the position.Which will help
recruiters get a better view of the person and their potential for employment in a larger company.
Topics for discussion :

1. Alwardi Harahap
2. Jhon Luther Harefa
3. Maria Lasmian Elisabeth Samosir
4. Muhammad Soleh

The good version is the first

The reason:

1. The identity of the person who gives the recommendation letter is clearer in the first version of
the letter, it can be seen from the sentence, i was her faculty adviser, "While the second version
of the letter only says "she is a former student of mine" and the identity of the recommender is
not clear.

2. In the second paragraph, the first version directly states the capabilities and competencies that
Ms. Melaku, performs confidently and on points, while in the second paragraph of version 2
there is sentence "in my estimation" it shows the recommendation giver's uncertainty about Ms.
Melaku perform's skills and competencies, this then contradicts the purpose of the
recommendation letter which is prospective employer. In the second paragraph there is also a
sentence that does not need to be included, which is "She has always treated me fairly"

3. In the third paragraph, the first version of the closing sentence is on point and optimistic
because the recommender believes Ms. Melaku do according to the job requirement criteria with
the skills, they have temporarily the same as the second version but the sentence that is actually
not necessary in second version that is "i like her very much" Which looks too much and too
Excersice :

1. Immanuel Cristian Ricardo

2. Miranda Julieta
3. Rara Windya

March, 21st 2010

Dear Mr/Mrs. Hiring Manajer,

My name is Joko Wahyo and I am the vice director of PT. Nuso Tembaga Dua. I am writing the
letter to recommend George Ahmed Shams, I have known George Ahmed Shams as an Intern in
our company.

George Ahmed Shams is a pleasant person, easy-going and very honest when worked in our
company. He can do his job very well and all people love him so much. He is a good organizer
too, and likes to set up systems which are helping our company.

George Ahmed Shams knows how to use computer programming, which is teaching many
people to use computer. He also knows 3 languages, which are Russian, English and Spanish. He
can type 80 words per minute accurately, which is making him work efficiently. Because of his
good personality, he has pleasant telephone manner too.

I recommend George Ahmed Shams to your company without reservation. If you have any
futher questions, with regard to her background or qualifications, please don’t hesitate to call me.


Joko Wahyo

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