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Question Discussion

1 Adding a catalyst will increase the value of the reaction rate. The reaction
results generated in the statement above are H2O and O2 gas.
This result is in accordance with the H2O2 decomposition reaction as follows.
2H2O2 (l) → 2H2O (l) + O2 (g)
Based on the reaction equation, the most likely statement is the amount of O 2
gas increases.

2 Based on the question, there is a relationship between the gas equation and the
reaction rate.
The equation of the rate of the reaction that can be used is the equation as
v = ∆M / ∆t
The equation is arranged based on the understanding of the rate of reaction,
namely the change in concentration per change in time.
The known gas equation is the ideal gas equation. The equation is as follows.
PV = nRT
This equation can be related to concentration being P = MRT where M is n / V
(mol / L). The equation can be rearranged into the following equation.
M = P / RT
The relationship of the two equations is as follows.
v = (P⁄RT) / t
v = P / RTt
Based on the problem, it is determined that the condition of the reaction is in
the STP condition where the pressure (P) in this state is 1 atm and the
temperature (T) 0ºC or 273 K. The calculation of the reaction rate is as follows.
0,082× 273× 1× 60
v=7,44 ×10−4

3 The role of warm water according to the statement is to increase the kinetic
energy of H2CO3. This increase in kinetic energy means that more collisions
occur in the solution. Based on the decomposition reaction of H 2CO3, CO2 gas
will be generated. Addition of warm water will also cause more CO 2 gas to
arise, but even without the addition of warm water H 2CO3 compounds will still
cause CO2 gas.

4 Increasing the formation of MgCl2 is the same as increasing the value of the
reaction rate. The value of the rate of the reaction is affected by several factors,
among others.
1. The area of the touch surface
2. Concentration
3. Temperature
4. Catalyst
In revelation (1), there is an increase in reactant concentration. This increase in
concentration will increase the value of the reaction rate. Statement (2), making
powder will enlarge the surface area of the touch field. Statement (3) has no
relation to the factors that affect the rate of reaction. Statement (4), the addition
of a catalyst will increase the value of the reaction rate. Statement (5), has
nothing to do with factors that influence the rate of reaction.
Based on these explanations, the right answers are (1), (2), and (4).

5 The only one answer that match with the condition and the state of the
component in reaction is mixed the compound on the water bath. The reason is
a. Icrease the concentration of water. The water is the netral liquid that the
concentration can not be varied.
b. Increase the surface are. The state of CH 3COOC2H5 in the reaction was
c. –
d. The answer does not related with the factors that effect rate of reaction.
e. The answer does not related with the factors that effect rate of reaction.

6 Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy needed to initiate a

chemical reaction. Activation energy has a very close relationship with kinetic
energy caused by molecular collisions in a reaction. The kinetic energy
produced by this collision must be the same or more than the amount of
activation energy so that the reaction takes place. The reaction will take place if
the kinetic energy is large so it will break the chemical bonds that cause a
reaction. Termination to start a reaction requires a minimum impact energy
which can also be called activation energy.

7 Based on these questions, what must be done is to determine the reaction order
of each reactant then add the reaction order value obtained. The following is a
calculation of the determination of the total reaction order for the reaction.
S2O82- = A
I- = B
i. Determine the reaction order I-. Experimental data used are data 1 and 2.
The calculations are as follows.
v 1 k 1 [ A ]a [B]b
v 2 k 2 [ A ]a [B]b
2,2. 10−4
1,1. 10−4
ii. Determine the reaction order S2O82-. Experimental data used are data 2
and 3. The calculations are as follows.
v 2 k 2 [ A]a [B] b
v 3 k 3 [ A]a [B] b
1,1. 10−4
2,2. 10−4
1 1a
2 2
Add the two reaction orders obtained. The results obtained are a + b = 1 + 1 =

8 The rate of reaction based on these data can be calculated by considering the
following points.
1. The table provides the amount of time. This magnitude is changed to
time by looking at the general equation of speed or speed. The equation
is as follows.
Based on this equation, v is inversely proportional to t so that the
equation can be arranged as follows.
Based on this equation, time (t) can be changed rate (v). The results of
these changes are as follows.
Rate (s-1)
2. Determine the reaction order X and Y. The reaction order can be
determined by comparing the reaction rates of experiments 1 and 2, 2
and 3, and 1 and 3. In this discussion, the rate of reaction compared is
experiments 2 and 3. Comparison of the two experimental data is as
v2 k2 [X ¿ ¿2]a
= b
v3 k3 a [Y ¿¿ 2]
[ X ¿¿ 3] ¿¿
[Y ¿¿ 3]b ¿
The calculation produces a reaction order for X, whereas for calculating
the reaction order another comparison is used. In this discussion we use
comparisons of experiments 1 and 2.
v1 k1 [ X ¿¿ 1]a
= b
v2 k2 a [Y ¿¿ 1]
[ X ¿¿ 2] ¿¿
[Y ¿¿ 2]b ¿
75 1
= (10)b
150 2
3. Determine the reaction rate equation. Based on the acquisition of the
reaction order the reaction rate equation for the experiment can be
arranged as follows.
1 0
v=k [X ] [Y ]
v=k [X ]
4. Calculate the reaction rate constant. The reaction rate constants can be
calculated based on the reaction rate equation that has been obtained
and enter one of the experimental data. Based on the equation obtained,
the reaction rate constant (k) is as follows.
The experimental data used is experimental data 1. The calculations are
as follows.
1 /150
k =0,0167

9 Based on these questions, what must be done is to determine the reaction order
of each reactant then add the reaction order value obtained. The following is a
calculation of the determination of the total reaction order for the reaction.
1. Determine the reaction order NO. Experimental data that used are data
1 and 2. The calculations are as follows.
v1 k1 [NO ¿¿ 1]a
= b
v2 k2 a [O¿¿ 2]
[ NO¿¿ 2] ¿¿
[O¿¿ 2]b ¿
1,20 .10−3
4,80 . 10−3
2. Determine the O2 reaction order. Experimental data used are data 2 and
3. The calculations are as follows.
v2 k2 [ NO ¿¿ 2]a
= b
v3 k3 a [O¿ ¿2]
[ NO¿¿ 3] ¿¿
[O¿¿ 2]b ¿
4,80 . 10−3
=¿ ¿
1,44 . 10−2
1 1b
3 3
3. Add the two reaction orders obtained.
The results obtained are a + b = 2 + 1 = 3.

10 In this question, we need 2 equations of the reaction rate. The calculation is as

1. Calculation of reaction rate with the following equation.
1 ∆M
2 ∆t
1 0,45
2 12,5
2. The concern of the reaction rate constant involves the following
v=k [ A]
[ A ]2
k =0,089

11 The importance to store the materials by its characterictics is to avoid

uncontrollable reaction that may happen. As the example is hydrogen peroxide
and heat. Hydrogen peroxide itself was a solution that very easily to react. The
concentration of hydrogen peroxide was also very easily reduce and doess not
stable. If tis solution was store closed with the heat source, it will increase the
collision of the particles in the hydrogen peroxide that couse this solution
become more not stable.

12 Hot water in the experiment will initiate the formation of gases that form
become much more. Thats mean that heat will effect the rate of reaction. From
that condition, it will increase the value of rate reaction. Like number 11, this
hot water will influence the particle that reacted in the experiment become
more aggressively to collide.
13 From that equation, rate constant is proportional with with A or collision
frequency, but because there is a minus sign in activation energy so the
constant rate was getting lower if the activation energy increase and getting
higher if there is increaasing of heat. From the other equation or the equation of
rate law, rate was proportional with rate constant. So if the rate constant was
high the rate wil also have a high value. In the other hand, when rate constant
low so the rate also have low value.

14 An experiment that can be done is to prove the surface are in rate of reaction.
This experiment can be done by making solid CaCO3 turn into powder and
bigger chunk. Then, put that solid in HCl solution by the same proportion
(solid and HCl). The result that expected is the powder form will run out faster.
The independent variable is CaCO3, the dependent variable is rate of
reaction,and control variable is HCl.

15 The factors that effect rate of rection are

1. Temperature. The temperature will increase the kinetic energy of the
collision particles in the reaction.
2. Surface area. This factor effect rate of reaction by wider the touch are of
the solid with the solution.
3. Catalyst. This catalyst will high the rate reaction that has working
principles to help and parcipated in the reaction, but can be taken back
again after the reaction.
4. Concentration. The more higher the concentration, the rate reaction
becoming more higher too. This is because the particles in the higher
concentration is much more than the lower one.
A. Keterampilan


No Indikator Deskripsi Item

1 Tahap Persiapan  Menyiapkan alat dan bahan 1,2
 Kegiatan pre-praktikum 3,4
 Menggunakan alat keselamatan kerja 5,6
2 Tahap Kegiatan  Perlakuan terhadap alat dan bahan 7
Praktikum  Kesesuaian prosedur yang dilakukan dengan 8
lembar kerja 9
 Pengambilan data hasil percobaan
3 Tahap Penutup  Kegiatan post-praktikum 10


No Aspek Nilai
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 dst
1 Alat dan bahan yang
disiapkan sudah sesuai
dengan lembar kerja
praktikum yang
2 Alat dan bahan yang
digunakan dalam
keadaan baik.
3 Siswa mengisi lembar
kerja bagian I dengan
4 Jawaban yang ditulis
siswa sesuai dengan
materi yang
5 Siswa menggunakan
alat keselamatan
bekerja (jas
laboratorium, masker,
sarung tangan).
6 Siswa tidak melepas
alat keselamatan selama
kegiatan praktikum
terutama jas
7 Siswa menggunakan
alat dan bahan sesuai
kegunaanya berdasar
pada lembar kerja
8 Siswa melakukan
kegiatan praktikum
minimal sesuai dengan
yang tertera dalam
lembar kerja praktikum.
9 Siswa menuliskan data
poengamatan sesuai
dengan hasil nyata
kegiatan praktikum.
10 Siswa mengisi lembar
kerja praktikum dengan
lengkap dan sesuai
dengan pokok bahasan.


Nila Kriteria
5 Sangat Baik
4 Baik
3 Cukup
2 Kurang
1 Sangat Kurang

Nilai = Total nilai / 5


Buatlah leaflet mengenai percobaan yang telah kalian

lakukan. Buatlah dalam bentuk soft file dengan desain
semanarik mungkin. Leaflet ini akan dipresentasikan pada
pertemuan selanjutnya.

No Aspek
1 2 3 4 5
Pembagian tugas tiap anggota kelompok
dilakukan dengan adil.
Kegiatan presentasi melibatkan audience dengan
memberikan tanya jawab dengan audience.
Gaya pembicara presenter terlihat sangat percaya
Presenter terlihat menguasai materi yang
Desain leaflet menarik mata dengan berbagai
warna yang dipakai.
Leaflet sudah mencakup gambar percobaan
beserta pembahasannya.
7. Bahasan dalam leaflet sudah lengkap.
Bahasa yang digunakan dalam leaflet sudah
9. Penataan dan tata tulis dalam leaflet sudah baik.

10. Leaflet layak untuk ditempelkan di mading.

Lampiran III. Alat Evaluasi

B. Sikap


No Variabel Indikator Item

1 Sikap saat  Keseriusan saat mempelajari materi laju reaksi 1,2
pembelajaran  Aktivitas ketika mengikuti pembelajaran 3,4
2 Sikap siswa  Minat siswa terhadap lembar kerja praktikum 5,6
terhadap  Kesesuaian isi dengan materi 7
lembar kerja
3 Sikap siswa  Pengukuran motivasi siswa terhadap kegiatan praktikum 8, 9
saat kegiatan
4 Sikap siswa  Minat siswa terhadap model pembelajaran PjBL 10


No Aspek SS S TS STS
1 Saya merasa materi laju reaksi sangat penting untuk
2 Saya merasa rugi jika saya tidak serius saat sedang
diberikan penjelasan.
3 Pembelajaran semacam ini meningkatkan rasa tanggung
jawab saya.
4 Kegiatan diskusi membantu saya dalam meningkatkan
rasa kerja sama dalam diri saya.
5 Lembar kerja praktikum memudahkan saya dalam
melakukan aktivitas pembelajaran.
6 Lembar kerja praktikum membuat saya lebih
memahami apa yang harus saya lakukan.
7 Isi materi dalam lembar kerja praktikum sudah sesuai
dengan pokok bahasan.
8 Saya lebih mudah memahami materi pelajaran dengan
kegiatan praktikum ini.
9 Saya lebih senang melakukan kegiatan praktikum
daripada hanya duduk di kelas.
10 Pembuatan leaflet membantu saya untuk menguatkan
pemahaman yang saya dapat.

SS Sangat Setuju (4)

S Setuju (3)
TS Tidak Setuju (2)
STS Sangat Tidak Setuju (1)
C. Pengetahuan


Basic Competences Aspect Indicato
1. Understand the collision theory in Collision theory Students can explain co
chemical reactions based on the effect of chemical reactions based
temperature on the average rate of of temperature on their o
reactions and that of concentration of the Students can explain
reactants on the frequency of collisions. concentration on collisi
linking the Arrhenius e
law equation of rate of re
2. Determine the reaction order and the rate Reaction order and rate Students are able to d
constant based on the experimental data. constant order values based on exp
Students can determine
reaction rate constant
experimental data.
Students are able to calcu
data using the concept o
law equation.
3. Showing how to store materials to protect Students are able to
them from uncontrollable changes. between the reaction rate
of storing the ingredients
4. Design, practice, conclude, and present the Factors that effect the Students are able to expla
experimental result of factors that affect rate of reaction influence the rate of reac
rate reaction and reaction order
experiment. Students are able to ex
factors can influence th
based on the results of th
have been carried out.
Students are able to desi
that can be given to these

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