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Mantra Sadhana Check list - You Will Find all

Steps One by One

By Mantra Quest

Copyright Information
Copyright © 2018 By Mantra Quest, All Right Reserved

Reproduction, distribution, republication, and/or retransmission of material contained within this

book are prohibited unless the prior written permission of Mantra Quest has been obtained

The information in this book is solely education purpose. Mantra Quest writes what he learns and
read from scriptural books and Vedas

However, I have to warn you about something. Sometimes, people think or feel that the benefits
from Mantras come easily or instantly. It doesn’t.
Mantra Sadhana Steps

Mantra Sadhana is accepting the power of devshakti in your personality and existence. When a
specific sequence of mantra sadhana is completed the consciousness of the seeker familiarizes with
the specific stream of the divine power and are then are fully capable of holding and applying this
divine stream whenever required.

Mantra Sadhna is a quite complex process. You will find all steps of Mantra sadhana one by one.

Choosing the mantra

Looking out for the mantras? Then you are at the right place.

Mantra Quest has a vast audio e library of mantras recorded by our experts in a binaural

Just browse down our various categories and select a mantra depending upon your requirements.
We have mantras for your daily life needs, worldly desires and for spirituality. In case, you find any
difficulties in finding the mantras, please let us know. Our experts are available 24* 7 to help you in
selecting the right mantra.

Understanding the Syllables

Syllables are a garland of letters written in fixed format that emanates a particular frequency when
chanted besides invoking the deity.

Knowledge of syllables is extremely important. You should first understand the syllables of your
chosen mantra. Understanding the syllables helps you to connect to the divine and creates a vivid
picture of the cosmic powers in our sub conscious mind.

We know that most of you would find it difficult to understand it. So, our audio e library of mantras
will help you guide through the syllables and will make you understand each and every part of it.

Right Pronunciation
Pronunciation of the mantras is yet another crucial part of mantra meditation. The mantras are in
Sanskrit and your pronunciation should be such that the sound vibrations upon chanting should
correspond to the cosmic energies.

It might be a difficult part of the mantras. But, don’t worry!!. Our audio e library of mantras will
guide you with the correct pronunciation and in a lucid style. Always remember, the pronunciation
of the mantras should be clear, crisp and intense. We all know practise makes a man perfect. So,
practise, practise & practise. Things will get easier within a couple of days.

Correct intonation & Proper Rhythm

We all voice modulate our words when we are at different situations in our life. Like, you shout
when you call upon a friend at a distance. You keep your tone soft when you talk to your beloved.
These mantras also require the same thing. The modulation of the voice is very important while
chanting the mantras. The ups and downs in the frequency create the right intonation which can
invoke the deities and the planets, finally setting the cosmos in alignment to your mantra sadhna.

Now what does a proper rhythm means?

A proper rhythm should be such that the words that you chant should be well spaced in time. Once
you master this art, you will see only a principal set of frequency arising from your chants.

Finding it difficult? Relax!

Simply listen the recordings of the mantra and keep following it. For you, we have recorded each
mantra in a slow tempo and normal tempo. Slow tempo recording will help you in understanding
each word. With the normal tempo, you will get the right voice modulation. Isn’t that easy?

In no time, you will be best in it. Our recordings are excellent and quite intricate.

Right Posture (Asana) for Meditation

Mantra sadhna in our ancient days used to be very strict and a definite posture had to be

You might ask-“What does a right posture do in mantra meditation?”

A right posture helps you in absorbing the cosmic energies during the mantra vibrations. A simple
posture would be to cross sit your legs, remaining in an upright position, keeping your spine straight
and hip elevated. Put your hands on your thighs with palms open facing up.

However, we have worked out the three best poses for mantra meditation and are shown in further
clips. These are simple steps and can be easily done.

Padmasana (Lotus Pose) is considered one of the ultimate pose for mantra chanting and yogic
practises. It awakens the kundalini energy inside us and you can sit in this position for longer

Want to do it?
Follow the steps:

1) Sit on the asana (pooja mat) keeping your legs outstretched.

2) Now fold one of your legs and keep it on the other thigh.
3) Fold the other leg and keep it on the opposite thigh.
4) Keep the palms of your hands on the knees.

Ardh Padmasana
Ardh Padmasana (Half-Lotus pose) is a variant of the Lotus pose and is also common among the
sadhaks during their meditation.

Let us know how to do this pose.

1) Sit in a comfortable position keeping the legs stretched out.

2) Bend one leg and put in under the thigh of the other.
3) Fold the other leg and keep it on the other thigh.
4) Feel free to keep your hands on the knees, thighs or lap.

Pada Padmasana
Having difficulties with the other two asanas?

Go for this pose- “Pada Padmasana” (QuarterLotusPose). It’s simple and mostly preferred by
newbies. Since, you can sit for longer durations; you should follow this pose as a beginner. So, let us
check the steps of this pose.

1) Sit on a pooja asana in a relaxed position.

2) Place the left leg under the calf of the right leg and vice versa.
3) Now fold your hands in Anjali Mudra, keeping it on the thighs of the legs.

Remember, whatever your pose is, during the mantra meditation, you should feel comfortable and

Purification Rituals (Panchkaram)

The 5 Rituals for Purification or Panchkaram is very important before starting the mantra sadhna.
These rituals are done to purify you bodily, mentally and spiritually. Your mantra sadhna would not
yield results if the Panchkaram is not done. This should be done daily before starting of the jaap.

Pavitrikaran (Sanctification)
Pavitrikaran is done to purify your place of meditation, your asana (mat), and yourself. Apart from
this, any other pooja articles are purified in this process. You should follow the steps in this video to
do the first stage of purification.

1) Take holy water (Gangajal) on the palm of your left hand.

2) Now chant the mantra:

“Aum Apavitra Pavitro Va Sarvasthan Gatoapivaa

Ya Somere Pundrikasham Sah Bahyabhyantar Suchi”

3) Now sprinkle the water on yourself and in all directions.

This completes the process.

Aachman (Sipping water)

Aachman ritual purifies your mind, body and soul from within. It basically consists of sipping few
drops of the holy waters. Here are the steps involved. Follow these simple steps to complete this

1) Take the holy water (GangaJal) in your right hand and face towards the North.
2) Now chant the below mantras:

“Aum Keshvaya Namah”

“Aum Narayanay Namah”

“Aum Madhavaya Namah”

“Aum Rishikeshaye Namah”

“Aum Govindaye Namah”

3) Now sip this water so that it can wet your throat.

4) Wash your hands on your left side by sprinkling a small amount of water.

Shikha Sparsh (Tying the knot)

This ritual is done to show your commitment to the divine. It signifies that during you meditation
processes no malice or perverse thoughts will enter your mind.

So, how this ritual should be completed? Follow the steps to complete this part.

1) Place your right hand on the crown of your head.

2) Tie a braid or know with your hair.
3) While tying the know chant the “Gayatri Mantra” shown in the video

“Aum Bhur Bhuvah Swah Tatsavitur Varenyam

Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat”

Pranayama (Inhaling Energy)

Pranayama is done for purifying ourselves spiritually. The process is quite simple. So, let us
understand how to do this.

1. Sit in a relaxed position.

2. Inhale slowly through one of your nostrils while keeping the other nostril closed.
3. Hold the breath for a sometime (a few seconds).
4) Now slowly exhale out through the other nostril.

Repeat the process for the other nostril.

Keep the entire process slow and concentrate on your breath while doing it.Now while doing, you
should fee and think- “all the positive energies are flowing into your body and all the negative energy
is flowing out”. This process is accompanied by the mantras. Chant this mantra before starting the

“Aum Bhu Aum Bhuvah Aum Swah Aum Mah

Aum Jana Aum Tapa Aum Satyam

Aum Tatsavituraneyam

Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi

Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat”

You are free to do as many sets as you want. Besides, lifting you spiritually, it also keeps your
heart, lungs and blood circulation in a proper condition.

Nyasa (Super Imposition)

Nyasa is the final ritual in the purification process. Vedic texts say that while doing pooja rituals,
there are lower deities and spirits surrounding you and can steal away the blessings of your sadhna.
It helps to awaken the deities within ourselves, thus keeping the energies of the sadhna within us.
Let us know the steps of the Nyasa process:

1) Take holy water in your left hand and wet the fingers of your right hand.
2) Now with the fingers of the right hand touch different parts of your body one by one, in a
sequential manner.
3) This process is simultaneously done with Nyasa mantra chanting shown in the video.

“Aum Hrudhaya Namah” -------- (touch the heart with your fingers)

“Param Tatve Shirsha Swaha”--- (touch your head)

“Narayanay Shikhaay Phat”------ (touch the crown of your head)

“Gurubhyo Kvachay Hum”--------- (touch your eyes)

“Aum Astray Phat”------------------- (tap the fingers on the palm of your left hand 3 times)

You should do the Nyasa ritual 3 times.

Remember, you should do all the above 5 rituals (Panchkaram) daily before starting on your
mantra meditation.

Sankalp (Resolve)
Once you are done with the previous steps, it’s now time to start your mantra meditation. In this
step, you take a vow or Sankalp in front of your mantra deity. It’s an agreement between you and
the divine.

So, how should you do it?

Take holy water in your palm (fewdrops) and say:

I (your name), son of (your father’s name), resident of (your address) having gotra (your gotra),
taking a pledge on (date),(time),(tithi),(Paksha) that I would chant ( number of chants) of (name
of your mantra)mantra, starting from (starting date). I will complete the entire (your mantra
name) in a span of (number of days) days. Please bless me with your guidance and stay with me all
the time, so that I can complete the entire sadhna without any obstacles.

Now let the water flow on to the ground slowly.

This is a very important part of your meditation programme. Taking a pledge makes a solid
connection to the divine. The holy water in our hand represents the basic life force within us and
hence represents us.

Needless to tell, you should always remain faithful to your commitments.

Invoking Lord Ganesh

In our Hindu culture, Lord Ganesha is the Vighnakarta and Vighnaharta in our lives. Every pooja must
start with the blessings of Lord Ganesha. Now chant this mantra:

“Vakratund MahakaySuryakoti Samaprapha

Nirvighnam Kuru Me DevSarv Karyeshu Sarvada”

After chanting this mantra, pray to Lord Ganesha and ask for his divine blessings during this mantra
sadhna. Pray that this mantra sadhna gets completed without any obstacles and difficulties.

External or Internal Chant

Now, let us understand how to chant the mantras. Vedic texts prescribes three types of mantra
chanting namely- Mansik Jaap, Vachik Jaap & Upasu Jaap.
In Mansik Jaap, you should chant the mantras internally in your mind. In VachikJaap, you can chant
the mantras loudly. Whereas, UpasuJaap refers to the chant when you only mummer with your lips.
You are free to own any other above japas without any problem. Or you also have the option of
listening to the mantras.

Number of Counts
It is often advised to chant 108 counts of mantras every day. 108 counts correspond to 1 mala jaap.
But, if you have pledged to count mantras in lakhs within a specified period, you can count multiple
mala jaap in a single day.

But remember; don’t overdo mala jaap as it can lead to increase in heat of the body. So find an
optimum count for yourself and space it between the days.

Number of Days
You should chant any of your selected mantras for your entire life, if spirituality is your main goal.
But, if you chanting for any specific purpose and worldly desires, it’s necessary that you should chant
the mantras for 41 days.

For example, suppose you have to chant the Shani beej mantras for a bad Saturn in your horoscope.
Then you should chant the Shani mantras for 41 days to get its benefit.

We know that you might be having trouble in finding for how many days you should continue the

But, don’t worry. We at Mantra Quest will help you with your every query regarding this. Feel free to
contact us.

Completion Phase
The completion of any mantra sadhna is done by making your offerings to the God, your ancestors,
yonis and doing charities. All the steps are shown in different video clips. Follow it to complete the

Homam (Sacred Fire Ritual)

Upon completion of your pledged mantra count, it’s time to do the sacred fire ritual. This sacred fire
ritual is known as Homam.

So, let us understand the purpose of Homam. Homam is done to purify your soul, body and mind. It
also helps to keep the environment clean. This is done by sacrificing the pooja things in a sacred fire.

Then, how should you do it?

1) Get a square enclosed tin box from the market. Its easily available everywhere and is known
as Havan Kund.
2) Now put the Navagraha twigs, cow dung cake and some camphor in it. If you are unable to
get Navagraha sticks, you can use the barks and twigs of mango trees.
3) Light the entire component in the kund with a matchstick.
4) Now, take ghee with a spoon and pour in the burning fire of the Havan Kund.
5) While pouring, you should chant the mantras that you have been reciting in the mantra
sadhna. For example, if you were doing a sadhna for “Shiv Panchakshari Mantra”, then
“Aum Namah Shivay Swaha”

6) Remember to pour the ghee in the fire upon the completion of each mantra.
7) You should do this process 1/10th times of the number of mantras, you chanted.

For example, if you chanted 12500 mantras, then this should be done 1250 times. After this you
should do this fire ritual in the name of 5 more gods as per your wish.

This completes the Homam process.

Very few sadhak completes the full process after Homam. Arpan should be done just after the
completion of Homam. Arpan is the offering done in the name of Gods & Goddesses. Now, you
should understand the process of it.

1) Take a big brass plate and pour a mixture of milk and Ganga jal.
2) Now clasp the palms of your both hand in the posture of offering and try to lift the mixture
of the plate.
3) Chant the mantra for which you are doing siddhi and append Arpanmastu at the end of it.
Taking the same example of Shiv Panchakshari Mantra, you should chant –

“Aum Namah Shivay Arpanmastu”

4) At the end of each chant pour the water slowly in the same plate. Now repeat it. This
process should be done for 1/10th of the Havan process. Like, you did Havan for 1250 times,
Arpan should be done 125 times.

Doing Tarpan (Offering to Ancestors)

Following the Arpan process, you will have to do the Tarpan process. Here, you pay respect and
offerings to your ancestors (Pitrus).

Please Note: This should not be considered as the Tarpan of the Pitra Paksha.

How should you do it?

1) Take a copper bowl with a spoon.

2) Now pour Ganga Jal, milk, curd, ghee, camphor & flowers in the bowl and just stir it with the
3) Now spoon out some mixture of it and chant the mantras which you meditated upon by
appending “TarpyamiNamah” in the end. For example, doing Tarpan for Shiva Mantras you
should chant-

“Aum Namah Shivaay Tarpyami Namah”

You should do this process for 1/10 time of the number of chants you did for the Arpan process.

Doing Marjan (Spiritual Touch)

Marjan is the final phase of the ritual.

1) In the same bowl in which you did Tarpan process, take a flower and wet it with the mixture
in the bowl.
2) Now make this flower in contact with the forehead.
3) You should do the Marjan process 1/10 of the Tarpan process.

Now, what should be chanted during the Marjan?

Again taking the example of Shiva mantra, the chant for Marjan is-

“Aum Namah Shivaay Marjyaami Namah”

Simple add the two words “MarjyaamiNama” at the end of the mantra.

Daan (Donating)
Our Hindu culture stresses on the ideas of charity. It is considered as a noble deed.

Once you are finished with the mantra sadhna, you should give donations to the poor and the

Make simple charities that you are capable of such as giving food and money to the poor. You should
not burn your pocket in this ritual.

Astrologers also suggest special charities for any particular mantra sadhna. You should take those
things and distribute it among the needy. You should never give out used products in the name of
charity. Do it humbly without expecting anything back in return.

Hope our detailed video has made things easier for you. In case, you are having any confusion about
any of the process, you can reach us at any point of the time. Mantra Quest is fully dedicated to the
service of its subscribers.
© Mantra Quest

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including but not limited to digital copying and printing.

The author, Mantra Quest, and the publisher, ,

have made their best effort to produce a high quality,
informative and helpful book. But they make no
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