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I. Identify what is being described by the following. Choose the letter of the correct answer that
stated inside the box.

(A.) Eudaimonism, (B.) Empiricism, (C.) Innate Idea, (D.) Rationalism, (E.) Human Act,

(F.) Body, (G.) Self, (H.) Good, (I.) Consciousness, (J.) Hegemony

D. 1. A belief that the knowledge is derived from reason

J. 2. Supremacy or dominance---just like the mind over matter.

A. 3. Happiness is the be-all and the end all of life.

I. 4. The state of being awake and aware of one’s surroundings.

B. 5. The theory that all knowledge is derived from sense-experience.

C. 6. Inborn idea or the knowledge we have since birth

E. 7. Source of one’s dignity

G. 8. A person’s essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as
the object of introspection or reflexive action.

F. 9. The whole physical structure that forms a person.

H. 10. Befitting to one’s nature

II. Count the true statements. Write ‘All’ if all statements are true, ‘Some’ if not all statements
are true, and ‘None’ if no statements are true.

NONE 1. Socrates was a legitimate teacher of his time. He is one of the members of the so-called

SOME 2. His teaching could also be described as an intellectual prostitution for it is for sale.
During the time of Socrates if parents wanted their children to have formal schooling then they
will hire the sophists.
NONE 3. Knowledge for Plato is derived from sense perception. For him Man is a pure mind.

SOME 4. Plato is the teacher of Socrates and the writing of Socrates are very much influential to
Him. He is the founder of Academy.

SOME 5. For Augustine, God is love. For him life is a dialectic movement towards love.
Therefore, love will never be the goal of life for it is God.

ALL 6. For Rene Descartes, man is a rational being. Man is capable of thinking for he doubts
and to doubt is to think.

SOME 7. John Locke just like Descartes is a rationalist. For him, man is one and the same person
because of his memory.

SOME 8. David Hume is an empiricist. Empiricism is a belief that knowledge is derived from
reason and thinking.

ALL 9. For Immanuel Kant, man has dignity. To do good is man’s duty and obligation.

ALL 10. For Freud, man behavior is being influenced by the sub- conscious. Man behaved when
his superego won over the id and he misbehaved when id won.

ALL 11. For Gilbert Ryle mind and body are things. Mind is not distinct from the body, the only
way by which we can know how the mind is working is through the behavior.

ALL 12. According to Paul Churchland, “We do have an organ for understanding and
recognizing moral facts. It is called the brain.”

ALL 13. The two basic entities of man are body and soul. For Merleau-Ponty, Self is an
embodied subjectivity.

ALL 14. ‘Embodiment’ literally means the representation or expression of something in a

tangible or visible form. While subjectivity means the quality of being based on or influenced by
personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.

ALL 15. Students can reflect those various perspectives of self in relation to their concrete and
real experiences. This is only true only if he has memories of his experiences.

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