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Assessment 01. Essay.

Discuss the following answer to the questions below. Please refer to the rubrics before
answering the questions. 

1. Are values static? Give examples or scenarios to support your answer. 

The values are not static; they vary over time and between groups as people evaluate
debate and change the collective beliefs of society. Values also vary from culture to culture.
For example, cultures differ in their values about what types of physical closeness are
appropriate in public. It is rare for two friends or coworkers to hold hands in the United
States, where this behavior often symbolizes romantic feelings. But in many countries, male
physical intimacy in public is considered natural. This difference in cultural values came to
light when people reacted to the 2005 photos of former President George W. Bush held by the
crown prince of Saudi Arabia. A simple gesture like holding hands carries great symbolic
differences between cultures.

2. How does cultural change happen?

Any change that occurs in the field of culture can be described as a change of culture.
Culture is not static, but dynamic, it is also changing. Cultural change can have many causes
for it happen, including the environment, technological inventions, and contact with other
cultures. Cultures are influenced from the outside by contacts between societies, which can
also provoke or inhibit social change and changes in cultural practices. For example, the
invention and popularization of the automobile, the addition of new words to our language,
the change of concepts of property and morals, new forms of music, art or dance, new styles
in architecture and sculpture, new rules of grammar or metrics. , the general trend towards
gender equality, etc., all represents cultural changes. Cultural changes happen when a
citizen's belief fades in one country and then finds him in another, but that only happens
when you start to forget it. Cultural change is inevitable. It has a positive effect on our society
and helps our society cope with different technological trends. Furthermore, we cannot deny
that some cultures are very traditional and conservative, in which they sometimes practice
practices that are considered taboo in modern times. These include early marriage,
cannibalism, etc. With these cultural changes, we can further develop our society. But cultural
changes also had negative effects. In fact, our culture unites society. It gives us principles and
a moral code, as well as a context for the richness of our history. With this in mind, cultural
old values,
change is a customs,
threat to and beliefs in favor
the preservation andofcelebration
new ones. Changes in oneand
of our norms area of culture Ifaffect
traditions. this
other parts of the culture in one way or another. This is because the culture is
continues, we will gradually lose our identity, heritage, and history. All cultures change, highly
integrated. Also, one change can lead to another. Some of the fundamental changes, such as
albeit in different ways and at different speeds. For example, people are reluctant to give up
the way society makes a living or conducts its economic activity and exploits the
environment, can affect almost all other cultural elements.

Category 5 4-3 2-1

The arguments and The arguments and
The arguments and
thoughts of the student thoughts of the
thoughts of the student
Organization are somewhat students are not
are very well organized
and Structure organized and the organized and the
and the question was
question was mostly question was not
completely answered.
answered. answered.

The student moves from

The student moves The student lacks clear
Sentence one idea to the next
smoothly form one idea connections between
Fluency but there is little
to the next.  ideas. 

The student makes no The student makes 1-2 The student makes
Grammar and
errors in grammar or errors in grammar or more than 3 errors in
spelling. spelling. grammar and spelling.

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