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Plant reproduction

Many plants won’t be able to reproduce because of the terrestrial environment. So they can overcome
that by producing more seed and by this increase their chance of reproduction Not all plants need to
reproduce sexually for example the bramble plant produces root at the end of the it’s stamp. But sexual
reproduction in plants is still preferable, because it allows diversity therefore it can become dominant in
the future.

2. Reproduction cycle

Gamitafied generation

Antaredia produces sperm which in when condition are ejected. And when they land on the neck of the
sex organs of the arcagonia when they float to the neck where fertilization takes place. And the zygote
cell will grow in to spore generation and they are dispersed.

Daffodil for example try to attract insects they are very important, they transfer the pollen from one
flower to another. Flowers have evolved that they have the scents and the colours that attract the

There are plants that rely on the wind to spread their offspring. Those plants are usually smaller and
produce much more seeds.

But how the flowers insure that the offspring will land on the right receiver. For example the dandelion
have many flarets,they can be pollenated by insects of do that by themselves. Haw that’s achieved? The
stigma grew high and pollens were stuck on the stamp, so if for long time cross-pollination ist achieved
in rolls back and gets it’s own pollens.

Self-pollination does not mean self-fertilization

The plants have chemicals that recognizer their own pollen.

They are so called perfect flowers for example the tiger lily which has male and female organs.

If the male and female flowers are on the same plants they are kept offsinc so only other plant could
fertilize the female flower for example.

How reproduction happens

Each pollen grain contains 2 nuclei

-generative nucleus which produce 2 male sperm nuclei

-the tube nucleus

The polen tube grown down the tissues of the stigma and penetrates the Ovaries. In the Ovaries there is
an egg cell nucleus. The tube releases 1 male gamet and this is the fertilization and whn it divides
repeatedly it will produce the embryo. The other male gamet fusses to make triploid nucleus

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