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Discontinued Concentration

Pimp Chimpin’ Productions

Jack Ettery, Luke Pritchard, George Wood, Kian Laing.

Discontinued Concentration is about life with ADHD and how people
often don’t receive support.

Plot summary
Our Documentary will include interviews and our theme will be
uplifting as we don’t want to make it too serious. We will be
interviewing Kian Laing, Sandra Somers and Dr. Tahini. We will also
show tell the history of ADHD and in the end, we will give off a
positive message.


Act 1

In act 1 we will be Having a voiceover (Kian Laing) describing what

ADHD is and a bit about its history. We will also be interviewing
Sandra Somers as she helps students at Loxton Campus with ADHD
so we will be gathering information about what she knows about
ADHD and what she does to help people with it. With the camera will
be having one up close to her as you can show true emotion when a
camera is in somebody’s face and we will have another camera
further away to show off her body language throughout the
interview. We will be filming Sandra in her office as it is more
professional that way.
Act 2

In act 2 we will be interviewing Kian Laing’s Psychiatrist Dr. Tahini as

she is a professional and knows a lot about ADHD as she works with
many children/teenagers/adults with ADHD. We will possibly be
interview her in the room that she helps out all of her patients in. We
will be using a wide shot of her and Kian talking and then we will be
using a close up of Dr. Tahini so it isn’t just one continuous shot of
them both talking.

Act 3

Finally in act 3 we will be interviewing Kian Laing as he has ADHD and

we would like to find out more about how he deals with it and what
life was like growing up with it. We will also be getting one camera
close up to his face as you can show true emotion when a camera is
in somebody’s face and we will have another camera further away to
show off his body language throughout the interview. We will have
Kian talking in the interview but we will also have shots of him
walking around, sat down and him possibly at home and at college as
we would like to see what he is like at in and outside of college. We
will be filming in the TV studio at Loxton Campus in Weston College.

Wrap Up
In the remaining minutes of our documentary, we will give off a nice
message as this is not a dark deep documentary it is supposed to be
uplifting and happy. Then the credits will roll and the documentary
will end.

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