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accumulate – gromadzić się mobility – zdolność poruszania się
adapt (to) – przystosować się mobilization – uruchomienie
adequate - odpowiedni multidisciplinary – związany z wieloma
afect – dotykać (o chorobie) specjalnościami medycznymi
aging – starzenie się numerous – liczny
application - stosowanie nursing home – dom opieki
approach – podejście, stosunek do nutrition – odżywianie
arthritis – artretyzm, zapalenie stawów occupational therapist – terapeuta zajęciowy
backache – ból pleców ogólny, rodzinny
balance – równowaga onset – początek
balneotherapy – balneoterapia osteopath – osteopata
bend - zgiąć out-patients clinic – przychodnia
blister – pęcherz (np. po oparzeniu) participate – brać udział
blood flow – przepływ, krążenie krwi pattern – wzór, model
branch – dziedzina
practice setting – miejsce wykonywania praktyki
bruise – siniak
capability – zdolność zawodowej
cardiac – sercowy promote – propagować
cardiopulmonary – sercowo-płucny pulmonary – płucny
carer - opiekun radiation – promieniowanie (o bólu)
cartilage – chrząstka raise – unosić
challenge - wyzwanie range of motion (ROM) – zasięg ruchu
chiropractor – kręgarz rapport – dobra relacja
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease recommendation – zalecenie
(COPD) – przewlekła obturacyjna choroba records – dokumentacja
płuc (POChP) recover (from) – powracać do zdrowia
circulation – krążenie refer – skierować (pacjenta)
compassion – współczucie reflexologist – specjalista refleksologii
complaint – dolegliwość regain mobility – odzyskać zdolność poruszania
condition – stan, stan chorobowy się
continuing education – kształcenie relatives - krewni
cerebral palsy – porażenie mózgowe relevant - odpowiednie
crucial - kluczowy relieve (ease) pain – uśmierzyć ból
cryotherapy – krioterapia repetitive – nawracający
cure – wyleczyć, wyleczenie restore – przywracać
cystic fibrosis – mukowiscydoza restore function – przywrócić czynność
deformity – zniekształcenie roll over – przekręcić się
deposits – złogi rub – pocierać
dietary – dotyczący diety severity – ciężkość (o przebiegu choroby)
disease – choroba slide – ślizgać się
disorder – zaburzenie soft tissue – tkanka miękka
disrupt – zakłócać sore – bolący, bolesny
district nurse – pielęgniarka rejonowa specialty – specjalność
enable - umożliwiać spina bifida – rozszczep kręgosłupa
energy flow – przepływ energii spinal cord – rdzeń kręgowy
evidence-based – oparty na dowodach sport facilities – obiekty sportowe
exacerbate – nasilać się spot – miejsce, punkt
extension exercises- ćwiczenia rozciągające sprain – wykręcić sobie staw, wykręcenie
firm - sztywny stamina – wytrzymałość
gait – chód stick out – wystawać


gather - zgromadzić stiff – sztywny

genuine – prawdziwy stiffness – sztywność
get rid of – pozbyć się straighten - wyprostować
GP = general practitioner – lekarz strain – uszkodzenie powysiłkowe, nadwerężenie
granules – ziarnistości strengthen – wzmocnić
heal – uleczyć, zagoić się stretch – naciągać
hip replacement – endoproteza stawu stroke (noun) – udar
biodrowego stroke (verb) – głaskać
holistic – holistyczny surgery – chirurgia, zabieg chirurgiczny
hormonal imbalance – zaburzenie swelling – opuchlizna
hormonalne take into consideration – wziąć pod uwagę
implement – wprowadzić w życie task – zadanie
improve – polepszyć się, wydobrzeć tear – pęknięcie, zerwanie, zerwać
infrared lamps – lampy podczerwone tendon – ścięgno
injury – kontuzja, obrażenie tense – napięty
insomnia – bezsenność the elderly – osoba w podeszłym wieku
investigate – badać tight – ciasny
joint – staw torticolis – kręcz szyi
keep up to date – być na bieżąco traction – wyciąg
lean – pochylić się treatment – leczenie
unconscious – nieprzytomny
level-headed – zorientowany na osiągnięcie
underlying – będący podstawą czegoś
odpowiedniego poziomu
vital - ważny
licensure – posiadanie licencji, uprawnień well-being – dobry stan
lift – unieść workshops – warsztaty
ligament – więzadło
locomotor system – układ ruchu
maintain – utrzymywać (w dobrym stanie)
manual – ręczny, manualny
mentally disabled – upośledzony umysłowo

Ex. 1 Find the answers (a-h) to the questions (1-8).

1. What is physiotherapy?
2. Is physiotherapy the same as physical therapy?
3. What do you call a health care professional who practices in the field of
4. What are the main specialty areas in physiotherapy?
5. What treatments do physiotherapists use?
6. Where are physiotherapists likely to work?
7. Who will their patients be?
8. What training programmes do you have to complete to work as a

a. A health care profession that helps people to move. It provides treatment to

restore and maintain maximum movement and function to patients with
physical problems caused by disease, injury or aging.
b. A physiotherapist or informally, a physio. In the US they are known as
physical therapists (PTs).


c. A five year university programme leading to MSc in physiotherapy is the first

step, which may be followed by a doctoral programme.
d. Cardiopulmonary (cardiovascular and pulmonary) rehabilitation, geriatric
physiotherapy, neurological physiotherapy, orthopaedic physiotherapy
including sports physiotherapy, paediatric physiotherapy.
e. Manual therapy such as massage and manipulation, therapeutic exercise
and use of electrophysical methods (for example, cryotherapy or
f. People with neurological disorders or disease, disorders and injuries of the
musculosketeletal system, patients with cardiopulmonary disorders, the
elderly with reduced mobility and fitness.
g. Physical therapy is the US term for physiotherapy.
h. These places include hospitals, nursing homes, physiotherapy gyms,
rehabilitation clinics, fitness centers or sports training facilities.
Ex.2 Read the description of some health problems (1-7) and match them with
the appropriate physiotherapy specialty (a-g). Then match the patients with
their specialists.
1. Sports injuries, like muscle tears, ligament and joint strains, cartilage and
tendon problems.
2. Cardiac disorders (e.g. patients who have had a heart attack) or patients
after cardiac surgery.
3. Cystic fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
4. Conditions that affect people as they grow older, for instance arthritis, hip
replacement or balance problems.
5. Brain injury, spinal cord injury, stroke, Parkinson’s disease
6. Fractures, strains, sprains, back and neck pain
7. Cerebral palsy, spina bifida, torticollis.

a. cardiac physiotherapy
b. geriatric physiotherapy
c. neurological physiotherapy
d. orthopaedic physiotherapy
e. paediatric physiotherapy
f. pulmonary physiotherapy
g. sports physiotherapy

1. B.J., a 22-year-old footballer who has torn his Achilles tendon.

2. A.C., a 72-year-old retired teacher who had a stroke three weeks ago.
3. J.J., a 40-year-old engineer who broke his leg 10 weeks ago.
4. K.L., a 4-year-old girl with diagnosed cystic fibrosis.
5. X.Y., a 50-year-old manager who has suffered a heart attack.
6. Z.Z., a 80-year-old lady with mobility problems.


Ex. 3 Vocabulary development: fill in the table with missing verbs and nouns
(1-9). When you have finished, complete the sentences (a-f) by translating the
words in Polish into English.
Verb Noun
1. improve
2. treat
3. injure
4. recovery
5. cure
6. sprain
7. strain
8. diagnosis
9. rehabilitate
a. His condition quickly (poprawił się)………………………………. with the right
b. His doctor did not expect such quick (poprawa)…………………………………...
c. Such (obrażenia)………………………….. are difficult to
d. Her (powrót do zdrowia)…………………………………….. was very long but she
is (wyleczona)…………………………………. now.
e. They could not (rozpoznać)……………………… it immediately. Was it a
(skręcenie)…………………….. or (nadwerężenie)……………………………?
f. (Rehabilitacja)…………………………. was very long.
Ex. 4 Before you listen, make sure that you understand words/expressions
below (1-8). Match them with the definitions (a-h).
1. barely, as in I could barely hear them
2. session
3. improve
4. recover
5. confidence
6. stiff
7. range of motion (ROM)
8. strengthen

a. (of joints and muscles) not bending or moving easily

b. a meeting or a period of time used especially for a particular purpose
c. a range through which a joint can be straightened and bent
d. almost not, hardly
e. belief in your abilities
f. make stronger
g. to get back; to return to the proper state of health, strength, mobility etc.
h. to make or get better


Ex. 5 Listen to two patients describing treatment they have been given. Is the
treatment successful? Are they satisfied? Complete the sentences.
1. Patient 1 has neurological condition called ……………………………….. .
2. ………………………has been very difficult and she has had trouble keeping
………………………………… .
3. After physiotherapy, her walking and body balance have ……………………..
4. She is ……………………….. her mobility and ………………………………..
5. Patient 2 …………………………his ankle not long ago.
6. The ankle was painful and …………………………
7. He has had ROM and muscle ………………………………exercises.
8. His symptoms have also …………………………
Ex.6 Translate the sentences into English. Use the vocabulary from the unit.
1. Po urazie prawej nogi z trudem chodziłem i miałem trudności z utrzymaniem
2. Rozpocząłem program ćwiczeń leczniczych w domu i w przychodni, który
przygotował fizjoterapeuta.
3. Teraz odzyskuję zdolność poruszania się i wiarę w siebie.
4. Lewa kostka była obolała i sztywna.
5. Rehabilitacja po udarze pomaga przywrócić czynność i ruch.
6. Ćwiczenia zwiększające zakres ruchów w stawach i wzmacniające mięśnie
bardzo mi pomogły.
Czasu Present Perfect używamy, gdy mamy “łączność przeszłości z teraźniejszością”,
np. coś wydarzyło się w przeszłości, ale efekty tego są widoczne teraz (np. umyłem
ręce – i są czyste). Czas ten używamy również, gdy nie wiemy, bądź nie jest dla nas
istotne, kiedy dana rzecz miała miejsce. Często występujące okoliczniki czasu to:
never (nigdy), ever (kiedykolwiek), always (zawsze), for (przez), since (od), yet (już,
jeszcze), just (właśnie), already (już)
Budowa zdania twiedzącego:
I have already seen this film.
Budowa pytania:
Have you seen this film?
Budowa przeczenia:
I haven’t seen this film yet.
Użycie for i since
Słowa “for” używamy, gdy coś ma miejsce przez pewien czas (pewien okres czasu –
przez 10 lat)
I have lived here for 10 years.
Słowa “since” używamy, gdy chcemy wskazać konkretny moment, od którego dana
rzecz ma miejsce (od jakiegoś momentu)
I have lived here since 2001.



Czasu Present Perfect Progressive używamy:
• Do opisania czynności lub stanów, które trwały przez jakiś przedział czasu,
które zaczęły się przeszłości i nadal trwają lub dopiero co się zakończyły. Ważna
jest sama czynność, jej trwanie, a nie to, czy jest ona zakończona czy nie.
Długotrwałe wykonywanie danej czynności przynosi często rezultaty, które są
widoczne w teraźniejszości.
I have been jogging for two hours, I’m exhausted now. (niedawno skończyłam
biegać, więc teraz jestem wykończona)
Jim has been reading for five hours now. (Jim nadal czyta)
Who has been using my phone? (ktoś używał mojego telefonu i są ewidentne
tego oznaki)
Your eyes are red. Have you been crying?
• Dla podkreślenia, że dana czynność była wykonywana przez pewien przedział
czasu. Stosowane są do tego pewne wyrażenia i przyimki (for/since, all
day(night, morning….)
I have been cleaning the house all morning.
I have been working here since November.
Tom has been mowing the lawn for three hours now!
Jessica has been studying all weekend.
• Niektóre czasowniki wskazują na czynności, które zazwyczaj trwają przez
dłuższy czas i są często stosowane w czasie Present Perfect Progressive. Są to learn, lie, live, rain, snow, sit, sleep, stand, study, work.
W tym czasie pojawiają się również czasowniki: think, wonder, hope.
• I have been thinking about your idea, and I’m not convinced it’s a good
• W specyficznym znaczeniu występuje również czasownik want. Służy on od
podkreślenia, jak bardzo chcielibyśmy coś zrobić.
• I have been wanting to see that film for weeks now!
• Do opisywania czynności, które były lub nadal są zwyczajem lub nawykiem i
wielokrotnie powtarzały się w przeszłości
• I have been staying up late for the past week.
• He has been phoning me every night for the whole month.
• They have been going to the gym every Sunday recently.

Budowa zdania twierdzącego:

I’ve been learning English for three years.
Budowa pytania:
How long have you been learning English?
Budowa przeczenia:
Have you been crying? No, I haven’t been crying. I’ve been cutting onions.


Porównanie czasów Present Perfect i Present Perfect Progressive

Czas Present Perfect opisuje czynność Czas Present Perfect Progressive

przeszłą, zakończoną (w bardzo bliskiej podkreśla samą czynność, jej trwanie –
przeszłości), która przyniosła efekty w nie interesuje nas, czy czynność
teraźniejszości – ważny jest fakt, że zakończyła się czy nie
czynność jest zakończona: Dad has been repairing the car all
Dad has repaired the car. afternoon.
Czas Present Perfect opisuje Present Perfect Progressive również
zakończoną czynność, której rezultat wskazuje na rezultat czynności, ale
widzimy lub której efekt wpływa na wynika on z długości jej trwania:
teraźniejszość: Mum is tired because she has been
Mum has baked a cake. (efektem jest baking a cake. (nie wiemy czy skończyła)
ciasto) Tom is dirty because he has been
Tom has painted the flat. painting the flat.
Za pomocą Present Perfect opiszemy, Za pomocą Present Perfect Progressive
ile razy miała miejsce zakończona, podkreślimy, jak długo trwała dana
przeszła czynność: czynność:
I have visited Mexico twice. I have been living in Athens for over 2
Tom has played tennis 3 times this year. months.
Tom has been playing tennis all
Ex. 1
Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą podanych czasowników:
1. I (play)…………….never ……………golf.
2. We (live)……………………………in Cracow all our lives.
3. I (try) …………………… call Jim, but the phone isn’t working.
4. I (want)………………..always ………………….to be an actress.
5. My parents (watch) ………………..just ……………………….the news.
6. I (know) ……………..Betty for over 10 years.
7. Thanks, but it’s OK. We (eat) ……………..already…………………….
8. My parents (spend) …………………………….a lot of money lately.
9. Jane (take)………………………………a few days off work.
10. Someone (steal)…………………………… bike.

Ex. 2
Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź:
1. I have been waiting for Tom ………….over an hour now.
a. for b. since
2. My parents have been married ………………..25 years.
a. for b. since
3. We have known Lisa …………………childhood.
a. for b. since
4. My sister has lived in Australia …………..September.
a. for b. since
5. I have lived in Rome…………….six months.
a. for b. since
6. My dad has worked as a police officer …………….almost 20 years.
a. for b. since


7. We have had Rex, our dog, ……………..I was 12 years old.

a. for b. since
8. Betty has been on a diet…………..last Monday.
a. for b. since
Ex. 3
Uzupełnij zdania podanymi wyrażeniami: so far, this month, before, lately,
it’s the first time, always, now, this year
1. I’ve………………….wanted to be an actress, that’s why I went to acting school.
2. Jane has never taken any exams……………….., that’s why she’s so nervous
3. ……………………………I’ve been to India and I’ve fallen in love with it.
4. We have known Jim for over 10 years ……………………………..
5. …………………………………..I’ve considered Paul the most responsible and
reliable person I know. I hope it never changes.
6. There have been a lot of changes in the government ………………………………….
7. Sue, have you read any interesting books ………………….?
8. My son Bobby has already been sick twice……………………

Ex. 4
1. Czy kiedykolwiek pływałeś w oceanie?
2. Na razie nie widziałem tego filmu.
3. Nie czytałem ostatnio żadnej dobrej książki.
4. Nigdy nie byłem w Honolulu.
5. Bezrobocie wzrosło w tym roku.
6. Liczba turystów w Polsce podwoiła się od maja 2007 roku.
7. Mojego najlepszego przyjaciela znam od czasów szkoły średniej.
8. To pierwszy raz, gdy spotkałam rodziców mojego chłopaka
9. Nauczyłem się ostatnio wielu nowych słów.
10. Miałem w tym tygodniu wiele problemów.
11. Czy kiedykolwiek mi skłamałeś?
12. Nigdy nie spotkałem tak niegrzecznej osoby.

Ex. 5
Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasowników w czasie Present Perfect lub
Present Perfect Progressive
a. I (read) ……………..for two hours and I (read) ………….two chapters.
b. You’re all dirty! – I (repair) ……………………..the car.
c. How many times (visit) ……………………………..grandma this year?
d. I (wonder) ……………..………, maybe we could go away for the weekend?
e. Tim (finish)…………………………….his homework and he’s going out with friends
f. I have an exam tomorrow, that’s why I (study)…………………………………all
g. I (try)………………………….to save some money for the past six months. And I
(save) ……………………….about 1000 złotys.


h. Tom (work)………………………….all night, that’s why he has overslept this

i. I (lose)…………………………….my glasses, I (look) ………………………….for them
for over two hours.
j. It (snow)………………………………….all night.
k. How long (you/ learn)……………………………….English?
l. What’s that smell? (you/ smoke)…………………………………………………………?
Ex. 6
Czy poniższe zdania są poprawne? Znajdź i popraw w nich błędy
1. I have thought about it all day. Maybe it’s a good idea.
2. I’m all sweaty because I have been jogging.
3. My mum has read a book for over two hours.
4. How many books has J.K. Rowling been writing?
5. Tom is late again! We’ve been waiting for almost half an hour.
6. We have travelled for three months now and we’re running out of money.
7. We have been knowing Jim for over three years.
8. Take a break – you’ve worked hard since early morning.


Ex. 7 Read the text and answer the questions below
Physiotherapy is a medical specialty concerned with preventing and treating
musculoskeletal disorders. It uses physical approaches to promote, maintain and
restore physical, psychological and social well-being. This profession is dedicated
1) restoring strength and functions after a disease or injury,
2) improving and maintaining functional independence and physical performance,
3) correcting deformities,
4) preventing and managing pain, physical impairments, disabilities,
5) promoting fitness and health.
Physiotherapy is an established, respected and evidence-based profession, which
uses scientifically proven techniques to help many conditions affecting your body,
such as: arthritis, back and neck pain, sports injuries, neurological conditions such
as stroke, or age related conditions. It uses a variety of treatment methods as e.g.
strengthening and therapeutic exercise programmes, heat treatment, massage,
infrared lamps, electric stimulation. The main branches of physiotherapy are:
• Balneotherapy – deals with treatment of diseases by bathing in hot water or water
containing certain chemicals. It is used e.g. to relieve discomfort and joint stiffness,
improve blood flow.
• Hydrotherapy – promotes the treatment with water; patients are put in hot baths
or encouraged to swim. Various techniques are used for relaxation, to stimulate
digestion, circulation, the immune system, and to relieve pain.


• Kinesitherapy – therapy involving active or passive movement of parts of the body

in order to strengthen and stabilize joints. Kinesitherapy is used e.g. in back and
limb disorders, prevention of locomotor system disorders.
• Manual therapy – these are methods of hand techniques, such as mobilization or
manipulation of joints and soft tissue. These methods are used to relieve pain,
swelling, increase muscle and joint functional mobility.
• Massage – deals with treatment of muscular conditions by means of rubbing,
stroking or pressing a patient’s body with hands. Usually it is used to relax tight
and tense muscles, improve circulation, and reduce stress.
1. What is physiotherapy?
2. What is the aim of physiotherapy in the case of people after injuries?
3. What conditions are most often treated with physiotherapeutical methods?
4. Which branch of physiotherapy uses swimming as a treatment method?
5. Which branch of physiotherapy deals with hand techniques?
6. What is kinesitherapy?
7. Is physiotherapy based on research or is this rather an alternative medicine
8. Is physiotherapy in any way connected with sport?
9. Find adjectives describing physiotherapy in the text.

Exercise 8: Complete the sentences below with the correct words from the
1. Cardiology is a medical …………………. dealing with study of the heart and its
2. This course of exercises is supposed to ………………. your physical abilities.
3. I’ve got splitting headache, I must take some analgesics to ……………… pain.
4. Physiotherapy, surgery, and pharmacotherapy are different kinds of
………………….. .
5. Doctors and lawyers are among the most respected …………………… .
6. The structure at a junction of bones enabling movement is called a
…………………. .
7. Certain prophylactic methods are to ………………… diseases.
Exercise 9: Translate into English.
1. Celem fizjoterapii jest usunięcie procesów chorobowych, zapobieganie postępowi
choroby, usuwanie dolegliwości i przywracanie sprawności.
2. Jedną z form terapii manualnej są np. niektóre rodzaje masażu.
3. Hydroterapia jest często skutecznym środkiem na złagodzenie bólu.
4. Pacjenci najczęściej traktują masaż wyłącznie jako sposób na relaks.
5. Jednym z zadań fizjoterapii jest przywrócenie sprawności ruchowej u osób po
6. Fizjoterapia stosuje skuteczne metody leczenia urazów sportowych.


Exercise 10: Work in pairs. Give English definitions of the terms below.
• repeat exam session
• Bachelor’s Degree
• surgical ward
• maternity hospital
• teaching hospital
• lecturer
• nurse
• general hospital
• out-patient department
• entrance exam
• lecture
• musculoskeletal system
• duty hours
Ex. 11 Read the text and answer the questions below
Apart from physiotherapists, there are other professions concerned with helping
people with their physical disabilities, taking care of their physical well-being and
relieving their suffering by means of natural methods and rehabilitation rather than
surgical treatment. Here are few examples of such professionals:
Occupational therapists (OTs) help people of all ages who have physical, mental
health or social problems (resulting from birth, an accident, an operation, illness,
etc.) to adapt to any aspect of their life with more independence, confidence and
control. OTs assess patients’ abilities to perform activities and design treatment
programmes to increase their capability to deal with difficulties. Generally, the
interventions supported by OTs may cover e.g. everyday activities, such as washing,
preparing and eating meals, shopping or transport; the use of equipment to help
with daily living or getting around inside and outside the home. In most cases the
patients are: people suffering from a physical condition (stroke or heart disease);
people recovering from operations; physically and mentally disabled people.
Osteopaths / chiropractors are concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and
prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and the effect of
these disorders on the functioning of the nervous system and general health. They
work with their hands and use a range of techniques to treat conditions like back
pain, migraine, sports injuries, repetitive strain injury, and asthma.
The underlying philosophy is that the body has a natural tendency to heal itself but
this can be disrupted by abnormalities in the skeleton, soft tissue, or the
relationship between them. The profession takes a holistic approach to the needs of
patients, considering their physical, psychological and social factors. An osteopath
investigates a patient's symptoms, assesses him/her on a mechanical, functional
and postural basis. Manual methods of treatment (gentle stretching, mobilising
techniques) are combined with lifestyle and dietary recommendations, such as
advice on posture, eating, exercise and relaxation.


Reflexologists are concerned with treating patients’ disorders by applying specific

pressure to reflex areas found in the feet and sometimes the hands. According to
them, every part of the body is reflected in a precise area (or reflex point) on the feet
and hands. It is believed that illness, or injury can result in granules accumulated
around these reflex points, which then block vital energy pathways. Treatment aims
to break down these deposits in order to free the body's natural energy flow, to open
blocked nerve pathways and to improve the blood supply in order to get rid of
toxins. Reflexology helps to treat such conditions as: migraine, hormonal
imbalances, circulatory problems, digestive problems, back problems, insomnia and
stress-related disorders.
1. In what situations do OTs help their patients?
2. Who usually needs the help of OTs?
3. What disorders do osteopaths / chiropractors deal with?
4. What treatment methods do they usually use?
5. What is a ‘holistic approach’?
6. What is the idea of reflexology based on?
7. What conditions do reflexologists treat?
Exercise 12: Complete the text with the correct words. You have got Polish
equivalents in brackets.
A sports therapist helps injured athletes ……………….. (powrócić) to full
functionality. The injuries being treated will vary ………………… (w zależności) on
the sport being played. Clients may include ……………….(zawodowych) and amateur
sportspeople, and people who keep fit ……………… (dla przyjemności). A sports
therapist can examine, assess, ……………… (leczyć) and rehabilitate injuries. When
he / she works with a sports team or club, typical work activities may include:
conducting an assessment of the players / athletes' ……………… (gotowości);
offering massage and generally preparing players / athletes physically and
mentally; …………………. (udzielanie) first aid; examining and assessing injuries
and dealing with ………………. (mniejszymi) and major traumas, e.g. cuts, bruises
and blisters; referring the injured athletes to relevant practitioners in the sport /
medical profession; ………………… (udzielanie rad) players / athletes on diet and
nutrition; working with coaches / fitness advisers to implement injury prevention
programmes; designing …………………… (rehabilitacyjne) programmes.


Exercise 13: Match the words from the columns to make correct expressions.
They have all appeared in the text.
1.dietary a.flow
2.sports b.treatment c.approach
4.hormonal d.disorders
5.natural e.disabled
6.mentally f.injuries
7.mechanical g.recommendations
8.surgical h.imbalance
9.holistic i.tendency
Exercise 14: Translate the sentences into English.
1. Praca jako asystent fizjoterapeuty może być bardzo pomocna w zdobyciu
odpowiedniego doświadczenia.
2. Osteopaci leczą dolegliwości przy użyciu różnych technik dostosowanych do
potrzeb pacjenta.
3. Pacjenci po operacjach lub długotrwałym leczeniu szpitalnym muszą często
korzystać z pomocy terapeutów zajęciowych.
4. W przypadku wielu dolegliwości stosuje się leczenie oparte na metodach


Exercise 15: Read the text below and answer the questions.
Physiotherapists treat a range of physical problems resulting from illness, injury,
disability or aging. These problems are treated with manual therapy, movement,
exercise and the application of technological equipment, e.g. ultrasound.
Physiotherapists treat people of all ages and assist the rehabilitation process by
developing and restoring the function of the body, enabling patients to improve
their mobility. They also offer advice on how to prevent further physical damage.
When preparing a treatment programme, physiotherapists must take into
consideration any psychological, cultural or social factors that may influence the
patient's role in actively helping themselves.
First of all, a modern physiotherapist has to be well-educated, that is professionally
prepared to provide specialist care. The personal qualities needed for this profession
are tolerance, patience and compassion, one will also need to be level-headed,
practical and have a genuine interest in helping people. They should present strong
interpersonal skills (in order to be able to educate patients about their physical
therapy treatments), be understanding, and have the ability to motivate and
encourage people. They should be in good health and demonstrate good physical
stamina. To assess, diagnose, plan and treat, they should have strong analytical
and problem solving skills and be very organized. Good verbal and written
communication skills are essential in building up a rapport with patients and
maintaining communication with their relatives or carers as well as occupational


therapists, GPs, health visitors, district nurses and social workers. Thus, teamwork
abilities are crucial. Physiotherapists should have a positive outlook and enjoy a
Physiotherapists work within a broad range of practice settings from community
health centres, to hospitals, schools and private practice or multidisciplinary
clinics. They practice in nursing homes, individual homes, sports medicine clinics
and within certain companies. Physiotherapists also have a role within the
government and health planning agencies. Physiotherapists are increasingly
participating in research, conducting studies on specific conditions and injuries as
well as the effectiveness of physiotherapy. This may result in the development and
application of new techniques and technologies as well as assessing existing
In addition to the more technical aspects of the work, typical work activities also
• writing patient case notes and reports;
• collecting patient statistics;
• educating and advising patients and their carers about how to prevent and/or
improve conditions;
• keeping up to date with new technologies available for treating patients;
• being in contact with other health care personnel to supply and receive relevant
information about the background and progress of patients, as well as to refer
patients who require other specific medical attention.
Physical therapists are expected to continue their professional development by
participating in continuing education courses, workshops, taking part in
professional seminars, conferences, reading professional journals, etc. In fact, for
example in the USA, a number of States require continuing education as a
condition of maintaining licensure.
1. Who and what do physiotherapists treat?
2. What is important while working out a treatment plan?
3. List the psychological qualities important for a physiotherapist?
4. Does any physical aspects matter for a physiotherapist?
5. What skills should a physiotherapist possess?
6. Why are communication skills important?
7. Where do modern physiotherapists work?
8. What additional activities do physiotherapists do at work?
9. How can physiotherapists develop professionally?


Exercise 16: Character and personality. Complete the sentences below with
the correct words from the box.

1. He gets very annoyed if he has to wait for anything. He doesn’t like waiting. He’s
very …………………. .
2. David doesn’t like working, he prefers doing nothing. He’s just …………… .
3. She loves meeting people and going to parties. She’s a …………….. person.
4. She has practical, not dreamy approach to life – she’s ………………. .
5. Chris frequently disagrees with what other people say – he is quite …………………
6. Dona is ………………. – she finds it quite easy to tell her boss if she feels he had
treated her badly.
7. He is very ……………….. – he enjoys telling other people what to do.
8. For Mike it is very important to succeed in his professional career, he is very
…………………… .
9. He always has good hopes for the future, he thinks everything will be fine – he’s
…………………… .
• Which of these qualities seem to be important for a physiotherapist? Why?
• Which of them should not a physiotherapist possess?
Exercise 17: Translate into English.
1. Zdolność rozwiązywania problemów jest ważna podczas oceny, diagnozy i leczenia
2. Do dodatkowych obowiązków fizjoterapeuty należy instruowanie pacjentów i
opiekujących się nimi osób co do leczenia i poprawy stanu zdrowia.
3. Zdolność do motywowania i zachęcania pacjentów do uczestnictwa w terapii jest
szczególnie ważna w pracy z dziećmi i osobami starszymi.
4. Fizjoterapeuci powinni stale podnosić swoje kwalifikacje poprzez np.
uczestnictwo w kursach, konferencjach i sympozjach.
Czas Present Perfect używany jest, gdy nie wiemy, bądź nie jest istotne, kiedy dane
wydarzenie miało miejsce. Czas Past Simple zaś wtedy, kiedy ważne jest, kiedy dana
rzecz się zdarzyła.
Have you ever been to Mexico? Yes, I have.
When were you in Mexico? Last year.


Innym jest odróżnienie, gdy mamy do czynienia z informacjami dotyczącymi osób

żyjących, bądź nie.
Present Perfect używamy z ”how long”, „since” i „for” mówiąc o okresie czasu od
przeszłości do teraz.
How long has Tarantino been a director?
He has been a director since the 1980s.
Past Simple używamy z ”how long”, „since” i „for” mówiąc tylko i wyłącznie o
How long was Hitchcock a director?
He was a director for 50 years.
Ex. 7 Czasowniki w nawiasach wyraź w Past Simple lub Present Perfect
1. Lisa (have) much work recently. Yesterday she (write) 2 papers.
2. Maria Curie-Skłodowska (discover) radium when she (be) quite young.
3. So far, the Rolling Stones (give) 2000 concerts.
4. She (study) German for 5 years and she can speak it perfectly now.
5. When I (meet) him yesterday he (be) very well.
6. I (never/see) such a wonderful view before.
7. Last week Sue (invite) at least 20 people but the Smiths were the only ones who
8. Sorry Sam, I (have not) any time recently.
9. Did you water the flowers? Yes, I (water) them a minute ago.
10. Oh, what a pity he left, I (want) to tell him the news.
11. What a nice picture! (you/take) it yourself?
12. Have you heard something? I think someone (come) upstairs.
13. They say that they (just/ witness) the attack.
14. It (be) really dark last night, so it (take) us two hours to find the way to Mary’s
15. She (never/ see) any heart operation. She (hope) to see one next week.
16. Mr. Brown (leave) London two days ago.
17. John (just/leave), you may catch up with him if you start right now.
18. Why is this room so untidy? I (have) no time to tidy it up.
19. Are you ready? No, I (not finish) my work yet.
20. (you read) this book? I (read) it when I (be) at school.
21. I (like) to dance when I (be) younger.
22. She (already/ tell) me about her difficulties.
23. We (listen) to the Prime Minister on the radio yesterday.
24. Is Smith still writing his book? Yes, but he (not write) much lately. He (be) busy
with other things.
25. I (visit) the Browns at Christmas, but I (not see) them since that time.
Ex. 8 Popraw błędy
1. She is married since 1990.
2. He has left school last year.
3. I lived in Brighton for two years, but then I moved to London.
4. She lives in Hollywood since 2004.
5. My sister has had her baby yesterday.


6. I work in the bank. I work there for 20 years.

7. I’ve never saw “Star Wars”.
8. He left quite early but yet hasn’t arrived.
9. We don’t see each other since we left school.
10. Have you ever write a poem?
11. She have never been to Istanbul.
12. I’ve lent him $50 last week, but he hasn’t paid me back yet.
13. I don’t see them often but I’ve known them since ten years.
14. What year have you left school?
15. We’re lost. We already have been down this road twice.
16. I sent her an email last week, but she doesn’t reply yet.
17. They live in that house since 1980.
18. We’ve been to Ireland last year.
19. Have you ever gone to Paris?
20. Stanislaw Lem was a good writer. He has written many sf novels.
Ex. 9 Przetłumacz
1. Smith skończył swoją ostatnią powieść miesiąc temu.
2. Smith już skończył swoją powieść i zamierza teraz pisać nową.
3. W zeszłą sobotę zaprosiliśmy Jonesów na herbatę, to było naprawdę bardzo miłe
4. Zaprosiliśmy Jonesów na herbatę, będą tu o piątej.
5. Wczoraj posprzątałam mieszkanie, umyłam okna i pozmywałam wszystkie
6. Właśnie skończyłam sprzątać pokój, a teraz idę po zakupy.
7. Twoja dziewczyna telefonowała, gdy cię nie było.
8. Nie wychodź. Właśnie dzwoniła twoja dziewczyna, że zaraz tu będzie.
9. John za dużo pracował w zeszłym roku, nic dziwnego, że podupadł na zdrowiu.
10. Nic dziwnego, że jesteś zmęczony, pracowałeś przez całą noc.
11. Widziałem Toma ostatnio w 1970 r.
12. Nie widziałem Toma od 1970. Ależ to teraz zupełnie inny człowiek.
13. Dostaliśmy wczoraj list od Mike’a.
14. Co słychać u Mike’a? Czy jeszcze do was nie pisał?
15. Wysłałem ci książkę w zeszłym tygodniu.
16. Wysłałem ci książkę i mam nadzieję, że ją wkrótce dostaniesz.
17. Widziałem twoją żonę tylko raz, na waszym weselu.
18. Nigdy nie widziałem twojej żony. Jaka ona jest?


Gdy mamy do czynienia z dwiema czynnościami, które zdarzyły się w przeszłości, ta,
która zdarzyła się jako wcześniejsza opisywana jest przy pomocy czasu Past Perfect.
I arrived at the coffee bar twenty minutes late and my friends had already gone.
Budowa zdania twierdzącego:
When I woke up the garden was all white. It had snowed in the night.
Budowa pytania:
Had it snowed all night?
Budowa przeczenia:
It hadn’t snowed all the night.
Ex. 10 Połącz połówki zdań
I couldn’t get into my flat because he had made other plans
When our friends arrived I realized that I’d seen it before
I took the sweater back because it was the first time she had flown
Jack didn’t come with us I’d forgotten my keys
I turned on the TV I hadn’t turned off the cooker
Jenny was nervous because he had bought me the wrong size
When the film started we hadn’t finished cooking the dinner
At work I suddenly remembered that to see what had happened
Ex. 11 Uzupełnij używając czasów Past Simple lub Past Perfect
1. When they (get) to the station the train (already/leave).
2. She (be) very cold because she (not take) her coat.
3. The printer (not work) because he (not turn it on).
4. The fire engine (arrive) after the fire (go out).
5. They (never /fly) before and they (be) very nervous.
6. I (not can) take a photo of the crocodile because it (disappear) into the water.
7. She (just/have) dinner so she (not be) hungry.
8. The waiter (run) after her because she (not pay) the bill.
9. When he (arrive) at the pool he realized he (not bring) his swimsuit.
10. She (have to) pay again because she (lose) her ticket.
11. They (can) speak French because they (study) it at school.
12. She (be) tired because she (be) in the queue all night.
13. We (not get) a table in the restaurant because we (not book).
14. I (not recognize) Maria because she (cut) her hair.
15. My friend (phone) to tell me I (leave) my jacket in the car.
16. When I (turn on) the TV, the match (finish).
17. She (not lend) me the book because she (not finish) it yet.
18. He (fail) all his exams because he (not study) at all.
19. When we (get) home we saw that somebody (break) the kitchen window.
20. When we (come) into the room, we (see) that somebody (be) there before.
21. She had no money, because she (spend) everything before she (come) here.
22. He (learn) English before he (go) to England.
23. The burglar (have) no need to break in because the owner of the house (not lock)
the door.
24. I have read in a newspaper that a farmer ploughing his field (find) a box full of
gold coins, which somebody (hide) there years ago.


25. I told you that I (never/hear) about it before.

26. When I saw Tom, he (already/know) everything because his mother (inform) him
27. When I came in, it (be) very cold in the room because somebody (open) the
window and (forget) to close it.
28. When I (find) no food in the refrigerator, I (come) to the conclusion that Mary
either (eat) everything or (not buy) any food.
Ex. 12 Przeformułuj dwa zdania aby powstało jedno, zgodnie ze wzorem. Użyj
odpowiednich czasów przeszłych.
Sarah had a siesta from 3.00 to 5.00. Peter picked up the tickets at 4.00.
Peter picked up the tickets when Sarah was having a siesta.
1. They watched TV from 7.00 until 9.00. I arrived at 7.30.
2. He left the office at 7.00. She phoned him at 8.00.
3. I studied for the exam the night before. The exam didn’t go well.
4. He cycled to work this morning. In the middle of his journey, he had an
5. He only had five lessons. He passed his driving test.
Ex. 13 Uzupełnij tekst właściwą formą czasownika w czasie przeszłym
1. When I (visit) them last week, their neighbours (tell) me that they (leave) for
holidays a week earlier.
2. When I (open) the letter I (see) that somebody already (read) it.
3. There (be) no light in the house. Everybody (go) to sleep.
4. The room (must) be renovated – it (be) painted ten years ago.
5. I (want) to meet Tom, but any time I (telephone) I (be) told that he (just/ leave).
6. I (wonder) who (be) so kind and (do) all this work for me.
7. (you/say) you (be) the friend of this famous writer? No, I never (meet) him before.
8. I (be) not sure if we (can) get some nice flowers at the last moment, but my wife
(tell) me she (order) them earlier.
9. When I (ask) for the book I (order) a week ago, the librarian (say) that it (be) lost.
10. When I (open) my bag I (see) that somebody (steal) my purse. It probably
(happen) in the crowded bus.
11. Let’s give Mary a camera! But she (already/get) one from her parents last year.
12. When I (want) to pay the money due it (appear) that somebody (already/do) it.
Ex. 14 Uzupełnij tekst właściwą formą czasownika w czasie przeszłym
1. Last summer we (go) ………….to Spain, we (rent) ……………….a house by the
beach and (spend) ……………….the whole time sunbathing.
2. Tom (not arrive) ………………………at the airport on time because he (miss)
……………..his train and so he (have) ……………to take the next flight.
3. Jane (go) ………………….to the shop, please call later.
4. It (not rain) ………………………..for almost three months.
5. When I (notice) ……………………….that somebody (break into)
…………………….our flat, I (call) ……………..the police.


6. I (already/see) …………………………..this film, so I won’t be going to the cinema

with you.
7. I (not go) ……………………………….to the cinema with my friends because I (see)
……………………..the film before.
8. Last night, I (see) ……………………………my best friend’s boyfriend with another
girl! I (phone) …………….her immediately and (tell) ………………………..her
9. Tom (try) ……………… negotiate with his boss before he finally (resign)
10. Before I (buy) ………………a present for Jane, I (ask) …………………………….her
friends what she really liked.
11. My parents (already/decide) ………………that we’re going to France this
12. Betty (clean) ………….the house, (cook) ………………dinner and (do)
……………………..the shopping. After she (do) ………….all that, she (invite)
…………..her neighbours for a cup of tea.


Exercise 18: Read the text and mark the sentences below True or False.
Correct the false ones.
The basic task of a physiotherapist is to relieve a patient’s pain and restore his/her
normal movement and function patterns. Patients come to a physiotherapist with
various problems, such as e.g. injuries. They can only be successfully treated when
the cause of the problem is fully investigated and corrected, that is when a detailed
history is taken. Interpersonal communication skills are vital because a
physiotherapist has to ask various questions concerning the location, duration,
onset, character, severity, timing, exacerbating and relieving factors, radiation, but
also patient’s lifestyle, job, other disorders, etc. It is very important to gather as
much information as possible at this stage since it helps later in examining,
diagnosing and preparing an adequate treatment plan. History taking is followed by
a physical examination in which a complete posture, gait, and biomechanical
assessment must be made. This is usually carried out by simple exercises that
patients have to do. Physiotherapist instructs a patient in a clear way, using simple
language and nice tone of voice. This helps the patient to relax and develops the
feeling of trust towards the specialist.
1. A physiotherapist frequently deals with patients’ functional disabilities.
2. A successful treatment is not connected to the stage of history taking in any way.
3. While history taking a physiotherapist should ask numerous questions.
4. Physiotherapist is not interested in a patient’s lifestyle.
5. Communication skills only help while history taking.
6. A physiotherapist should collect as much information about the complaint as
7. A physical examination should be careful and complete.
8. Patient does not have to do anything while physical examination.
9. Patients always trust specialists.


Exercise 19: Physical examination. Read the dialogue and put the drawings in
the correct order.

Ph(ysiotherapist): Would you take off your top things, please. Now I just want to
see you standing. Keep your hands by your side, please. I can see your hip is
sticking out a little bit, isn’t it?
Pa(tient): Yes, well, I can’t straighten up easily.
Ph: Could you bend down as far as you can with your knees straight and stop when
you’ve had enough.
Pa: Oh, that’s the limit.
Ph: Ok, stand up again, please. Now I would like you to lean backwards. Thank
you, that’s enough. Now stand up straight again. Now, first of all, I would like you
to slide your right hand down the right side of your thigh. See how far you can go.
That’s fine. Now do the same thing on the opposite side. Fine. Now come back to
standing straight, please. Keep the feet together just as they are. Keep your knees
firm. Now try and turn both shoulders round to the right, please.
Pa: Oh, that hurts.
Ph: Now, try the same thing to the left side. That’s fine. Would you like to get onto
the couch and lie face down, please. I’m just going to find out where the sore spot


Exercise 20: Complete the gaps with the correct words from the box with the
help of the drawings below.
feel press lift bend roll
raise straighten lie bend
Ph: Would you get onto the couch and 1)…………… on your back, please.
Now, I’m going to take your left leg and see how far we can 2)………….. it.
Keep the knee straight. Does it hurt you?
Pa: Yes, just a little.
Ph: Now let’s see what happens if I 3)………….. your toes back.
Pa: Oh, that’s worse.
Ph: I’m going to 4)…………….. your knee. How does it feel?
Pa: A little better.
Ph: Now let’s see what happens when we 5)…………….. your leg again.
Pa: That’s sore.
Ph: I’m just going to 6)…………… behind your knee.
Pa: Oh, that hurts a lot, here in my back.
Ph: Right. Now would you 7)…………… over on your tummy? Bend your right knee.
How does that 8)…………….?
Pa: It hurts.
Ph: Now I’m going to 9)………….. your thigh off the couch.
Pa: Oh, that really hurts!


Exercise 21: Match the drawings below to the correct descriptions of spinal
extension exercises.

1. Lie down on your tummy, place your hands on your back and lift one leg without
bending your knee.
2. Keeping the same position, place your hands on your back and lift your chest up
off the floor, and then bring it down slowly.
3. Keep your hands at your sides and lie on your tummy, lift your right leg and left
arm at the same time and then bring them down. Do the same with your right leg
and arm.
4. Keep your hands on your back and lift your chest and legs up together and then
bring them down slowly.
5. Lie on your back with your hands on your sides and bend your knees keeping
your feet on the floor. Lift your bottom and bring it down slowly.


Czasu Future Simple używamy, gdy chcemy powiedzieć o:
- stanach lub czynnościach niezależnych od ludzkiej woli, np. The sun will rise.
- przewidywaniu lub przekonaniu, że dana rzecz nastąpi (ze względu na normalny
bieg wypadków), np. We will reach Sterling in the evening.
- postanowieniu, obietnicy, np. I will do my best.
Budowa zdania twierdzącego:
I will come tomorrow.
Budowa pytania:
Will you come tomorrow?
When will you come?
Budowa przeczenia:
I won’t come tomorrow.
Czasu Future Progressive używamy, gdy chcemy powiedzieć, że:
- w pewnym momencie lub okresie w przyszłości będzie się właśnie odbywała dana
czynność, np. This time tomorrow we’ll be writing our examination paper.
- chcąc wyrazić uprzejme zapytanie, np. Will you be having breakfast early
Budowa zdania twierdzącego:
I will be writing my composition tomorrow at 5.00
Budowa pytania:
Will you be writing your composition tomorrow at 5.00?
What will you be doing tomorrow at 5.00?
Budowa przeczenia:
I won’t be writing my composition tomorrow at 5.00

Czasu Future Perfect używamy, gdy chcemy:
- powiedzieć, że w danym momencie w przyszłości czynność będzie już wykonana,
np. By this time tomorrow I will have finished this article.
- wyrazić przypuszczenie, że czynność już została wykonana, np. John will have
bought the tickets by now.
Budowa zdania twierdzącego:
John will have bought the tickets by now.
Budowa pytania:
Will John have bought the tickets by now?
Budowa przeczenia:
John won’t have bought the tickets.
Czasu Future Perfect Progressive używamy, gdy chcemy powiedzieć, ze w pewnym
momencie w przyszłości minie jakiś okres wykonywania danej czynności, np. By
October I will have been learning English for 5 years.
Budowa zdania twierdzącego:
I will have been working.


Budowa pytania:
Will you have been working?
Budowa przeczenia:
I won’t have been working.
Ex. 15 Połącz zdania
It’s cold in here. I’ll help you to do it.
I’m thirsty. Shall I make a sandwich?
I have a headache. Shall I carry one for you?
This exercise is hard. I’ll lend you some money.
I’m hungry. I’ll send it by e-mail now.
These bags are heavy. Shall I shut the window?
I left my wallet at home. Shall I turn off the music?
I need that photo urgently. I’ll get you a glass of water.

Ex. 16 Uzupełnij zdania używając czasów Future Simple lub Future

1. I’ll ring you tomorrow at 7. No, don’t ring at 7. I (cook) dinner then.
2. Tom has a bad cold. He (not be) able to play football tomorrow.
3. Could you phone Mary and tell her the news? Of course, I (phone) her at once.
4. My sister (graduate) from the University next term.
5. The teacher (correct) our exam papers all next week.
6. In a few hours John (fly) across the Atlantic.
7. Mr. Smith is arriving tomorrow. We (wait) for him at the airport.
8. (you/use) your camera next week? I’d like to borrow it for a day or two.
9. This time next week we (ski) in Switzerland.
10. Shall I prepare some sandwiches? Don’t bother, I (have) lunch on the train.

Ex. 17 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź. W niektórych zdaniach możliwe są dwie

poprawne odpowiedzi
1. ________________? Tomorrow. My flight is in the morning.
a. When will you leave?
b. When are you leaving?
c. When are you going to leave?
2. You must bring the money tomorrow. Don’t worry, __________________.
a. I’m not forgetting
b. I’m not going to forget
c. I won’t forget
3. Do you have any plans for tonight? Yes, _______________
a. I’ll meet some friends
b. I’m going to meet some friends
c. I’m meeting some friends
4. The interviews for the new manager were yesterday. I think ____________________
a. Bob is getting the job
b. Bob is going to get the job
c. Bob will get the job
5. This suitcase is too heavy for me. ______________________


a. I’ll carry it for you

b. I’m carrying it for you
c. I’m going to carry it for you
6. What would you like to drink? ______________________
a. I’ll have a cappuccino, please.
b. I’m going to have a cappuccino, please.
c. I’m having a cappuccino, please.
7. Here’s my email address. Thanks. __________________tomorrow.
a. I’m going to send you the photos.
b. I’m sending you the photos.
c. I’ll send you the photos.
8. _______________this weekend? No, I have to work on Saturday.
a. Are you going to go away?
b. Will you go away?
c. Are you going away?
9. England are playing Brazil tomorrow. I’m sure _______________
a. they’ll lose
b. they’re losing
c. they’re going to lose
10. My train arrives at 2.15. OK, _________ by the information desk.
a. I’ll meet you
b. I’m going to meet you
c. I’m meeting you
11. What time does the film start? I don’t know. ________________phone the cinema
and check?
a. Will I
b. Am I going to
c. Shall I
12. Do I need to bring an umbrella? No, I don’t think __________________
a. it rains
b. it’ll rain
c. it’s going to rain
Ex. 18 Uzupełnij zdania formą czasowników w Future Perfect
1. Tom says that by the end of next year he (plant) 20 fruit trees.
2. Come in an hour. I (do) my packing by then.
3. I hope they (repair) this road by the time we come back here next winter.
4. I’ll be back next month and I hope you (pass) your driving test by then.
5. By the end of the year all our debts (be paid) off.
6. By next spring they (build) five more blocks of flats in our street.
7. I’m sure we (see) everything worth seeing in this town by the end of our visit.
8. The children (eat) all the cakes by the time you come back.


Ex. 19 Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź

1. They will (have repaired/will have been repairing) the car by Friday.
2. The mechanic (will have repaired/ will have been repairing) the car for two
hours by 1 o’clock.
3. I (will have learnt/ will have been learning) everything for the test by Friday.
4. I (will have learnt/ will have been learning) Chinese for over a week by Friday.
5. Mum (will have baked/ will have been baking) everything for the party by
6. Mum (will have baked/ will have been baking) for over an hour by 3 o’clock.
7. The workers (will have painted/ will have been painting) the whole house by
tomorrow afternoon.
8. The workers (will have painted/ will have been painting) the house for two
hours by 4 o’clock.

Ex. 20 Przetłumacz
1. Brownowie przyjeżdżają jutro.
2. Będę w bibliotece między 5 a 6.
3. John zapłaci za ten dom dużo pieniędzy.
4. Mamy zamiar kupić sobie nowy samochód.
5. Wiosna prawdopodobnie przyjdzie wcześnie w tym roku.
6. Zrobię to mimo wszystko.
7. Czy dasz mi twoją nową książkę?
8. Pomożemy ci we wszystkich twoich trudnościach.
9. Jutro o 5 John będzie miał właśnie lekcję angielskiego.
10. Będę na ciebie czekać od 4 do 6.
11. Jak się czujesz? Czy mam zatelefonować po lekarza?
12. Dlaczego przyniosłeś maszynę do pisania? Czy zamierzasz pracować tu dzisiaj?
13. Za miesiąc o tej porze będę siedział na plaży.
14. Zechciej proszę wyłączyć radio.


Exercise 22: Below there is a list of tips concerning instructing patients. In
pairs discuss where to put them – under DO or DON’T? Be ready to justify
your decisions.
1. Remember about your patient – do not use jargon and complex explanations.
2. Don’t bother to give any explanations. You don't have time for this, right?
3. Take phone calls during sessions – there is nothing wrong with this, you can
easily come back to the exercises.
4. Be calm and speak clearly, use simple words – this will also make patients more
relaxed and trusting.
5. Eye contact and posture are important. They will tell the patient you're interested
into their problems and listening to what they are saying.
6. Be self-confident. Never change your decisions concerning the treatment type
and the exercises you recommended. This will make patients trust you.
7. Pretend to listen – it’s not worth since you are sure already what the problem is
and there is nothing more you want to know.
8. Slow down –speaking fast obviously makes the patient feel like they're being
rushed out. Try to pay attention to your tone.
9. Let your patient take in the information, and ask 'Do you understand?' Get the
patient to repeat instructions back to you to make sure they've got it.
10. Never let your patients see you are stressed - frustrations get the best of all of
us, but try not to let your patients see it. Remember, they're probably stressed too.
11. Take a lot of notes - surprising as this may be, note taking can make patients
nervous. Who cares?
12. Demonstrate the exercises when patients have problems with following your
13. Note down some key words concerning patient’s chief complaint, condition.
14. Don’t repeat the instruction you’ve just said. This will motivate patients to be
more concentrated and careful next time.
15. Be nice and friendly. It is easier to work together in a good atmosphere. Your
patients will be more relaxed and open.


Exercise 23: Polite requests. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below.
1. Please tell me if you would feel any discomfort.
2. Do you like to just take off your shirt, please?
3. Could you moving your arms outwards in line with your body to 90 degrees?
4. Do you think you would lie on your left side, please?
5. I’d like you walk slowly along that wall.
6. Let’s having a look at your back!
7. Would you mind wait outside for a few moments?
8. Is it possibly for you to stand on one leg for 20 seconds?
9. I wondering if you could show me your right shoulder?
10. Please, try to raise your knee while I pressing the thigh.

Exercise 24: Match the instructions to their Polish equivalents.

1. Please flex your neck so that your chin touches your chest.
2. Please try to touch your toes while I hold your pelvis with my hands.
3. Please keep your right leg straight but relaxed and I will try to raise it as far as I
4. Bend sideways, please, sliding your hand down the outer side of your leg.
5. Keeping your right arm straight, lift it up into the air several times.
6. Please lean backwards.
7. Lie flat on your back and flex your right hip and knee to 90 degrees.
8. Now rotate your leg away from the midline and then towards the midline.
9. Please tilt your head sideways, first to the right and then to the left.
10. Please put your arm behind your back and try to reach up to the base of your
11. Place your palms together in a position of prayer and elevate your elbows.
12. Now move your arms across the front of your body.
13. Please curl your fingers up into full flexion.
14. Please try to move your foot upwards while I press against it.

a. Proszę obracać nogę na zewnątrz i do środka.

b. Proszę złożyć dłonie jak do modlitwy i unieść oba łokcie.
c. Proszę pochylić się do tyłu.
d. Proszę wyprostować i rozluźnić prawą nogę, będę się starać maksymalnie ją
e. Proszę sięgnąć ręką do tyłu i starać się dotknąć palcami podstawy karku.
f. Proszę teraz poruszać poprzecznie ramionami przed sobą.
g. Proszę podnosić do góry wyprostowane prawe ramię.
h. Proszę zgiąć kark tak, aby dotknąć podbródkiem klatki piersiowej.
i. Proszę położyć się na plecach i zgiąć prawą nogę w biodrze i kolanie pod kątem
90 stopni.
j. Proszę przechylać głowę na boki, najpierw w prawo, a potem w lewo.
k. Proszę spróbować podnieść stopę do góry, podczas gdy ja będę ją pchał do dołu.
l. Proszę spróbować dotknąć palców stóp, podczas gdy ja przytrzymam Pana/i
m. Proszę zgiąć maksymalnie palce.
n. Proszę wykonywać skłony na boki zsuwając rękę wzdłuż uda w dół.


Exercise 25: Complete the instructions below with the correct words from the
foot push index fingers sole against
forwards reflexes neck heels keeping

Now extend your 1)…………… so that the back of your head touches your back.
2)…………… your legs straight move the right leg outwards as far as you can.
Now raise your arms 3)…………….. and then backwards.
Separate your 4)…………… and then move them together.
Please push forcefully 5)…………….. the wall.
Touch your nose with the tip of your 6)……………. finger and then touch my finger.
I shall now test your 7)………………. with this tendon hammer.
Now lie down again with your 8)……………. resting on the couch; try to move your
9)……………. upwards while I press against it.
Please turn the 10)……………… of your foot inwards and then outwards.
Please shrug your shoulders while I 11)……………… down on them.
Exercise 26: Translate into English.
1. Proszę pokręcić głową, najpierw w prawo, a potem w lewo.
2. Proszę skręcić tułów w lewo, a ja będę przytrzymywać Pana miednicę.
3. Mając nogi wyprostowane, proszę odciągnąć prawą nogę jak najdalej na zewnątrz.
4. Proszę położyć się na brzuchu na kozetce. Proszę podnosić do góry wyprostowaną
prawą nogę.
5. Proszę zgiąć i wyprostować łokieć.
6. Proszę poruszać stopą w górę i w dół.
7. Proszę dotknąć czubka głowy najpierw prawą a potem lewą dłonią.
8. Proszę wyprostować kolano i nie pozwolić mi go zgiąć.

What song did Kylie Minogue sing? – zwykłe pytanie
Who sang “I can’t get you out of my head”? – pytanie o podmiot
W przypadku pytań “o podmiot” słówko “who”, “what” występuje w miejscu
podmiotu, dalej zaś następuje zdanie w składni zdania twierdzącego.

Ex. 21 Zdecyduj, które z pytań jest pytaniem o podmiot i następne zadaj

wszystkie pytania i udziel poprawnej odpowiedzi
1. Who/write/”Pride and Prejudice”?
Jane Austen/ Charles Dickens
2. Where/come from/ manga comics?
3. Where/die/John Lennon?
Los Angeles/ New York.
4. Which country/win/the 2002 World Cup?
Germany/ Brazil.
5. When/end/Vietnam War?
1963/ 1975


6. Who/invent/the electric light bulb?

Thomas Edison/ Alexander Bell
7. Who/direct/the “Star Wars” films?
Steven Spielberg/ George Lucas
8. When/walk on the moon/ the first man?
9. Where/live/polar bears?
The North Pole/ the South Pole
10. Which actor/play/Spiderman?
Toby Maguire/ Orlando Bloom
11. How many countries/ belong to/the United Nations?
12. Which machine/invent/Marconi/in 1895?
The television/the radio
13. Who/marry/Tom Cruise in 1990?
Penelope Cruz/ Nicole Kidman
14. When/Nelson Mandela/become the president of South Africa?
15. Which country/have/ a red, white and blue flag?

Ex. 22 Wybierz właściwy czas dla czasowników w nawiasach

1. I’m afraid there’s no instant coffee left, he (use) just the last portion.
2. Listen! Little Sally (cry)!
3. Believe me officer! I (not lie)!
4. We (go) to the Cinema City last night and (see) “The Ring”.
5. She (pack) her bags when Alex (arrive).
6. The doctor (just/ come), he (see) you in a minute.
7. I (look) for you everywhere. Where (you/be)?
8. I (live) in Lublin since I (move) here from Kraków in 1980.
9. Jay is from Florida and he (never/see) snow before.
10. I (never/forget) their devotion and help.
11. The kids (dress) the Xmas tree all day yesterday.
12. Pat is a good daughter, she (call) her sick parents every week.
13. Nigel (go) to Vienna last week, I hope he is having a good time.
14. Hello Marsha, I (see) you yesterday, you (eat) a cake outside the café, weren’t
15. A Ferrari! (you/drive) it every day, won’t you?


Ex. 23 Przetłumacz wybierając właściwy czas

1. Gdzie jest teraz Jane i co będzie robić?
2. Dlaczego ona się zawsze tak emocjonuje rozmawiając z kimkolwiek?
3. Przestań, siedzę tu od dwóch godzin, a ty chodzisz sobie po sklepach.
4. Pamiętam, że kiedy byłam mała, uwielbiałam wprost lody.
5. Nigdy nie wypaliłem nawet pół papierosa, więc o co chodzi?
6. Biedny Jacek! Jest w szpitalu już od wtorku.
7. Zwykle jem bułkę, ale dzisiaj, dla odmiany, jem grzankę z ciemnego chleba.
8. Gdy Sonia uczyła się, jej brat grał w koszykówkę.
9. Spójrz! Znów robi ten sam błąd.
10. Czytałem ten kryminał cały wczorajszy wieczór, ale nie skończyłem go.
11. Niestety, od kwietnia nie przeczytałem żadnej dobrej recenzji.
12. Piotr ma 30 lat i do tej pory odwiedził już prawie wszystkie kraje świata.
13. Znowu ból głowy! Chętnie zanurkowałbym do lodowatej wody.
14. Pojadę tam i wytłumaczę mu wszystko.
15. W grudniu miała równo 24 lata.
16. Gdzie byłeś ostatniej nocy?
17. Czyż to nie on był tym oszustem, który chciał sprzedać wieżę Eiffla?
18. Jane jest tu już od godziny i wydaje się być bardzo zmartwiona całą sytuacją.
19. Mieć czy być, oto jest pytanie!
20. Wczoraj mieli dużo czasu, ale dziś, niestety, nie mają ani chwili.
21. Muszę przyznać, że nieźle się wczoraj bawiłem.
22. Czy ona ma jakieś doświadczenie w leczeniu takich przypadków?
23. Niestety, będziemy musieli przystąpić do egzaminu poprawkowego.
24. Zmuszę go, aby oddał mi wszystkie pieniądze.
Ex. 24 Uzupełnij dialogi właściwą formą czasownika
1. They (not answer) the phone after six o’clock. The office is closed.
Ok, I (call) them tomorrow.
2. (your brother/ have) a girlfriend?
Yes, he does. She’s French.
3. Our goalkeeper (not play) very well at the moment.
That’s unusual. He’s usually good.
4. Who (write) the music for the “Star Wars” films?
I have no idea.
5. The teacher (give) us an exam tomorrow.
Are you sure? Isn’t it next week?
6. What (you/do)?
I’m finishing my homework.
7. How (they/get) home last night?
They (take) a taxi.
8. Why couldn’t you sleep?
Because the neighbours (argue) again.
9. What (you/do) when I (phone) you?
I was in the shower.
10. What time (he/ usually get) to work?
About 9.30.


11. Did you hear about the elections?

Yes, I heard it in the news when I (drive) home.
12. What (you/do)?
I (work) for a German software company.
13. Doctor, I’m a bit nervous.
Don’t worry, this (not hurt).
14. Hi, can you talk now?
Yes, I (not work) at the moment.
15. What (you/do) this afternoon?
Nothing, why?
(you/want) to go to the swimming pool?
16. When (we/study) the Present Perfect?
It’s the next lesson in the book.
17. My plane is arriving at one o’clock in the afternoon.
Fine, we (meet) you at the airport.
18. Last October we (go) to Italy.
Really? Did you like it?
19. What time (you/go) to bed last night?
Not until 2.00
20. How was your weekend?
It was great. This time yesterday I (walk) on the beach.


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