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Constitutive Activation of MAPK Cascade in

Acute Quadriplegic Myopathy

Simone Di Giovanni, MD,1 Annamaria Molon, PhD,1 Aldobrando Broccolini, MD,2 Gisela Melcon, MD,1
Massimiliano Mirabella, MD,2 Eric P. Hoffman, PhD,1 and Serenella Servidei, MD2

Acute quadriplegic myopathy (AQM; also called “critical illness myopathy”) shows acute muscle wasting and weakness
and is experienced by some patients with severe systemic illness, often associated with administration of corticosteroids
and/or neuroblocking agents. Key aspects of AQM include muscle atrophy and myofilament loss. Although these features
are shared with neurogenic atrophy, myogenic atrophy in AQM appears mechanistically distinct from neurogenic atro-
phy. Using muscle biopsies from AQM, neurogenic atrophy, and normal controls, we show that both myogenic and
neurogenic atrophy share induction of myofiber-specific ubiquitin/proteosome pathways (eg, atrogin-1). However, AQM
patient muscle showed a specific strong induction of transforming growth factor (TGF)–␤/MAPK pathways. Atrophic
AQM myofibers showed coexpression of TGF-␤ receptors, p38 MAPK, c-jun, and c-myc, including phosphorylated
active forms, and these same fibers showed apoptotic features. Our data suggest a model of AQM pathogenesis in which
stress stimuli (sepsis, corticosteroids, pH imbalance, osmotic imbalance) converge on the TGF-␤ pathway in myofibers.
The acute stimulation of the TGF-␤/MAPK pathway, coupled with the inactivity-induced atrogin-1/proteosome pathway,
leads to the acute muscle loss seen in AQM patients.
Ann Neurol 2004;55:195–206

Acute quadriplegic myopathy (AQM) or critical illness AQM patients and with cell atrophy in both in vivo
myopathy (CIM) is a subacute muscle disorder charac- and in vitro models.6 –12 Lack of muscle excitability
terized by generalized progressive muscle weakness and due to sodium channel inactivation also has been de-
atrophy that occurs in critically ill patients. Its patho- scribed in a subset of patients and in an animal model
genesis is multifactorial and is associated with a patient of AQM.13,14 Gene expression changes in animal mod-
history of sepsis, severe pulmonary disorders, major els of AQM and CIM also have been reported and
surgery, multiorgan failure, intensive care, and expo- showed repression of specific Na channels15 and induc-
sure to corticosteroids and neuroblocking agents.1–3 tion of proteolytic machinery at the RNA transcription
Electromyography has excluded a primary neurogenic level.16,17
process and instead points to a primary myogenic dis- We have described previously the occurrence of ap-
ease.4 Diagnosis is possible with muscle biopsy, in optotic features in atrophic fibers in human muscle bi-
which histopathology shows a marked myogenic atro- opsies from AQM patients, as shown by DNA frag-
phy5 with or without selective loss of myosin filaments. mentation in situ by terminal deoxynucleotidyltrans-
Classic necrosis is a rare event and limited to a minor- ferase–mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL),
ity of fibers. Thus, the presence of severe subacute at- and nuclear margination and condensation by electron
rophy in the absence of evidence of denervation or microscopy.18 Many of the fibers were found to show
nerve disease is strongly suggestive of a diagnosis of strong expression of calpain, cathepsin B, and caspase
AQM. 3.18 We also have shown that these coordinated
The molecular chain of events leading to myofiber changes occurred specifically in AQM muscles as op-
atrophy has been poorly understood. Ubiquitin- posed to biopsies from neurogenic myofiber atrophy.
mediated proteolysis and both cytoplasmic (calpains) These data suggested that stimulation of proapoptotic
and lysosomal-dependent (cathepsins) proteolytic path- pathways may be part of the underlying pathogenesis
ways have been associated with muscle wasting in of AQM.

From the 1Center for Genetic Medicine, Children’s National Med- Address correspondence to Dr Hoffman, Center for Genetic Medi-
ical Center and Genetics Program, George Washington University, cine, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC 20010.
Washington, DC; and 2Institute of Neurology, Catholic University, E-mail:
Rome, Italy.
This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public do-
Received Aug 5, 2003, and in revised form Sep 15. Accepted for main in the United States of America.
publication Sep 15, 2003.

Published 2003 by Wiley-Liss, Inc., through Wiley Subscription Services 195

To provide a more complete picture of the biochem- cle biopsy using TRIzol reagent (GIBCO BRL, Gaithers-
ical pathways activated in AQM, we defined a molec- burg, MD). Seven milligrams of total RNA from each tissue
ular fingerprint unique to myogenic atrophy (AQM) as sample (17 samples total) was processed accordingly to pro-
opposed to neurogenic atrophy by genomewide mi- tocol (Affymetrix) to obtain fragmented cRNA that was hy-
croarray analysis of patient muscle biopsies. We show bridized on the chip.
that unsupervised data analysis is easily able to differ-
entiate myogenic atrophy from neurogenic atrophy via Microarray (genechip) Quality Control, Data
expression profiles, and that constitutive stimulation of Scrubbing, and Statistical Analysis
the proapoptotic transforming growth factor (TGF)–␤/ We used stringent quality control methods as previously
MAPK pathway underlies myogenic atrophy. We also published19 and detailed on our Web site: (http://
show that the muscle-specific S␬p1-Cullin-F-box pro-
Three of the neurogenic atrophy subject biopsies did not
tein (SCF) ubiquitin ligase component, atrogin-1 meet our usual threshold for “present” calls. We attributed
(FBx32), is strongly induced in AQM, consistent with this to the severe atrophy and fibrosis shown by muscle of
the significant loss of myofilaments in this disorder. these patients. The scaling factors determinations were done
We propose a model for AQM in which a combination using default Affymetrix algorithms (MAS 5) with a target
of cellular stress, inactivity of muscle, and drug stimu- intensity of chip sector fluorescence to 800. Both preampli-
lation (corticosteroids) all converge on the TGF-␤/ fication (s1) and postamplification with streptavidin/phyco-
MAPK and atrogin-1 pathways, leading to acute stim- erythrin (s2) scans were done, and the scans were compared
ulation of apoptosis and myofilament loss. by scatterplots and correlation coefficients.19 Saturated probe
sets showing evidence of saturation of the PMT in s2 were
Patients and Methods eliminated with our custom Array Data Manipulation soft-
ware. We have shown recently that use of Affymetrix MAS
Patients and Biochemical and Morphological Analysis 5.0 signal intensity values, together with a “present call”
of Muscle Biopsies noise filter achieves an excellent signal to noise balance for
Diagnostic muscle biopsies were obtained, with informed human muscle relative to other probe set analysis methods
consent, from five patients, affected by acute quadriplegic (RMA).20 Data analyses were limited to probe sets that
myopathy (Table 1). Muscle biopsies from all patients were showed one or more “present” (P “calls”) in the 17 genechip
studied by standard histochemistry for morphological assess- profiles in our complete data set. Experiment normalization
ment, and for enzyme biochemistry for acid and neutral was performed by normalizing gene chips as described.19
maltase. Disease control muscle biopsies were five patients Normalized data then were compared for differential gene
with neurogenic disorders, including motor neuron disease, expression analysis between AQM patients and the two con-
lower motor neuron disease, spinal muscle atrophy type III, trol groups. Genes that showed a Welch analysis of variance
and chronic axonal neuropathy. Seven normal control mus- (ANOVA) t test with p value less than 0.05 between groups
cles were from patients with asymptomatic elevations of cre- were retained for further analysis. Initial data analysis also
atine kinase (hyperCKemia), with no evidence of histological included a fold change filter of greater than 1.5 (50% dif-
changes on muscle biopsy. ference) increase or decrease relative to control groups (Af-
TUNEL, electron microscopy, and immunocytochemistry fymetrix MAS 5.0). Although a p value of less than 0.05
for apoptosis-related proteins caspase 1, caspase 3, caplain, alone would give many false-positives, the combination of
and cathepsin B were done as previously described18 (see Ta- present call filters, fold change thresholds, and p value
ble 1). thresholds, eliminates most false-positives that are obtained
with only p values less than 0.05 (all confirmed by other
Expression Profiling methods). We also confirmed nearly all expression changes at
Expression profiling was done as we have described previ- the mRNA and/or protein level using independent tech-
ously.19 In brief, RNA was extracted from each frozen mus- niques.

Table 1. Summary of Clinical, Electrophysiological, and Muscle Pathological Features of AQM patients

Pt. Age Surgery/ Atrophy/ Myofiber Signs
No. (yr) ICU Systemic Illness Anesthesia Corticosteroids Weakness EMG CK Atrophy (% fibers)

1 66 No COPD-diabetes No Yes ⫹⫹⫹ Myopathy 1/10 n.v. ⫹⫹⫹ 70

2 66 Yes Sepsis-MD Yes Yes ⫹⫹⫹ Myopathy 1/2 n.v. ⫹⫹⫹ 80
3 77 No Lymphoma-hyper No No ⫹⫹⫹ Myopathy 1/5 n.v. ⫹⫹ 50
4 64 Yes Sepsis-ARDS-MODS No Yes ⫹⫹⫹ Myopathy n.v. ⫹⫹ 50
5 76 Yes Sepsis-MODS Yes Yes ⫹⫹ Myopathy 1/20 n.v. ⫹⫹ 40
ICU ⫽ intensive care unit; EMG ⫽ electromyogram; CK ⫽ creatine kinase; COPD ⫽ chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; n.v. ⫽ normal
values; MD ⫽ myelodisplasia. ARDS ⫽ acute respiratory distress syndrome; MODS ⫽ multiorgan distress syndrome; AQM ⫽ acute quan-
titative myopathy.

196 Annals of Neurology Vol 55 No 2 February 2004

Real-time Reverse Transcription Polymerase tion Kit; Boehringer, Mannheim, Germany). Unfixed muscle
Chain Reaction sections adjacent to those analyzed by means of TUNEL
We studied gene expression in muscle from AQM patients were processed for immunocytochemistry accordingly to
and normal controls, by real-time polymerase chain reaction standard procedures. The same primary antibodies used for
(PCR) for both validation purposes (gadd45 ␤, p21, c-myc, immunoblotting were used also for immunocytochemistry,
and c-jun) and to measure expression of genes not repre- and incubated overnight at 4°C. Sections were developed
sented on the genechip (atrogin-1). Fluorophore-labeled with peroxidase staining. The count of fibers positive by
LUX primers (forward) and their unlabeled counterparts (re- TUNEL and immunocytochemistry was performed in at
verse) were provided by Invitrogen (La Jolla, CA). LUX least 100 muscle fibers per section.
primers were designed within Affymetrix probe sets se-
quences for each gene, and all primers were designed using Results
the software called LUX Designer (Invitrogen, www.invitro-
Clinical and Pathological Features of Acute We performed multiplex PCR combining in
the same PCR mix each experimental gene with the house- Quadriplegic Myopathy and Controls
keeping gene GAPDH. Muscle biopsies from five patients, each showing a
For each sample, 20␮l PCR contained 2␮l cDNA (first clinical and histological pattern consistent with the di-
diluted 1:10 after reverse transcription [RT]), 200nM of agnosis of AQM, were studied (see Table 1). Severe
each gene-specific primer (two pairs for multiplex PCR) and systemic illness was present in all patients, variably in-
1 ⫻ Platinum Quantitative PCR SuperMix-UDG (Invitro- cluding sepsis, intensive care unit treatment, surgery,
gen), and 1 ⫻ ROX reference dye (500nM in SuperMix). and corticosteroids administration. All patients had a
PCR conditions were standard (Invitrogen, www.invitrogen- moderate/severe muscle weakness and atrophy. Electro-
.com/lux), and reactions were conducted in a 96-well spec- myography showed myopathic changes compatible
trofluorometric thermal cycler (ABI PRISM 7700 Sequence with AQM. No clinical or electromyography evidence
detector system; Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Flu-
of nerve involvement was seen, including lack of spon-
orescence was monitored during every PCR cycle at the an-
nealing or extension step and during the post-PCR temper- taneous activity (see Table 1). Apoptotic signs, as
ature ramp. Fold changes were measured according to shown by TUNEL and activated caspase 3 immunore-
manufacturer instructions (Invitrogen), and ANOVA t test activity were present in atrophic fibers in all patients
was used for statistical analysis. (see Table 1), as we have previously described.18
Both neurogenic and normal control muscles were
Immunoblotting used to address the specificity of the changes in AQM
Protein extracts were recovered from the lower organic phase muscles. These age-matched controls included seven
of TRIZOL after supernatant isolation for RNA extraction biopsies from subjects with asymptomatic hyperCK-
(GIBCO). Proteins then were quantified by the Bradford emia (normal histopathology) and five biopsies from
method, and 20␮g of protein solubilized in Laemmli sample patients from neurogenic disorders (motor neuron dis-
buffer supplemented with protease inhibitors (10mg of apro- ease, lower motor neuron disease, spinal muscle atro-
tinin per ml, 1mg of leupeptin per ml, 1mM phenylmethl phy type III, and chronic axonal neuropathy; all
sulfonyl fluoride). Immunoblotting was done using standard showed neuropathic histopathology). A subset of neu-
methods with 4 to 12% and 10% SDS-PAGE gels. For im- rogenic atrophic fibers showed also apoptotic features
munoblotting, we used the following antibodies: goat poly-
as previously reported.18
clonal anti–TGF-␤ receptor I and II, goat polyclonal anti–
TAK-1 (diluted 1:200; Santa Cruz Biotechnology, La Jolla,
CA); rabbit polyclonal anti-junB (diluted: 1:1,000; Onco- Unsupervised Hierarchical Clustering Accurately
gene, Cambridge, MA); and rabbit polyclonal anti–R-Ras, Diagnoses Acute Quadriplegic Myopathy from
anti–p38 MAPK, anti–phospho-p38 MAPK, anti–c-jun, Neurogenic Atrophy
anti–phospho-c-jun, anti–c-myc, anti–phospho-c-myc, anti– Each skeletal muscle biopsy was processed individually
phosho-SMAD 1, 5, 8,anti-MKK3, anti–phspho-MKK3, for expression profiling (five AQM patients, five neuro-
anti-MKK4, ant-Ask1, anti–phospho-Ask1, mouse monoclo- genic disorders, and seven normal muscles). We expres-
nal anti-JNK, and anti–phospho-JNK (Cell Signaling, Bev-
sion profiled approximately 12,000 transcripts using Af-
erly, MA). Immunocomplexes were visualized with ECL
chemiluminescence (Amersham, Arlington Heights, IL). fymetrix high-density oligonucleotide arrays Hu95 v2.
Data were processed according to bioinformatic methods
that we have previously shown provide good signal/noise
TUNEL and Immunocytochemistry
ratios for human muscle biopsies.20 Normalizations in-
The TUNEL technique was used for detection of nuclear
DNA fragmentation in situ. Frozen muscle sections (10␮m)
cluded per chip (50th percentile) and per sample nor-
from patients and control subjects were incubated under the malization (to the median of each gene). We used sev-
same coverslip with TUNEL reaction mixture, and incorpo- eral types of data analysis: unsupervised and supervised
rated fluorescein-dUTP was detected by using alkaline hierarchical clustering; statistical analysis using analysis
phosphatase-conjugated antifluorescein antibodies according of variance (Welch ANOVA t test); nucleation of dys-
to the manufacturer’s instruction (In Situ Cell Death Detec- regulated transcripts using a 1.5-fold change cutoff be-

Di Giovanni et al: MAPK Cascade in AQM In Vivo 197

tween the different groups of diseases (probe sets differ- The Transforming Growth Factor–␤/MAPK
ing in 50% expression level); functional clustering with Signaling Cascade Is Specifically Activated in Acute
implementation of the GeneSpring gene query tool; and Quadriplegic Myopathy Myogenic Atrophy
functional ontology visualizations using both Gene- The GeneMapp and David databases were used for
Mapp,21 and David ( functional classification of dysregulated transcripts to
upload.jsp) software and databases. identify potential signaling pathways specifically associ-
Unsupervised hierarchical clustering based on stan- ated with myogenic atrophy. Both databases showed the
dard distance metrics (GeneSpring) showed correct di- induction of several members of the MAPK signaling
agnosis of the three diagnostic groups (myogenic atro- cascade in atrophic AQM muscles. MAPK induction
phy [AQM], neurogenic atrophy, normal controls) into plays an important role in the regulation of cell growth,
three specific branches on the dendrogram (Fig 1). atrophy, mitosis, and apoptosis.22 This prompted us to
This analysis provides strong support for distinct mo- further evaluate with both the expression profiling data
lecular pathophysiological mechanisms for the two set and RT-PCR the expression levels of all known
types of atrophy and also indicates that the biological members of this pathway and of possible related path-
variables were dominant over the sum of technical vari- ways, including TGF-␤ and RAS signaling cascades. We
ables and interindividual noise.20 found the specific upregulation of TGF-␤ receptor II,
We then filtered data for dysregulated transcripts TAK-1, ASK-1, RAS family members, SMADs (Smad
based on a significant Welch ANOVA t test ( p ⬍ 1, 3, and 4), JNKK2, JNK, MKK3/6, p38 MAPK,
0.05) between AQM and neurogenic and AQM and c-jun, junB, c-fos, c-myc, gadd-45␤, and p21 cell cycle
normal controls, combined with a 1.5-fold change inhibitor. Fold changes and p values for each transcript
threshold. This resulted in 1,670 upregulated, and 709 are reported (Table 2). Transcription of the extracellular
downregulated transcripts (see http://microarray. signal-repulsated kinase (ERK) branch of the large for the complete MAPK pathway was inhibited or not differentially reg-
gene list). The AQM-specific transcripts then were fil- ulated in AQM muscles (data not shown).
tered for functional ontologies and further analyzed Real time RT-PCR confirmation was performed for
and verified, as described below. a subset of the TGF-␤/MAPK pathway members (p21,
GADD45 ␤, c-myc, c-jun; see Table 2). In all tran-
Strong Induction of Oxidative Stress Response scripts tested, the RT-PCR data were consistent with
and Protease/Proteasome Clusters in Acute the microarray data, and all genes showed significant p
Quadriplegic Myopathy values by both independent assay methods.
Visualization of known functional clusters showed con-
sistent activation of oxidative stress, protease (including Activation of the Transforming Growth Factor–␤/
caspase 4 and 6), and ubiquitin pathways using “heat MAPK Pathway Is Seen at the Protein Level
map” methods (see Fig 1). Some of these pathway The majority of activation of the TGF-␤/MAPK path-
members showed downregulation in neurogenic con- way occurs at the protein level (phosphorylation, local-
trols, consistent with distinct underlying molecular ization, stability), and mRNA studies are a relatively in-
pathophysiologies in the two types of atrophy. The sensitive means of assessing the status of the entire
ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway was particu- pathway. For this reason, we performed immunoblotting
larly strongly induced in myogenic atrophy (see Fig 1), for many members of the TGF-␤/MAPK cascade in
including upregulation of several ubiquitin proteases protein extracts from all AQM muscle biopsies and
and ubiquitin activating enzymes. There was no evi- compared them with the neurogenic and normal con-
dent upregulation of ubiquitin ligases; however, it is trols. We measured both total and phosphorylated (p)
known that many ubiquitin ligases are induced via ac- forms for the following proteins: ASK-1, SMADs,
tivation of tissue specific F-box proteins of the SCF JNKKs, JNKs, MKK3/6, P38-MAPK, c-jun, c-fos,
ligase complex.11 The muscle-specific F-box, atrogin-1 c-myc. Protein levels also were assessed for r-RAS,
(FBx32),11 was not on the U95v2A microarrays used TGF-␤ receptors I and II, TAK-1, junB (Fig 2A). Our
for our expression profiling studies. Therefore, we immunoblot data were consistent with a wide activation
studied expression of the ubiquitin ligase atrogin-1, by of the TGF-␤/MAPK pathway, with increases of both
quantitative real-time RT-PCR. We found atrogin-1 total and phosphorylated protein forms in AQM atro-
mRNA 10-fold increased in both AQM and neuro- phic muscles. These data were also in agreement with
genic muscle relative to controls (Table 2). To our the transcriptional upregulation seen by both microarray
knowledge, this is the first data on atrogin-1 in hu- and RT-PCR. Fold changes and p values from quanti-
mans in vivo, although our data are consistent with in tated immunoblots were calculated for TGF-␤ receptor
vitro and animal models experiments showing II, ASK-1, p38-MAPK, phosphorylated p38-MAPK,
atrogin-1 induced in muscle atrophy under diverse c-myc, phosphorylated c-myc, SMADs, and junB (see
conditions and stimuli. Fig 2B); all demonstrated highly significant activation

198 Annals of Neurology Vol 55 No 2 February 2004

Fig 1. Diagnostic and func-
tional ontology analysis of
microarray data. (A) Unsu-
pervised hierarchical cluster-
ing shows correct diagnosis of
acute quadriplegic myopathy
(AQM) subjects. Shown is
unsupervised hierarchical
clustering based on average
distance metrics (Gene-
Spring), with correct diagno-
sis of the three groups studied
(myogenic atrophy [AQM],
neurogenic atrophy, normal
controls) into three specific
branches on the dendrogram.
Specifically, each group of
patients is clustered into a
specific branch of the gene
tree, corresponding to genes
with similar expression levels.
Bar graph on the right shows
the color code for gene expres-
sion level (red: high; blue:
low). AQM patient numbers
refer to Table 1. Neurogenic
atrophy and controls are
numbered based on order in
the figure. (B) AQM shows
specific induction of stress
response and proteolysis path-
ways. Shown are supervised
hierarchical clusters obtained
after filtering for more than
one “present” call across the
17 profiles, p value less than
0.05 (Welch ANOVA t test),
and 1.5-fold changes in ex-
pression between AQM and
controls; these filters then
were combined with func-
tional clustering of oxidative
stress and proteases and
ubiquitin-dependent pathway.
Bar graph on the right shows
the color code for gene expres-
sion level (red: high; blue:

specific for AQM myogenic atrophy, including the ratio at both at the transcriptional and protein level, including
of phosphorylated versus total p38-MAPK. We conclude activated phosphorylated states of specific signaling pro-
that the TGF-␤/MAPK cascade is coordinately activated teins, in myogenic atrophy in AQM.

Di Giovanni et al: MAPK Cascade in AQM In Vivo 199

Table 2. TGF-␤ MAPK Signaling Cascade mRNA Expression Data Show Strong Upregulation Specific to Myogenic Atrophy
AQM vs Control AQM vs Neurogenic Atrophy

Fold Percentage of Positive Fibers* Fold

Genbank No. Gene Name Change p (⫾ SD) Change p

D50683 TGFbeta type II receptor

mRNA Affymetrix 3 ⬍0.01 2.4
Protein in atrophic fibers 90 ⴞ 5(AQM) 20 ⴞ 5(Neur) <0.01
V00568 MYC
mRNA Affymetrix 9 ⬍0.01 12.6 ⬍0.01
mRNA real-time PCR 8.8 ⬍0.01 5.1 ⬍0.05
Protein in atrophic fibers 82 ⴞ 3(AQM) 12 ⴞ 4(Neur) <0.01
AF078077 GADD45beta
mRNA Affymetrix 4.3 ⬍0.05 5.1 ⬍0.05
mRNA real-time PCR 7.1 ⬍0.01 4.6 ⬍0.05
Protein in atrophic fibers 86 ⴞ 5(AQM) 8 ⴞ 2(Neur) <0.01
U59423 SMAD1
mRNA Affymetrix 2.1 ⬍0.01 1.8 ⬍0.01
U59912 SMAD1
mRNA Affymetrix 1.9 ⬍0.01 2.2 ⬍0.01
X89750 SMAD2
mRNA Affymetrix 4.1 ⬍0.01 2.1 ⬍0.05
U59913 SMAD5
mRNA Affymetrix 2.8 ⬍0.01 7.4 ⬍0.01
SMAD 1, 5, 8
Protein in atrophic fibers 88 ⴞ 4(AQM) 3 ⴞ 1(Neur) <0.01
L35263 P38 MAPK
mRNA Affymetrix 1.9 ⬍0.01 1.8 ⬍0.05
Protein in atrophic fibers 65 ⴞ 10(AQM) 3 ⴞ 1(Neur) <0.01
M14949 R-RAS
mRNA Affymetrix 3 ⬍0.05 5.5 ⬍0.01
AF043938 M-RAS R-RAS3
mRNA Affymetrix 1.6 ⬍0.01 1.4 ⬍0.05
Protein in atrophic fibers 95 ⴞ 5(AQM) 4 ⴞ 1(Neur) <0.01
J04111 JUN
mRNA Affymetrix 3.3 ⬍0.01 2.3 ⬍0.05
mRNA real-time PCR 6 ⬍0.01 4.5 ⬍0.05
U03106 CDKN1 P21
mRNA Affymetrix 14.5 ⬍0.01 7.2 ⬍0.01
mRNA real-time PCR 8 ⬍0.01 5 ⬍0.05
Protein in atrophic fibers 72 ⴞ 4(AQM) 3 ⴞ 1(Neur) <0.01
X14885 TGFbeta 3
mRNA Affymetrix 3.1 ⬍0.05 2.6 ⬍0.05
L07594 TGFbeta type III receptor
mRNA Affymetrix 2.6 ⬍0.01 3.4 ⬍0.01
L41690 TRADD
mRNA Affymetrix 2.1 ⬍0.05 2.8 ns
AB009356 TAK1
mRNA Affymetrix 4.4 ⬍0.01 1.8 ⬍0.05
U71087 MEK5 PRKMK5
mRNA Affymetrix 1.8 ⬍0.01 3 ⬍0.01
mRNA Affymetrix 1.7 ⬍0.01 1.4 ns
U67156 MAPKKK5
mRNA Affymetrix 1.6 ⬍0.05 1.3 ns
U09759 JNK2
mRNA Affymetrix 2.3 ⬍0.01 2.3 ⬍0.05
M12174 RHOH6
mRNA Affymetrix 10.8 ⬍0.01 3.1 ⬍0.01
L24564 RAD1
mRNA Affymetrix 5.4 ⬍0.05 11.5 ⬍0.01
L25080 RhoA
mRNA Affymetrix 2.9 ⬍0.01 4.1 ⬍0.01
U02570 CDC42GAP
mRNA Affymetrix 2.7 ⬍0.01 4.3 ⬍0.01
mRNA Affymetrix 2.5 ⬍0.01 2.1 ⬍0.05
U52522 POR1
mRNA Affymetrix 5.4 ⬍0.01 6.1 ⬍0.01
mRNA real time PCR 10.8 ⬍0.01 No NS

Refers to immunohistochemistry experiments.

TGF ⫽ transforming growth factor; AQM ⫽ acute quadriplegic myopathy; PCR ⫽ polymerase chain reaction; NS ⫽ not significant.

200 Annals of Neurology Vol 55 No 2 February 2004

Fig 2. Immunoblotting and quantitation of members of transforming growth factor (TGF)–␤/MAPK cascade. (A) Shown is protein
quantitation for several members of TGF-␤ MAPK cascade in acute quadriplegic myopathy (AQM), neurogenic atrophy, and nor-
mal control muscle. Both total and phosphorylated proteins were measured. Total proteins were measured using Bradford method,
and an equal amount of proteins (20␮g) was loaded for each sample. Both total and phosphorylated forms of TGF-␤/MAPK path-
way members were markedly elevated in AQM. (B) Shown is quantitation of immunoblots for some representative members of
TGF-␤/MAPK cascade. Fold changes and p values from quantitated immunoblots are provided for TGF-␤ receptor II, Ask-1,
SMADs, p38-MAPK, phosphorylated p38-MAPK, c-myc, phosphorylated c-myc, and junB. All show highly significant activation in
AQM myogenic atrophy, including the ratio of phosphorylated versus total p38-MAPK.

Specific Key Members of Transforming Growth features (TUNEL-positive) and rare normotrophic fibers
Factor–␤/MAPK Cascade Are Expressed in Atrophic in AQM muscle (Fig 3, 4). TGF-␤ receptor showed both
Myofibers with Apoptotic Features in Acute membrane and cytoplasmic staining, and p38-MAPK
Quadriplegic Myopathy showed diffuse cytoplasm localization, whereas c-jun
We have shown previously the presence of apoptotic fea- showed characteristic nuclear localization (see Fig 3). On
tures (activated caspases 3 and TUNEL-positive fibers) in serial sections, TUNEL-positive picnotic nuclei in atro-
atrophic myofibers in a subset of patients in AQM.18 To phic fibers strongly immunoreacted for this transcription
extend these previous findings, we localized several mem- factor (see Fig 4). No or very faint staining was observed
bers of the TGF-␤/MAPK cascade in cryosections of pa- in control muscles and in neurogenic muscle fibers.
tient muscle biopsies by using immunohistochemistry. Quantitation of the percentage of atrophic fibers (myo-
We found TGF-␤, TGF-␤ receptor, p-ASK1, p38- genic and neurogenic biopsies), immunoreactive for
MAPK, GADD45 ␤, c-jun, and c-mycall strongly ex- TGF-␤ II receptor, phosphorylated c-myc, GADD45 ␤,
pressed specifically in atrophic myofibers with apoptotic SMAD (1, 5, 8), P38, RAS, and phosphorylated ASK-1

Di Giovanni et al: MAPK Cascade in AQM In Vivo 201

Fig 3. Immunohistochemistry shows localization of transforming growth factor (TGF)–␤ MAPK cascade in atrophic fibers in acute
quadriplegic myopathy (AQM). Shown is specific localization in atrophic fibers in AQM (A, C, E, G, I, M) and neurogenic mus-
cles (B, D, F, H, L, N) of TGF-␤ receptor (A, B), SMADs (C, D), p38 (E, F), Ras (G, H), p-c-Myc (I, L), and gadd45 beta
(M, N). Control muscles immunostained with TGF-␤ receptor (P), SMADs (Q), Ras (R), and p-c-Myc (S), show no signal. In-
tense immunostaining is present only in AQM atrophic muscles for all proteins. Several myofibers are positive for TGF-␤ receptor
also in neurogenic atrophy (B). Original magnification, ⫻250

was also performed. In all cases, the percentage of atrophic the TGF-␤/MAPK pathway was demonstrated at both
fibers immunopositive for TGF-␤/MAPK members was the transcriptional and protein level, including protein
significantly higher in myogenic (AQM) compared with phosphorylation consistent with constitutive activation of
neurogenic atrophy (see Table 2, boldface). this signaling cascade. We also showed colocalization of
TGF-␤/MAPK pathway members with apoptotic atro-
Discussion phic myofibers in patient muscle, including TGF-␤ recep-
Comparative Genomics of Myogenic and Neurogenic tor II, ASK1, p38 MAPK, c-myc, and c-jun.
We present protein and mRNA data in AQM myogenic Transforming Growth Factor–␤/MAPK Signaling
atrophy, neurogenic atrophy, and normal controls that Cascade: Mechanisms of Activation and Effectors
shows activation of TGF-␤/MAPK signaling cascade spe- Atrophic myofibers in AQM patients showed strong
cifically in muscle in myogenic atrophy in AQM patients. coordinated upregulation of TGF-␤ MAPK signaling
Neurogenic atrophy and myogenic atrophy shared similar cascade, Ras family members, and cell cycle inhibitors
strong upregulation of the muscle-specific ubiquitin ligase (Table 2, Fig 5). Oxidative and osmolar stress, pH im-
atrogin-1 (FBx32), consistent with the myofiber atrophy balance, and cytokine release all are documented trig-
seen in both conditions. The AQM-specific induction of gers for the TGF-␤/MAPK signaling cascade in diverse

202 Annals of Neurology Vol 55 No 2 February 2004

Fig 4. TUNEL shows colocalization with members of MAPK cascade in atrophic fibers in acute quadriplegic myopathy (AQM).
Shown are TUNEL-positive fibers (B, F) that, respectively, co-localize with p38 (A, arrows) and c-jun (F, arrows show some rep-
resentative fibers) in atrophic fibers in AQM. Shown are also control sections processed for p38 (C), c-jun (G), and TUNEL (D,
H) that do not show TUNEL or p38 positivity and express faint nuclear staining for c-jun. Original magnification, ⫻250.

Di Giovanni et al: MAPK Cascade in AQM In Vivo 203

Fig 5. Induction of transforming growth factor (TGF)–␤/Mapk signaling cascade in myogenic atrophy. Observed modulation of the
TGF-␤ MAPK cascade in acute quadriplegic myopathy (AQM).

cell types.22–28 Both the TGF-␤ and Ras pathways cle.29 –38 Importantly, the MAPK and Ras pathways
converge on the MAPK pathway, likely leading to con- have been shown to be necessary for muscle proteolysis
stitutive activation, and the resulting proteolysis and in Caenorhabditis elegans,39 and TGF-␤–mediated
apoptosis that are histological features of AQM. The MAPK activation was shown to antagonize muscle hy-
association of AQM with oxidative and osmolar stress pertrophy and the insulin-like growth factor–1 path-
has been seen clinically; however, our data provide mo- way, through activation of proapoptotic insulin-like
lecular confirmation of this via our observed upregula- growth factor receptor binding proteins.40
tion of anti–oxidative stress enzymes HO-1, MnSOD, Taken together, our data and data from the litera-
and GPX (see Fig 2), and these changes were not ture allow us to propose a model for muscle cell atro-
shared with neurogenic atrophy. phy in AQM in which activation of TGF-␤ receptors,
The upstream triggers, downstream regulation, and exacerbated by stress response and corticosteroid/Ras
cell-specific regulation of the TGF-␤/MAPK pathway pathways,28,41 begins constitutive intracellular signaling
is complex; yet, it is recognized that this regulation is of the MAPK cascade in specific myofibers leading to
critical in determining the biological response of many muscle atrophy with apoptotic features (see Fig 3, 4).
cell types, toward either proliferation or atrophy/apo- Consistent with this model, we show that many of the
ptosis.21–23,25,26 A few members of this cascade appear pathway members are in the hyperphosphorylated, ac-
to be key in influencing this biological outcome, tivated state, and that these pathway components colo-
namely, p38 MAPK, JNKs, c-myc, and c-jun. These calize with apoptotic cells in patient muscle biopsies.
specific pathway members have been shown to pro- To briefly describe the roles of some of the proteins
mote cell atrophy and death rather than mitosis, par- we found specifically activated in AQM, the most im-
ticularly in postmitotic tissues, including skeletal mus- portant TGF-␤ signal transducers are SMADs and

204 Annals of Neurology Vol 55 No 2 February 2004

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