You are on page 1of 21

2 D oscribing motion

Work in plllrs .

On your own, quickly skotch a distance- tim e graph, perhaps based on your journey to school. Then ask your
portner to wrlto a description of it on a separate sheet of paper. Discuss each other's answers.

Sketch 1.1 speed- tim e graph for a sprinter running th e 100 m in a time of 9 .58 s. Label it with as much
information I.IS you know. Show how your graph could be used to work out the sprinter's acceleration at
tho start of tho race and the distance he travelled . Compare your sketch with your partner's and add to or
correct your own work . Be prepared to share your thoughts with the class .


The first known circumnavigation (trip around Sometimes these epic adventures inspire those who
the world) was completed by a Spanish ship on 8 do them to campaign for a better world . The British
September 1522. It took more than three years. sailor Ellen MacArthur (Figure 2.2) is just such a
The French writer Jules Verne wrote the book person. She held the world record for the fastest
Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours (which solo circumnavigation, achieved on 7 February
meons Around the World in Eighty Days) in 1873. 2005. However, she retired from competitive
In honour of the writer, the Jules Verne Trophy sailing to set up the Ellen MacArthur Foundation,
is a prize for the fastest circumnavigation by a a charity that works with business and education
yacht, now held by the yacht IDEC Sport, which to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.
did it in just under 41 days in 2017 . In 2002, the A circular economy would create less waste as
American Steve Fossett was the first to make a solo things should be designed to last a long time and
circumnavigation in a balloon, without stopping, be easy to maintain, repair, reuse or recycle.
taking just over 13 days. In 2006, he flew the
Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer (Figure 2.1). the first
fixed-wing aircraft to go around the world without
stopping or refuelling . It took him just under
three days. Hypersonic jets are being developed
that could fly at 1 .7 km per second so they could
circumnavigate the globe in an incredible six and a
half hours.

Figure 2.2: Ellen MacArthur celebrates after completing

her record solo round the world journey on 7 February
2005 in Falmouth, England .

Discussion questions

What were the speeds of the six journeys

mentioned in the first paragraph? Assume that
the Earth's circumference is 40 000 km.
Figure 2.1: The Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer passes over 2 How could the fastest boat not win a round-
t he Atlas Mountains. the-world yacht race?

19 )

2.1 Understanding speed We cannot say whether 1•t

or if its speed was chang . Was traveliin
. Ing.p &at
a stopwatch to time a friend c or_exalllpJe asii,
for example, I 00 metres (s Ychng ove 'Yau \
Measuring speed .
d1stance b . ee F1gu
y time would tell
ra,. ~-•
re 2.3) D:~eq,_,
· h You th · · iv1d1\
If you travel on a major highway or through a large city,
the chances are that someone is watching you. Cameras
t ey m1g t have been speedin
the way.
eir avera
g Up or slo .&e s~
W1ngd .;
by the side of the road and on overhead road signs keep
an eye on traffic as it moves along. Some cameras are Table 2.1 shows the different .
. un11s th
1>\ I
calculat10ns of speed. SI units at lllay be
there to monitor the flow, so that traffic managers can
used in physics. The units mis (are th e standard~ -
take action when blockages develop, or when accidents . metres u~.
occur. Other cameras are equipped with sensors to spot remmd you that you divide a dist Per Sttond""
time (in seconds, s) to find speed a nce (m llletr... 1i .
speeding motorists, or those who break the law at traffic · are used . I n US space progr· 1n Practice, Illa"" ·,~I,-
lights. In some busy places, traffic police may observe the
roads from helicopters.
Eart h are o ften given
. . .
• in feet, whil amrnes
e es
' heigh~,,.·
· . ,,,I
1s given m knots (nautical miles per h Pacecraf1•1.,:
In this chapter, we will look at ideas of motion and umts 1 not prevent them from reach'our) · These ~\\
. d "d "'
speed. In Chapter 3, we will look at how physicists came mg thel,jOOn! ·
to understand the forces involved in motion, and how to
control them to make our everyday travel possible.

Distance, time and speed

There is more than one way to determine the speed of a
moving object. Several methods to determine speed rely
on making two measurements:
• the total distance travelled between two points
• the total time taken to travel between these two points.
We can then work out the average speed between the
two points.


d _ total distance travelled Figure 2.3: Timing a cycl ist over a fixed distance. Us,ng
average spee - total time taken
a stopwatch involves making judgements astowhenih•
cyclist passes the starting and finishing lines. This can
introduce an error into the measurements. An automatic

KEYWORDS timing system might be better. --

speed: the distance travelled by an object per Other unitS

unit of time
kilometre, krn I
distance metre, m
average speed: the speed calculated from total
distance travelled divided by total time taken
time second, s
1------1---------:--r;-ki:;:lo:-:m:::,etres per
We can use the equation for speed in the definition speed metres per seco nd , hour, km/h
when an object is travelling at a constant speed. If it mis en•
nits in rneasuren1
travels IO metres in I second, it will travel 20 metres in Table 2.1: Quantities, symbols and u
2 seconds. Its speed is IO mis. of speed.
20 )

2 Describing motion

WORKED EXAMPLE 2.1 Determining speed in

A cyclist completed a 1500 metre stage of a race in the laboratory
37.5 s. Whal was her average speed?
There are many experiments you can do in the laboratory
Step l: Start by writing down what you know, and if you can measure the speed of a moving trolley or
what you want lo kn ow. toy car. Figure 2.4 shows how to do this using one or
distance = 1500 m two lii:ht ga te, connected to an electronic timer (or to
a computer). The light gate bas a beam of (invisible)
time = 37.5s
infra red radiation.
speed= ?
to timer
Step 2: Now write down the equation . peg START control
speed = distance breaks
l.lme infrared
Step 3: Substitute the values of the quantities on the to timer
right-hand side. STOP
speed = 1500 m
37 . 5 s infrared
Step 4: Calculate the answer.
speed = 40 mis

The cyclist's average speed was 40 mis.

a What was Usain Bolt's average speed when he
achieved his 100 m world record of 9.58 s in inte rru pt
2009? card
b How do you know that his top speed must have
been higher than this?
2 A cheetah runs I00 m in 3.1 1s. Whal is its speed?
3 Informati on about three trains travelling between
stations is shown in Table 2.2.

Distance Time taken/

Vehicle minutes
travelled / km

train A 250 120

train B 72 so Figure 2.4: Using light gates to measure the speed of a

moving troll ey in the laboratory.
tra in C 400 150
In the fi rst part of Figure 2.4, the peg attached to the
Table 2.2 trolley breaks the beam of one ligh t gate to start the
timer. It breaks the second beam to stop the timer. The
a Which train has the highest average speed? timer then shows the time taken to travel the distance
b Which train has the lowest average speed? between the two light gates.

21 )
Similarly, the crew of an air~ h
. of ca rd called 1 "'a
, f Fi ure 2.4, a piece ' how Iong I' t w,'Ji_ take
. f.or I heir ig to
· aircraft nt 1o1:,
In the second part o g d the trolley. As the two points on Jls /11ght path: tra,,1b, ,
an iu lerrupt ca rd, is mo unle on he leading edge of
tro lley passes through the ga t~ t m 10 start the timer. . distance = :': '
time = speed or 1 ,,
1he inlcrrupl card breaks the ha ate the beam is no
When the trailing edge passes I e gTI faster the trolley
d h llfller stops. 1
longe r broken an t e . f. r which the bea m
is movi ng. the short er the ~,m;th: interrupt card, the
is broken. G iven the Ieng! o A spacecraft is orbiting t~e Earth at a stead,
tro lley's speed can be calculated. of 8.0 km/s (see Figure 2.)). How long Will : 1"'c
complete a single orbit, a dis ta nce of 44
d f object passing
light g ates: allow the spee od a~ ron ically
between them to be calculate e ect
inte rrupt ca rd: allows the speed o aln
b. ct
d· a :e
passing through a light gate to be ca cu a e ' d
timer starts when the card breaks the beam an
stops when the beam is no longer broken

Rearranging the equation

It is better to remember one version of an equation
and how to rearrange it than to try to remember three
different versions. The equation
--- ----
Figure 2.5
d distance
spee =
Step I: Sta rt by writing down what you kno11. a,/
allows us to calculate speed from measurements of dista nce wh a t you want to know.
and time. This equation can also be written in symbols: speed (v) = 8.0 km/s

V = .:!_ distan ce (s) = 40 000 km

time(t) = ?
KEY EQUATION Step 2: C hoose the appropri a te cqua11m1. wi1h1h,
_ dista nce un k nown qu anti ty, time. ~s the snbJc'<tit'l
speed - - -,- -
ume the left-ha nd side).
, __
_s I= ~ ,
. I 1 induJ,• un.Li
S trpJ: S ubs titute va lues - 11 can he P 1'
This is sometimes known as 1he insta nta neo us speed,
which is the speed at a part ic ula r instan I or moment in
,=40000 k m
8.0 km/s
time, whereas average speed is worked o ut over a lo nge r
time in terval. Beware, s in ibis equation mea ns distan ce S tep 4: Perform the ca lcul a ti o n .
(o r displacement) a nd no t speed. We ca n rearran ge the
I= 5000s
equation to allow us to calculate distance o r time.
For example, a railway signa ller might know how fast a Answer •\().H
. . . ()()()k 111) ,, ). ,
train is moving, and needs to be able to predict where it T he lime to complete a single orbit <'.:4 ). 1h, s,•.
wi ll have reached after a certa in length of time: 60 9 667
T his is about 92 minutes (5500 - ~. rtli ,,nr< . /
th 1
distan ce= speed x time or s=" spacecmft takes 92 mi nutes lo o rbit e "'

L 22 )
2 Describing motion

Worked Example 2.2 illustrates the importance of 7 Calculate how many minutes it takes sunlight to reach
looking at the units. Because speed is in kmls and us from the Sun. Light travels at 3 x I08 mis and the
distance is in km, we do not need to convert to mis and Sun is about 144million km away.
metres. We would get the same answer if we did the
conversion: 8 A cheetah can maintain its top speed of 31mis
over a distance of 100 metres whi le some breeds of
time = 40 000 000 m gazelle, such as Thomson's gazelle, have a top speed
8000mls of 25 mis. This question considers how close the
cheetah needs to be to catch the gazelle if they have
= 5000 s both just reached top speed.
a How long does it take a cheetah to cover I00 m?

Questions b What is the closing speed of the cheetah, that

is, what is the difference in speed between the
4 An aircraft travels 900 metres in 3.0 seconds. cheetah and the gazelle?
What is its speed? c How far ahead of the cheetah would the gazelle
5 A car travels 400 km in 3.5 hours. What is the speed need to be to escape? (Hint: you need the time
of the car in km/h and mis? you calculated in a and the closing speed you
6 The Voyager spacecraft is moving at 17 000 mis. calculated in b.)
How far will it travel in one year? Give your answer d How long would it take the cheetah to catch the
in km. gazelle with the closing speed you calculated in
b and the distance apart you calculated in c?


Running with the wind behind you Plot your time for the 400 m (y-axis) against wind
In 2011, Justin Gatlin ran 100 metres in 9.45 seconds speed (x-axis). When you are running against the
(faster than Usain Bolt's world record by 0.13 seconds). wind on the straight section opposite the finish
However, he was pushed along by a 20 mis tailwind line, subtract the wind speed from your normal
generated by giant fans as part of a Japanese game running speed. When you are running with the
show. A 100 m or 200 m sprint record can stand only if wind on the fina l straight section before the
finish line, add the wind speed to you r normal
a tailwind does not exceed 2 mis. Why does this rule
running speed.
not apply to longer events?
For example, if there is a wind speed of 1 mis,
First, think about how you might approach your speed along the straight opposite the fi nish
this problem. line will be 9 mis while it will be 11 mis along the
straight section before the fin ish line. Then you
The day Roger Bannister ran a mile in four minutes
need to add the times for each straight section
(6 May 1954) he almost decided not to race because
to the 20 s for the bends. Repeat this, increasing
it was too windy. Imagine there is a tailwind along
the wind speed by 1 mis each time, until you
the final straight section of a 400 m track which
reach 10 m/s.
speeds you up, and a headwind on the opposite
straight section which slows you down. Why do the 2 Could you have reached the answer without
effects of the tailwind and headwind not cancel out? plotting a graph?
(Hint: you need to think about the time it would take 3 Discuss whether it is realistic to add or subtract
you to run the straight sections.) the wind speed to your normal running speed.
Imagine that you are a 400 m runner who can run 4 Design an experiment to test how wind speed
the distance in 40 s (a new world record) at the affects running speed. You might need to
same average speed of 10 mis. Assume that the include equipment that you do not have access
400 m track is equally divided so that the straight to (such as the giant fans used on the Japanese
sections and bends are each 100 m long. game show).

23 )
I ~tWO?.DS
v..a ~,.,.. •,,.,..,, d;e ,are o f ~ c,i an ~ s
Graphs of different~
s,_., _me vav,.,.L -
can s how U.l a lot abo
movcmc:nL_Wa.J it moving~ a Steady ~~ ¾ IA,j,,.i-1
up, or slowing down? Wa~ it moving at air> ' or ~

, j-O-r.f me ~ <A a n ~ in a stzted do-"edioo FiguTe 2.11 represents ~ tra!n journey. -~ , ..

fouT scctiom. Each section lllUSITates a dilf,Y-% " ..
,~~,,,, ,::,c/4--:hr hi» boltl (we) and trtn1
• A; Jloping upwaTds, so the speed incr Jl<~
train is accelerating ea\e\ iU,J -::,
1/~U r '=A_.,.:. f K W.-neming thzt has magnillJde
b,_;t no cw~ B: horizontal, so the speed is con$lant afld
is travdling at a ~'leady speed th, ,.,
• C: sloping down wa Tds, so the speed d«-r
Speed-time g raphs the train is decelc:rating ea\C\ i::t.
• D: horizontal, so the speed has d«-realled 10 .
hm ~'Ke ~ ,epre,au lhe motion of a moving object and the tm in i.s .stationa ry. ltfi,
"1 a diNana--time vaph, ~-e can abo ,q,raent it by a

:,aph by Joo',;ini; at lhe a-

-lime vaph, A spttd-time gJaph I OO'NJ how the
ot,jta'f jJlttd dtant,e, at it tnO\-U A lways dit(.-k any
ID Jtt the labeb.
A tp«d-ume ,,-aph bai fpttd on the vertical a"iJ and
ume on the fww,ooial iui.i..

P'ltlJre 2, 1(1 IOO'Nf a spttd-ume g1aph (or a but. The
vlifil1frequently dro,n w u m 1-.iw;e the buJ stops to ·, ry
let P"..opk oo and o(f. 'fben the line 11opt;f up, as the buJ
~/lU>J _,.,,. from the stop, To-Hardt the end of itJ Figure 2.11 : An e-,<ampfe c,f .; " e d-time graph for a ··,
journ,:y, the bw it moving ai a flt'.ufy t pced (horizontal during part of iu journey.
v avhJ, a.-J it Jon not rnwe w stop. Finally. 1he y aph
duYmwardt IO 7.UO again a, the buJ pull, into the The fact that the graph line; , r · c urved in sections,\
terminu1 aruJ .wrn, and C tell~ us that the train \ .,,,t.:clcra ti on was changJn
If its •JY' had al a \ lca dy rate, these lines
The $1,_,pe of the i pud time vaph tell• u1 about the
!'Nj'.f ~ a i i ,m; wo uld have been stra ight.
• the uaper the ~lope, the g,cater the ac«lc:ration
• a ne-t,t1i•1c i lope me--an• a de«leration (1lowing Questions
down, 11 Two students live in the sa m e apa rtment block
• a /wr'Y.mntal l!fi1P'1 <,lope = OJ mean, a ccn.nant in Hometown a nd attend the sa me school in
tP"AI, Schooltown, as shown in Fi gure 2.12. Fo r this
q uestion , work in km a nd hours.
Homole'rm Schoolt(J',I

block school ~

I\ 'l,mq
o} rn
Flg11rt12,10: /, !;(Jt,t11)>11 rw, (Jfo(,h k,1 o Iiu§ r,n O bur;,; rCMt/,
I•• t,,~1, ,1 I,;,,; tlJ linlt lrw1111mtly 1H I,u~ ~to~ . T•Mo rd§ tht/
,,,.,,if,f MI' 11/fll't'J, ,, !nhlr,lh,n~ Ii w,w1y ~rt/'ld
"·~ ' "''117t;jf
''" n
I;; W1m·, ,,,:,r,..1
_ ~
"" . uunf •fn Hmf"l"'J'
22 km

Figura 2, 12

l '/ /, I
2 Describing motion

a Arun gcLB a lift lo achool in his mother's car. 14 a Copy Table 2.3 and sketch the motion graphs
The traflk is heavy so the average speed for the for each mot ion descri bed.
journey is 40 k.m/h. How rnany minutes does it
tu kc /\run to get lo school'/
Motion of Distance-time Speed-time
b Sofia leaves hornc ut the sarne lirne aa Arun body graph
but she wa lk8 the OJ krn to Hometown station,
wai ts 3 mi nutes (0.05 hour) for the trai n, travels at rest
on the train to Schooltown stat ion (journey
distance 22 krn) ;ind walks the 0.7 krn from moving at
Schoo ltown station to the school. The train constant speed
averages 88 km/h and Sofia walks at 5 km/h .
How many mi nu tes docs it take Sofia to get to constant
school? acceleration
c How many mi nutes shorter is Sofia's journey (speeding up)
tirnc than Aru n's?
d Draw a speed- time graph fo r thei r journeys deceleration
on th e sarne axes but assume that any (slowing down)
ch ange in speed is insta nt (do not show the
acceleratio n). Table 2.3
12 Look al the speed- time graph in Figure 2.13.
b Copy Table 2.4 and sketch the speed- time
D graphs for each acceleration described.

t Motion of
inaeasing deaeasing
acceleration acderation

10 Tabl e 2 .4

O0 10 20 30 4/ 50 60 70 80
Time / minutes
Finding distance travelled
Figu re 2.13
A speed- time graph represents an object's movement.
It tells us about how its speed changes. We can also use
Name the sections that represent: the graph to deduce (work out) how far the object travels.
a steady speed To do this, we have to make use of the equation:
b speedin g up (accelerating)
distance = area under speed- time graph
c bein g stationary
d slowin g down (dccclcrnti ng). The area under any straight-l ine graph can be broken
down into rectangles and triangles. Then you can
13 A car is travelli ng al 20 mis. The driver secs a . calculate the area using:
ha zard . After a reacti on ti me of 0.7 s, she performs
an emergency stop by applyin g the brakes. The car area of rectangle = wid th x height
takes a further 3.3 s to co me to a stop. Sketch a
speed- time graph for her journey from th_e momen t area of a triangle = _I_ x base x height
she secs the haza rd 10 the rnomcn l she bnngs her car
to " stop. Label the graph with as rnany details as To understand th is equation, consider Worked Examples
2.3, 2.4 and 2.5.
yo u can.

27 )


Calc ula te the dista nce you travel when you cycle for Step J: D istance travelled is the sa
a rea under the grap h . This me as the shact
20 s at a constan t speed of IOm/s (sec Figure 2. 14) . 'd d O . rectan I ,,
w1 e a n I mis h igh, so its _g e is 20
20 s = 200 m . a rea ,s 1otn1, '.
shaded area
= distance travelled Step 2: C heck using the equation:

dista nce travelled = speed x time
" 10 -1-- - - -- -1-- - - = l Om!s x 20 s-
Q) - 200 "'
Yo u wo uld travel 200 m etres.
0 + - - - - - - - - - ~-
0 20
Time I s

Figure 2.14: Speed-time graph for Worked Example 2.3.


You set off down a steep sk i slope. Your initial speed is area of a t riangle = ½x base x height
0 mis. After IO s yo u are travelling at 30 mis (see Figure
2.1 5). Ca lculate t he d istance yo u travel in this time. x !O s x 30m!s
30 shaded area
= 150 m
= d istance tra velled Step 2: Check using the cq w .• o n:
ini~ •1e!ocity + final veloci1
average sp eed = -
= Om1. 30 mls
V1 2
= !S m/.-,
0 -JL-- - -- - - - - - distance travelled = average speed x time
0 10 = 15 mis x !O s
Time/ s
= 150 m
Figure 2. 15: Speed-time graph for Worked Example 2.4.
Step 1: Dista nce travelled is the same as the shaded Yo u travel 150 metres.
area under the graph. The shape is a triangle
with a height of 30 mis a nd base of 10 s.

28 )
2 Describing motion


A train's motion is represented by the graph in Figure Step 3: Find the area of the orange triangle. It has a
2.16. Calculate the distance the train travels in 60 s. base of 40 sand height of 14.0 mis - 6.0 mis
14.0 = 8.0m/s
area of a triangle = ½x base x height
E = ½ 40
X 8. 0 mis
= 160m
V) (Note: this tells us the extra distance travelled
by the train because it was accelerating.)
Step 4: Add these two areas to find the total area
20 60 and, therefore, the total distance travelled:
Time/ s
total distance travelled = 360 m + 160 m
Figure 2.16: Speed-time graph for Worked Example 2.5. =520 m

Step l : Distance travelled is the same as the shaded Step 5: Check using the equation
areas under the graph. This graph has two distance travelled = average speed x time
shaded areas: the pink rectangle and the The train travelled for 20 s at a steady speed
orange triangle. of 6.0 mis, and then for 40 s at an average
speed of 10.0mls. So:
Step 2: Find the area of the pink rectangle.
distance travelled = (6. 0 mis x 20 s) +
It is 60 s wide and 6.0 mis high, so its area = (10 .0m/s x 40s)
60 s x 6.0 mls = 360m
= 120m x 400m
(Note: this tells us how far the train would
have travelled if it had maintained a constant = 520m
speed of 6.0 mis.) Answer
In 60 s, the train travelled 520 metres.

15 a Draw a speed-time graph to show a car that accelerates uniform ly from 6 mis for 5 s then travels at a steady
speed of 12 mis fo r 5 s.
b On your graph, shade the area that shows the distance travelled by the ca r in 1Os.
c Calculate the distance travelled in this time.


The 4 x 100 metre relay

The purpose of this activity is to apply what you have learned about motion (and particularly sketching
speed-time graphs) to a real problem. If you get the chance to take th is activity out onto a running track, you
will need to take time and distance measurements (something you learned about in Chapter 1).

Success in a 4 x 100 m relay race depends both on the speed ofthe runners and effective baton exchange
between the runners. The baton must pass between runners within a 30 m changeover (or passing) zone,
which includes a 1Om acceleration (or fly) zone. Figure 2.17 shows the first of these three passing zones.

29 )


ideul exchange
point for buton In what hand will runners rec .
baton on su bsequent legs? e1ve and carry the

---,=ib/""'"';~,,. J 100mmark
What are the_advantages of passin
to the opposite hand? g the baton
Ideally, during the baton exchan e t
of the runners should be the sa g Tihe speeds
changeover zone
this the outgoing runner starts hme. 0 achieve
. . IS run wh
1ncom1ng runner reaches a check mark. en the

1 How would you work out where to

check mark? (Hint: it might help if ypo acke the
cJ- · Usetch
spee time graphs on the same axes for bot!,
runners, starting when the runner receivin th
baton starts running.) What other info 9 e
wou Id you need to make this accurate?
4 Even at Olympic finals teams can be disqualified
(stopped fro": taking part) if they drop the baton
or pass 1t outside of the changeover zone Wh
Figure 2.17: The first bend of a 400m athletics track. does this happen so often ? · y
5 Imagine you are the school's athletics coach.
Each athlete actually sprints for more than 100m, Table 2.5 lists the times for runners who often
as shown in Table 2.5. By planning for the baton to compete in the senior 4 x 100 m relay.
exchange between runners at the beginning or end Use this information to seie· your team and
of the changeover box, you can adjust the distance decide which leg each run ,. r should run and
each runner runs. You might have a slightly shorter enter their names on the te,,--., sheet. Do you
distance for a 60 m sprinter and a lengthened have a strategy for decidinq nhich athlete
distance for a 100 m runner who also runs 200 m, runs which leg? What othe( ",iormation might
which also makes them used to running bends. you want to gather before making a decision?
Usually, each runner keeps the baton in the same For example, Sajjan suggests that he is the best
hand and passes it to the opposite hand of the starter. Some athletes are better at running
next runner to exchange the baton. Usually, the first bends. Some are better at passing or receiving
runner carries the baton in their right hand. the baton.

100m 200m Right-handed, left-handed,

Athlete name personal personal or ambidextrous (happy Good bend runner
best/ s best Is using either hand)
Sajjan Sidhu 12.1 25.8 right
prefers bends
Gar Psi Ho 11.8 24.3 right, ambidextrous prefers bends
Andrew Kerr-Chin 11 .1 24.4 ambidextrous prefers straights but
good at both
Tom Schofield 11.7 25.1 right, ambidextrous better at straights
Oliver Hudson 12.6 26.3 ambidextrous happy to run bends
Table 2.5

30 )
2 Describing motl<m


6 CoZect dr.a frc.n )<:ur c..n 9'0llP- Use dis to select a 4 "' lOOm team and decioo who should run each log.
uipy and aimp'e::-e lh,s team~
leg ljpicaldstarlCl!~run / m Athlete- 100m penooal be$t
1 105
2 125
3 125
4 120


kl science it is often helpful to w;ualise tasb.. Use the gradient of the graph in Figure ~.IS to
Fa cpestion 3, <id you have a clear idea of how to calculate the car's speed on the open road .
work out whera to place the medc marks? Did the
idea of sketdw,g the speed---time graphs for the Dislance trawled / bn Tune taken / h
R.nlerS help? (The cifference in the area 1me<: the
two g,aphs up to the mornem of baton ex.change 0 0.0
should tell you how far in front of the acceleration 10 0.4
zone to place the checlc made).
20 0.8
What other information cfid you need before
decicfing whlch runner should run each leg? 100 1.8
110 2.3
Table 2.7: Data for a car journey.
2.4 Calculating speed
and acceleration E
From a distance-time graph, we can find bow fast ] 00
something is moving. Figure 2.18 shows information
about a car journey between two cities. The car travelled l ro -:ao1cm
more slowly at some times than at othen. It is easier to 3 40
sec this if we present the information as a graph.
20 --------'
From the graph, you can sec that the car travelled slowly
at the start of its journey, and also at the end, when 11 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
was travelling through the city. The graph is steeper in Time taken / h
the middle section, when it was travelling on the open
Figure 2.18: Distance-time graph for a car journey.
road between the cities.
The graph also shows how to use the gradient to
calculate the car's speed on the open road:
speed = gradient of distance-time graph
More detail is given in Worked Example 2.6.

31 >

CONTINUED Calculating
. acc~ r .
:elerati 1"\
0 1
Picture an express train setti '
speed = gradient of distance- time graph . ng Off fr
long, straight track. It may take
111 °
a stati
Step 1: Identify the relevant straight section of the of JOO km/h along th e track Its s to reach non .
km/ · veloc·t a '
graph. Here, we are looking at the straight I h each second, and so we sa h I Yhas inc ve1%
section in the middle of the graph, where the I km/h per second. y t at Its ace t a~(
c Cration,
car's speed was constant.
These are not very convenient u ·t i
help lo make it clear what is hap; s,_al ugh th
Step 2: Draw horizontal and vertical lines to
complete a right-angled triangle. about acceleration. To calculate a enibng When w/tYIJJal
'n o 1ect' alk
we nee d to know two things : s acee1e .
Step 3: Calculate the lengths of the sides of the ration
triangle. • its change in velocity (how much . ·
1t speeds
Step 4: Divide the vertical height by the horizontal • the time taken (how long it takes t Up)
. o speed Up)
width of the triangle ('up divided by along') . The accelerat10n of the object is defined ·
vertical height = 80 km . ' I . . as the ch
an o b1ect s ve oc1ty per umt time. ange or
horizontal width = I .0 h
acceleration = change in velocity
gra d"1en t = l.()h
80km time taken
We can write the equation for acceleration in
= 80km/h · h • ti h · I • symbols
wit uv or c _ange m ve oc1ty and /1t for time taken.
Answer So we can wnte the equat10n for acceleration like this:
The car's speed was 80 km/ h for this section of its a = 11v
j ourney. /J.t
Note: It helps to include units in the calculation
. .,
because then the answer will automatically have the
correct units, in this case, km/h . . change in velocity
acceleration = - -- -- - - - -
tirri~ 1.ken f

_ 11v
16 Table 2.8 shows information. about a train j ourney. Alternatively, because ther, , ,: two velocities, we
could use two symbols: u = 1r1 tia l velocity and 1• = final
Distance velocity. Now we can write the equation for acceleration
Station travelled/ km like this:
Hornby 0 0 v - II
Kirby Lonsdale 10 30 11!
The advantage of this - 1-st 11at 1·f th e fina' l .velocitv·
. equat10n
Ingleton 20 45
is less than the initial velocity, the answer is negauve.
Dolphinholrne • 46 60 This tells you that the acceleration is negative (1.c. th at
Galgate 56 80 the object is decelerating).
In the example of the express train , we have in itia~ t"rne
Table 2.8
velocity 11 =0 km/h , final velocity v = 300 km/h an

Use the data in Table 2.8 to plot a distance-time taken I = 300 s.

graph for the train. Find the train's average speed . 300 km/h - 0 km/h = I km/h per
between Kirby Lonsdale and Dolphinholme. Give So, accelerat1on a =
300s d d
your answer in km/h. stan ar
second. Worked Example 2. 7 uses the more
velocity units of mis.

32 >
2 Describing motion

Units of accelerat ion a = .!'...:..:". = IOO m/s - 300ml, -~ mis'

I 100s
In Worked Example 2. 7, the writs of acceleration are
This is becallSC accelerauon 15 a vector quanury:
given as m/s1 (m_etres per second squared). These are
it has a direction. It can be forwards (posime) or
the standard umts of acceleration . The calculation
backwards (negati~e). So II is important always 10 think
shows that the aircraft's velocity increased by 2 mis
about velocity rather than speed when working out
every second, or_by 2 metres per second per second. h
accelerations. because vcloc11y ts also a vecto r quanuty.
1s sl!Ilplest to ~vnte this _as 2 m/s2, but you may prefer to
think _of 11 as - mis per , econd, as this emphasises the
meamng of acceleration.
WORKED EXAMPLE 2.7 17 Which nf the following could not be a unit of
An aircraft accelerates from 100 mis 10 300 mls in kmfsl mph/s bn/s m/s'
100 s. What is its acceleration?
18 A car sets off from traffic lighl.$. I I reaches a speed
Step I: Start by writing down what you know, and of 21 m/s in 10 s. \Vhat is its accderation'.'
what you want to know.
19 A train, initially mming at 15 mis.. speeds up to
initial velocity u = IOOm/s
39 mis in 120s. \\'bat is its acceleration'.'
final velocity a = 300 mis
20 The speed of a car increases from 12 m/s to '.!0 mis in
timer = 100s
4 seconds.
acceleration a =
a Sketch the speed-time graph.
S tep 2: Now calculate the change in velocity. b Calculate the acceleration_
change in velocity = 300 mis - 100 mis c Use the graph to work ou1 the distance 00\-ered
= 200m/s in those 4 s..-conds.
d Calculate the distance tra\l!lled.
Step 3: Substitute into the equation.
e If your answers 10 parts c and d are not tM
acceleration = change in velocity same. then work out where you b:n-e ma~ a
time taken mistake_
= 200m/s
= 2_0m/s ' Acce leration from
Alternatively. you could substitute the values speed-time graphs
of u. • and t directly into the equation.
v- u A speed-time graph v.;th a Sleep slope silo\\, that the
a =-- speed is changing rapidly - the acceleration is
It follO\\, that "-e can find the acceleration of obj=
_ 300 - 100
-~ by calculating the gradimt of its speed-~ graph:

= 2m/s2 acceleration = gradient of speed-time graph

Three points should be noted:
The object must be travelling in a straight line: its
The aircraft's acceleration is 2.0 mJs'
\'clocity is changing but its direction is not.
If the speed-time graph is curved (rather than a
If you are wo rking out the acceleration of an object that straight line). th.e acceleration is changing.
is slO'\\ing dm-11, then this alternative =tbod sho"'n in If the graph is sloping downward£. the object is
Worked Example 2.7 will gi,-e a ne.gative answer. If the
d=lerating. The gradient of the graph is negativ.:_
aircraft was slO'\\ingdo-..n from 300m/s to IOOmis then So a d=leration is a negati.,..e aettleration.
its acceleration would be:

33 )

A 1.rain uavels slowly as i1 climbs up a lo ng hill . Then T he slo ping sectio n shows that
ii speeds up as i1 travels down 1he o ther side. Table 2. 9 then accelerating. the train
shows how il5 speed changes. Draw a speed- um e graph
10 show 1.his dara. Use the graph to calculate the !rain 's - -14.0 . -
I accdera1.ion d uring the second half of its journey.
Tune/s Speed /mis ~ -10 ;()..-~-,-..--
I 0 6.0
~ - 8.0 ·
1 - 6 ,0 ;-- - - - - ,0 -
10 6.0
~~ 0± -=-=f=-,=-'---"'-ccL.::.J.--'=:-:=-c!..:::::::'

20 6.0
30 8.0
40 10.0
.=-t=;+-----=i-"f-_ t -___:- ! - -
50 12.0
60 14.0 Figure 2.1 9: Speed-ti me gra p h for Wo rked Example 2.8.

Ta ble 2 .9 : Speed of a train.

Step 2: D raw in a triangle 1.0 ca lcu late the slope of
the graph , as she., n o n Figure 2.19. This
Before staning to d raw the graph, it is won h lookin g gives us th e ace, , · ~tion.
at the data in the table. The values of speed are given v- u
at eq ual intervals of time (every 10 s). Th e speed is a = --
constant al fi rst (6.0m/s) . Then it increases in equal
steps (8.0, 10.0, and so on). In fact, we can see that the 14 .0m/s- 6 ,J;
speed increases by 2.0 mis every IO s. This is enough to 60 s - 20.
tell us that tbe train's acceleration is 0.2 rn/s2• H owever,
= 8 . 0m/s
we will follow thro ugh the detailed calculation to
40 s
illustrate how to wo rk out acceleration from a graph .
= 0. 20 m/s 2
Step I: D raw 1.he speed- time graph using the data in
Table 2.9; this is shown in Figure 2. 19. Answer

The ini tia l horizontal section shows that the The train's acceleration down the hill is 0.20mls'.
!rain's speed was constant (zero acceleration).

Altho ugh Worked Example 2.8 uses the equation fo r 60

accelerat ion, you arc fi nding the gradient of the slope in
Figure 2. 19.

_! I
40 -•-1
Figure 2.20 shows the speed- time graph for a skydiver I'
-0 30
fro m 1.he moment she leaves an aircra ft. She j um ps '
from 5000 m and opens her parach ute when she reaches a- 20 ;f· T:
1500 m, 60 s after she j umps. You have already learned
that you can fin d th e acceleration from the gradient of a
speed- time graph. However, there are places where the 0
0 1CXJ
gradient of I.he graph is changing (when I.h e graph is not so
a straight lineJ. To fi nd 1. he acceleration at any moment in Time / s
lime, a tan~ nl lo I.he graph is drawn. This wo rks fo r any F" . shoviin9
•gure 2.20: The speed-time graph for a skydiver,
graph ; straight or curved . the first 105 s of the jump. ---------

2 Describing motion


Look :11 Fi~ll l'I: ~.l O. \\lh111 is 1hc , kydivcr', Pnri h
i\i.'t-el.:rn ttnn nt :
n Os S1t.· 1, l: Draw a 1:111gcnt lo the gra ph at r = 5,5'.'!,
(shown below by 1hc blue line).
b 55 ,'!
S1rp 2: Draw in a lri nnglc to calculate the slope of
P~1rt 11
\he graph (shown below by 1hc dashed lines).
S1~11I : On," ll tange nt to the grn ph at t = Os (~hO\\ n
bdo11 bi 1hc blue line) . 70
Ste1• l: Dnm in n triangle tsh1)\\ n ht·lo,, b) th t:
d ashed lint•s ). so
i, 40
70 "O
60 a.
Vl 20
E 40
30 10 15 20
Tune / s
"' 20
10 Stet) J: C.iluil.11c th e: ,J. .,pt' nf th t.' gr,1ph This gi vl's us
thl' ,11 L'l'.h:r,llh'll
10 15 20 ,\n,,\ cr
T,me / s The p .11 ,h.·hut1.1 h •1 u 1,•1 H1l'll ol lr\:c-f.111
(9.R m/.,~J th1: r 1 ,,n •11, l'llt ,,r the a1rcrn ft
S tr p J: C:1kul.1h.· the ~1. .,pc of !ht grnph n u~ g1, t:, (ut r = 0 1;) ,inJ lwr ,,11 dtltc,1,t·, \\1th time
u:- th e al'l'clcr:1t1on. until '- ht.' r\~11cht·, ,I ·011,1.1111 'IX •d \!tcr 5.5 hl.'r
acccll-r,,t1t,n ,, lX m/~-

Perlrnp:: . ~tl ll r an ulrc-i1d) cxpl.1 111 \\h) her acwkra t1on the brnkr, M l.' ,1ppltcd an d unlll th e car co mes to a
rharn:.1.·:s ti:::. !!! hi.' fo ils but it " ill be c, pkiincd m , 1op 1,; lh L' hmk mg d1,tn nrL'. The slopping db l31\CC
Chnl;tcr J. Can yuu !)CC \\ht·n she opi:ns her par-..11.:ht1t l.' = 1hrnkmg di ~t!HIL'l' + brak ing dist:tlll'I.',
in Fiuun- 2.:?.0? Rccnlh m?. hu\, to \\ Ork out disllln n: on A rnr I'> tr.1\ el\1ng al 20 ml, \\ht'll thl' dm cr Sl'l.:S ,1
n Spi.~ d timt· gmph . ca,; )O U \\ Or k o ut how far : :. he ha, ha ,.,nl. She h,1, ;1 rl'.t<.: lilrn time of 0. 7 , nncl bri ng:::.
foll t·n whl' n sht· opctb her p.1111 L' hutt•'! Cn n )O U \\ ork out her ca r to fl stop 1t.0 s after seeing the danger,
1h~11 she la nds 160 s aft i:r : :, ht· !)Jarts h1..· r jump? o Dmw n speed ti mc grn ph to rcp rcsc 11t th e car's
motio n durin g. th e 4.0 s dc~c ribcd . Ass ume
tlmt the llcccle r:1t ilm (n cgat1 vc ni:cch!nuion ) is
Question i. '.O nstant .
21 A rar drivl'r has to do an l.' merb1..' 1u.:y stop. This is b u~c the gra ph to dcch1t(' (work out) th..: ca r·~
when 1h1.·. driw r nC'L'dS to stop the cn r in th e short es t d1.·l·ckration 11 -; il slows do,\ n.
possiblt- stoppi ng Jisrn ni:c. Thi.'~ is n ckla) between Us.: the grap h 10 d1..·dt11.:c how for the cn r tnl\ l' b
s~inc. u<l um\ npplyi ng the brakes. This is due during th l' 4.0s ctc~cribcd .
10 th; n::.1cti on timl' or the d rivl' r. soml' timl.'s calkd
the th inki ni:. time. T he distance the car moves in 1hh
time l\, hl.' n. . lhl.' 1.·. nr has nllt chan gl.'d spl.'t.:d) is thl'
1h1n kmg. U1s1anci..'. Th1.·. dis1,111c1..· 1h1..· rn r m0\1.'S 011\.'L'

35 )
~)__~_ •_SRt
_ DG
_ £_1G_cs
_ E""

Using ticf<er tape to find the acceleration of a

trolley down a ramp
4 Use- the gradient from the
)bu are going to investigate the- motion of a trolley 9 "'Ph to taltt
accelera tion .
chm a ramp. Some tidce-r tape is attached to the ,-,,
trolley - and a tidce-r timer marks the- paper SO times Alternative approach
a second (Figure 221 ). As the- trolle y accelerates. the-
distance between the dots increases. Every fifth dot has been numbered Th·
to the d istance travelled every 0. 1 ; _ 15 co~
The tidce-r timer marks the- paper SO times a
second. What interval o f time does each gap 1 Cut a copy _o f the the ticker tape into
represent? corresponding to every fifth dot (O 1
intervaQ. · 15 t in,
To find the speed at a particular dot. you ne-e-d
to measure the distance cove-red over a short 2 Stick the lengths side by side (like a hist
interval o f time centred on the dot. Measure the onto graph paper, with the bottom of "J:>-
d -.s tance between the preceding (previous) dot on the horizontal axis. ea !:'t
and succeeding dot (the one that follows). For
example, to find the speed at dot 15, we ne-e-d 3 Draw a line through the dot at the top of ,
to find the distance covered between dot 14 strip (or the middle of the top of each st,t:>,
and dot 16 (13 mm) and then divide by the time dot is missing). ,, .,
taken to cover this d istance (2 x 0.02 s = 0.04 s),
4 Werle out the sca le for each axis. The width ,
using the equation: 0
each strip is equa I " ' a time interval of 0.1s.
speed= d istance-= 13mm = 0 _32Sm/s
time 0 .04s 5 Worlc out the gra- • of the speed-time 9.,,.
you have constrv
2 Copy and complete Table 2. 10, using the ticker
tape to he-Ip you.
Dot number TTme since tape started I s Distance covered ,' 1,1 m Speed /mis
0 0.0
5 0.1
10 0.2
15 0.325
30 -
Table 2.10

2...~. . ,.o 15 20

Figure 2.21: Ticker tape.

36 )
2 Describing motion

Your teacher will decide whether you will work on Part 2: Linking motion graphs to equations
your own, i_n pairs or as part of a small group, Your of motion
task is to plan a three-part revision lesson on the Question for your classmates to answer: 'A body
material in this chapter for the rest of your class, moving at 2 m/s accelerates for 2 seconds until
particularly the link between motion graphs and the it reaches a speed of 4 m/s. Show that the body
equations of motion . Write down a plan to show travels a distance of 6 m and accelerates at 1 m/s .'
what you would do and what resources you would
use. If you have time, you can produce and teach You need your classmates to get the same answer
the lesson to sm all groups of your classmates or the for the question you produce using two different
whole of your class. The following points will help methods.
you as you plan the revision lesson . Method 1: Use the relevant equations (for
You need to be able to answer questions on acceleration and distance)
motion graphs and equations of motion so that Some of your classmates will get the distance wrong
you can then use them as a basis to write your because they do not use the average speed in the
own own questions. equation for distance .
You need to produce model answers for your Method 2: Sketch the motion graph
questions or come up with a better way of Your classmates should use the gradient of the
getting the ideas across. graph to find the acceleration and the area under
Insist that your classmates show their working. the curve to find the distance. However, some of
your classmates will sketch the motion from the
You need to label what parts of your questions origin (instead of from 2 mis) and will work out
are supplementary. the area of a triangle (instead of a triangle plus a
Here are some suggested questions which you can square) so will get a distance travelled of 2 metres.
use in your plan for the lesson : Others will measure the horizontal and vertical
distances with a ruler to work out the gradient
Part 1, How to Interpret motion graphs instead of using the scale on the axes to work out
the changes in the speed and time to work out
Question for your classmates to answer. 'Copy and
the gradient.
complete the table by stating what feature of the
motion graph can be used to obtain the variable You need to come up with similar questions
listed in the left-hand column. The first cell has (different numbers) and their model answers.
been done for you.' Perhaps try your question on a few of your fri ends
to check that it is clear and to pick up common
Speed-time mistakes. You could provide your question and a
wrong solution and ask other members of your class
graph graph
to spot and correct the mistakes.
read off the
distance verti cal axis Part 3: Putting learning into practice
speed Questions for your classmates to answer:
Bloodhound LSR is being developed to achieve a
accelera tion new land speed record of 1000 mph. The vehicle
You might want to suggest that your classmates will be timed over a 'measured mile' half-way down
colour code the table in some way. a 12 mile long salt pan in South Africa .
Can you think of a better way of getting Information If Bloodhound achieves 1000 mph, how long
would it take to complete the 'measured mile'?
from motion graphs?

37 >
__s_R,_D_GE_,_G_cs_E_'"_P_H_Ys_,cs_ : c_o_u_R_sE_s_o o_ K_ __ _ _ _ _

What is the total time i h

• . or t e 12rriiJ .
What 1s the acceleratio eJot,1
. norde I lk
th e vehicle and how do h· ce erati ·,.1
est ,s on
acce Ieration of freefall (9 compare 01
. ·81mls1?· lo~
First, you need to answer th ·
e question Y
When you set your question d .d ourself.
, ec, ewh
to convert the data in the que t· ethe,
s ion to Si
or get your classmates to do it th Uni~
(1 mph= 0.447 mis; 1 mile= 161;m)selves
Figure 2.22: Bloodhound LSRduring a practice run on You could introduce the question . h
. b w,t ash 0
the Hekslceenpan in South Africa. cI1p a out the vehicle. Adapt the . n,;~
question '- "'l
an d pro duce a model answer 50 th t sa.,,,,
a yourp
Sketch a speed-time graph for its journey. can chec k and correct their solution F eers
you could flip the question by tellings. or examp1,
Label it with significant speeds and times. . yourpe '
the maximum acceleration and decele . ers
Assume that Bloodhound accelerates uniformly .I d ration of•
until it reaches the 'measured mile' and then ve. h,c e anh get
them to work out the m· . "•
, in1mum
d,stance t e track needs to be, or you could
decelerates uniformly so that it comes to rest
12 miles from the start (and before the end of
change the data wh,le keeping it realistic.
the salt pan).

Speed is distance divided by time. -. ..
Average speed is total distance divided by total time.
Light gates and interrupt cards can be used to measure speed in the laboratory.
.. I
The equation that relates speed, di.1tance and time can be re-arranged to find any one o; the variables, given ill
values of the other two.
The gradient (slope) of a distance-time graph represents speed.
Acceleration is a change in speed.
The greater the gradient (slope) of a speed-time graph, the bigger the acceleration. -
Distance travelled can be calculated (worked out) from the area under a speed- time graph. -th
Speed can be calculated from the gradient of a distance-time graph and acceleration can be calculated from e
I gradient of a speed- time graph.

Speed is a scalar and velocity is a vector.
Acceleration can be calculated from the change of speed divided by time and a negative acceleration is csame
-- I
as a deceleration. I
---- I

38 )
7 D.scnbinq mt_>tlon

I )( /1-f A t. I YI 1- r)lJ ES I Jl)IJS

I/f11 !hi, ~1/Jllh fvi ~Hlfllon, l u11d 2,
·,7-t-t,-f"t' T~ .,

:I ! ; ; 1 I


• II. I
~I )

I Ii I
ljl )

I 111 1~ /

Ilow I• 11 ron4Jt1n1v11lod1y 11howo rin the 11raph? 111

A lh11 •lllJllil¥ H1111 Ill lho11111 I
P lho hn1l10111ul 11111I of 11Je line
G 11Ja111 eu und~r tho lloe
ll 1h11 wloplnj line 111the end
ll Ilow I• tile rll1111nco 1rnvclled 1hown on the sr1111h'/ 11 I
A the •li.lplna linu 1111hu a111n
B Lile 1lorlzon1nl JWI or1hc lino
C tho 11 r011 1111ticr 1h11 llno
p !he ,101,tnii line Ill lhil end
3 A 11111 11 lukc, pnrl In o 61111 11 rocc, The Nnnll complelcti the 180 cm courNe In
7,0111i11u1c1. Whm l1 the 11pprox l11111Lc nvcroiic speed of 1110 fi nnil? (1 ]
A Q.43 111/1 B 26 mi• C 0.26 111/1 D 0.0043 m/J
4 1 ho volocl1 y 111110 ar111lh ahow1 1110 perrormunce of II Pormu l11 I"' rucing co r us
It 11ccclcri11c1 rro111 nm for 7.33 accond~nml 1hcn br11 kcN, coming 10 11 Hlop in
2,69 ~cconu,. h coven n dl1111 11cc or520 111c1res.


T11 no / ,

Whnl I• the n11rroxlmu10111oxlmum volochy or tho enr'I (1 )

A ! Om/• a 75 m/• C IO! m/1 0 175 111/•

39 )


The lllble 1how1 UAin Bolt', split time, from bif -.,,td ncord fOOm nm in
fktll11 In 1009. Eacb .split~ 11 tor a lOm~ ot lhe lOOm dillaucc.
The lime for tbe! IOm incl~hi, ~timeof0.146s bdorc beldt
bis bkx:b

0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 g
c!, c,.
6-0 c!, Jc,.
"' "' " a)

1.89 0.99 0.90 0.86

0.83 0.82 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.83
a , al<-ulall the time that Usain Bolt taus to nm tbe first 10 metm from
the moment be mns moving.
[1 )
b Calculate Usain Boll's average speed c,ver the lint JO mems from tbe
mOTT!fflt he starts moving. [2)
c Calculate U saln Bolt's maximum spced cmt fbefirR JO metres. e xp la in: s.-::: c .-:
Ignore his reaction time and assume his acceleration is constant (2) purpo= o·
reasons; rn c<-=-
d Calculate Usain Bolt's acceleration c,ver the firR 10 i:netRa. the refa·tion.s..~·::; ~
Ignore his reac:tion time and assume his aoceleratioo is constant. (2) between thircs
• Calcula te Usain Boll's top speed in the race. Show )'Ollr working. (2) evide nt; pro/::'=
why and/or ho,, , · :
suppo rt ·w i~n ~e -=- . ::-:
CTotal: SJ evide nce
6 An aircraft happened to be flying oear a vokaoo when it aupled. The co-pilot
took tome video footage. He handed the loota,e om: ro ICientists for anaJya
The lcientlsu spotted a huge boulder tbat was .moving at a oonstant speed
boriwntalJy (sideway,) in the first frame and falling in ~ t frames of the
video, Tiiey wanted to work out bow far lbeai,ii and Rd: would spread.
a .Plot a graph of the position of the bouJcb at inlenals oC S ICCODds.
Plot the vertical height of the bouJcb (ffltQI axis) against the
horizontal di$tance travelled Choriz.ontaJ axis). (3)

0 0 4420
5 525 4292
10 1050 3924
15 1580 3311
20 2100

_ _______________
25 2630 1349
30 3150
.__ b _;..
J,>! pl:d11 tbethape of the graph.
(1 J

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c. - Jc A:ZetlS:...~.::ie..m:::iei-..t~x-~~1;1{
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