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Date of preparation: August 20th ,2019 Period: 3

Date of teaching: August 29th , 2019 Week: 1

Lesson 1: READING

I. Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should know what a friendship is, know how to keep a friend long.
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Students know about how to make and to keep friends long.
- Language: Sentences and expression for describing qualities of true friendship.
- New words: Words related to qualities of friendship.
3. Skills: Guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information and passage comprehension.
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative.
III. Teaching aids: Student’s books, note books, chalks board, etc.
IV. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Slide shown

1. Warm up: (5ms)
- Ask Ss to listen to a song and - Listen to the song and answer
ask them to answer some the questions.
questions. -> “ Tinh ban “ “What are the qualities for true
- What is the name of -> Friendship friendship?”
this song? constancy unselfishness

- What’s it about?
Qualities for true

- Lead Ss to new material: - Guess what word is sympathy


“Today we‘ll learn something Key: FRIEND trust

about friendship in Unit 1.”

- Ask Ss to guess what word is
- Lead in:
1. Do you have a lot of friends?
2. How many close friends do you
have? - Listen to the poem on page 13
3. What qualities do you need in - Work in pairs
a close friend? - Some Ss give out their ideas.
- Introduce the new lesson: -> “This is a good friend”
“Today we‘ll learn something
about friendship in Unit 1.” - Work in 5 groups. Each group - acquaintance (n) : người quen biết
- unselfishness (n) : lòng vị tha
2. Pre-reading :(7ms) comes to the board and writes - constancy (n) : sự kiên định
- Let Ss listen to the tape about down one word from their list. - loyalty (n) : lòng trung thành
the poem on page 13. - suspicion (n) : sự nghi ngờ
- enthusiasm (n) : lòng nhiệt tình
- Ask Ss to discuss about the trust sympathy
- pursuit (v) : theo đuổi
question: - sympathy (n) : sự thông cảm
What do you think about the
friend in the poem? The qualities
- Give the feedback. of friendship
- Draw a diagram on the board
and ask Ss to work in groups to loyalty
find out 5 words that best
describe the qualities of
friendship. constancy

The qualities - Listen. ə eI ə

- acquaintance
eI ə
- changeable
of friendship æə
- incapable
ƆI ə
- loyalty
ə ə
- quality - suspicion
- unselfishness - rumour
ə eə
- two-sided affair - gossip
- constancy - trust
I ju æ zəm ə
- enthusiasm - sympathy
ə ju ju
- pursuit - mutual

- Correct and ask Ss to read the

passage to know about the
qualities of a true friend. - Listen to the teacher mutual
 Good friendship should be based on _________
- Explain some more new words - Repeat after the teacher understanding.

* Vocabulary: - Some Ss repeat the words

 The children seem to be ____________
quietly by themselves.
incapable of working

1. Give and take (n) - Give Vietnamese equivalent if  He is a(n) ___________

unselfish man. He always helps
2. Trust (n) (synonym) = necessary
people without thinking of his benefit.
 A(n) _______________
acquaintance is a person one simply
confidence knows, and a(n) __________
friend is a person with
whom one has a deeper relationship.
3. Sympathy (n) -> sympathize(v)
4. Acquaintance (n) - Read the text silently and the
5. Loyalty (n) -> loyal to (a) do the tasks that follow
6. Selfish (a) -> unselfishness (n) - Pair work
- Elicit the new words by asking * Suggested answers:
questions, using the techniques 1. mutual  You can’t always insist on your own way –
suggested above 2. in capable of there has to be some ________________.
- Read the new words two times. 3. unselfish  Despite many changes in his life, he remained
- Ask Ss to listen and repeat after 4. acquaintance , friend
loyal to his working principles.

the teacher 5. give and take  He started to get _____________

suspicious when she told
him that she had been to Britain for many times.
- Call on some Ss to repeat the 6. loyal to
words 7. suspicious
- Ask Ss to give Vietnamese - Work in pairs to ask and
equivalent if necessary answer the questions
- Checking: R.O.R - Read the complete sentences
3. While-reading : ( 20ms) aloud ① What is the first quality for true friendship
* Task 1: Gap -fill : Fill each and what does it tell you ?

blank with a suitable word / - Write their answers on the

It is unselfishness. It tells me that a man who is
concerned only with his own interests and
phrase. board
feelings cannot be a true friend. (lines: 5-8)

 Why are changeable and uncertain people

- Ask Ss to read the text silently - Take notes incapable of true friendship ?
and do task 1 Suggested answers: Because they take up an interest with
enthusiasm but they are soon tired of it and they
- Have Ss sit in pairs to do this 1. The first quality for true feel the attraction of some new object.(lines: 9-
task friendship is unselfish. It tells us/
- Go around the class providing me that a person who is
help concerned only with his own
- Call on some Ss to present their interests and feelings cannot be
ideas before class. a true friend.  What is the third quality for true friendship
- Ask Ss to translate the complete 2. Changeable and uncertain and what does it tell you ?
their sentences into Vietnamese if people are incapable of true
It is loyalty. It tells me that the two friends must
be loyal to each other, and they must know each
necessary. friendship because they take up
other so well that there can no suspicions
between them. (lines: 13- 17)
- Give feedback and correct an interest with enthusiasm, but  Why must there be a mutual trust between
friends ?
answers: they soon tired of it, and they If not, people cannot feel safe when telling the
other their most intimate secrets. (lines;18- 20)
feel the attraction of some new
* Task 2 : object.
- Have Ss work in pairs to ask and 3. The third quality for true
answer the questions friendship is loyalty. It tells us/
- Go around class to offer help if me that the two fiends must be
necessary. loyal to each other, and they
- Call on some pairs to ask and must know each other so well
answer the questions before class. that there can be no suspicions
 Why can’t people who talk too much keep a
- Ask Ss to write their answers on between them. friend long ?
the board too. 4. There must be a mutual trust Because they cannot keep secrets either of
their own or those of others. (lines: 20- 21)
- Correct Ss’ pronunciation and between friends because if not,  What is the last quality for true friendship
mistakes. people cannot feel safe when and what does it tell you ?
It is sympathy.It tells us that to be a true friend
1. What is the first quality for telling the other their most you must sympathize with your friend. Where
there’s no mutual sympathy between friends,
true friendship and what does it intimate secrets. there’s no true friendship. (lines: 22- 24)

tell you? 5. Talkative people can’t keep a

2. Why are changeable and friend long because they cannot
uncertain people incapable of keep a secret, either of their own
true friendship? or of others.
3. What is the third quality for 6. The last quality for true
true friendship and what does it friendship is sympathy. It tells
tell you? us/ me that to be a true friend
4. Why must there be a mutual you must sympathize with your
trust between friends? friend. Where there is mo mutual
5. Why can’t people who talk too sympathy between friends, there
much keep a friend long? is no true friendship.
6. What is the last quality for true
friendship and what does it tell - Read the text silently again and
you? the find out the main ideas of the
whole passage.
- Work in groups
- Compare their results with a
- The representatives of some
groups show their choices and
explain their answers before
* Suggested answer: B.
Conditions of true friendship
- Discuss in group of 6

- Share ideas.
- Listen and take notes.

* Task 3 : Main idea - Write in the notebook.

- Guide Ss to do task 2: Read the
text silently again and the find out
the main ideas of the whole
- Have Ss do this task in groups
of 4
- Ask them to compare their
- Call on the representatives of
some groups to show their
choices and explain their answers
before class.
- Give feedback and correct

4. Post-reading : (10ms)
- Ask Ss to discuss the question
“Why do we need to have
- Move around to give help if
- Call on a representative of each
group reports their group ideas in
front of the class.
- Give comments.
5. Homework : (3ms)
- Translate the poem You’ve got a
friend into Vietnamese.
- Look up new words in the
lesson: speaking.

IV. Comments: ...................................................................................................................................................


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