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 INA NURHASANAH : 6221284

 EMMA MARWAH : 6221262
 SYIFA ALMA N : 6221283


N Singular Plural
1 Baby Babies
2 Child Children
3 Long Longer
4 Walk Walking
5 Skill Skills


Kata noun dalam paragraph

1. Mrs Joan
2. Midwife
3. Consultant
4. Neurologist
5. Doctor
LATIHAN 3 .Isilah titik-titik dengan jawaban di sebelah kanan

1 .Nick is the man that owns enormous dog a.the man that
2.Jack is the man who plays the guitar b.woman who sit beside me
3.The woman wit beside me is a midwife c.the man who
4.The manthat repaired my car is a real expert d.who/that
5.I thougt I recognized the assistant who
served us


1. The newborn .baby became restiess when his diaper was

2. The overweight child prefes sedentary activis
3. Nomarlly,a toothbrush head gets worn split and unever after three months
4. He appeared uneasy when we asked about her disease
5. The cough syrup tastes bitter ,Ho wever the young boy was brave enough to swallow it
6. Certain bacteria or tissuesure acid fast
7. Studies show that almost two-thirds of those takig anti-high blood pressure medicies stop
takig them withi thee years
8. Menstrual flow become a problem if it is very heavy or frequent and might lead to iro
deficiency anaemia
9. Hormoal imbalance and lack of physical activities can contribute to childhood obesity
10. Natural milk produck are the best source of calcium as they enhance calcium absorption
within the body


1. Would you lake a tomato? There’s one in the fridge

2. I have got a problem with my phone bill
3. Yes ,go to a fifth floor,the lift is along the corridor
4. I’m going out for a walk the
5. They ore on a floor in the kitchen
LATIHAN 6 Complete paragraph di bawah ini dengan many,few,much,orlittle

The islanders do not have (1)much money,and they have(2)little contact with the outside world
.there is not (3)many chance of the pleace attracting large numbers of tourists.there are lost of
bicycles but not(4)few cars.and there are hardly any of the modem facilities.there are(5)many
shops,and there is(6)few entertainment


Virtual Worlds are Useful for Children

A research report says that virtual worlds can be important places where children practice what
they will do in real life. They are also a powerful and attractive alternative to more passive
adventures like watching TV. The research was done with children using the BBC’s Adventure
Rock virtual world, aimed at those aged 6-12. It surveyed and interviewed children who were the
first to test the game.

The online world is a themed island built for the BBC’s children channel by Belgian game maker
Larian. Children explore the world alone but they use message boards to share what they find
and what they do in the different creative studios they find around the virtual space.

At times children were explorers and at others, they were social climbers eager to connect with
other players. Some were power users looking for more information about how the virtual space
really worked. The children could try all kinds of things without having to be afraid of the
consequences that would follow if they tried them in the real world. They learned many useful
social skills and played around with their identity in ways that would be much more difficult in
real life.

According to the study what children liked about virtual worlds was the chance to create content
such as music, cartoons, and videos.
The publishers of the report say that virtual worlds can be a powerful, engaging and real
interactive alternative to more passive media. They urged creators of virtual spaces for children
to get young people involved very early on because they really do have good ideas to add and
they are very good critical friends.

Adjective Noun

Important Virtual world

Afraid Children

Difficult TV

Powerful Game

Enganging Message boards

1. Tuliskan noun minimal 20 nouns di tempat kerja anda yang berhubungan dengan
pekerjaan anda sebagai bidan sehari-hari.
1. Book
2. Thermometer
3. Room
4. Health
5. Medicine
6. Case
7. Service
8. Option
9. Blood
10. Baby
11. Program
12. Stetoskop
13. Dopler
14. Problem
15. Sterilizer
16. Partus set
17. Alcohol
18. Gauze
19. Chair
20. Lancet

Choose the correct answer

1. My father is not only the town mayor, he runs…….too

a. a business c. business
b. a piece of business d. some business
2. The……… produced at our factory in Scotland

a. good are c. goods are

b. good is d. goods is

3. I was watching TV at home when suddenly …………. Rang

a. a doorbell c. doorbell

b. an doorbell d. the doorbell

4. I’ve always like………..

a. Chinese food c. some food of china

b. food of china d. the Chinese food

5. In England most children go …… at the age of live

a. school c. to some school

b. to school d. to the school

6. The government is doing nothing to help……………

a. poor c. the poors

b. the poor d. the poor one

7. The young man seem every ………..

a. sensible c. sensibley

b. sensiblely d. sensibly

8. A student midwife must be ……. When reporting for duty.

a. pungent c. thick

b. accurate d. punctual

9. Nursing report must be ……….. in order to avoid any legal complications

a. punctual c. accurate

b. painfull d. haughty

10. The post partum mother complained that the analgesic injection was…..
a. Anxious c. painfull
b. Thick d. blunt

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