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Nike Jericho L.



Final Requirement for GEWORLD

The course, GEWORLD has been one of the most interesting courses that I have

encountered in this trimester. At first, GEWORLD was a course that I had a low expectation

with, since it is a ‘GE’ subject, I didn’t have any expectation for it to be a exciting and mind-

boggling course. But, after a few sessions, after I’ve been given a grasp as to what the main goal

of the subject is, I have been more and more intrigued as to what the course really is about. To be

completely honest, I expected this course to be a boring one as I don’t have a passion for history

and about the world itself, I am not up to date with it. But, this course has exceeded my

expectations, after taking the course I now realize that GEWORLD is just not about the

contemporary world, but also about how we, as students can make a change in the future in this

world we are living in, whether it is a small or big change that we can do.

I found a lot of the lessons in this course very interesting, I would say the most interesting for

me is Geopolitics, out of all the articles and lessons that the lecturer has provided, I can say that

Geopolitics has been the one that made me realize that the world has a problem with the

distribution of power in nations and such. Having power is something that every nation seeks,

but being the one powerless such as nations that have been invaded or forced to surrender to

higher nations has been one of the main problems in this world to this day.
Geopolitics hinders growth within nations. Geopolitics has affected countless lives within

our lifespan, job opportunities have been taken, unemployment has been a factor of poverty in

many years that this planet has existed. I found geopolitics interesting since I myself, feel the

effects of it each and everyday and that I want all the people in this world to be able to get

opportunities and to have poverty lessened.

One of the concepts that I would’ve liked to be discussed more on is about communism, ever

since I was in high school, learning about communism and how it affects countries such as Chine

and Russia over the millennia has struck me. I would say that, I have heard the lecturer talk about

communism but I would’ve wanted it to be more in depth in terms of the information about that

concept. I think that this concept should be more discussed since it is still happening to this day

with the likes of North Korea and such and I want to know how this system affected countless

lives over the years of it being active.

Of course, I believe that being well versed in the lessons, theories and conepts that have been

discussed in this course has helped me become a better, more diligent, well-rounded Lasallian I

am today and helped me become a more responsible and informed citizen of the Philippines and

the globe. Having knowledge in the field of politics and the world can really help someone open

their eyes to all the problems that this world has. Being able to tell what is good or bad and being

able to stay up to date and actually understand what the world is right now helped me realize

what really is the intentions that these countries have. Like for example, the lecturer discussed

that the donations of vaccines to third world countries, such as here, is actually a form of power
that that country, who is donating, is exercising. If I didn’t take up this course, I would still be

blind to the problems of this country and this world.

I would say one suggestion that I have with regards to teaching this course in the future is for

more activities such as group works and such that I would want to be implemented in the course,

since the course is about the contemporary world, I would want to know how each and every one

in the class thinks and know their opinion towards a certain topic in the course. Moving forward,

I have been happy with how the lecturer has given us various articles to review and to

understand, I think that this should still be a part of the course. That is all for my suggestions, I

have been happy with how the lecturer handled the class, I would like to thank him for taking his

time in teaching us these concepts to be used in our daily lives, it really did open my eyes to the


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