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Downpour - a heavy fall of rain.


Overcast - with clouds in the sky and therefore not bright and sunny. Пасмурная погода

Gale - a very strong wind.

Forked - having a divided or pronged end or branches; bifurcated. Раздвоенный

Lighting - the arrangement of lights used in a room, house, theatre, etc. гроза?

Blustery - (of weather) characterized by strong winds. (of a wind) blowing in strong gusts. Бурный

Parched - dried out with heat. Иссушенный

Hurricane - a storm with a violent wind, in particular a tropical cyclone in the Caribbean. ураган

Storm - a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder,
lightning, or snow. 1. Шторм 2. буря

Mist - a cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface that
limits visibility. Туман

Sleet - a mixture of snow and rain. дождь со снегом

Breeze - a gentle wind. Нежный ветер

Wind - the perceptible natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing
from a particular direction. Ветер

Blizzard - a severe snowstorm with high winds. метель

Flood - an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is
normally dry land. Наводнение


2)bleak - When the weather is bleak, it is cold, dull, and unpleasant. The weather can be quite bleak on
the coast.

3)bright - bright sunshine a large bright room2 sunny if the weather is bright, the sun is
shining and there is a lot of light OPP dull The weather was bright and sunny

4)dull - пасмурная погода

5)fair - moderate weather; suitable for outdoor activities. synonyms: sunshine, temperateness.
Благоприятная погодпа

6)Fine - Clear, bright and dry weather.

7)Foul - Foul weather is unpleasant, windy, and stormy.

8)Good - weather suitable for outdoor activities.

9)hazy - are those in which things are difficult to see, because of light mist, hot air, or dust. туман

10)overcast - the meteorological condition of clouds obscuring at least 95% of the sky. Пасмурная,
туманная погода
11)Rotten - ужасная погода

12)beastly - If you describe something as beastly, you mean that it is very unpleasant. Неприятная,
ужасная погода

weather-beaten - Something that is weather-beaten is rough and slightly damaged after being outside
for a long time. То, что побито погодой, грубо и слегка повреждено после длительного нахождения

weather-headed –



weather station - метеорологическая станция

weatherboard house - дом, обши́ тый до́ сками горизонта́льно внахлёст

weather vane

weathered - worn by long exposure to the atmosphere; weather-beaten. выветрившийся

weather proof - 1. Погодостойкий 2. защищенный от непогоды

weather-glasses - a simple instrument for showing changes in atmospheric pressure by the

changing level of liquid in a spout connected with a closed reservoir broadly : barometer.

weather-strips -


in all weathers

weather forecast - прогноз погоды

weather satellites - метеорологические спутники

weather ships - Метеорологическое судно, или судно океанской станции, было судном,
размещенным в океане для поверхностных и верхних воздушных метеорологических наблюдений
для использования в прогнозировании погоды

under the weather - 1. в беде 2. больной

making heavy weather - поднимать ненужную суету, прилагать излишние усилия

keeping weather eye open - внимательно следить за конкретной ситуацией, чтобы увидеть, что

weather permitting - при благоприятной погоде

weather- bound -  погодные условия

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