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B.A. Honours 5th Semester-2021
Paper In-Charge- Ashis Biswas

Assignment/Suggestive Questions
End Semester Exam Full Marks- 50

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates should answer in their own words and adhere to the word limit as practicable.


1. Answer any one questions from the following: (within 400 words) 10x1= 10
(a) Define after Aristotle’s Poetics the basic components of a tragedy.
(b) What are the chief characteristics of Jacobean Revenge tragedy? Discuss.
2. Answer any one questions from the following: (within 400 words) 10x1= 10
(a) What are the chief characteristics of a bildungsroman? Discuss with examples.
(b) Discuss on the modern psychological novel with example.

3. Write short notes on any two of the following: (within 200 words each) 5x2=10
(i) Ballad, (ii) Ode, (iii) Sonnet, (iv) Elegy
4. Write short notes on any two of the following: (within 200 words each) 5x2=10
(i) Antihero, (ii) Masque, (iii) Three unities, (iv) Dramatic irony
1. Write short notes on any two of the following: (within 200 words each) 5x2=10
(i) Point of view, (ii) Picaresque, (iii) Stream of consciousness, (iv) Epistolary novel

Internal Exam Full Marks- 20 (+5 on attendance)
1. Write any two questions of the following: (Within 400 words each) 10x2= 20

(a) What do you mean by anti-sentimental comedy? Discuss with example.

(b) Write a short essay on the heroines of Shakespearean comedy.
(c) What techniques were utilized in Restoration comedy of manners to satirize the society
which it represented? Discuss.
(d) What is comedy of ideas? Discuss with example.

Prepared and submitted by Ashis Biswas, Assistant Professor, BHKM

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